A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle and Sara are headed home!


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The cutie. Happy they get to go home :)
Sorry Nicole that you went through that! Oh man! Good to hear things are ok though. Take it easy! Contractions... Exciting!!

Yay Nicole! Gorgeous baby! Yeah I was thinking she said she didn't want to stay in the hospital long. Thanks Misty for sharing!
Lmao, Libby. I think you meant to say Yay Janelle instead of "Yay Nicole!" lol.
Well I was on my feet for 15 minutes doing dishes. I sit down and I'm like "Holy cow! My feet look puffy." Ugh...I guess I need to up my water intake again. Wednesday cant come soon enough. Ok, going to bed now.
I wish I wasn't so sad lately! All I can think about is the fact my dad has his cancer back and how do I explain to my kids when grandpa gets so sick they cant go over to stay the night for a while. it sucks to think I could loose my dad but for my kids to loose their grandpa would kill me. I know I am the luckiest person in the world to have such loving caring parents but I don't and cant loose either of them. he is only 52 I am only 28 this is not fair! I want to get down on the floor and throw a full out temper tantrum kicking and screaming! the most frustrating thing lately for me is when people say well just remember there are people worse off then you and your family....this sounds selfish but to me in this moment no one is worse off then me and my family! this is the worst feeling in the world not knowing if my dad is going to live or die not knowing if the cancer is still localized or if it is moved on! I am honestly depressed in this moment and I don't know what to do! I have cried every single day for the last week! we need a miracle right now....I got my miracle baby and I thank god for him but now I need god to give me one more miracle and save my daddy....... :cry:

ok rant over sorry to bring everyone down!
No need to apologize Krissy. We cant encourage you if we dont know how you are feeling.

I know that cancer is a hardf enemy to win against. If they cant spend the night can they go over and watch a movie or play cards with him when he isnt well so to lift both their spirits and his? Thats what we did every Wednesday when my grampa had cancer. We'd laugh and laugh at the card games and watch episodes of his favorite shows (Seinfeld mostly). I know I was a bit older (I was 11 when he was diagnosed) but just thought I'd suggest it. Or maybe they could put on a play for him?

AFM-Feet still swollen. Working on upping my fluids again. Need to do more dishes though even though it almost feels like I'm walking on a club.
Janelle... :happydance::cloud9::happydance::cloud9:. Many congratulations, Sara is an absolute sweety :kiss:

Krissy... I'm sorry you are feeling down but do not be sorry about venting on here, that's what we are here for :hugs::hugs:. The life cycle can certainly suck sometimes, I am sending you prayers and positive vibes that your father beats the heck out of that dreaded 'c' crap again :grr:. I know here in the UK we can get books written specifically for children that gently explain (in the basic sense) illness and other things. I have seen them and they are great, really child friendly, informative to a level you would be happy your child reading and have gorgeous illustrations to make it all seem normal and yes a bit glossed over, but in a realistic way. Perhaps something like this could be useful?

I'm just back from a few days away girls and I'm pooped, I'll get on tomorrow night for a better catch up. I was away with a bunch of friends and our kids (minus DH) and on returning home things are still pants:cry:. Apparently I'm not entitled to even ask if he had a drink last night, even though he drank the 3 nights previous to it! :growlmad: This is the first week he has drank since he moved back home but in my eyes if he cant even last a few days while I'm away, plus the fact he is meant to be turning over a new leaf, especially since I am pregnant, what hope is there? :shrug: I'm calling Citizens Advice this week to start planning my way out :cry::cry:
I second Grace.. Hugs to Krissy and Angel
Us ladies are always here to listen. :hug:
I did the baking soda test and absolutely no foam. However, I did not use first morning urine. Is the test faulty now?
I'm sorry things arent going in the right direction for you Angel. Do you have family to live with for a few months until you can be on your feet?
I could live with my parents but I want to get the house situation sorted out while I am still living in it. I wouldnt trust my DH if I moved out and then sorted things down the line. The bummer is we are in negative equity by about £20k so the options are to either flog the house and get a loan to pay the negative equity, or hand the keys back and be declared bankrupt :cry:. If I could be certain that 50% of the debt would be taken on by my husband I would go the loan option and just rent for a few years again until I get back onto my feet. I have already been to a solicitor and unfortunately if he refuses to pay the mortgage company will then come after me for the remaining 50% negative equity, sucks eh?

As much as I love my parents living under their roof with 2 children for more than a couple of months would be too suffocating :winkwink:

The real sickner for me is that I am the main breadwinner and now feel such a fool, he probably couldnt even afford to rent on his own!
**I'm really drugged up, so if none of this makes any sense, that is why**

Hi ladies.

So, I wanted to thank Misty and Krissy for keeping all of you ladies updated during my labor and delivery. THANK YOU LADIES!!! You're the best!
Libby, sorry if you felt ignored. That was a fast moving day and my phone was blowing up and because of that all sorts of text messages were lost. Same to you Krissy. I couldn't focus very well, so I just told Misty what I could so that I wasn't repeating myself.

I've read through all of what you ladies have said. Thank you for the congrats and well wishes. Unfortunately, I am so drugged up I can't remember a damn thing to do personals. I do promise to do them when I'm feeling better.

