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And here's my ginormous baby bump that's somehow measuring right on today. LOL.


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Well I had a scare this afternoon. Didnt feel any movement for almost 4 hours. I wasnt rushing around ( I was checking emails and eating) so I know I would have felt if baby had moved. So I laid down for 45 minutes and still nothing. OB told me to go in for NST. Baby is fine. Steady heartrate and tons of movement once the monitors were on them. I guess I have a troublemaker too!
Aspe-yes they make a very small cut in under side of your upper arm, they used a numbing shot first, insert it then just close it with those butterfly bandages. i even had my kids with me when i did it she was done in less than 5 min!

janelle-glad all is well and yeah maybe they got it right this time with sara being big considering they had it wrong with samuel. always nice for an extra peak at the baby and glad that last night was really nothing to worry abut just sucked!

grace-love the bump!!!!!!! glad to hear your baby is cooking away to!!

angel-oh i know it is hard to get on here sometimes!

misty-you never did say if you get to pick who delivers you, reg or high risk ob......?

lizzy-i know you cant get on much on the weekends but have fun at the PARTY i want to see a pic of that little bday girl!

nicole-glad all is well!!!

afm-well i got so icey hot for my back felt better while taking a nap but now starting to hurt again...ugh!!!! i am so taking a muscle relaxer before bed since i have no kids to take care of!

well we ended up dropping the kids off, getting the car bill paid, then went to walmart i was going to just get some stuff for my back then we saw the easter candy and was like oh crap that is a week away so we bought their easter candy then went a shopping mission for easter presents....got none lol. we went to toys r us and then to target and then to marshalls. did get ava her swim suit for this year i wil have to post a pic tomorrow of it so freaking cute! it is a two piece but like i told josh its like the last year a "budda" belly will still be cute on her....got jamie a new under armer t-shirt all the kids new socks (ava hellow kitty boys puma) , and josh two pairs of sweats (addias and nike) and only spent $55! not too bad at all.

after shopping went to Big Johs which makes the best totally bad for you subs! i had the mushroom cheese burger.....OMG HEAVEN...they only have two around here and they are like 45 min away and happens to be in the same town the closest toys r us is so worked out.

we had a really good time joking around and shopping today we were out for about 5 hours today so realy nice. came home watched some tv while we ate and then i passed out for a while and then here we are lol. gonna get all my school crap caught up and then go to bed in a few hours then sleep all day till time for work lol.
Krissy glad u had some good quality time together!! Sorry I forgot to answer your question, the high risk dr doesn't do deliveries, just the monitoring. He reports his findings and suggestions to the OB. I guess whatever is best for Tyler!!

Nicole better safe than sorry and glad all is well!
AHHHH got ya....well that sucks lol. you have done a wonderful job with controlling your diabetes so no worries on mr tyler he is going to be perfect! starting to get really excited for little ones to start showing up soon!!!!! oh your a watermellon!!!!!
Good morning well actaully afternoon........rest of my night went pretty good for the most part. i dont know what to do about my upper back it sucks! josh came to bed about an hour after i did and instantly started to rub my upper back for me he told me it feels all knotted and what not. and it hurts....oh but at least that led to dtd lol. it was good and i felt good but now i am so sore again...

ook interesting fact here........i am not sure when i O weird month for me because usually i have all the signs of sore boobs.....lots of ewcm...but this month i should have O between monday and thursday (cd11-14) but only today did sore boobs kick in CD 16. i wanna say i O closer to monday than thursday but last night i had an abundant amount of CM while we dtd last night i am so confused this month it sucks...

anywho got to finish some work then get a shower in before i leave soon.....wake up people lol
Well after I got released from the NST, we went and walked around the mall for 2 hours straight looking for a dress for me to wear to SIL's wedding. No luck, they were all too short and too expensive. So now I have 2 options. 1. Hope that I can find something moderately long and formal in a size 16 or 18 at Salvation Army and have it altered. 2. Buy fabric (already ordered 3 patterns for formal dresses I like) and hope that my MIL or Mrs. Marino can sew it for me in time. Either way will cost me at least 10-20 dollars less than the dresses at the mall would have.

Jerusha has a really congested cough and runny nose so I kept her back from church today and probably next week too so she doesnt get the other toddlers sick. She will still be going to the in-laws house today to spend the night though since I'm packing my hospital bag today I decided and have quite a bit of cleaning up to do.

