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Morning ladies!

Well, I got about an hour of sleep last night!! I'm so freakin' tired!!! Every time I fell asleep I would wake up sweaty and have to pee. I kept having these awful cramps as well. Best way to describe it is you know when you're running and you get a side cramp? It was just like that!!! A couple times in the night I felt like I was going to throw up. I was seriously convinced that I had food poisoning or something. Sara was moving ALL over the place as well. I hope that little stinker didn't turn again. I can't walk with out that stupid zap pain, so that's promising that she's still head down, unless it's a foot? I don't know, guess I will find out more when I see the doctor today.

Any of you ladies experience the cramping feeling like I described? It was only on the sides of my belly and it felt worse if I put too much pressure on my belly when laying on my sides. Not too sure if contractions can have different pains?? I've always been told they are like really bad menstrual cramps. This didn't feel like a menstrual cramps. It was terrible! Especially when you're sweating, having to pee, and have a baby that is rolling around constantly. Alright, I gotta go get ready to see the doctor. I will do personals later.
Oh I wonder how many kids I'd end up with if I hadn't/didn't use bcp! So interesting to ponder! Because yeah eventually I'd be too old since I'm already 31... but I also plan on early menopause since my mom started it in her late 30s.

Amber, hi!! I got sick/fainty after first blood draw post-glucose drink... and the dr was trying to do our 3d scan! So you can imagine how well THAT went!! Had to stop the scan and I was miserable and DH was holding me in case I passed out! Ugh hate that test!! Mine was a 2 hour test, so 3 blood draws. First one was the worst, other two draws didn't seem to make it worse but took a few more hours to get back to normal. But, man, you continued to feel bad for days!!! That's awful!!!

Cancun sounds dreamy right about now!!! Jealous!! So sorry you are dealing with so much pain though, sigh!! Short flight and no connections.. doesn't sound so bad. Just wish airplane seats reclined more!!

Janelle - I used a paint with primer built in when I painted a light green over dark grey and it was a major failure. Had to still do multiple coats. Got it at Lowes... So I wish I'd just done killz first! Cheaper I think! Just my two cents!! Depends on colors.

Nuvaring didn’t fall out. But I did take mine out now and then. I liked to rinse it off occasionally. Not sure if I needed to though. But yeah mirena seems easier even. But yeah isn't that what the girl on teen mom 2 was using and it fell out? But she knew it had. And just procrastinated about going back to dr to get another put in. Nuvaring... you get a new one each month so easier in that regard. But yeah more obvious you have it in versus mirena I imagine. Oh dear cysts???? Ok not cool! DH wants to snip. His friends have done it. But yeah I want to wait too. Oh Krissy's implanon sounds interesting!

Oh man on the no sleep!! Sweating is GOOD in my book this pregnancy ever since I read that its your body shedding water retention.. ha, which for me means possibly shedding POUNDS so I'm all about that! Lol. But cramps and such, ughhhh!!! Haven't had that.

Krissy - Aw man on the hurting back!! Yes, get something for that pronto!!! HA yeah I has this thread open all morning and slowly been reading and typing out a reply in between things...
Oh and as far as plans... DH and I have a mtg with finance guy at lunch to see how we're doing with retirements funds etc... been wanting to make sure we were on the right track, even though DH thinks we're doing fine. Then, rest of the day off! Well, technically not, but skipping out on a mtg, ha. And my mom is driving to Alabama right now from Florida! So she'll be here tonight! No plans tonight... but tomorrow is siena's party! I've even gotten her to where she'll say "2!!" when I ask how old she is! Ha. Even though not really 2 for another week. :) So tomorrow will be busy with getting her/us ready, picking up stuff for the party, going to it, etc. Not sure if we'll have time to open gifts there, so may save that for home after her nap. my mom isn't leaving until Monday, so also get Sunday with her too! She hasn't seen Siena for a couple months, so will be fun for her to see how Siena is talking now!! She'll say 'Sisi a funny baby', 'i sleepy', etc etc... sentences... she wasn't doing that when my mom moved!

