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I have never had a credit card. Josh had one for about a year but since our son passed away and his name is basically the same as DH's, the company (it was a miliatry credit card) cancelled his card. We havent gotten one since. As far as the bills thing, yeah since our son passed away there hasnt been a single bill we havent been late on at least once. I have thought about getting a credit card to just use on gas but with how bad my credit score is DH doesnt like that idea.

Libby-the one we originally agreed on isnt through a certified dealer with our insurance. We decided to go through our car insurance because they will give us a discount on our interest rate if we go through them.
Nicole, When we were trying to buy our house I checked my credit and was shocked to see all my sisters debt on my report. I was livid to be honest! We are 10 years apart, but because our names are similar, our social security numbers are only 1 digit off and we've had the same address history, I guess it can happen. It was really easy getting her stuff off my report though. I just called and talked to someone and went through every single thing that was hers. Then within a week my score shot up 200 points. Now I've got some pesky collections agency calling my house looking for her. It's so annoying. I wish she would just pull her head out of her ass and pay off some of her debt! She's almost 40 and hasn't learned a damn thing in life! I don't know how you can raise your credit score with out a credit card. I guess if you had a cell phone in your name, that might help? But I know a credit card is one of the quickest and easiest ways. Maybe run by the idea by your husband of paying a bill with one every month, then just paying it off every month. It's money that you would use to pay it anyway, plus if you pay it in full, they wont hit you with interest.

Libby, Dan has Good Friday off. I'm kinda excited about that. He doesn't have any homework due for a few weeks too. Even more reason to be excited. As for pizzelles, they are an italian cookie. Like a waffle cone, but flat. You make the batter and put it in a hot pizzelle iron like making a waffle, but it comes out thin. You can form them to make little bowl or roll them to make cannolis. I just like them as a flat cookie. I'm going to make almond, orange rum, banana nut, and vanilla which I am going to dip in chocolate and sprinkle with nuts. What fun ideas do you have planned for the birthday girl?
Angel - I'm sure everything is going just fine, and you'll get to hear the heartbeat tomorrow. :)

Janelle - Yay for 32 weeks! It is getting close. I am not ready. I still haven't finished my registry, but the shower isn't until the end of April so I'm not too worried. I can't believe he'll be here soon. No name yet. We've narrowed down the list to three names though. David, Ethan and Josiah. I prefer the last two and hubby prefers David. We'll see how this goes...

Libby, Krissy, Aspe, Misty - :hi:
Janelle- Yeah, I'm sure he could clear up the mistake about our son and him but right now we don't even have the card anymore. I think I'll wait to get a credit card until after this next car is paid off 2-3 years.

Grace-Woohoo on baby shower and being 32 weeks. I cant wait for 32 weeks since I'll get my next ultrasound then. Right now I have enough on my hands with keeping little sick one occupied and out of trouble.
Hi ladies, I hope everybody is well. Thanks for the well wishes for today.

I'm still feeling a bit rough but I think I'm on the mend now:flower:. I had a scan today and we have a heartbeat. The sac is also not being compromised by my possible uterine septum :happydance:. I was a little disappointed with the scan though as my RMC did it so quick I noticed he was a bit careless. One of the pointers to measure growth wasn't even at the end of the sac, I can clearly see this in the scan pic. He has put me at 7 weeks, when I should be 7 weeks 2 days from ovulation date so I'm trying to just bear in mind the scan could be slight human error and all is well :wacko:.

The next 3 weeks are my crunch period, back in a fortnight. There's no point me even posting the scan up girls as the scanner machine was pretty pants as well and it's not very clear.

Have a good day all, off to rest for a bit xo
Yay!! Congrats Angel and Aspe!! So glad to hear your scans went well. Also glad to hear you're starting to feel better, Angel. I'm so happy for u both!!
Janelle - I totally thought a pizzelle would be something Italian/pizza related, ha. Mmm they sound yum! Not sure what to do with Siena! She has a lot of fun stuff going on this wknd since its easter... but nothing planned for her bday on Friday. MIL has her overnight tonight and has her tomorrow since daycare closed... but I can do something with her after work... hmm...

Angel - Yay for your scan! Sorry it didn't go as well as you would have hoped, but good to hear everything looks good and there's a heartbeat!!!!
afm - exhausted from being up with Siena last night and pissed at DH.. not sure if its hormonal or exhaustion or both... need him to step up more with Siena, sigh. Instead, Siena's spending a ton of time with MIL right around her bday because I'm too tired tonight to watch her and I'm working tomorrow. DH just gets to do as he pleases, like always. Too bad that ISNT spending time with his daughter. Just adds to the many times I've wondered if being a single parent would be much different than what I have now... blah.
Lizzy i know the exact feeling some days! i have actaully said to josh before if he dont change he can leave bc if am going to be a single parent then i will do it with out having to take care of him to!
I'm actually wishing DH would go away for awhile so I could appreciate/miss him some. As it is, I'm seeing the house would be way cleaner, I wouldn't be nagging him to come at least say goodnight to Siena, and I wouldn't have to deal with his snoring and hogging the living room tv (i watch tv in the bedroom since his shows fill up our dvr and are constantly recording so can't change the channel).

