A home for EVERYONE!

Aspe, don't get distraught. Sounds like your doctor might be going by your LMP and you O'd later than normal. I'm so excited that you got to see your little peanut!!! WOOOHOOO!!! How are you feeling?
Yeah, the doctor is going by my last period. I am not distraught; more curious to know my actual dates and results of ultrasound now. We were so relieved to see our baby :)
I bet! Did the tech tell you how far a long you were measuring? Did she give you any pictures?
All she said I am not as far as it said on the screen. The number on the screen was based on what the doctor had me at. She said I am not far behind though. Yeah, she gave me two pictures :)
Aspe - Yay for getting to see your peanut. I think 4 cm is a little over 10 weeks. If you search the internet you they have all kinds of tables showing what 4 cm is the equivalent of as far as weeks go.

Hi everyone! :hi:
Aspe congrats!! Glad u got your relief! Can't believe u have to wait 2-3 weeks to hear the dr's assessment of the ultrasound. I hope they give your due date by the ultrasound and not lmp. I mean the whole reason u had been seeing the dr was cuz your cycles weren't right!! Were u able to see the heart beating on the screen? Are u going to share your pics with us? I'm so happy for you!

Angel your turn now! :)

Janelle- I wish I only had 2 weeks left like your predicting!! I'm soooo tired and uncomfortable!! Unfortunately I foresee me going al the way to 39 weeks and having to be induced. Sigh...
Well I called insurance and...we are now looking for a new car since apparently whoever stole it wrecked it pretty bad. Hoping we have GAP insurance so we dont have to pay the $2000 left on our loan.

Now we have agreed on looking at 2 cars both at the same dealer about 3 hours north of here. Hopefully they can accept my power of attorney form and use DH's credit and not mine or else we might not be able to get the interest rate we are hoping for.

As far as my mom's visit, it actually went wAY better than I expected. She didnt mention a word about the emials. She was very respectful and brought some toys and extra food for Jerusha. I might go to IN with Jerusha April 14th-21st. That would be the last I'd be able to see my friend in IN before the baby arrives and possibly for the rest of the year. Though I just talked to her on the phone an hour ago and the atmosphere between us is still tense, she didnt say I love you before hanging up and when I told her to have a good flight tomorrow (going to see my brother in TX) she said Thanks instead of her usual "Oh, we will."
Grace.. I looked at several sites but only bookmarked one. At 10 weeks it says 3.1cm and at 11 weeks it says 4.1cm

Misty.. Yeah, we seen our little baby heart beating :)
I automatically assumed they would change my dates based on my ultrasound. I do not see why they would keep my dates based on last period, if clearly, the tech could see I am not how far along as the doctor said.
Am I correct in saying your wedding day is on Friday?

Nicole.. Glad your day went well with your mom. Are you saying there is tension before your friend and you? It is unfortunate alot of damage got done to your vehicle.

Angel.. I second Misty - it is now your turn. :)

Last night I would get a pain, although not intense, in my pubic area, when I would bend over to get something low.
Went to bed fairly early and did not sleep well. I am awoke and it is still dark.
Here is a picture of our little peanut :) :)


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Aspe - Awwwwww! You've only got a few more weeks in first trimester. :)
Aspe - Yay for your appt!! Do you think the tech's date might be closer to accounting for O date versus lmp date? I know my date is different than if we just went off LMP... oh just saw Janelle said same thing! I was adamant about my dr using my o date... he kept forgetting at first... but it is good to do because now I'm not thinking I'm a week closer to delivering than I really am, so will be able to wait easier for things to happen on their own! Sorry about the pain last night... hope its better today!

Hi Grace! Hi Janelle! Hi Misty and Angel and Krissy and Nicole and everyone else!

Nicole - Sounded like you were wanting to get a different car anyway before, so now back to that again! I'm actually wishing I could get a VAN! Never thought I'd see that day!!! I have a vehicle I love... but an SUV that Siena won't be able to get in by herself even when she's 3 or 4 etc. And vans have sooo much storage!! And would love to be able to get to the carseats etc in back without getting out of the car when I need to get to the baby on trips etc. BAHHHHH. Almost got my DH to agree to it... I said I know it'll cost more than my trade-in... so I could start saving and then match what I save from our savings... but drat didn't hook him with that idea.

Ha and now I'm back to looking at minivans online...
Aspe.... so happy for you :happydance::happydance::happydance:. I still cant get over the length of time it takes though for you to get proper results :wacko:. I hope you can now relax a bit and enjoy your pregnancy. Your scan is lovely :kiss:

Nicole.... happy car hunting (again). I'm glad to read that the visit from you mum went ok, I'm sure it was a relief more than anything :flower:.

Libby... I second you on the car size issue! We had an estate (station wagon I think you call them in the US?) for ages. We now have a large jeep and it's great for getting everything into it.

