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Janelle-I always just checked out like walmart and target I think you have out there and even dollar stores. I also like the headbands that have the big bows and flower on them too cute!

amber-I only bled like 2 maybe 3 weeks at the most with all my kids but I think that is bc I had the csections I feel like I get "cleaned out" so to speak lol. happy to hear you are doing so well! omg to have baby that small I don't know what I would do with myself! all my kids so far have been 8 1/2lb or more so I am just used to the porkies! my cousin had twins at 36weeks and they were even still about 5 1/2lb each but so freaking teeny.
oh and I did relax yesterday I didn't get off my couch till about 3 in the afternoon so I was lazy half of the day lol.

Nicole-good luck on trying to kick start labor but in the end your body will do what its gonna do so don't try to go too crazy with it!

afm-i am really starting to get scared....I had another dream about bleeding last night but in the end it was nothing in my dream but I also think I dreamed that bc I watched the movie what to expect when you are expecting before bed. I love that movie but it does have the sad parts. what makes me feel better is knowing that after a hb has been seen and once past 10weeks chance of mc is 0.5% so I think we will be ok bc.,......

I am 11 weeks today!!!! and u/s in 5 days! so happy it is planed for Tuesday bc I work today and tomorrow got sat and sun off then I did have Monday off for the holiday but I picked up first shift bc I normally workmondays and I want that extra money! but I will be out at 3pm so I will have most of my day left and can go to bed early.

oh talked to josh about just me and my mom going to this u/s and he goes why so you can be mad at me later on for not going. I was like no...I just don't want to go alone and honestly the important one he needs to be at is when he find out if it is a boy or girl. hes like as long as you are not mad at me then I am ok with not going.....um duh I am the one tell you to stay home lol

ok I will check in later...now I got everything where I want it and caught up in the kitchen and living room gotta make sure it stays that way!
Nicole - Yeah my dr seems to be ok with doing anything I ask. Kind of a big reason I chose him even though we don't exactly click. Small town, same golf club as FIL, so not a perfect stranger. If I was nervous about something and wanted another scan, I could probably get him to do it. Accommodating. But almost too much so. Agreed I could go back on my old bcp while still bfing last time. Induces even before its needed. Etc.

Yay on baby being head down! Good news! And now you know about when they'll induce if needed... exciting!!!!

Good luck with all that walking!! I wouldn't survive... If I walk from one end of Walmart to the other, I'm limping with back and bump pain galore. But wearing my maternity support belt helps some.

Janelle - Oh wow lost the weight faster this time, huh? I wonder if you had more fluids this time? And you think I'll go next, huh?? My induction was pretty much textbook last time.. so as long as I can get the epidural sooner this time, it'd be a good option I think.

So Sara is big on sleeping! Well, they say newborns sleep most of the time! I didn't have that with Siena, but sounds awesome! So is she ok with not being held? Just cries to eat? Or also when tired or needing to be held? She sounds dreamy... hope that lasts a long time!

Wish I could tell you where to get bows for this early stage (walmart/target later)... I know some people use KY jelly to stick ribbons tied into a bow to bald heads. But Sara has hair! High end baby boutiques have the tiny bows here... but they still have a clip... just made for really thin baby hair so can attach to almost nothing. I used headbands early on though and attached bows to the headband instead.

Amber - Glad you are starting to get back to normal. And C is doing well! Sounds like you are tired but still loving newborndom, so that is good! And yeah I bled for over 6 weeks. I hear you can sometimes bleed less second time... but then afterpains are worse.

Krissy - 5 days till your appt, wooooo!! Dreams are just dreams... but I know they can seem so real. I had a million scary dreams with both pregnancies. Seems like they teeter off after first tri some? Hope that is the case for you too! Glad Josh is ok with staying with the kids... will make it easier!
Had MIL keep Siena last night. Had some promising pains. Stronger BH occuring a lot more often than normal (which is already pretty often) and lower back pains. I felt like maybe it might have progressed things somehow so I was cool with the discomfort. Versus just the regular aches and pains of being prego where it felt like I might be prego FOREVER.

Sleeping was hard. Woke up often with discomfort and around 1am I started getting more pronounced pain. But not the ebb and flow that would indicate contractions that I could count? But, then I was also trying to still get some sleep so wasn't exactly trying hard to time anything. Figured if it was 'for real', I wouldn't be able to ignore it at all. By morning, I was sore but not in pain. Just incredibly TIRED. We'll see how much of the workday I make it through.

No idea what yesterday and last night were about... confusing!
lizzy that sucks!!!! why do our bodies have to be so damn confusing....I say next time walk around for a bit and see if they pick up some......you are getting so close! oh and josh will probably have no kids lol. my apt is at 8:45am and will have to leave at 8am so Joshua will have to get on the bus at my mom and dads and so he will spend the night there. thus the other two will want to so my dad will probably watch the "little" ones, don't know why I call them that they aren't so little lol....so josh will actually have a free day...maybe lol.
Wow I am a lime today......cant believe how big baby is getting!
Yeah I saw that you are a new fruit! Yay!