Still trying to figure out where we are having Jerusha's birthday party so I can write out the invitations. Her theme is pink cupcakes. The 3 colors are pink, purple, and black. Ok, well thats all for now. I have to pack her diaper bag and give her a bath before they come for her at 1 p.m. Will check in later.
Wow quiet weekend!

nicole good luck on the dress!!!

afm-worked my 12 last night we have a resident that should have died last night and if he is still alive i would be amazed all his vitals pointed towards he would die before 5am today....really sad.....

oh i saw my first ever shooting star on my way home from work last night...i am sure ya'll can guess what i wished for!

ok i am off to work! you ladies have a beautiful sunday!
Well, just ordered a crap ton of vaporizer stuff to help get rid of Jerusha's cold. Also just got a text from my mom (first time in 2 weeks) saying that she'll be in town on Sunday and wants to take us out to lunch. My dad also wants his suitcase back that I borrowed for all my new maternity clothes on the drive back from IN at the beginning of the month. Yippee, not. This should be interesting. We'll see if she brings up the baby's delivery or what not.
Army... it sounds to me like your mum is looking a little excuse to see you and then probably talk about things. Perhaps because she hasnt replied to you directly she realises the difficult position you are in regarding everything? Sorry, only you two know how your relationship works so unless she is the type to store it all up for a full-on stressful conversation try not to worry. She is probably just being a mum, just like you, and wanting to still be protective of you and to make sure all is ok in your life and probably be a little nosey in your decision making reasons!

Well I hope this is the right take on things anyway xo
Thanks. I just hope we both stay calm and not cry if she does want to talk. Ugh...I have to clean most of my house today. I ate too much for lunch so I laid down thinking I'd sleep for an hour but slept for almost 3 instead. Now I'm groggy but determined to get at least 3 rooms done today. I can do the smaller and easier two rooms tomorrow.
Well my hospital bag is half-packed! Have to wait til the other stuff gets here to finish it but this was a good first step. Taking a 10 minute break before finishing the laundry.
Nicole good luck with your mom!

angel nice to see you

everyone disappeared?

afm- well josh was awesome last night and made me dinner for when i got home from work. he made me an awesome hamburger and he fried up some popcorn shrimp. well idk if it was the food or the fact i ate late or what but i woke up at about 330 this morning feeling like i need to throw chocked down some tums when back to bed thought i felt better till i got out of bed and now feel like i want to puke again...ugh i have work but am debating whether or not to call in. cuz once i am there i am stuck there.

top it all off my dad had to have a stent put in his heart this morning bc of a major blockage......really this is how my day is going?
Misty - Siena was 8lbs, 6oz and I delivered vaginally just fine. Although he did cut me and do stitches. But Siena's head has always been very, very big... so there's that. But yeah it is really hard to be ok with waiting longer when you think you get to go sooner!!! I gave in and induced early last time bc of size worries... and then she wasn't as big as they'd been thinking. So reeeeally wanting to try and go on my own this time. We shall see... I am an impatient person, ha!

Krissy - My DH would love me for suggesting BWW too! He loooooves wings! In fact, that's what he got at Logan's yesterday at lunch! Oh man I need to get Siena's Easter stuff still! Not that'll she'll know if I don't, ha. Budda belly, love it!! Yay for fun shopping trip with your DH! Mine hates shopping, so wouldn't ever take him for that stuff! Your DH is so sweet to give you back rubs and such... and oooo good that you guys had a nice dtd session! Now if you could just figure out your wacky ov'ing... I feel for you... mine confused me often!

Nicole!! Yay for finding your car keys!!! Who would have guessed they'd be in the bathroom, ha! And I went to a wedding recently and just wore a regular dress I already had... but had to wear tights with it because definitely shorter with my bump! Sorry you had that scare, glad all is well with your lo! They need to let us know they are moving!!! Hmm yeah your mom sounds like she wants to see you so that is a good sign... I'd think if she was hurt, she'd avoid you??

Janelle - aww you had to wait a long while for your appt!! I would have had to reschedule since my appts are end of the day.. I would have been so frustrated about that! Yay for a scan!! And good to get some reassurance that all is ok and Sara is doing well!! Jealous of all that info you got about her! Hmm so I wonder if you'll have her early since bigger??

