A home for EVERYONE!

Ah ok, that makes sense then Libby. Here the doctors never ask if you want to stay another night. Guess they think everyone just wants to get home to their own bed. I really hope I go on my own again this time because even though its been 3 years, there is still a small chance of my uterus rupturing if I get induced.

Josh wants me to ask to if I can be induced at 41 weeks if I make it to 37 weeks and they offer possible induction. I dont think that'll fly very well with the doctors because this is my 4th pregnancy and because of the previous C-section. If they want to induce before my due date I think it'd be cool to be induced on Memorial Day since a lot of Josh's family have been in the military so it'd kind of be like a salute to them to have our child born that day or directly after depending on what time they would induce me. Still hoping to go completely natural with this baby too like I did with Jerusha.
Morning ladies!

Nicole, I envy that you can walk around a mall for 2 hours. I can tell you, if you can do that, you don't have SPD. I'm dying after grocery shopping and am down for the count the rest of the day and in most cases the next day as well. But then again, I guess that's just me, but it doesn't sound like SPD if you can do that. As for dresses, target is having a 25% off sale on their dresses. Have you looked there? Other than that, I would hit up a thrift store.

Libby, 8 lbs 6oz?! There is no way I would want to go any further if the doctor told me she was that big. I'm hoping they can give me a little more information on weight when I have my 3D ultrasound on the 13th. I'm getting really excited about the end of this month. I found out Dan has Friday off. So, I'm getting new tires on my car. Dan is going to do the new doors on Saturday, which is suppose to rain :growlmad: but it was supposed to be cold this past weekend and it was beautiful! Then we're driving over the hill to visit with family in Auburn for Easter. I'm excited about that!

Krissy, I can't remember what chart day I was when my heartburn kicked in. I think DPO12??? Although, just the thought of burgers and fried shrimp is giving me heartburn. :haha: Tums never worked for me either. I have to take Zantac. It's a lifesaver! Kicks butt during pregnancy too! Hope you're feeling better.

HI to all the other ladies! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

AFM, I had an UGH night last night. I had the worst RLS, the only thing that seems to really help is sleeping with a pillow between my legs, but then I wake up with my hips locked. I can't win. Not only that, Samuel decided he wanted to wake up and freak out last night. Was having a major melt down in his sleep. It was so frustrating, but I got through it and I'm glad that it's morning and a new day.

I did a bit of nesting this weekend. Went through all of the baby clothes that we have and washed the newborn and 0-3 months. Some of the clothes that people gave us had some FUNKY stains on them, but I was able to get every single stain out! I was surprised! We also got the carseat, which is super cute. It's brown and pink, like a mauve color. Which I'm excited about. I was afraid we were going to get stuck with some highlighter pink carseat. This one is definitely mellow. I LOVE IT. Other than that it was a pretty laid back weekend. I had lunch with one of my best friends on Saturday and got caught up with her. It was fun. I think I'm just going to lounge around today and not do much. I haven't packed my hospital bag, though I know everything that I'm going to put in it. Still no idea what I want to bring Sara home in. Samuel came home in jammies. Was thinking the same with Sara, I want her to be comfortable. I know I'll be coming home in jammies, and I will be comfortable. LOL No idea what the weather is going to be like either. It could be 90 degrees or 32. The weather is so unpredictable here.
Misty, You only have 40 days left!!!! And according to my "Prediction" Only 2 weeks left as well! ;)
HA, Nicole, I think my dr probably figured I would say I'd like to go home when he asked! For me, there was no thinking about it though! Built-in nannies and cook and housekeeper? Yes please!! And I was right... when I got home, it was a pain trying to keep house, find food to eat, and had no time for me at all. I loved the hospital! Yeah I can see some people wanting to wait until 41 weeks to see if they'll go on their own. Not sure I could wait that long...

Janelle - didn't realize she'd said she'd walked around for 2 hours! Um yeah I'd be hurting majorly if I did that!!! I sat down a ton and let Keith take care of lifting Siena onto the blow-ups at her party, but I was still majorly sore after her 2 hour party and had trouble with walking afterward! And that was with taking it easy and being very lazy or so I thought.

Oh and the dr thought she'd be BIGGER than 8lbs 6 oz. I actually got lucky! Ha. But yeah made me feel better about inducing because who knows how big she could have gotten... esp with a head in the 90 something percents.

Sorry about the RLS!!! That is the pits!! I don't know about locking hips but I know RLS is awful even though not really an injury persay... sure feels bad when its happening!!! And ugh on Samuel's meltdown... hope you manage to nap at some point today!

Siena wore pjs home too... cute ones, but yep. I had another outfit picked, but then decided I just wanted my baby to be comfortable so screw it! But I was also still really awkward with holding her and dressing her, so went with what worked easily. Oh but yeah it was cold for us beginning of April. Beginning of June, it'll be warm!
Oh and good job on the car seat! Siena's was the Keyfit30 in a tan with pale pink trim... I'd figured since we had the bases still etc, we'd make it work for Sprout... had considered dying the pink somehow. Then a friend had a boy version of the same kind she was done using so bought it for cheap from her instead! Dark grey I think with some orange maybe? I'm forgetting though.

