A home for EVERYONE!

Libby - I think it wasn't bad because I built it up to be at least as painful as those contractions I was having a few weeks back. If I wouldn't have had any warning then I'm sure it would have felt worse. Sorry you're feeling bad. So your bump is sore from him kicking in the same spot? My baby barely kicks at all. Just a few rolls and stretches. I'm super worried that he's not okay in there. Just a couple more weeks til I can see him and hopefully calm some of my fears... til new ones come.
Hi girls!! I AM alive!! Sorry I haven't posted. I have been reading tho. Just wanted to get on quick and tell you HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

Congrats to Amber and Loren on their new arrivals!!

I will post again soon I promise. My phone won't let me post pics, says file too big. Bleh...
Misty!!! It's so good to hear from you. I've so missed you, but I know you're super busy. Happy Mother's Day!
Not baby related-I am hurt beyond words right now. I made a bad financial decision last week that I am doing all I can to reverse. My husband has decided to open another checking account without me and basically give me and our children just enough funds to pay bills and survive on. All my plans for going back to college and buying anything for this baby after this month have been put through the shredder. I feel we are one step away from legal separation.
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! This also happens to my and josh's 8th year anniversary of being together. I am lucky enough today that my older brother is taking everyone out to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants for a mothers day lunch. I hope everyone had a wonderful day!!!!
Nicole- I am sorry but seriously leave his ass!!! I cant believe he would do this to you especially with a baby coming. he is being controlling beyond words! for years of our relationship I did not work only josh did but he NEVER said it was his money and have me an allowance for things. it has always been OUR money and yes even though I always talked to him about all major buying decisions I was never made to feel I could not buy what we want or needed as long as all the necessary things were bought and paid for first. I personally would NEVER stand to be in a relationship where it was my money your money I know plenty of people do that out there but to me if you are married everything is equal. I mean one thing josh and I have always said we are each others best friends there are no secrets between us and we are equal. we still fight and piss each other off but at the end of the day we say I love and mean it. go be with your family that loves and supports you and as far as I could ever tell the thing that was keeping you apart is your husband and that I would not ever stand for either.

please think long and hard what his actions are telling you because honestly they are not good!!!!
Misty-HI LADY!!!! when are you going back to work??? miss you bunches!!!
Moooooooooooorning ladies.

So, "we" got our patio done yesterday and bought a bunch more mulch. I didn't do a damn thing. I sat in a chair with my feet in 5 gallon buckets of cool water to help with the swelling. My ankles and feet are so swollen it's making my arches hurt. It's because of the heat though. Same thing happened when we were in Florida. Right side is bigger than left because Sara has all of her body on that side. Not worried.

Dan is going to work on getting the front yard done today. While I just sit there and enjoy him being my own personal butler. LOL

Thinking about making his parents dinner tonight, but not too sure. We have to go shopping for some things. We haven't done any of that because I've been in so much pain, but I feel if we don't go do it soon, we're going to be living of saltines and the flat of Strawberries that his parents brought back for us yesterday. MMmmm.. I LOVE STRAWBERRIES!! Might just eat them all while Dan is doing yard work. HA! Make me some iced tea and strawberries. Sounds like a perfect mother's day!

Hope you're all enjoying your mothers day thus far! I was woken up to a chatty monkey giving me a pine cone telling me happy mother's day. Perfect way to start the day.

Misty, I've missed seeing your posts on here. Happy to see you're back!

Krissy, happy anniversary!

Grace, love the nursery so far! You've done a great job!

Nicole, I never know how much money we have in our account. I never look at it. I always ask Dan if we can afford something before I buy it, only because we live off of one income. I also ask myself, "do we need it or do I want it?" If I want it, I wait, if we need it I proceed. I have no idea how much the bills are or what bills we pay. I trust Dan to handle all the finances and keep us with in budget. The only time we've ever over drawn our account was when our mortgage went through 3 times. Which was the banks fault. Luckily, it was all reversed and taken care of quickly. Not saying I ever would, but IF I did make a bad financial move with out consulting with Dan first, I know that he wouldn't just open another account, that's a little drastic, unless it was a reoccurring thing on my part. He would sit me down, discuss why it was a bad move, show me why it was a bad move and then he would say, "I hope this is a lesson that you learned from" in which I would agree, it was a lesson that I would have learned from. So, I hope that you can look at this as a lesson that you've learned from. You and your husband have a very different relationship than anyone I know. So, I can't give you any advice as to what to do or what to think. But, I will say this. If you feel you are one step away from legal separation, then that is the direction you are headed in. It's up to you BOTH to change direction and head down a different path. Best of luck!
Hey ladies! Happy Mother's Day to you all. <3
Grace & Janelle - almost time for you to have your babies! I find it very exciting that you're going to give birth on the same day. At least that's what I'm thinking out judging by your tickers.
Nicole - Hun, you don't need to put up with that crap from your husband. That's very selfish of him to not share his money with you. You're in your last months of pregnanct and need all the help you can get. I'm glad your SIL is stepping in and helping you though.
AFM - I broke up with my BF. He was just too negative and was depressed all of the time and it's not healthy to be in that kind of relationship. So I'm hoping to hang out with a guy I know more often that I know!
Maria, you are a.maze.ing! I hope you find someone who reminds you how amazing you are everyday. :flower:
Ok. I'm much better now. I emailed him my feelings and how hurt I was this morning. I just got home from lunch with in-laws. I read his reply and it reaffirms how much he really does care. He didn't mean to hurt me and is allowing me access to the separate account. He just wants us to start saving more and so this was his way of making sure it happened. We both have issues to work on. I promised him I would not withdraw money from the separate account unless I informed him of why I need more money. We both reacted harshly to each other and so therefore we both got hurt.
Happy mothers day ladies!

