A home for EVERYONE!

with my first pregnancy my mom wasn't working so she went to like ever dr apt with me then with my second she came to almost every single one bc i had a 1yr to take with me lol. then with Jamison i went to a lot alone i would make them when josh was home from work so that he kept the first two. but yeah doubt josh will be mad if i tell him he don't have to leave the house at 8am just hope he is working instead!
Oh man the one time we took Siena to an appt it was because MIL could come too... it was for a scan... and yeah Siena was awful. Well, she wanted to climb up on ME the whole time and kept getting in the way a LOT. MIL had to take her out of the room. I haven't tried taking Siena since!

So now that Grace had her baby... its Nicole next, right?? She said she wasn't next because no signs of baby coming... but I am the same, so I expect her to come next since due sooner...
I would think so.....but who knows look at grace she was prego one day then bam here was baby!

omg you still don't have a name for baby? why not just name him sprout lol.......do have at least a few you like? when it comes down to it and dh is just being difficult look at him and say I have been growing this baby for 9months there is two of us here...I get two votes lmao!
no name! And tried to get us each to make a list of 10 names and he told me yesterday he can't pick that many because not 10 names out there that he likes! So picky!!!!!! He DID say randomly before bed that Landon and Landry weren't bad... so I told him those were on my list! Neither stands out to me really though.

yah i am interested in Grace's story because she had been fine with waiting so really wanting to know what happened!!!

Also, I feel like next week I may end up scheduling an induction for the following week because my dr totally doesn't seem to care... since he was like so you were wanting to go natural? And I was like uh yea! But yeah he seems to think I had an option to induce if I wanted to, just didn't give me a time frame of when since I didn't say I wanted it. Seems like I've heard some nice induction stories lately so now I'm less scared of it. Which was what was making me want to go natural. Ehh, we'll see... torn now.
Libby- My male OB is the opposite. He doesnt want to check me unless I think I'm in active labor. So not expecting a check today.

My gym ball and evening primrose oil just got here!
My db is being a real pain today. He can not handle being told the truth.
Aspe- NO guy likes to hear the truth! ask Janelle she has been hearing me complain about mine for a while lmao....but I hope it gets better for ya! personally I think I get after my dh too much bc I am so tired and hormonal.

Lizzy- girl you are cutting it close!!!! good luck just don't go home with baby boy on the birth certificate lol

Nicole-good luck let us know what they say!
wow what happened to everyone? always quiet on my days off lol. well I was busy today and got a lot done happy I was productive and even made a great dinner of meatloaf, corn on cob and mashed tators. also made brownies with ice cream for dessert!
BABY Update: Baby is head down. Weighing 7 lbs 5 ounces (75th percentile). DEFINITELY a BOY! He was showing off his parts in the ultrasound while she was checking my fluid levels. Dr. is giving me until my due date to go into labor naturally. Next Tuesday if I haven't had the baby, then I'll still have til my due date to go into labor naturally but will schedule a C-section for June 5th, 6th, or 7th as a backup plan.

Brownies?!? Krissy, you are going to kill me here!
sorry Nicole! but I am only home to cook dinner 2 nights a week so I try to make really good ones when I am here! well yay on baby being a for sure boy and head down. good luck and baby soon!
LOL I understand. I have a gallon of chocolate swirl ice cream at home but brownies are something I haven't had in at least 3-4 months. I've been really trying to eat fruit and yogurt instead of ice cream lately. Hasn't shown in my weight gain but I think I've been doing pretty good.
I know I got a sweet tooth sometimes with this one....but I am still craving the carbs like pastas and rices......but since I put on those 5lb or so right in the beginning I have not put any more on I way myself at work on the big scale lol but at least I know from my last dr apt 2 weeks ago I have not gained anything at all thank god bc I eat all the time!
Hey ladies.

Don't worry about your weight. Mine is melting away a lot quicker after having Sara than it did with Samuel. I remember coming home from the hospital with Samuel and only be 3 lbs lighter. I was pissed. I'm now down 12 lbs. 12 lbs is way nicer than 3!!

Nicole, Ice cream isn't the worst thing to eat when you're pregnant. I ate it all the time. It's a good source of calcium. Fruit is good for you, but there is still a lot of sugar in fruit. A lot of people think it's a healthier choice, but it can still pack on the lbs if you eat a lot of it. Good to read baby is head down and definitely a boy. No more needing to worry. I'm sure you'll go into labor on your own soon enough. Seems as though everything else is going as planned.

Krissy, sounds like an amazing dinner. I think we're having spaghetti tonight. Not sure. Dan is in charge of dinners. Last night we had eggplant parmesan, night before was pizza, before that was veggie burgers. It's a mystery! Did you end up calling on Josh's interview? Did I miss that post?

Libby, I'm saying you'll go next. I was shocked to read that Grace had her baby, but not entirely. I think you'll be next. As for induction, see if your doctor can plan it out like mine did, so you know when you'll be getting everything. It was nice going in knowing when I was getting my epidural. It was a super easy labor and delivery. Oddly enough, if I had to do it all over again, I would. It was that easy and quick! AND COMFORTABLE!

As for getting "checked" I would do it. My Dr. who is a male, is a hell of a lot gentler than those females who have checked me! I swear the nurse I had this time around was digging for my tonsils! I wasn't bothered though, because I had my epidural. Don't let not being dilated bother you. Look at Grace, last we heard she was at 1 cm. Then BAM! She had a baby.

Aspe, I agree with Krissy, no man likes to hear the truth, but then again... I don't always like hearing the truth either. Hope it all works out in the end. You're almost 20 weeks! I can't believe it!!!