I'm definitely starting to nest more... trying to round up all our baby stuffs... need to find our snap n go stroller, just thought of that... ha but there's plenty of time left for me!
oh and just realized i'm a squash! and hmm it says baby is getting fat deposits now... so wonder if I will put on weight faster now... eek.
Hi ladies, glad to read everybody is well. I'm lurking still as I now have a cold and a uti on top of 1st trimester lovliness. I refuse to complain though, so I'm just resting as much as I can.

Aspe... I popped on to wish you luck for tomorrow, i'll be thinking about you x
I'm getting nervous about this cold I have. TMI: My snot went from clear with a little blood to yellowish green overnight. Wish I could nap but have to go pick up DH's laptop from repairs and then come home and make dinner since I'll have Jerusha home again. Anxious about what the appraiser has to say tomorrow!
Angel - sorry you are sick and hurting... hope things improve soon! I had my worst morning sickness from 6-9 weeks.

Nicole - Hope your cold is almost over... I know for me it was allergies so went away before getting bad. Come on spring!! Go away winter!

I have an appt today! But boring appt, nothing exciting will happen I don't think. They never called me about my glucose, so I'll ask and make sure it was fine... and I'll ask about riding in our boat... it can get bumpy so not sure how far along I can be still boating? We'll see.

I was exhausted last night after sleeping poorly prior night. After taking Siena to see DH's gparents (so I could rest some there on the couch!) I went home and had DH watch Siena so I could take a bath and close my eyes for a bit. Then laid on the couch until her bedtime... then went to bed myself. Sometime while lying on the couch on my left side, I got a sharp pain on right side, kinda where you'd get a round ligament pain. So figured bump was stretching some. But it hurt a ton! So switched to lying on my right side and supporting my bump. Blah. But I slept like a log last night, woo!!
Angel feel better!!!!

Lizzy-glad you got some good rest!

Aspe cant wait to hear how your appt goes today!!!!!

AFM-i feel a little bit better today.....i have a head ache though today so that sucks! i got a ton of sleep last night but maybe too much...i got 10 hours! got to get my papper done before work got 25% done but now time to start getting kids around for school and then i have a few quiet hours to get my work done before i leave for work today. got tomorrow off but got soooooo much to do! first thing kids got dentist, then i have a work meeting and while i am doing that josh is getting his hair cut with 3 kids in tow have fun lol.....then we are headed over to the community college to get his testing done....fun times!

oh and then easter weekend.....saturday have easter egg hunt then dinner at my aunts then sunday easter at home with the kids then to my moms for easter......so much to do on my weekend off!!!
Good luck with your paper, Krissy! What's it on? And sucks on the headache, arghhh! Yea you'd think the sleep would have made you feel 100% in that respect, grr! Ha 3 kids while getting a haircut sounds impossible!!! Do they watch each other?? And are they coming to the comm. College too??]]

Easter wknd! Yay! We may be doing two egg hunts Saturday.. we shall see how things go! And then church and lunch on Sunday... helps my wknd fly by! Not sure if that is a good thing though!
I know lizzy! my weekend is going to fly by and i want it to last forever lol. Um yeah there are toys to play with at the hair cut place so they should be good and i have been going there for like 12 yrs so they dont care about my crazy kids lol. and yeah they are going to the comm. college with us. i will walk around with them and what not while dh does his tests so they will keep me entertained lol.

my paper on a research project done on pregestational diabetic women and if brestfeeding decreased the likely hood of their child being overweight or obese in later in life. interesting research but boring to write lol.

ok kids are off time to eat and write 1 1/2 hrs till shower! 2hrs before i leave....grrr....
Amazed at how you handle that brood alone! But I guess they get more manageable in public as they get older! Since Siena is not even 2 (Friday!), its hard to picture her plus two more by myself! :p

Well I'm not diabetic etc... but yeah interested about whether or not bfing really helps with all the stuff they say it does! Bc yeah I think bfing is such a good thing... but then it was really hard to keep up so I wish they'd come up with solid info saying formula is just as good in every way so I could be totally guilt-free about switching to formula at 3 months when I go back to work! As it is, I'll be attempting to pump and such at work and ya'll expect me to be totally and completely frazzled/exhausted/stressed most of the time until I 'quit' bfing!!!!!! Wish there was a xanax-type thing I could take to chill me out during all that!

Good luck! Hope you make some good progress! I know even when the papers are 'interesting' topics, it still totally sucks to actually have to compile the research and write the thing. Ughhhhh. I wrote a ton for my english degree and it was always on stupid crazy themes and ideas and such where I had to reference the book a ton and make it all meaningful and thought-provoking and that is just a pain in the butt!!!
Just to make you feel better i breastfed joshua and jamison but not avarie bc she wouldnt take. my healthiest child.....AVARIE! she did not breastfeed ONCE only ever on formula and is the healthiest baby out of all 3 kids. joshua stopped just after a few weeks bc he was lactose intolerant and jamison made it till about 8 weeks but then life got the best of me.

anyways....not much more progress and just got a call from dentist want us to come an hour earlier....grrr....
Hi ladies!!!!