Grace - Glad you had a good appt! Sounds like all is going well! Yeah I know I was nervous couple appts ago about no movement and they were telling me he was moving and I just couldn't feel it. Love the bump pic btw!!!! You don't look gigantic! You look very cute!! We all do, I think! But I do get FEELING gigantic... I am getting there, ugh!

Haven't packed my hospital bag... but yeah will post once I have... I know I'll make sure to have heavy feminine nighttime pads, even though I think hospital provides that stuff for at first. Pj shorts/pants (not yoga pants etc because pads are THICK!). Pillow! I know I was there multiple nights last time. Snacks... the food never sounded appealing to me... my appetite was not great for a couple weeks at least. I got a cheap delivery gown online... but not sure if I will use it. I'll be asking the nurses if it's got the holes in the right places for all the monitors and then decide... its more revealing than a regular hospital gown! But also cuter. I've got nursing bras/tanks/etc but not sure what I'll bring since mostly just in pjs at the hospital anyway. I do remember being quite hot, so will plan for that this time. No slippers, just sandals! And I didn't use any of the entertainment stuff I brought last time, so not sure what I'd bring this time. I was too busy moaning and crying, ha. Hoping it's not as awful this time and I DO want to watch dvds and get on my phone etc. But I am not very optimistic about that!
Krissy - at what point will we start symptom spotting for you this month??
oh and afm... just posted long entry in my journal about my wknd... all in all, a good time!! Siena had a blast at her party, she loved having my mom visit (me too!), and got almost all of my half-finished nursery projects done!

At work now... trying to geet motivated to DO work... and kinda feeling weird about how when my mom comes back to visit in another 2 months, it'll be because I'm having a baby! She was here about 2 months ago and it didn't seem like that long at all. Will discuss with DH alone just to confirm, but did talk about when my mom would come and she's planning to come before Sprout's arrival... as long as we give her enough notice to make it in time! But not sure how long she'll stay. A week? 2? She said she plans to cook, clean, and watch Siena! Perfect!! DH isn't helpful with keeping house picked up and food in the house, so first 2 weeks last time before my dad came were very disorganized! And her being here also means I don't have to send Siena to MIL's house and if I do, it'd just be while we are in the hospital, actively labouring... since I'd want my mom with me then.
So not going crazy with sympotom spotting any more lol. I am CD 18 so af could show up as early as the 30th or as late as the 4th. so far i dont have the really sore boobs like i normaly do and i feel pretty fine so we will see....i think i am just plan sick right now although josh did say well maybe your pregnant and i go nope would be sick this fast sorry buddy lol
Why were you there multiple nights Libby? My daughter came on her own at 38 weeks and 2 days last time. She was just over 9 lbs. I'm glad she didnt want to wait and put on another pound. I have a minor tear but otherwise I was good and was at home 36 hours later.

Well more cleaning today. Lots of baby stuff and breastfeeding stuff arriving this week along with Jerusha's birthday presents. My ear feels clogged which is very annoying but will see if they have anything for it at Walmart since I dont wnt to use up my daughter's ear infection prescription. Woke up at 3 a.m. with severe heartburn that gave me a bad headache. Drank some milk and was able to fall asleep but think I need to get some Tums at Walmart too.

Sorry you are sick Krissy. I dont think I'd ever combine shrimp and hanburgers but thats just me. Sorry about your dad. Does he has blood pressure and cholesterol problems?
Ah k Krissy. Well we'll just wait and see if AF comes then.

Nicole, as far as hospital stay... went in for induction, dr had me go in night before so I could get some sleep... then was induced during the night... had Siena around lunchtime, stayed the night. Next day, they asked if I wanted to stay another day and I said yep! So I guess I left after 3 nights technically. Sorry your ear is clogged... I deal with sinuses a lot now... either due to spring or pregnancy, not sure, ugh. So my ears hurt now and then.

Low on sleep... mind was racing last night, so more from that than from crazy dreams for once. But still annoying! But not as bad after a weekend of getting more sleep. I was so ready to get up by the time my alarm went off... physically tired but I was also just really tired of trying to sleep!! Inner thighs were hurting which was making my tossing and turning more difficult, etc.

Anyway, lunchtime in a bit... will go look for some paint/brushes since mine at home disappeared.. and maybe few groceries if I have time. Then it's back to work I go.

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