A home for EVERYONE!

LOL I hope she goes before me by a few days since she is 10 days ahead of me! I'm hoping for Memorial Day or the day after.

I'm sorry about your toe. DH gets horrible ingrown toenails on his right big toe. He literallyhad to have to top half of his toenail cut off by a doctor because every week it would be ingrown and almost infected. I've been feeling like I'm going to get a blister right in the ball of my left foot due to this swelling. If this baby is head down on Wednesday, pray that I have dilated at least 1 cm so I can have a membrane sweep! Enjoy the rest of your night without the kiddos Krissy. Still praying for you!
Krissy - Sorry about your toe. I'm still praying for your dad. I believe miracles happen everyday and there's no reason your dad can't be one of those miracles. :hug:

AFM - Been losing chunks of my mucus plug and have been having false labor contractions since Saturday night. Now they are getting more intense but no pattern and the pain is still only concentrated low in my pelvis and not all over like I read real labor is. This stuff hurts I can't imagine what real labor us gonna feel like.
Hey guys. Yeah Nicole whoops! I was typing/reading on my phone which means multiple typos to be expected, ha.

Krissy - Oh man my dad doesn't live near me, but I would still be devastated... I cannot picture not being able to call him whenever I want. Now that my parents are retired, they actually have time to talk whenever, so I know I can call just to chat for no reason. Sigh. What you are going through has to be sooooo rough, especially because of the kids. Let's try and have positive thinking... he's beat this before right?? But yeah I know that doesn't help now. He's sick and he's your dad and you need this miracle to be granted... fx'd and praying!

And it's all the worse because of the hormones and such due to YOUR little miracle, so I know it makes things even harder to cope with... especially when you're at work and such. Rooting for you!

Angel _ Yes, since your DH has a problem, he needs to not do it at all! Or at least for now. MY DH wasn't so bad that he needed rehab, but it was bad enough that the lifestyle wouldn't work with mine or having a family. He needed to get his priorities straight. Some crap we can live with, but drinking in excess is not one of them. Good luck sweetie! Oh and your trip sounded fun! Jealous!! I don't have a group I could do that with. Any chance you can leave the house with your DH in the divorce.... IF things went that way?

Ha, Aspe... I can't really comment on the gender tests... my pessimism would become too apparent! :) But have fun!

Janelle - Yes I wanted a birth story but didn't think we'd get one so soon, yay!! I'm so anxious to see how the delivery goes for all of you guys since I'm one of the last...

I am surprised they gave you the epidural without knowing how dilated you were! I know I'd have to be 4 cm first. Lucky! Did you get pitocin at any point before or after the epidural? And I didn't know you could dilate all the way with the baby not dropped yet! Wow! Dude, ok I thought your pain button was awesome, but now not so sure since apparently it wasn't WORKING! I didn't feel anything down there when I delivered Siena! But maybe it made you progress faster and push faster, who knows! And looking good after delivering, to boot! Awesome! You give me hope!! Maybe an induction wouldn't be so bad the second time around after all!

Yeah I gave in on the pacifier last time so the nurses could keep Siena some so I could sleep... not sure what I will do this time. Just seems to help to give them something else to soothe them so we can unattach ourselves now and then!!!! Glad your milk came in and that Samuel is adjusting!


Oh geez I need to remember newborn care... I guess it might come back to me... I remember you change them a lot more often but not sure if I just did that because I was a new mama last time or really had to in order to prevent diaper rash. Every time at wake up at night before a feeding, right? And I think we did it every time during the day that we noticed wetness (there was a line on the diaper that would turn blue!).

Nicole - Yeah I try to do makeup on the weekend before Siena gets up. So if I was up that early for a delivery, I'd just do that... wait to wake her! But, then also gotten better at tuning her out some at least long enough to get on makeup or do my hair as needed, heh. Sorry you are dealing with swelling!!! Ugh!

I did bounce on my yoga ball some yesterday. But I realize most all the induction stuff won't really work. But I do have some pineapple... so maybe I'll drink some of the juice, heh.