I know I got like that when pregnant with Siena, where I wished he would go away. And then at various points later too... tired of not appreciating him, but also tired of him seeming more interested in his hobbies/job/life than being in OUR life. sigh!
Libby-I have felt that way many a times when DH was here. It's sad to think you can feel such things towards a spouse. I know my DH is going to at least be more active with the kids once he is back for Christmas break and then back for good. Though do to pregnancy and not sleeping well, the house isnt as clean as it would be if he were here. Not that he really cleans at all but he always tells me what he expects done and I try to accomplish that list when he is here.
Lizzy- that is the same feelings i have had about josh more than once lol. it does get so over whelming when you feel like you are the only one trying all the time and what the hell are they there for? like i always say i will always love my husband cant ever see being with out him but there are days where i dont like him very much if at all and wish he would just get the hell out of my face. your dh sounds like mine and just needs to grow the hell up. we are not their mommies and they need to be daddies...shoot most days i am happy that he remembers to get the kids, feed them and put them to bed forget about the house lol.
Krissy and Lizzy, can I just say THANK YOU!!!!!!! Thank you for your posts regarding your DHs as I feel this way sometimes as well and I wonder if I need to kick myself and appreciate what I've got despite the flaws? DH does have a major issue though that I know is the root cause of a lot of my feelings (drink) :growlmad:. I have often thought about leaving him but I never do as I want things to work out. He can be lazy but its usually drink related ie a hangover but on the whole he commits a lot more than he used to with our DS etc x
Angel - I have often blamed DH's drinking as they cause of our issues over the years... he was still acting like a college boy even though he was in a career and owned a home when I met him! And even as he mellowed out and matured, he still drank every night to the point that I wondered if he did it to pass out since had trouble going to sleep. Anyway, sometime around my first pregnancy or maybe after Siena was born, the drinking lessened and now he barely EVER drinks. Well, let's just say I can't blame it on that anymore, but the laziness is still there... but just in regards to the family. He gets these projects in his head... whatever he does, he does it 110% nonstop which can be a pain. At first it was working out, then PS3 gaming, hunting, fishing, shooting... or it can also be 'helpful' things like fixing our boat or organizing the garage... but whatever it is, its away from us for long periods of time until dinnertime or even Siena's bedtime or later. With the drinking, he'd do less of all that... but then just stare at the tv even more than he does now.

Yeah I do wonder if how society has changed is actually for the better or not... the men still do not usually do as much with the kids, yet we work, clean, etc. I wonder if I'd resent DH less if I was a SAHM. As it is, I feel like we both work, so we should have equal responsibilities with Siena, time-wise. But, more importantly, I just wish he wanted to devote as much energy/time into his family as he does into his hobbies, sigh.

I don't really want to leave him, can't picture being with anyone else, but I am tired of hoping his priorities will change... as he matures, his hobbies have steered toward healtheir pursuits, but still... will it always be me and the kids as a unit and him as another unit? Who knows. I keep debating that in my head, wondering if that is something I should be okay with or not. Like with my first pregnancy, I will tell myself that things will improve once we have this baby and not to make any rash decisions. I'm just hoping we don't go through the really rocky patch again like we did after having Siena!!
Libby, Krissy, Angel, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Libby, have you told your husband how you feel? I only ask because, his hobbies consist of gaming, hunting, fishing, what not. Maybe he feels as though you enjoy doing the mom thing. Being a SAHM is a full time job and even when Dan gets home I need a break sometimes. Especially being pregnant. It took a long time for us both to come to the realization that when you have kids, your job never stops. If you have a day job, when you come home, your night job is to be a parent. Even if you just want to relax. That doesn't happen anymore. I don't get much help from Dan on the weekends because he is always busy with school work as well as 2 nights out of the week are school nights. So, whatever time I can get with him, whether it be lazy time or what not, I take it. I know from the beginning Samuel has really been an independent kid who plays well with himself, so most of the time he doesn't bug us. There are days though where I want to rip my hair out and scream, I will usually tell Dan I need a break or some help and he's more than welcome to help. I try not to have my mental break downs on the weekends, but it does happen. What you're feeling is totally normal. Every parent goes through it. I agree with Krissy, men do need to grow up. I think it was Misty, that I was telling that at some point there comes a time when they make the switch from boy to man. It doesn't happen at the same time for every guy, but sounds like her guy is going through it and making the switch now, with getting the house fixed up and buying baby stuff on his own time. Dan went through a phase where he played games, drank, smoked pot all the time, was a complete idiot with his friends, how he never made it a night in jail is beyond me, but he made the switch. I'm sure your guy will too. Guys are selfish, they don't want to give it all up like us women do. I think it's a motherly thing and it's just natural and easier for us to make the switch because we're able to bond for 9 months with our kids, plus we get to breastfeed. Guys don't have that, so it's harder for them to really get involved. I'm grateful that Dan has given up his game addiction, but between work and school, he really doesn't have the time to play games. Maybe instead of trying to get him to spend more time with Siena, maybe you can get Siena to want to spend more time with him. Maybe have her draw him a picture every day and make it a habit for her to give it to him when he gets home. That way, he will expect the drawing and she will get in the habit of wanting to color every day and give it to him. I know Samuel looks forward to bed time stories with Dan every night. The other thing we do is when Dan comes home Samuel meets him in the garage and they go get the mail together. He looks forward to that all day. It might give you some relax time for her to sit down and color everyday as well. Even if it is just scribbles on a piece of paper. It will be fun for her. It's little things to us, but to our kids it's the world. It's worth a shot. Then if he doesn't want to be involved, hit him in the head with a frying pan! :haha: just kidding. ;)
Janelle - Thank you for all the advice/wisdom!!!!!!!!! I would have loved the option of being a SAHM... but yeah part of me wonders if it'd make me hate DH! You have a HARD job and there's no way any of us can work as hard at our jobs as you do at home. Yeah I'm hoping DH does some more growing up. He's done a LOT already... but still holding out for him becoming more paternal, wanting to interact with Siena more, so your ideas help get my wheels turning... I did start getting him involved with the bedtime routine because I know I won't be able to do it all come June. But he is NEVER ready when the time comes to start getting her ready for bed! I got tired of nagging him and waiting around for him to join us... always on HIS time. Sigh. So now I just start and then he'll wander in after she's already had her bath, teeth brushed, changed into pjs, and probably already read books and is in bed. So he gets his 'points' for 'being there', yet all he did was come in for the last few minutes before lights out. Once again, hoping this changes when #2 comes!!