My weekend is looking crazy busy, but I'm excited.

Krissy, Dan has to write an insane amount of papers for his English classes. It's a pain in the butt. I can't wait for him to be done with this semester. Hopefully I don't have this baby during finals!

Libby, I was just freaking out yesterday about breastfeeding because of the things I've read in my books. I feel like I did it all wrong when I was breastfeeding Samuel. In one book it says to feed from both breasts during a single feeding. Well this confused the crap out of me. Because how long do you feed on each breast? What if I feed for 10 mins on one side and then the baby doesn't want the otherside? Do I pump that side to empty my breast? With Samuel, he would take one side, then throw EVERYTHING up, so I would have to feed him with the other side, then he would THROW EVERYTHING UP, so I would have to keep switching sides. It was so frustrating!! I did this for 6 months! When I needed a break we would feed Samuel milk that I pumped or formula that we got from the hospital. It was dairy based and holy CRAP!!!! He would throw up even more, it was a nightmare. Eventually we just gave him soy based formula and he still threw up even with lots of cereal. We had to make it thick too! Like, you could throw it against the wall and it would stick, thick! Finally, we gave him rice milk and he was cured. He doesn't get sick all that often, but I credit that to how we eat. I really hope that Sara doesn't have the same problem. I really enjoyed breastfeeding, just not the puking around the clock. I mostly enjoy breastfeeding because it's free. But, I feel like I might need to have a lactation lady come to my house and educate me. I remember one was going to come to my house while I was breastfeeding Samuel, but I got mastitis and had to cancel and I never rescheduled.

Alright, well AFM I feel like I need to clean my house today, it's not looking pretty at all, but my lady bits are killing me!!! Hoping Samuel will lend a helping hand. He did all the laundry yesterday. He loves it! LOL SUCKER!!!
Janelle- lol your too funny! well got about 50% of paper done....i must try and get it all done before bed even though i will tired tomorrow i will feel statify to have my work done!

ok shower time and work time......

peace out girl scouts!
Well Jerusha is having a bad day and I feel like a bad mom. She slept good with a bit of Tylenol but the day got pretty rough after 10 a.m. I was closing my bedroom door and didnt realize she had her fingers in the door frame. So I pinched them pretty good but no cuts or bruises. Se cried for like 5 minutes while I cuddled her and apologized. Then 30 minutes later the cat got too rough and bit her hand. Then about 10 minutes ago she got up to get off her chair, slipped, and hit her chin on her little wooden table. Now she is down for a nap so hopefully she will fogive mommy for everything. Eating lunch before calling the insurance about the car. Then I have to do dishes and tidy up some more before my mom arrives around 3 p.m. Busy day but if I dont get all the cleaning done I'll blame it on taking care of a needy and sick child.
Janelle - I'm sure others can give their two cents, but I'll answer what I can based on my experiences... almost 7 months of my life dedicated to nursing... it was an ordeal but I'll attempt it again. What I'd do is nurse one side until the baby doesn't want it... checking to make sure you let down as they were nursing (or before for those that let down when baby cries!)... and that the boob goes from hard to soft so you know that its getting emptied. Once its not coming out much (or at all), the baby will get fussy bc its getting too hard for him/her. So switch to other side. They may not nurse as long on that side, or may decide they're full and turn it down. Remember to nurse that side first the next time, alternating which side you start with. I didn't pump to empty my second boob if Siena didn't empty it... but that depends on the person. Some do... it can mess with your supply though because your body will think baby is drinking more than he really is and might start having over supply. Friend has that now and leads to mastitis and other issues, clogged ducts etc. So although I struggled with low supply later, I didn't ever have health issues from over supply. I started supplementing when I couldn't pump enough at work... but that just made it worse because body thinks you need to make less when you start relying on other milk to feed the baby. I should have pumped MORE even though I wasn't getting anything. But that’s not as much an issue if home with the baby because the baby can determine the supply by feeding on demand as hungry... so growth spurts and such aren't as big a deal like they were for me.

I took a class at the hospital... and read books... and had a couple contacts I could call with questions. Also had one of those contacts check my 'latch' before I left the hospital (she worked there and taught the class). But with all the bleeding and scabbing and pain I got... guessing my latch kinda sucked... but who knows... because by 6 weeks, all that pain stuff was in the past at least. Ugh but don't want to go through THAT part again if possible!!!
oh man Nicole!! Yea your lol has had a rough morning! Luckily, short term memory on stuff like that... they are resiliant!! Just comes with being a clumsy toddler who's probably often RIGHT in the way! But I get feeling bad... we want to cocoon them if we can!! Good luck with the cleaning and have fun with your mom!
Good day ladies,

I had my ultrasound today. Our little peanut is a little over 4cm. The doctor has me at 11 weeks 5 days, but the tech said I am behind that. The doctor will not have my results until 2-3 weeks. Long wait for that to see how everything is, how far I am, and new due date. Overall, very happy to see our little baby :)

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