AFM, just hanging out. Sara had a feeding at 9:00 last night before bed. I woke up at 3 in the morning with boobs that were going to explode!!! I couldn't believe it. I had to wake her up to feed her. Then she went back to sleep and didn't eat again until 7 when Dan woke me up to tell me he was leaving for work. Again, boobs exploding! She's been snoozing all day. But I've been sure to wake her up every 2 hours to feed her. She's a pooping machine though. LMAO, Dan changed her once, she peed all over him. As soon as he got the diaper on, she pooped again. He changed her again and Samuel came running out screaming, "She's going to poop again!!!!" Sure enough, she pooped again. Oh how I miss the newborn stage and going through a million diapers in one day. I sure do love how easy of a baby she is though. She never cries. When she does its quick and super easy to comfort her. She never spits up. Which is such a good feeling after having to deal with Samuel and his GERD. It's almost like we got the hard "tester" baby first and now we got the super easy "foggettabout-it" baby. I LOVE IT!!

Hope you ladies are enjoying your day!! I'll try to get on more. No promises though.
Janelle-he called but no one in the office and left a message now a waiting game sigh.....
oh and Joshua was my hard one to with colic it was terrible but avarie and Jamie were such good babies so made up for him....now Joshua is my easy child and those to give the headaches lol

ok time for bed for the kids and me I think lol
Where the hell do I find little bows for Sara's hair??? I don't want ones with stupid clips that can hurt her head..
Hello ladies!

Nicole- yea for a good u/s! Getting so close to being done!

Libby- I have no idea how you are so patient!

Janelle- sara is beautiful! How does she nurse when you have to wake her up? C is so hard to wake up and if it's not on her own, she has very little interest in nursing and quickly goes back to sleep. How are you feeling with the spd?

Aspe- can't wait until your u/s! Can't believe how fast you're already almost half way!

Krissy- take it easy! You need to just have some r&r on your day off!

Grace- hope you are doing well! Can't wait to see your lo.

Misty- tyler is so cute! Enjoying your time home with him?

AFM- we are doing well. Tired but things are good. Most of my labs are getting close to normal. Went today for an u/s to ck the clot. I was so hopeful it was gone since the swelling in my arm is gone. I highly doubt that is the case. The tech of course wouldn't comment, but she had to bring someone else in to help her find the vein that had the clot. The way they were talking, i'm 99% sure i'm going back on blood thinners. :(

C is doing well. At her appt last wk she weighed in at 5lbs 7 oz. so even though she'd been struggling nursing she didn't lose from the time of leaving the hosp. Dr was really happy with her. She's still just a tiny thing. Some preemie clothes are still huge on her and I think they need to make a next smaller size diaper than preemie. She's such a wiggler that she pulls her arms & legs out of her clothes and curls herself up. she's also tried to be stylish. Picked her up and she was wet. Well bc the diapers are big on her she'd wiggled it down to her knees. I was just thinking 'pull your pants up!' She's doing better nursing. Haven't done any syringe feedings in almost a wk. She eats really well about half the time and the is still sluggish and would rather sleep the other half....but she's content and seems satisfied so i'm not too worried. Over the last couple days, she's decided she doesn't like laying on her back and somehow finds the strength to go to her side. Really?! You are only 2 wks old tonight! We had a few days where she thought 'playtime' was between 3 and 8 am....no!!! Mommy wants to sleep! She slept 6 hrs last night. Wish I could have slept. Have had a horrible migraine for days and my meds are backordered again.

M is unbelievable in love with her sister. She is so sweet and can't get enough of her.

I think that's it. Too tired to remember!
Glad to hear you are doing bettr and C is doing well. Btw, I think Iknow theanswer but wanted to ask how you pronounce her name anyways. I'm so glad to have at least an idea of when I'll no longer be pregnant. No more than 15 days from tomorrow and this little boy will be in mommy's arms! Now to get the house the way it needs to be. Washed all the newborn clothes on Monday night so those are all good but I have no 3-6 month clothes. Looks like either I'll be going to a lot of garaqge sales or looking at consignemtn stores for 3-6 month clothes for this little man. Ok, time for some quick cleanup before bed. I'm pooped. Oh, one last thing, my inducing labor plan: 1. bounce on gym ball for 1 hour every day (in 15 minutes sessions) starting tomorrow, 2. pineapple juice every 2 days (second dose tomorrow), and if I make it to June 1st then I'mgoing to go walk around the mall for 2 hours (making sure to be wearing tennis shoes instead of flats or else my feet might fall off).
Nicole- cam-short a , brie (bree)-long e

Btw- I agree with janelle- what happened to not worrying so much about what you gain? Especially if you plan on bfing, you'lll burn lots of extra calories. Enjoy these last few wks and the 'free pass' to indulge! I guess I can't talk too much, pregnancy seems to be the best weight loss program for me. My babies just took everything from me and when swelling went down, it meant days after delivery being below pre-pregnancy weight. I now have 7 lbs to lose to get to the weight I wanted to be back at after gaining the past few yrs......just to keep it off now. And in a few wks when I get the go ahead, work on strengthening my separated stomach muscles to not have the extra flab....

I'd been ignoring the stretch marks.....i didn't have any until that wk in the hosp and I gained the 30lbs from fluid/swelling. So irritating.....and yuck. :(

Knock on wood- I haven't had any pp bleeding for 2 days. I don't know if it's bc I lost so much blood from hemmoraging before delivery or what....with M it was 5 almost 6 wks. I will be thrilled if it doesn't start again and be only 2 wks.

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