And I am pretty useless at work today with wknd almost here, ha.
Hey chicas!! Sneaking on at work again.. bad bad girl! hee hee

Amber - thanks for posting!! I get worried when we don't hear from you for a long time. And me oh my I feel soooo bad for what you're going through! Makes me feel like a big giant whiny baby wimp complaining about my aches and pains! I don't know how you're staying sane and I TOTALLY agree with your adoption/foster plans if you want more babies. Your body is definitely putting you through the ringer! Are you having a girl? Janelle's little girl is giving her a run for her money too!

Krissy - yay for day off, you busy little bumblebee you!! I loved your pictures! Avarie is definitely a mini you! Did you take your ticker off? I'm not seeing it anymore. How the heck am I supposed to stalk your cycle without a ticker?! Are the kiddos liking pre-school?

Janelle - what time is your appt? Is it weird I get just as excited for my forum girls' OB appts as I do my own? I just love to hear how everybody is doing and what's new going on with the babies! I have NO idea about the side cramps you're talking about. I haven't had anything like that. Only time I wake up at night sweating is if my sugars were too low. Good question to ask the doc today, though!

Nicole - I'm glad you brought up the hospital bag. I really don't know what TO pack other than clothes to wear home and clothes for the baby to wear home. I guess bathroom needs like contacts & solution & toothbrush & deodorant, etc. Cell phone charger. What else? Help! I'd guess as long as it's a normal delivery I'd only be there a day, right? That's what it was with my girls.

Grace - where are you???

Angel - Interviews are a long ways away!! Good luck though! Your ultrasound is on the 26th right? I can't wait!

Aspe - Your ultrasound is on the 29th? Or did I get you and Angel mixed up?

Libby - sounds like you have an exciting weekend ahead!! The only bad thing about that is how fast the weekend goes by then it's right back to another work week! Ugh... Is your hubby excited to have a son on the way?

Who did I miss??

Sooooo went in for my weekly NST and also saw the OB. He has a different opinion than the perinatologist. My OB, Dr. Hamburger (yep funny name), says that Dr. Fleming likes to push babies out early. Dr. Hamburger feels there's no need unless the baby is getting too big. I said what's too big? He said over 4000 grams which is 8lbs 14oz. Wh-whaaat?! So he won't induce unless Tyler gets that big?! That's insane. So he switched my ultrasound from Dr. Fleming's office on April 15th to his own office and scheduled an amnio then NST right after. He said we can always cancel the amnio if needed. I said well I seriously doubt he's going to gain 3-1/2 pounds in 4 weeks!! I was crushed. I was looking forward to possibly only having 4 more weeks left and now it looks like I'll have 6. I was in tears last night lol. I know it's better for Tyler to cook as long as he needs but if he's at a good weight and lungs are mature then bring it on!! Sigh... my first 2 were only 7lbs 1-1/2oz and 7lbs 8-1/2oz. In the meantime I continue going twice weekly for NSTs. Oh my fundal measurement yesterday was 36 weeks so measuring 3 ahead.
Misty you do know that they could be a pound off one way or another right? i always had them say smaller than what they were. which dr is delivering you anyways? do you get to pick if you do choose the one who will deliver you faster lol..

but he is doing good so that is good!

lizzy-yay on seeing your mom and yes siena speech is going to be taking off now! it is scary how much they change!

well we cant go do his testing after all....boo...but gonna pick the kids up from school take them to my moms go pay some bills and probably get dinner....maybe talk him into a movie or some shopping? idk...i am thinking BWW for dinner i bet he will think i am the best wife ever for suggesting that.
You do have a point, Krissy. Ultrasound isn't exact science so they could be off. He could be smaller so best to let him stay in there I suppose. Wait, did you say they measured smaller on ultrasound then they actually were?? Oh boy, don't want that... lol What about that ticker anyway?