Nicole- so sorry for what you are going through. I really think when he gets home you two need a big heart to heart. What kind of relationship you want your children to see and when you look back on your life you can say it was great, not that bc he is the husband he gets all the control, but that there is mutual respect and as his wife you are respected, loved, not seen as lesser but a partner to make decisions.together.

Misty!! So happy things are going well! Can't believe he's already 1 mo old!

Janelle- yea on baby day! Don't get me wrong about the pelvic pain- it is a bit better but still seriously painful. There is atleast a bit of pressure off of it and it helps. I hope that the bit of relief is a good sign it will go back to normal. No fun on the swelling. My legs and feet are still crazy swollen- like you my right side is worse.

Grace- LOVE what you've done in your nursery!

Krissy- happy anniversary!!

Maria- i'm happy to hear that you broke up with your bf. It didn't sound healthy and it seemed like a lot of red flags. Take your time to get to know the knew guy....no need to rush. Good luck!

Afm- we are doing well. It is so nice to be able to eat again....though my eyes are bigger than what my stomach can handle at this point. Cambrie is doing well.....we are struggling with breastfeeding. She is just so little and gets tired after a few min so we are supplementing by syringe (not ready to introduce a bottle- and I think it would still be too much). I'm going to order an actual supplemental nursing system so she still has to work on sucking and latch. I've temporarly made my own that is working pretty well, but doesn't give me a free hand. She would sleep all day/night if you let her and is so hard to wake up. You can definitely tell she was early and could have used some extra time cooking and gaining strength, but we'll get there and with the way things were going there was no choice but to deliver. We are both alive thank God.

So we got released from the hosp on fri. I'm really surprised they let us leave- without going and getting a new carseat. We are debating on it yet, but have a feeling we'll run into the same problems.... Ours is rated for 5 lbs but she is just so tiny the straps were still loose. She had rolled blankets tucked all around her so the harness would be snug. Found one more setting to tighten it and it's much better and now only need extra padding at the bottom buckle. Both buckles touch and there is no extra space. She is just so little. M was holding her and her hand is bigger than C's face!

Anyway, life is good. Exhausting but good!

Hello to anyone I missed! It's been pretty quiet.
Amber I'm so glad you guys got to go home! That's wonderful that she is so healthy. You are describing EXACTLY how it was with Tyler at first on the feeding. It was really hard to keep him awake to nurse. Also he had a hard time latching on. His mouth was just so small!! He got down to 5lbs 12oz at his lowest. He was also being supplemented thru a feeding tube. I was so happy when he got that out. Doesn't help when you're trying to get him into breastfeeding well and he has a damn tube in his throat, for the first few days while he had oxygen the tube was thru his mouth even! Anyway, I know your pain. Now he's gotten bigger and his mouth too, he's a pro! It took about 2 weeks maybe. Good luck and congrats! Can't wait to see pictures! Oh and I love her name!
We know we both have issues to work on. We respect each other's opinions but following each other's wishes or making them compliment each other isnt always easy. As far as heart to heart, yeah I know we need to have one but our daughter is such a big daddy's girl that we hardly ever get more than 20 minutes alone because while she is awake we are out of the house as a family and when she is napping he is doing yard work and I am doing cleaning inside. We'll figure out a routine somewhere along the line I'm sure.
Grace - No idea why I have been sore... baby moves all the time, so that was no different. Guess some days are just worse than others! I'm sure your baby is okay... but yes will be good when you can meet him and know for sure!

Misty - Welcome back!

Nicole - Oh dear!! I hope you work things out with DH... that sounds awful! Esp on Mother's Day! Yeah I'd hope you guys could talk through whatever mistake you made versus going to such extremes... ok getting caught up... looks like you guys did work it out... oh good! Oh and I get not having a lot of alone time to chat... was nice spending yesterday alone with DH... such a rare thing for me! Siena always interrupts and then usually busy when she naps etc.

Krissy - Happy Anniversary!

Janelle - Oh man sorry about the swelling! So water helps more than elevation then? Ha, Siena would love strawberries and crackers for dinner!

