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Thanks Nicole

but my day did get worse..... ihad that stupid paper to do and busted ass to get it done but then the stupid school website kept messing up and I had to reconfigure my web browser to work with it so when I could finally submit my paper it was 2 minute late!!!! well in the syllabus it states no late papers no excuses including technical issues.....so I guess and see if this teacher is going to be a complete asshole and give a zero on paper that is like 25% of my grade and if he does then I will more than likely fail the class. I should just quit school then bc I wont have another 1700 on top of the already 3000 I need to finish anytime soon.

also josh has another interview tomorrow. found out he didn't get the job he interviewed for last week but she recommended him for another one with in the company so that is a good sign right? we need something good to happen for us!
Ok so I am sitting here stressing over that class now, work, kids, husband, house, money, pregnancy....something has to give and I think it is school for now. I cannot keep doing this...I want my bachelors but maybe I should just stop now and use what finical aid I have left and try and get into a nursing school for next year........ I can always go back for my bachelors degree at a later time. I just know school is not right for me right now. I head is not in it and I need this pregnancy to be number one right now and my dad number 2 and so forth. what do you ladies think? I don't want to be seen as a quitter though ya know?
Krissy that sucks bad!! I am so sorry. I hope it is again curable. Hugs to you and your awesome dad. I don't know why this crap has to happen to good people. Why not the murderers, rapists and child abusers?? He worked so hard to get healthy and now this. It just isn't fair or right.
misty that is exactly how I feel!!!! and what really sucks is my dad is one of 8 kids and he is by far the best most honest one of the bunch but he is the one that is always sick and what not......they say god only gives you what you can handle all I know is my plate is beyond full now.......
well josh's interview is about to start.......please god let him get this job and that it pays well enough!!!!!!
Grace - Oh man yeah I would love naptime at work!!! I have a friend that did that... she got a cot and would take naps in her office! But I have a cubicle, drat.

Aspe - With Siena, I wished I'd gotten white furniture, not black. Found black was harder to match with toddler stuff later when I wanted to add things. But I did wait until I knew the gender so I could go girly, which was nice. This time, I picked a white gender neutral crib and painted furniture and planned the bedding based on the gender instead, since crib is only for infant stage, not convertible for toddler bed. Just food for thought!

Misty - Yay Tyler! Yeah I have no idea when milestones 'should' happen... I just remember thinking siena was taking her sweet time! I think maybe because I swaddled her for sleeping, so less time to practice.

Oh Krissy! Sigh!! That is terrible news!!!! When will he find out more?? Still waiting to set appt date? And then the paper too, ugh!!! But yes does sound like maybe Josh has a chance for that other job at least.... come on, good news please!!!! As far as school... I was in school when I was prego with Siena... finished that class early as I had Siena before it was officially over... and, well, haven't gone back since. 3 classes to go for my masters! And my work pays for it! Yet, still haven't gone back. So I won't judge you! I am telling myself I can go back later. I knew going to school meant something else would have to give and I just wasn't willing to give up something in any other area right now. Sounds like you might be in the same boat. You only have ONE life so you need to do what you can to make that life a happy one. I'm all about trying to not be stressed out because that makes me miserable. I know you want to have more money and school would help get you there... so not going to say quit, but it sounds like you're needing to take some time to let life slow down a bit!
Thanks lizzy I really do need to let something go right now and school is the only option ya know?

well the lesson for today is......always check your cell phone before you leave the house for missed calls. josh got all the way over to the interview, 30 miles away, and found out that the lady had called to reschedule it for tomorrow morning.....grrrr.....at least it is rescheduled not cancelled just sucks wasting that much gas money......

thinking I need to lay down for a while so tired I got no sleep last night!
Morning ladies!

