A home for EVERYONE!

Haha had to go back and analyze the boobies! Yup lookin good! Amazing what a bra can do! Me, mine have got be lookin worse lol because I've switched OFF my good bras that lift etc with formed cups to a 'bralette'... tried one on in Target and said oh my... ha I could breathe! And no underwire whoop whoop! Basically a thin sports bra but has removable cup liners so I won't get headlights (hate that!) and thin straps so I think I'll be ok with straps showing with tanks (another pet peeve of mine).
I'm way too fat and saggy to be able to pull off wearing a bra without underwire! This one is actually a nursing bra too. I need to find more. I didn't like the selection at Motherhood Maternity.
Well, I've had some 'help' in the chest dept, so definitely not saggy... but $5k poorer lol! ugh nursing bras.. I've bought some more that I haven't even tried on... but ones I had last time were either too uncomfortable, not padded at all so really just for around the house, or would get bunchy when my boobs werent as full of milk. Fails. HArd because yeah I changed sizes depending how long it had been since Siena had eaten! After I went back to work, I just went back to my normal bras.
So I'm going to sound reallllly stupid but I did not know you could breastfeed after you've had implants. I assume that's what you mean by "help"? lol I don't know why you couldn't I guess, they don't remove tissue, right? Just put the saline implants in?
I'm awake. Kinda. I am so freakin' tired!!!!! It's so hard to wake up!

Libby, welcome to the nausea club! I think I remember reading which ever way your babies back is facing it can cause discomfort in your back or belly front. You're pretty small, so I'm sure that could be part of it. Which hurts more?

Krissy, I see the lines!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! Awesome you'll be due before Christmas too.

Misty, loving the shirt. I can't get away with wearing stripes. Even pregnant. It looks really weird. Welcome to the book shelf club! hahah As for your BP, if I knew how to take my blood pressure I would, but I don't. I don't want to learn either because I will constantly be taking it, but I would call your doctor and just give him a heads up. It could be nothing, but like I always say, better to be safe than sorry. How is your swelling?

Aspe, if you doctor hasn't told you to lower your sugars, DON'T. If she's said she doesn't want you gaining much weight during your pregnancy, there are other things you can do rather than cutting out food. Walking for 30 mins a day will help put your weight gain at a steady level. Drink more water, less juice. Cut out soda and refined sugars. If you're going to see someone next week, then wait until then to start switching up your diet. Don't try doing it on your own with the help of google and internet searching. The doctor will customize a diet that's right for YOU.

Grace, do your cramps feel like contractions? Hope you're feeling better. I can't remember getting a UTI, but I'm sure I've had one.

AFM, I think I'm retaining water. My feet and ankles are starting to look puffy. As well as my thighs!!! I wish I could freakin' walk!! I've been slacking with my water intake though, so I'm going to be drinking lots today and hope that that helps. I'm so tired as well, I just can't seem to fully wake up. I hate feeling groggy and sleepy.
LAMO misty everyone has good boobs just have to know how to use them and shape them lol. i love underiwire and only wear like a sports bra to work cuz i dont like the creapy old guys looking at my boobs....although we do have one lady who graps your boobs when you lift her lmao.

lizzy-i dont get home from work till 11:30-midnight then i usually have work to do and what not so sometimes i am up as late as 3am....

janelle-thanks sweety now this baby just needs to stick!!!

ok my symptoms......constipation off and on...tired...nipples hurt!!!! heartburn and my gums are sore. oh and cramping. mostly mild and more so along my hips nothing really right in front so i think it is more ligament pain....

ok think i am gonna squeez a nap in before i have to get ready for work...

Thanks again everyone pray for me that it sticks!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I'm so with you on being tired. This insomnia is going to KILL ME!! I was in tears this morning cuz I was so out of my mind tired. I'm up constantly allll night long every night. I still have elephantitis in my feet and ankles. I have an electronic wrist blood pressure cuff at home, Janelle.
Misty - Ha yup I could bf just fine. Not sure how it'd work if over the muscle... I'd have same questions... but mine are underneath the muscle. I actually worried about being able to bf because I have soooo little natural tissue there (I was teeny!) but yeah that doesn't play into it either, phew.