MnJ...not long to go honey so hang in there, you just never know when junior will make their appearance:winkwink:

Krissy.... I get tired reading your posts you are always so busy!:coffee: Take it easy when you can, we don't want to see you burning out :hugs:

HisGrace and Janelle:hi:

Hi to anybody I've missed.

AFM.... I'm still feeling pretty rotten:haha:. Between MS, a heavy cold, constipation and a UTI I feel as if I've been 5 rounds with Mike Tyson:growlmad:. At least it means I have no energy to worry about my scan in the morning, I'll panic shortly I'm sure though!
Angel! Hope that cold goes away pronto! The rest... well sounds like normal for pregnancy unfortunately... drinking water helps people with constipation... also tons of fiber/veggies/etc.. and, for me, greasy fast food and coffee help!! :)

Just posted this in kids/teens forum:

"HEy guys! I thought I'd pose this question here since ya'll have gone through the baby/toddler/kid stages so have more knowledge than I do with just a 2 yr old. I have a very, very nice SUV that I looove (Buick Enclave). But I am tired of squishing my dd into her carseat... and dealing with my doors hitting other cars... and thinking with #2 on the way and how then I'd have to have room on BOTH side of the car to open the door wide open, ugh!

I've looked online and I'm liking the Honda Odyssey reviews... anyone have input on preferring a van or an SUV? I'm thinking my current vehicle probably drives much smoother/quieter than most and has a more luxury feel... but practicality of a minivan might be greater??? Thoughts?? Advice?? "
Well, we requested information on 4 Ford Fusions and now he thinks it'd be smarter to go with the lower priced Ford Focus. I'm confused by this because he always said he hated the Ford Focus. The one that is a good deal is a metallic gray which neither of us like but its a good deal and a good $3000 less than the Ford Fusions we were looking at. We'll see wher this goes and if we can eventually agree.
Morning ladies!

Aspe, that is a beautiful picture of your bean! I LOVE IT!!!! I'm so over the moon excited for you! Before you know it, you'll be craving kitkat bars at least that's what I wanted early in my pregnancy. Now just looking at chocolate gives me terrible heartburn. As for the pain, it could be a number of things, but I think it's pretty normal. Try not to bend anymore, more or less try to squat to pick something up. It could be your uterus popping out of your pelvis or round ligament pains. Does it feel uncomfortable sleeping on your tummy yet?

Misty, I'm still sticking with 36 weeks 2 days. I hope you're at least getting some shut eye these days. I remember when I was pregnant with Samuel, I didn't get much sleep at all and I was pretty used to it towards the end, but then one day I just slept the whole day, nothing could get me going, then the next day I went to the doctor and he sent me to get induced. I was so thankful for that entire day of sleep. Take it easy and go to be early if you need.... and your sugars will allow you.

Libby, I can totally sell someone on a mini van! I was talking to my best friend this weekend about it. Alright check it out. I want a mini van so that Dan, myself, Samuel, Sara, MIL, FIL, & BIL can all drive over the hill to visit family in one car. As of right now we need to take two cars and it's a pain in the ass. She suggested a 4 runner with 3rd row seating. I told her that was a good idea, but what about when Christmas comes and we need to pack presents, food, and people? That small amount of space wouldn't be enough room, nor would it feel safe to drive with all of us crammed like that into a car. SELLING POINT: CAMPING. I told her if we had a mini van we could all pile in it and Samuel and Sara could each take a friend (and dogs) and we could pack it full of camping stuff and still be comfortable and safe to drive. She finally understood my point and agreed. I like that they all have store and go seating now, so if need be you can put all the seats down and make a run to lowes or home depot and pick up what you would need a truck for. When we went to Florida I would sit in the far back seat and Dan would pop the middle seat down and it was so easy to get out that I didn't mind sitting back there at all. Especially being pregnant. I want a mini van SOOOOO bad, but it's just not in the budget. I have no idea when a new car will ever be in the budget. But it's on my bucket list!

Krissy, how you doing lady?

Angel, sorry you're feeling under the weather. Did you feel this way with your first? Maybe you're pregnant with a girl this time around? What are you hoping for? Hope you get better soon. Make some chicken soup, kick your feet up, and just have a lazy day. :) As for constipation, I've found that eating an Activia yogurt every day has helped. Along with the fiber chewables and oatmeal.