I did read that someone wanted to hear a birth story, I can't help but laugh because there really isn't much. Dan and I checked into the hospital at 6:00am I had an amazing nurse who I loved!!! She made a note that she wasn't going to check to see how dilated I was until after they gave me my epidural because it was so painful for me. I was super excited! Until, it was shift change and I lost her. :( She did manage to get the anesthesiologist to come in and give me my epidural before his scheduled c-section at 8. Which went on forever and I wouldn't have been able to get my epidural until 9. So, shift change happened. Got my epidural at 7:30. New nurse checked me and said I was at a 3 still. Freaked me out. Told me Sara was so high she didn't think she was head down. My doctor came in and broke my water at 8:15. I had to lay on my left side because I could still feel contractions on my left side and they wanted the medication to move around. I was given a continuous drip as well as a button I could push for an extra dose.

My contractions didn't feel that bad at all and according to the monitor they weren't bad. The nurse came in and checked me again around 9:40. She said I was at a 5. I was super stoked! I called my MIL and told her that things were going to move quick so to be ready!! Little did I know how quick they were going to move! I started getting this terrible pain that literally felt like my cervix was tearing, so I called my nurse because I was afraid it was. She came in a 10:15 and checked me. I was at 10 cm, but Sara was still really high. She wanted me to rest in hopes that Sara would drop. Well, I swear as soon as she left the room Sara dropped because it felt like I had to poop so bad! She wanted me to stop pushing my button so that I could feel the pressure of contractions to push. I was feeling pain, so I pretty much told her to suck it and I continued to push my button. We called her in a few minutes later because of the pain and pressure. She barely put her hands in me to check and Sara was RIGHT THERE! She told me to hang out, she was going to call the doctor to come deliver the baby. Well, Sara was ready to come out right then and there. We called MIL who literally lived 2 mins away. Doctor ran across the street and was getting dressed as Sara was crowning. I pushed her out in 3 pushes. Literally, no time to cry, poop, bleed, or sweat! She popped right out. I do remember pushing and taking a minute to think, my MIL wasn't going to make it in time... I really hope Dan is getting good pictures... I'm HAVING A GIRL!!! Just then POP! she came out. They put her on my chest and started to clean her off. I was so shocked at how quick she came, how healthy she looked and curious to know how much she weighed. I had a first degree tear on the inside that my doctor didn't need to stitch, but did to "ease the sting" (his words not mine). She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz. They are pretty sure she weighed a flat 8 lbs because she peed a bunch while on my chest. She was born at 10:54 in the morning.

I gotta say, I think I was the best looking lady on the floor that day. My makeup didn't even smear she came so quick! I cried tears of joy, but even that didn't ruin my makeup. Dan got some amazing pictures. This is by far my favorite picture.

Along with these two. Look at how excited Samuel is, in his big brother shirt!!

After I had Sara, I had so much energy. I wasn't tired at all. It was strange to feel that way. I ate a bunch of food and waited for my epidural to wear off. Once it did, I got cleaned up and went to my new room and got settled in.

Sara has been a champ at breastfeeding. She would hang out on my boob all day if I let her. I didn't want to do a pacifier at first, but I gave in because she was wanting to suck on my nipple for hours at a time. My milk just started coming in a few hours ago, so she's fuller and hasn't needed it as much. Samuel is loving being a big brother. He sings to Sara and demands to hold her. He likes to share toys with her and give her kisses. I love the little family that we have become. I got some nice sleep last night. Sara only woke up to poop, which I would then feed her after changing her and she would go right back to sleep. Nothing like Samuel at all!! Hoping it stays that way!!! She is a pooping machine though. Which is good. I will try to keep you ladies up to date with more, but for right now, my step sister is on her way over. Hope to post more pictures soon. :) Thanks for all your support ladies! I love you all and couldn't have done this amazing journey without you! :flowers:

Awww, Janelle. Those are some great pictures. So.glad everything went well.
LOL I probably wouldn't remember to put makeup on that early in the morning but then again I have a toddler and no one else to watch her unless I send her to in-laws overnight. That's how my first son Joshua's hair was too! Jerusha's was shorter but more even all the way around. So glad everything has been smooth. I would have been freaking out with how fast she was coming.

AFM-Seems the swelling in my feet doesn't go away until I go to bed and my shoes feel tight now. Excited to see my baby and hopefully he is head down on Wednesday. DH has asked me to do all I can to induce labor (except sex of course since he is gone) if the baby is head down on Wednesday because if I go all the way to my due date I'll probably have to have a C-section. So I ordered a gym ball to bounce on and some evening primrose oil capsules. Also going to buy some pineapple juice tomorrow.
Thanks ladies for all of your support and prayers I really needed them!

Janelle such a BEAUTY!!!! and lmao I figured you were drugged and had no real idea who you were texting and my phone of course did not like you the last couple of days lol. my cousins labor was just like yours with her second...too funny!!! sad your mil missed it though but seriously who would have thought she would come so fast!

Nicole-I hope your ankles get better and that Wednesday brings some good news! now we get to see if you or grace will have a baby next!

angel- :hugs: I don't know why our lives have to be so hard right now but seriously you have a real strength and I pray that things work out better for you.....I wish it could be as easy as beating him in the head and he would do better ya know?

Grace when is your next dr apt?

afm- my night at work SUCKED I cried I don't know how many times just out frustration and hormones and my dad and my freaking toe hurts lol. I have been like walking on my little toe some how like its tucked under now I have a HUGE blister that runs right now the middle of it. gonna call the dr in the morning maybe they can get my some type of shoe insert for it? any ways I am so going to bed! my and dad kept the kids another night which helps but they will be back in the morning and I got so much to do.

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