Wow on the swelling! And insomnia! I haven't swelled yet... and although I definitely wake up a ton now, I get decent sleep compared to being wide awake half the night like I know can happen. Acid reflux, heartburn... I only fear for that at night... so like last night I felt the first bit of acid when I got in bed and immediately sat up and propped a million pillows behind me. NO WAY was I going to wait and see how bad it got before deciding to sleep upright. Learned the hard way that then its too late!!!!!

Janelle, my belly definitely hurts more! Due to kicks/punches whatever... lower back... hurts kinda like it does when I have period cramps? Not like I've been beat up like my belly does lol... skin is sore to the touch! Eek on the swelling! MY dr always asks if I've had swelling... they must get concerned when you go in!

Krissy - What different lives we lead!!! My nighttime is your evening! Yes praying for a sticky bean!!!! That's the only problem with us being hyper aware... we find out soooo early! Makes the first tri drag!

10:50, 11:32... so yeah my BH have felt different today and yesterday. Enough so that I downloaded a contraction counter app to have for later. These are stronger (a little ow but not super owwww)... but enough to make me alert about it. I know its still early... but I don't see this baby coming late. Maybe on time, maybe a week early? Wondering how much he weighs now... he was close to 3 pounds at 28 weeks... maybe close to 4 now??
I did have a dream last night that I had the baby and I was just past 33 weeks! I remember freaking out in my dream that I wasn't full term yet, and the nurse telling me it was okay. I remember the baby came quick too!! There was no time for an epidural or even prepping. She just popped right out!! The only bummer was Dan missed the birth. I hope that's not the case. He better be there!!!
Oh man! Yeah let's hope it doesn't happen like that!!

I just read about 31 Weeks on baby center and it fits me to a T... BH wheee. So looks like I'm right on 'track' with having them stronger now...
Lizzy-that sucks on the BH! yeah it does make it drag but once i get past this week to next monday that is when i will call my ob and get an appt set up for an ultrasound between 6-7 weeks...she said she dont like to do early blood work something about the numbers not reliable? reallly? but my family dr will but she is gone for spring break till monday so i will call her to and she will do it for me...she told me any time lol.

janelle- i hope your dream inst too true either but i do hope you dont have much longer so your not in so much pain anymore.

misty-wish you got better sleep try one of the pregnancy pillows yet?

afm-just got up from my "nap" but feel more tired...ugh gonna be a long night at work!!!! then of course i choose sleep instead of homework so that has to get done before bed tonight...but i did put in to not start my next class for 2 weeks....so that might help.

by ladies and i will get more tests lol
Misty - I love your bump picture! I can't believe you're less than two weeks away from being full term. He will be here soon. Can't wait to see pics.

Libby - My dr said it sounds like a uti so she called in the prescription. They said if it doesnt get better in a couple of days then I should call back. Were those times you listed times of your contractions?

Janelle - They feel like cramps. LOL. I don't know what contractions feel like, but the cramps are constant. No letting up. Not too painful for me to work but painful enoigh to be annoying. Your dream sounded crazy. You get an A+ on the quick labor but preterm and no dan suck.

Krissy - I'm praying for you. So exciting!
Oh yeah and the insomnia is a freaking beast. I woke up every hour last night to pee and I really didnt have to go that bad. DH says it's just getting me prepared for baby, but I want my sleep. I told him that he needs preparation too. So I'm going to start waking him up everytime I have to pee.
I'm doing well misty...ready for it all to be over now I think! He feels squished in there and hurts when he moves around, my hoo haa is constantly aching, I cramp a lot,have lots of BH,walk like an old woman,have random sickness, CONSTANT heartburn...the list is endless!