Amber - Glad you guys are doing well! Sounds a bit tricky with the feedings, but good that you have figured out what will work until she's big enough to nurse regularly. What a tiny baby, oh my!!!
Gooooood morning ladies!

Amber so good to hear from you and that you are doing soooooo well!!! I also love her name!

misty-so happy you are back!

Nicole-hopefully it gets better and you two can have a better system bc what you got now is not healthy. best of luck!

Janelle-FOUR DAYS and counting for you hun!!!! there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Hi grace, angel and aspe!

afm-had a nice day out yesterday! my brother took me and my mom and the rest of the family out to our favorite Mexican restaurant lots of fun! the rest of the day was spent resting up.

well I want to get some cleaning done this morning and of course get going on more homework....yuck...
Morning Krissy! Oooo glad you had a good day!! Ick good luck with today...

Afm - I had a good day too! Nice and relaxed! Woke up, watched a show with DH, took a shower, went to brunch somewhere I love that's far away since no toddler in the car... then got fro yo and saw Ironman 3 in 3d, before going home for a nice nap! Played outside with Siena after that and cooked/fed her dinner before bed... was nice having a break from her but also nice to have her back! She didn't nap well with her nana so she was a grump, oh dear!

Currently, on Operation Slim Up... I ate bad this weekend and my rings are tight so guessing water retention due to high sodium foods... up a few pounds. So now I'm drinking a glass of water an hour and planning to eat lots of healthy veggies and such to try and get back on track. :)
Krissy-Glad you had a good day. My day was church, lunch with in-laws, and then came home to pack up hospital bags for me and Jerusha, did 3 loads of laundry, and arranged to buy a bassinet today so that way I'm practically ready for this baby. I think I strained my back a bit last night because for about an hour last night I was in horrible pain but it was in the middle of my back instead of lower. Treats me right for lifting a 30 lb box of toys off of the floor and then carrying 20 lb loads of laundry up and down the stairs.

Libby-I'm working on not gaining much weight in the next 2 weeks. Going to make a healthier grocery list for Thursday. It isn't easy with a toddler but I figure I can eat salads and healthier snacks while she is napping or asleep at night if I'm still hungry. Had a big bag of salad left from her party so that's basically what I've been eating with some chicken and water for the past 2 days. I hope it'll help.

Janelle-How is your swelling doing? Did Dan get the front done? I wish I had energy to do yard work but I wouldn't know where to begin and we dont have much of a yard. I do know that I'm going to have a pretty big vegetable garden over at the in-laws next year so I'm looking forward to that.

Misty-Glad to hear your little boy is doing much better at feeding now! I cant believe he is over a month old already!

Hi Aspe, Angel, Maria, and Grace!
Morning ladies!!

So, I didn't do much of anything yesterday. Went with Dan to Sam's club and just about died. Didn't make it anywhere else, but we really only need food until Thursday. We've got an easy dinner menu this week. I hung out with Dan pretty much all day yesterday drinking what seemed like gallons of water! It was so hot yesterday. I'm proud to say "we" got ALL of the yard work done. Front and back! Some random guy went jogging down the street and stopped just to tell us how great our yard is looking. That feels really good!! Our neighbor kid came over yesterday and was playing with Samuel. He's 13. Was telling us the guy that used to live here just had a guy mow his lawn every week, but didn't do anything else beyond that. How boring!! Anyway, Dan vacuumed the house yesterday and my MIL and FIL came over yesterday and helped pick it up while I cooked them dinner. My feet were so swollen by the end of the night I literally had ankle rolls, as in PLURAL! I got my compression socks on, raised my feet up and packed them with ice. This morning there is barely any swelling. I don't know what I would do with out compression socks.

Libby, I don't know if the cool water works, but it feels really nice. I would sit with my feet dangling in Dan's uncles pool while we were in Florida and it really helped with the swelling, or at least kept it from getting really bad like it did when we came back from Florida. That flight kicked my ass! I elevate them every night, but it's getting really hard to lift my legs up because my hips are so jacked up. The heat doesn't help my feet at all. I can have them elevated all day, if it's hot outside my feet and hands swell. No matter how much water I drink.

Krissy, You and me both sister! Count down is on!! I had to come up with a fancy way to roll out of bed because the whole sitting up swinging your legs over the edge is a thing of the past! As soon as I move my leg to touch the ground I get this sharp pain that shoots up my lady parts. Then the dreaded "thunk" crack of my pelvis adjusting. I will admit, it hurts so bad when that happens, but it kinda relieves some pressure. I feel like such an old lady in the morning. I can only take small steps because I have all these stupid sharp pains. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face though and simply said, "4 more days of this shit!" LMAO That's me being optimistic. ;)

I hope everyone was able to enjoy their mother's day. I had a lot of fun even though we didn't do much. We kinda bonded a little more with our neighbor and I'm so thankful we got the yards done. We put epsom salt down on our grass to green it up a bit. This is a total experiment to see if it works. I read all over the internet that it works.. We'll see...

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