I forgot I was gonna answer Janelle's bc question. I don't plan on taking anything. I had to take drugs just to ovulate so I'm not worried about getting pregnant again!
Well I found my car keys! They were under a bucket on my bathroom shelving unit! So I'm going to take my in-laws and baby J out to dinner at Olive Garden tonight becuse I'm feeling very positive. Today we are also going to the mall to find me a dress that I can have altered to wear at SIL's wedding. I'll be looking for a size 18 dress to get tucked in a few places!Then we are going to buy a bridal shower gift for SIL because tomorrow is her bridal shower. Busy weekend for me. Just ordered a nursing nightgown and 2 nursing bras online that will be here on Saturday. Are you girls going to pack a grooming kit in your hosptial bag? We videotaped our son Joshua's first bath and first time getting his hair brushed so I think I'll do that again. If its not a C-section, I'll probably bring my laptop and some DVDs to watch while in labor. Thats what we did with my daughter before they sent us home for 12 hours.
Oh the ticker...yeah i took it down since af wants to be all crazy and i have no feaking clue when i o anymore so psht...if not pg this month next month is a new me...cut back on caffine my life line...drink ton more water...blah blah blah....and yeah mine were about a half pound bigger and they can gain up to a 1lb a week in the last 4 weeks....sorry lol

nicole yay on the keys!
Thats a big bummer about what your Dr. said Misty. I'm sorry they are disagreeing. It's not fun to be in the middle of anyone disagreeing especially when it is about something like this. BWW sounds good Krissy but I'm thinking something more expensive!
Misty.. My appointment is Tuesday, March 26.

Amber.. Sorry you had rough patches. Hopefully this trip is relaxing. It would be so much more relaxing for me, personally, if my parents were in the medical field.

Krissy.. The bcp you spoke about - I know this may be a weird question, but how they get it in your arm? They cut you? Also, I am with you with a long shift tomorrow; however, I get Sunday off.
Also, I am with misty. What did you do with your ticker? Lol.. However, I understand why you did take it down. Also, what is BWW?

Nicole.. Glad you found your keys. That dress is going to be have to taken in alot, judging from how small you are in the pictures you posts.

Libby.. Whenever the time to get "fixed" comes, dh said it would be easier for him. However, we are not thinking about that yet. I am not sure I am going back on bcp, given how much trouble I had this time when I stopped it. That said, we will probably go back to condoms. However, that time is far off yet, so plans might change.

That is so cute about your child talking :) my niece speaks in chopping sentences too, but eh, it gets the message out :) hope you/she has a great birthday tomorrow.

Janelle.. Hope you feel better. Will be awaiting to see what your doctor said.
Krissy - so what CD are you on now then? We just had "B dubs" on Wednesday!

Aspe - I did have you guys mixed up! Thanks for setting me straight lol
LOL Krissy, DH doesnt like actually eating at BWW's unless it's the March madness games. We dont do wings much because of Jerusha. We usually do pizza or Chinese food on our date nights. I have only been in BWW's to carry out. I get headches easily so the noise wouldnt be in my favor at least from the times I went in to order.

Janelle- I'm not sure but my baby may have flipped overnight because I now have an almost constant zap feeling too. It's not as strong when I'm not moving but definitely still noticable. Only time will tell I guess. Let us know how your appointment goes!
Misty.. My db and I feel as though Tuesday is forever away lol
Misty.. I think Angel's appointment is on Thursday. I think that is the 28. I could be wrong though lol
I hear ya, Aspe! It won't be the first time either. All of your appts will feel like forever away because you will look forward to checkups and seeing how your baby is doing. I'm anxious for your appt too!

Janelle is at her appt right now but the doctor had to leave for a delivery so she had to wait about 45 minutes for him.
Aspe- BWW is buffalo wild wings a really good place to get boneless wings i love them!!!!