Since Siena won't be home tonight, I'm going to run by Target if my energy level and legs/back allow it (yesterday at the store I was leaning on the cart for support bc I was hurtin).... need to get stuff for Siena's Easter basket. What do ya'll do for that? I know they had an egg hunt today at school so there's that candy. Plus a couple more egg hunts over the wknd. And I know her grandparents AND her great-grandparents will get her baskets with lots of stuff. How do we limit all of this???
Libby, we had a problem getting Samuel ready every night for bed at the same time. So we have an alarm in the kitchen. It goes off at 8:00 kinda like a warning. Then we set the oven timer for 15 mins. When that goes off we start getting ready for bed. Maybe try that? As for easter baskets. We always give Samuel sidewalk chalk. :blush: he loves it. We will give him a few action figures as well like sesame street stuff. Maybe a few books and those $5 jammies from walmart. We don't do the whole candy thing because he gets plenty from dan's aunt and uncle. His first easter he got baby food and toys. This last Easter he got action figures, chalk, jammies, and those natural fruit leathers. I try to give him things that I don't always buy. Like fruit leathers. He could careless really, he's a sidewalk chalk addict! I got some that are in the shape of eggs at the dollar store. This year he's getting a couple more books an Elmo DVD, chalk, Jammies, and a couple of those Thomas juice things from walmart. I'm sure we'll do more of the candy thing when he gets older, but right now there really is no point.
ok cool, all great ideas!! Hmm yeah guess a bit different for us since siena's birthday is so close to Easter... tried timing it so it wasn't near a holiday but I guess I failed! So she just got a bunch of clothes and chalk and toys. I'll try and look and see what stuff I can get her... I'm thinking disposable stuff now, so will look for bath paints I think... and maybe some of those action figures... i.e. Little People... I got her peeps since she loves marshmellows and I don't buy them.. and then colored goldfish and m&ms. But still have stuff from VDAY that we hadn't used up! She got so much at daycare that I put it up and only pull out stuff here and there.

I'd tried to pick up her Easter toys yesterday after work but ran out of time.. I'd shopped for bras and slippers for me (so OVER my underwire lol) and then some groceries... called DH because I knew he'd been off work all afternoon and asked if he'd pick Siena up... but he said he was knee-deep in working on some wire issue with the boat and didn't want to. So I had to stop and drive almost an hour to go get her. Sigh rush hour. When he was like 10 min away from her. I guess that might have added fuel to the fire. Pretty much expect him to be 'busy' so I mostly just get help from MIL, who happened to not be in town that afternoon.

I am feeling better since I only have an hour left at work. Been feelin moody and tired and its been hard to get much done at work with my woozy brain! I know getting out in the sunshine and not having a timeline this evening other than eventually sleeping will help a lot!

I promise I won't rant as much tomorrow!!! Things will all look better after a night off and some sleep!!!!
Libby, We get Samuel these disposable place mat things at walmart. They are sesame street and they come with stickers that you can put all over them. He really enjoys those and they are always marked down to a dollar. you get 6 of them I think. He loves them. look for those! Enjoy your night off! Relax. :friends:
what section are those in?? sounds like something siena would like too!!

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