Krissy, I wouldn't think you're a quitter at all! Because you're not quitting. Even if you take 10 years off, if you have a goal to go back, you're not quitting. :friends: I hope Josh gets this job and you're able to get your well deserved break. Even if he doesn't get it, you need a break! I know EVERYONE on this thread would (should) agree with me when I say, you need a break. You're always going, going, going. Maybe you can talk with your work and see if you can take some personal time off especially if Josh gets this job and just take a drive somewhere and relax for a day. Maybe you and your Dad can have a Daddy-daughter day/dinner date?? Just an idea. Your dad is a bad ass and he's going to beat this. Gonna punch that cancer right in the face!!

Aspe, I don't know if that's a good deal. We bought all of our nursery furniture off of craigslist. None of it matched, but we're eclectic like that. We didn't have much room for a dresser, but we had walk in closets at our old house, so we bought those plastic dresser/storage cart things. I liked it because we had all different sizes and we were able to stack them tall and wide and it really helped keep things organized and still roomy. We did the same thing this time around. Dan built a changing table area in Samuel's closet and we have the plastic drawer thingies on the opposite side for clothes and what not. I would totally do the same things for all of Dan and mines stuff if we didn't have so much stuff.

Misty, I can't remember when Samuel started rolling. I do know he hated laying on his stomach though because of his GERD. I looked it up in what to expect the first years and it says they may be able to roll by the 2nd month. So, yea Tyler, you're right on schedule, little man!!

Nicole, Good to see you found something on craigslist. I take it you were able to talk your husband into buying used stuff? I remember reading that he didn't like you buying baby stuff off craigslist unless it was clothes. Just and FYI, I bought my medela pump in style double pump off craisglist for cheap. It was used, but I marched my butt to babiesrus and bought all new shields and tubing. Someone also gave me a brand new swing pump. I'm excited to see how it works because it's a lot smaller than my pump in style. I fear it's not as powerful though. And it's just a single pump. I liked being able to pump both breasts at once. As for getting updates, I will do my best to update, but if I'm miserable the last think I'm going to want to do is text. I'm hoping I can go in at 6 and have this baby out by the afternoon. I don't want to spend all day in labor.

AFM, I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was wide awake. I was having some weird contractions yesterday. When ever I would get up from the sitting position, I couldn't stand up straight because they were hurting so bad. I felt them in my butt. Has anyone had contractions like that before? I was all hunched over trying to walk to the bathroom to pee. I definitely felt like an old lady. I could only take super small steps. Samuel was mocking me the whole time. He thinks he's pregnant too. So, when ever I complain about something, he's quick to have the same symptoms. It's cute at times, but it was not so cute last night. He kept walking crooked complaining about his butt. I was finally able to fall asleep when I woke up to fire in my throat! Stupid heartburn!!!!

3 more days!!! It feels so far away.
Thanks Janelle! I can only take time off work if josh gets another job or else we wont have enough money to cover bills. sigh...... I told my josh about school and he just gave me a look. whatever if he don't understand then he can kiss my ass I don't care right now!

ok just got up from about an hour or so nap....fee like I could sleep another ten! I wish I could come home early tonight!!! I am so not doing this anymore staying up bull crap!

oh and my oh so wonderful teacher has not emailed me back....seriously? asshole!!!!!
Janelle - I read from someone on here that they get pressure feeling in their butt a couple days before going into labour... so maybe what you're feeling is something like that?? Hope so!

afm - I have a drs appt today after work... a little under 3 hours from now. But should be a fast appt... guessing urine and weight check and that'll be about it!
I'm so sorry Krissy. More prayers. I agree with Janelle on the college thing. We have decided to put off me taking my last four classes until next year in favor of getting a good car. It's disappointing but I know I will eventually get a full degree.

Janelle-I will understand if you are miserable but if you get the epidural and it works wonders I want to hear of your progress! What is Sara's middle name going to be? I have thought of buying a slightly used breastpump off ebay but have still to bring it up with DH.

Ok- got to refill my water bottle and get Jerusha's shoes on so we are ready to leave in 15 minutes for my appointment. Then going to Walmart for sunscreen since it's been nice and me and her both have sensitive skin.