Grace - Oh my you are starting to feel things! I didn't get all that last time since I induced at 39 weeks... so that will be all new to me! Hope that means you are dilating some!?!
Afm - I'm a watermelon, whee! And I feel like it, ha. Actually, not really that bad off. I can't be super active, like I need someone to come with us when I take Siena to baby gym or I'll be sore and exhausted the rest of the day, but I'm able to do some of it with her, just have to be aware of my limitations. Oh and I used a scooter at Target for shopping, ha! That was awesome! I was able to scoot all over the place and not get wore out or sore! Whee! So I think that's my mode of transportation at all stores for the next few weeks! :)

Due to rain and tornadoes, grr, Friday plans didnt happen. We were going to go to the rodeo and Siena was going to ride a pony. Grr. And I was too wore out to go on Sat/Sun night for sure. Sunday, got a ton done though... cleaned house, did a ton of laundry including all of the baby inserts for swings and bouncers etc... and got those all set up. Got the base for the car seat cleaned (can you say EWWWWW mice poop). So I was really productive.

Siena was awful though Sun afternoon. After her nap, any little thing would make her cry and fuss and that got really old and I kept getting upset with her, sigh. Even swatted her bottom once when time outs weren't cutting it... she'd thrown her snack all over our newly cleaned floor and refused to pick it up. I did eventually get her to clean it up, but that was SUCH a chore! My patience definitely is getting tested these days... she is getting really big on defiance and not as affectionate too... I want hugs and kisses, not 'NO's' and hitting!
Lizzy- thanks sweety! yes my dad did beat it before and he is on disability bc of all his health issues so most days I can call him and talk and since I work in the afternoons he can call me in the mornings when he needs me. and like yesterday we talked for about an hour. as afar as little sassy pants there.....sigh...it is the age! I know that don't help but they never stop saying no lol. Jamison is still telling me no lol. you are not one of the last ones I am lol!

Grace-yay on progress!!!!!! oh cant wait to hear about your little!

Nicole-yeah I don't know whats going on with this freaking to but it hurts like hell lol.

AFm-well we dtd last night! after almost 5 weeks on pelvic rest I decided since no spotting in almost 2 weeks we gave it ago. it was nice to be connected like that again and so far FX no spotting!

ok homework, although this will be my last I email about withdrawing permanently.
Krissy - Ok I HOPE its just the age as I worry my child is going to turn out rotten sometimes! She is cute but has never been a super chill baby so its more of the same, just more outwardly bad now because can't blame it on being a baby as much now. So I really want to make sure we're not causing the behavior by not being good parents! But so hard to know when and how to discipline and when to shower with love etc when she's often defying us. Tiring!

Withdrawing after class is over or before? Must be after if you're still bothering to do th homework! Good luck!

Hmm I should call my dad... I guess I'm sorta annoyed with him because my brother told him he's getting a divorce and he's pretty upset and my dad didn't tell me, my mom (they're divorced) found out and told me. Not a huge deal because not his business to tell technically, just tiring because my dad has never been someone I can count on to tell me things.. always my mom who keeps communication open. And my brother is following in my dad's footsteps, it appears. Not a good communicator. Sigh.

Not huge drama, just wish I was able to be closer with my dad and brother.
My brothers are a pain lol! their lives are so messed up I try to pay too much attention lol. my mom and dad try to keep me informed but I am just like whatever....I guess ti helps they both live with my parents lmao.

you know you are not doing anything wrong! it is called the terrible twos for a reason! just try to really encourage all the good things she does...even if she is just sitting there playing quietly go up to her give her a hug and kiss and tell her what a big girl she is and how much you appreciate it. this way she is getting your attentnion when she is good not just bad that is my only real advise...other than give it time

yeah I am finishing this class it is already paid for I need to lol.
Yay for progress Grace! With my daughter I had the false labor stuff for 2 days straight before the real things kicked in so hopefully in the next 4-5 days he will be here!

Libby-Yeah, I dont know how much of this stuff will help with progressing me but if it will ease DH's mind that I'm doing everything I can to avoid C-section then it is worth it. He still gets nervous about operations. As far as disciplining toddlers, I havent had to do spanking in the past 2 weeks. Lately she gives me the "sad eyes" if I tell her no. If she is tired then she will pout and then cry and I just put her to bed for a nap.