Nicole, That's good to hear you're able to get a new car. What happened to the car you were looking at? I thought once you get married your credit merges and your credit becomes his credit and visa versa. No? I have no idea. You know what we did to boost our credit was we put a couple bills on our credit cards. Like, Dan pays the power, sewer, and garbage I think on his american express. I pay the att bundle, water, and something else on my capital one card. We pay them off every month and it's made our credit scores super high. Plus, we only put things on our lowes card that is interest free for so many months. That way we have time to pay it off. That helps with our credit as well. When I worked at a car dealership, they look at your credit score, but they also look at your history. So, if you had a hard time say 5 years ago, but you've been up to date with all your payments for the last 2 years, they will take that into consideration and that will help raise your credit score. Even just getting gas on your credit card and paying it off every month will help with your score. Another thing is to have a credit card for a long time. The capital one card that I have, I've had for 10 years. I think for the first 2 I never paid it off and it was always maxed out. Then I decided to quit living like a teenager and paid it off and have been using it ever since. Dan wanted to cancel it for some reason and open a new one, but I refused because I've had it for so long and canceling a credit card will ding your credit too. Another thing you can do, instead of the credit card route, is if you have any bills in your name, you can get a letter from the company you have a bill with stating you have good credit with them and you've never been late on a bill. We did that when we bought our house. We didn't need to, but it was just more cushion for the underwriter to approve us. We had 10 years of power, water, and phone bills all paid on time, so why not brag about it? It worked. Best of luck!

Grace, 32 weeks!!! Almost there, it's getting close!! Are you ready? I am so ready to have this baby out of my body and in my arms! Have you decided on a name yet or is it still up in the air?

Hi to all the other ladies!!

AFM, it's going to be a lazy day today. I think my hips are spreading or something because I wake up in the night with terrible hip pain. Its like outside hip pain. Almost like charlie horses in my hips. It hurts so bad. We're suppose to go grocery shopping today and I don't give a damn, I'm getting a motorized cart and the only person I'm giving it up for is going to be the elderly person!!! Hope you ladies are enjoying your day!
Janelle.. I do not nor did I barley ever sleep on my stomach. The most I might come to it is when I am on my side, I might semi be on my stomach/side, if that makes any sense.

Got my next prenatal appointment. If my results would be in, it would be awesome :)
Janelle - A kitkat sounds good right about now! And I just ate lunch, ha! Minivans... yeah our car has a third row, but its tiny. It'd work in a pinch, but so far we just use the middle seat of the third row since then you can squish your legs into the space between the bucket seats in the middle row! And then yeah not much storage when third row is being used. And definitely can't stand or anything to crawl back. Oh man yeah sounds awesome for camping and trips!! DH has a small truck, which works well for him for hunting and boating and all that stuff that is so messy (not wanting him to dirty up my car inside and out constantly!)... but he thinks more about that stuff and I think more about the kiddos... so I want inside space for me! But yes nice that I COULD have more space for hauling stuff if needed too! So you used a minivan for your trip? Rental?

As far as credit, mine improved when DH added me to his credit card (he'd had it for ages and I hadn't had one very long), but his credit was still better than mine... so it doesn't merge into one credit score for the both of you. And yeah long-term credit history seemed to help my credit more than anything I'd tried to do short-term on my own like getting loans and paying them off etc. So I can totally see adding Siena to my card later, even if I don't give her a card. I 'think' my DH has been on his mom's card since he was a teen, so that also boosted his credit liked adding me to his boosted mine.

Oh dear Janelle on the hip pain!! Go for the motorized cart for sure!!! I have debated using one and I don't have those pains!! It's just so tiring to think about grocery shopping now! Last time, I only did that one time... the day before I induced! Was so nice!! Made the shopping trip enjoyable versus a chore!!!! But yeah I'd have to not bring Siena... that would be a nightmare...

Nicole - good luck with the car decision!! So hard to know which to get... me, I'm loving my current car but now wishing I'd gone more practical, less luxury. But ehhh needs change!
ok janelle i totally just pasted what you said in an email to DH!!!
Libby, I didn't think a credit score merged into one score when you get married, but your credit history shows up on his and visa versa? My best friends mom did the whole add your child to your line of credit thing. She had a perfect credit score by the time she turned 18. I asked my parents to do that for me, but I'm glad they didn't. They were 10's of thousands of dollars in dept. They just filed for bankruptcy. I feel proud of myself that I wont ever let my spending get out of control like that. I'm super frugal with money. If I can't afford it, then I REALLY don't need it. I'll make it work with out it.

Alright, so I've got a bunch of eggs that I need to use before they go bad, so I'm going to be making a bazillion pizzelles and give them away to family on Sunday when we drive over the hill. I enjoy baking. It's easy. Especially in my kitchen. I can just sit there and bake away.
Oh ok yeah... hmm yeah DH would know if my stuff shows up on his credit etc... he checks people's credit for his job all the time... hmm don't know what a pizelle is... but sounds good!!

Siena turns 2 on Friday!! Grr and its Good Friday so Daycare is closed. Which means MIL is keeping her overnight Thursday... I leave for work before Siena is up on Friday anyway. But yeah. Would have been nice to be with her since she's not going to be in daycare... oh well. Need to work if I can to save my time. I'll have to do something fun with her though...

Anyway, so that means tomorrow night I'm kid-less. Think I'll use that time to do some finishing stuff on the nursery so I can be done with it!

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