But its all been worth it! I'm just looking forward to meeting the little guy in about 4 weeks time! Our bags are packed,everything is pretty much ready,we are more than good to go! Lol

How has pregnancy been treating my due date buddy?x
I have a question for those of you who know. What do hiccups feel like? I thought it was when you my whole tummy starts vibrating, but I just watched a video where a woman talked about her baby having hiccups and she described it as a twitch. So, now I'm thinking the vibrating I was feeling may have just been muscle spasms. Right now I've been feeling a thumping for like every 2 seconds and it's lasted for a good 2 minutes now. Could that be hiccups? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm so curious.
Congrats Krissy!!

Congrats Misty! I'm sure it was a relief to not have the anxiety of getting married this time.

Aspe- so exciting your u/s went well! Sure you feel a lot of relief seeing that baby is growing!

Angel- yea on your u/s too! Sorry things are rough with your husband. Hopefully this will be what he needs to get his act together. Your ability to leave just shows you that you are strong. May not be what you wanted to happen and hopefully won't be long term, but you are doing the right thing for you and your family.

Janelle- I hear you on the pain. Hopefully it will go away shortly after delivery.

Nicole- glad to hear baby is ok. It's scary when they don't move. I've had a lot of that in the past few wks too. Hopefully you'll be able to get your new car soon! It's been such a long up & down process. Happy to hear the visit with your mom went well too.

Libby- great bump pic! Hope your husband got the clue that he needs to be a part of family life, not just a roommate that comes and goes.

Grace- you look great! I think we all feel huge even if we aren't. How are you feeling with uti? Hope the antibiotics are working!

Sorry if I missed someone. Had a lot of pages to catch up on.

Mexico was wonderful! I way over did it and am paying for it, but it was worth it. Soaked up a bunch of sun. Don't know that i've ever been this dark...now that the red / burn is going away I can really tell. Didn't realize I had gotten this much until we got home. I could fit in with the locals pretty well right now.

We stayed at a different place than we had before. M had a great time in the kids club and made a lot of neat things. And loved the kids water park. It was located at the resort next to ours but since they were part of the same group we had access to both. Our resort was nice bc it was quieter. The food was amazing. Things we typically would not even think about eating. Had more upscale menus and we are pretty plain eaters. So besides the 1 day we ate poolside, we ate really healthy. Went on vacation and ate crazy but healthy....managed to gain nothing. However, I prob actually lost with doing too much. Just can't tell bc of the swelling. I've had swelling when i've done too much past few wks but the plane there just kicked it in permanately. Even with my legs elevated and support stockings on each night the swelling was/is still horrible. By the end of each day there was no definition from my knees down. My feet hurt so bad and are bruised from it.

Fortunately, no baby was born while we were there. Was worried about it though. I had a ton of contractions, 2 days of barely any movement and 2 nights of hrs (3-5) of contractions that just got stronger and stronger at 3 min apart with a ton of pressure. Was a bit scared. Especially when I think with m I never had early contractions or bh. But when they started, they started and stayed at 3 min apart and I was only in labor 6 hrs with things that slowed things down by 3 hrs. So, it crossed my mind that baby may come. I've had other days with contractions that close and strong with this one prior to this trip that I really don't think much of it. Scares me that I may just assume that it's just not time when it is. And we live an hr away from the hosp....if it's during the day then my husband is also an hr away. May have this one on the way. :/ guess we'll see.

Anyway, it was a good trip. I'm trying to recover from it now and doing the 'nothing' I should have done there. But why miss out on the fun.
Amber - Glad you had a nice trip! More glad baby didn't come while you were there. Has your swelling gone down yet?
Grace, when I feel hiccups it feels like thumps. Like the way early kicks felt, but they are steady and consistent. What you describe, sounds like hiccups.

Amber, happy to read you were able to enjoy some time away. Minus the contractions. You keep that baby in until it's good and ready to come out. :)
Ok here is tonight's i am doing a digi in the am will hold pee as long as possible lol


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