And according to LMP, I'm officially 37 weeks!
Libby you're 36 weeks so may get your first cervix check? Everybody is getting so close to being due, exciting!!
Nicole - My medical insurance, as of Jan 1 due to Obama's policies etc, will send a free pump... I had the choice between 2 kinds even... I ended up getting the ameda purely yours double electric... for free! Forget if anyone had brought this up already, but yeah!
Libby you're 36 weeks so may get your first cervix check? Everybody is getting so close to being due, exciting!!

Hmm maybe. I actually had the dr check my cervix once already... and mw checked it once prior. She said it was soft. Oh wait hmm maybe only checked once... because can't remember now if last appt dr checked it or not... I know I got swabbed for group B and had a scan... but my memory is so fuzzy these days!

The other day, I gave DH wrong directions when we were driving and he was so confused haha yet followed where I said to go and we had to turn around oops. And today I was telling a co worker about my 30th bday and couldn't recall what I did (FEb 2012) so had to email and ask DH! A ski trip. Duh!
Hello ladies! How are you all doing? There's many of you that are close to giving birth.
AFM - I'm sick with a cold. Hope it's gone by the weekend.
Libby, I have no idea, but I do know it's the most annoying feeling in the world!!

Nicole, I'm sure everyone and their brother are going to be texting me that day. I haven't really told many people we are getting induced that day only because I don't want my phone blowing up. Either way, I will update someone. Or I'll have Dan bring the computer and update ya'll!

Krissy, I know that look. I gave the same one to Dan. I thought it was the dumbest thing to come out of his mouth to stop going to school, but he wants to just stop. He doesn't want to go anymore. At least I don't think so. I talked him into going to see a counselor to see what they say. All in all, if you need a break, take a break. Don't mind what people think or say. Don't be so quick to call your teacher an asshole either. He might accept your paper late!!!!!! Fingers crossed!!

AFM, I got a cleaning hair up my oh so crampy butt. I just did a complete scrub down on the kitchen. Even polished all the stainless steel. I've decided I'm not a fan of stainless steel. I've got the laundry done and everything organized. What the hell should I do now? My feet aren't swollen anymore. 2 days of compression socks kicked that swelling in the butt! They feel so much better. I do have crazy cervical stabbing today. COME ON DILATION!!

Just got off the phone with Dan. He told his bosses yesterday that he's going to take Friday and Monday off, then work half days tuesday-friday. He told this to the "lead" who is suppose to cover for him when Dan isn't able to come into work. Well, of course!!!!! That jackass "lead" called in today saying he hurt his back. I told Dan if he doesn't get fixed by Friday I am going to literally go to his house and punch him in the face!! I AM NOT JOKING!!! If I have to have this baby alone because of him, he's going to have a mark to remember me by! I will also be punching Dan in the face. I've been telling him this ENTIRE TIME that he needs a back up for the back up. Men. They never listen to women!!!
Janelle - have you tried dtd to help things along? Or even bouncing on a ball.
Maria, lol I can't remember the last time we had sex. it hurts too much. my lady parts are so swollen, it hurts just to wipe after I pee. But no, I haven't done much to move things a long. I thought with all the yard work we did and walking I did the weeks before it would have helped move things a long, but it only got me 1/2 a cm. Sorry, you have a cold. How are you doing otherwise?
Krissy - There is nothing wrong with taking a break school. Sounds like you're just being responsible to me. You can only handle so much and taking a break from school is one of the few things you can control. Take that break with no shame.

Janelle - Samuel is so cute. I can totally see him walking hunched over complaining about his bum. That guy at Dan's job better be back bt Friday. Hopefully he is just trying to get sometime in before Friday. Baby trumps back!

Libby - You just reminded me that I need to call my insurance about a breast pump. Thanks!

AFM - Spotting from that sweep has picked up. I wish this was the bloody show but I know it's just from the sweep. I still have five more hours of work today. Argh!

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