AFM-Slept pretty good last night surprisingly. Today's schedule: 1. Breakfast. 2. Outside playtime for 45 minutes. 3. Lunchtime. 4. Naptime(if it happens at all). 5. Walmart. 6. Dinner at a friend's house. 7. Skype with DH. 8. Bedtime.
Nicole-sounds like a busy but fun day enjoy!

homework is done now cleaning...yay....not kids should be home soon lol
Oh and my next scan is 1 week from tomorrow! and FX we hear today if josh got the job or not! oh I hope so I just keep telling myself they called him in for a second interview AND the one manager HIGHLY recommended him to the other........oh this would the be the break we need so hard not to get my hopes up!!!!!!!
Nicole - Yah sounds like a good day because no down time to figure out. I prefer it like that on the weekend when I have Siena all day so I think I'd be planning every day if I was a SAHM. As it is, I'm always trying to decide 'what to do' once I pick up Siena after work! Like today, trying to decide if I'll go to the store near my work first or go get her and then go to a different store (more pricey) in order to have her longer. We need fruit. Decided that's what she wants to eat, so might as well just let her have as much as she wants. Tired of her always asking for snacks. But she won't eat dinner very well and then immediately wants a snack! Argh!

Krissy - Thanks for the advice!! She took ages to get where she's play alone and now does some... phew. But yeah often afraid to comment on it because then she'll stop and want me to join and then its no fun because mommy isn't doing it. Argh.

Fx'd for the job!!!! And oh the scan wooooo!! Is it just as exciting as with your other babies? I found it wasn't as much this time around. I don't really feel bad about that... well maybe a little bit. It's not all new this time. Well, and didn't help that our major gender scan was right after glucose test so I was super focused on not passing out or puking!! Had to stop the scan even while DH held me so I wouldn't fall on the floor if I passed out. Ah lovely!

I think the part of me that isn't as super excited about it all since second time around is also what makes it sooooo much easier these last weeks when I was about to pull my hair out and couldn't get a lick of work done on the job because I was totally stressed out and anxious lol. So I guess because I'm calmer, it seems wrong. But, really, I'm probably just a little less crazy! I'm the type that does better if I know what something is like going into it and if I don't, I research a ton. course, thinking I know what I'm doing this time may not be helping in that I haven't brushed up on stuff like newborn care and just now realizing I might need to!
It's a busy day. She decided to eat 2 oranges and a cracker instead of lunch. Oh well, that's how she has been the past 3 days. She is in her room now but not asleep. As long as she is happy I can sit and get the laundry folded. I'm a little dizzy so got to grab my water bottle.

Just remembered I have some of the Dole's pineapple cups (in 100% pineapple juice) so I don't have to buy any at the store, yay for saving $4 lol!

I hope he gets the job Krissy and yay for an U/S. I have my last one on Wednesday and then all the U/S will be between you, angel, and Aspe.
Lizzy- I actually did think with my other three it was just as exciting each time but josh didn't lol. this time around though he is super into it again bc it has been 4 yrs since we had Jamison and bc of the 2 loses I think.i am more worried than anything though because I have that fear still....sigh....

Nicole-thanks! we actually didn't hear anything today.....drats.......but they did say it could take till Wednesday and if he don't hear by then call them.....I hate waiting if you couldn't tell lol.

afm...I am home finally!!! my feet are killer and I manage to twist my knee at work so that hurts....I am all kinds of falling apart lol well good night all!!!!
Baby Ethan is here! 7lbs 9 oz 20 1/2 inches long with some big feet!
Congratulattionnss!! :) Hope mommy and baby are great :)
Grace!!! What happened?! lol Congrats!!
Wow Grace! ok that was quick! update us on details when you can congrats momma!!!
Morning ladies!!

Grace, WOOHOOO!!! So happy for you!!!!

Who's gonna pop next??

Sara slept like a champ last night! I had to keep waking her up to feed her. Otherwise she probably would have slept through the night. She's such a happy baby. I feel so lucky to have gotten a break this time around. I kept thinking she was going to be just like Samuel, but awwwwwww... a break... I LOVE IT! Still no throwing/spitting up. Which I'm enjoying very much. She never cries. She soooo easy! We went to the pediatrician yesterday and she's gained an oz since leaving the hospital. So she's at 7 lbs 11 oz now. Almost back to birth weight. Doctor said she was in perfect health! It's such a relief to hear that, especially after all of Samuel's problems.

My milk came in and I was able to pump 6 oz to store away in the freezer. My boobs are crazy swollen right now and getting bigger. ((sigh))

Nicole, I'm not sure if I like this medela swing pump. It just doesn't seem very powerful. I'm going to continue for the next couple of days and see what happens, but I think my pump in style had more suction power, so it got the job done asap!

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