Misty i am CD 15 but not sure when i O anywhere from CD12-14....your guess is a good as mine that is why i want a drink tonight lol...

ok got to get my butt moving!!!
Ladies, I'm lurking and reading, just feeling really yuk and no energy to post really (you all know how it is!).

Yes, my appointment is on the 28th, a big week for us next week Aspe :hugs:

Have a good weekend all, sorry for the short post, I'm away for some :sleep:
Hey ladies.

Okay, so I went to my appointment and told my doctor all about my fiasco last night and the pains I had and how I thought I might be leaking fluid, but it could just be pee. So to be safe and I think because he made me wait a freakin' hour! He wanted to do an ultrasound to check my fluid. He wanted to do a strip test, but my vagina is so jacked up and hurts so bad, that I said NO WAY! So, then he suggested an ultrasound. Can't say no to that!

ANYWAY, Sara is head down, still a girl. Her butt is on my right side at the top of my belly. The painful jab that I feel on the left side is her elbow. She is facing out and I can feel her moving her head in the form of zaps! He said that she was a big baby. He didn't do any measurements just looked around showed me a few pockets of fluid and her ginormous head. my belly is still measuring 2 weeks ahead and I gained 3 lbs. He said I wasn't losing any fluid but I didn't have extra either, so I'm assuming that's how he knew Sara is a big baby based on no extra fluid and measuring 2 weeks ahead? No idea, I didn't ask. Just took his word. I'll know more when I have a 3d ultrasound on the 13th though. I'm in no hurry. My next appointment with him is the 4th. He said the pains that I had are considered normal as long as they aren't coming and going in a rhythmic pattern and aren't consistent. He told me to keep an eye out for diarrhea as well. Which I didn't have so that's a plus. He said the sweating could be a number of things, but because I'm feeling better today with no side pain, he's not too concerned about it. I think just about covers it. I'm tired though. So I'm going to go lay down before my friend comes over. Hopefully I can get some shut eye!

Misty, thanks for updating everyone about my appointment delay. :friends:
Hi everyone! I've been so busy at work that I don't have time to get on, and then when I get on I'm so far behind I feel bad posting and not doing personals. My weekend has officially started so I can catch up.

Libby - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I can't even imagine how she's dealing with that.

Angel - 8 hours worth of assessments for 2 jobs? Sheesh! That's a long time. Yay for a scan next week. So exciting!

Aspe - You're scan is coming up, too. Super excited for you, too. :)

Misty - So glad Tyler is measuring right on time. That's great! And he's head down too. Woot woot! Hopefully he stays that way. Okay, now I'm reading that you wanted him to come early. I'm sure it will all work out, but I can understand your disappointment.

Krissy - Yay for the raise and personal time. That's got to be a relief. You work so much. Love the pics!!!

Janelle - :wave: I see the pain is still bothering you. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all that. As for bc, we aren't doing anything. Wow, what an appointment you had. It's pretty cool to know that she's head down and what body part the jabs are. I can't figure any of that stuff out.

Nicole - That was so sweet of your hubby to send you gifts. Do you like surprises? I haven't started packing my hospital bag. I didn't plan on doing it until I hit 37 weeks. Yay on finding those keys!!! Enjoy yourself. :)

Amber - :hugs: You poor thing. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all that. Enjoy your vacation. Relax and have a good time, I'm sure you and baby will be fine.

AFM - I had an appointment today. I hadn't felt the baby move since I woke up and when the nurse asked I let her know. I didn't think it was a big deal because I go hours without feeling him and then he goes crazy a night. She thought it was serious and made me do a NST. Doctor said baby seems happy so she wasn't concerned and there were some movements that I couldn't feel. She says the anterior placenta + the fibroids are probably why I don't feel him all the time but as he gets bigger I should feel him more. My weight is on track and I'm measuring spot on. She said if I keep measuring on time I won't need the growth ultrasound and she'll let me go for a vaginal delivery.

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