Oh ok no kids. Well, that'll be a nice break then!

Yeah I did go shop at Target after work to walk around. I was having lots of BH and pain then but not awful pain. But yeah lots of period-like pain yesterday and through the night. I am hopeful it meant something! Although of course I realize this baby won't stay in me forever... he just seemed too comfortable lately!
Burger King for breakfast. Yeah I've started making more bad food choices lately, heh. I expect dr will comment on my weight gain again next week!
you know I wish dr would just keep it to themselves lol. seriously when we are pregnant we will make whatever food choices we want and we know we shouldn't only gain X amount of weight but do they need to say crap...um no....lol
yea my dr seems to mention it more than others... I think they have to watch for a rapid weight gain because can lead to Gestational diabetes? Or might mean pre-E? I forget. But he has never mentioned that... just what I read. So it might just be him knowing what's 'normal' to gain and wanting me to stay in that range. Meanwhile, I'm female and he's not. He has no idea how EASY it is to gain... and how HARD it is to be prego! He probably just sees that I'm thinnish so figures weight shouldn't be an issue for me. Yet to not gain a ton, I have to be watching the scale, prego or not. Or I eat bad and gain 5 pounds in a week. But he's a guy. He doesn't get that probably! I am not blessed with a miracle metabolism!

So not motivated at work, ha. Thank goodness for BnB! If they ever block this site at work, I'm screwed. I would go batty.

Need to go return a dress to Target on my lunch. Medium, which should fit, but chest was tight. Which means will be tighter once I'm wearing regular bras with padding again, esp if I grow while nursing too. Eh but I'm feeling lazy.
well we heard back and they are offering the job but a dollar less an hour than what we were wanting. but I told josh I could try and get 16hrs of over time in a month till truck paid off in October than we have an extra 430 a month! he seem reluctant but I am thinking he should.
Congrats on him getting the job offer!!! Hey they said yes so that's good!! Is he thinking of looking some more instead? Hmm I'd be like take it! But then yeah hard to find time to look for another job once you are working again. Argh. But sounds like you can make it work out...
Good afternoon ladies!

Amber, I just change her diaper and that's enough to wake her up and piss her off. I will then feed her and if she start falling asleep I tickle her foot. That wakes her up. Once she really starts to slow down, I burp her and she's awake again, so we continue to feed and tickle feet. By the time she's done she's full and content and easy to put back to sleep after a good burp. As for stretch marks, I got a ridiculous amount when I was pregnant with Samuel. I was lazy though and didn't apply any creams or oils. I've found the one miracle cream that worked for me in vanishing my stretch marks completely is stuff called utterly smooth. You can get it at walmart. I would put it on every night before bed and they went away. Try that. :flower: SPD, isn't really that bad anymore. My inner pelvis is still really sore and feels bruised or broken, for a better word, but it's not nearly as bad as it was when I was pregnant. I think it's because there is less pressure. My hips on the other hand and starting to really bother me, along with my lower back. I think I'm just out of alignment and need to be seriously adjusted.

Nicole, I tell you what. You can try everything in the book to try and bring on labor, but if your body isn't ready, no amount of bouncing, walking, pineapple juice or standing on your head is going to work. Trust me. You're more or less just going to make yourself uncomfortable and make these last 2 weeks torture. Just relax and enjoy the what alone time you have, with your daughter. And throw your scale out! You weren't overweight to begin with, so who cares how much you gain, you'll lose it with breastfeeding.

Krissy, we went to target last night and what the hell is with all this neon bright 80's crap?! I'm sorry, but I'm not going to dress my daughter like a highlighter. We do have one of those headbands with a bow, but it seems really tight. I tried it on her and I got a headache! We might go to walmart tonight or tomorrow. I'll look for some bows there. OMG That movie!!! I watched it just after...well you know.. and balled my eyes out!!!! I would have joked with Josh, "it doesn't piss me off when you miss an u/s. It pisses me off when you sit on your ass and play video games all day!!" :haha: :winkwink: I would tell Josh to take the job and look for another while bringing home the bacon. a dollar less is a hell of a lot better than no money at all...

Libby, if you go in to get induced see if you can do it BEFORE shift change, that way you will be first to get epidural or what not. That's what my doctor did. Went in at 6 shift change is at 7. Sara doesn't really cry. Only when she is getting her diaper changed or is SUPER hungry. Other than that she just looks around and does her own thing. She doesn't mind being held or being left alone.

AFM, Sara had a moment of straight throwing up last night. I was totally butt hurt. Then I noticed some blood. So, then I was okay. My boobs got so engorged that I think they started bleeding or something, because I used some milk that I pumped and she was fine with that, but as soon as I tried to breast feed her, she would throw up again. So, for the remainder of the night I just pumped at feeding times and fed her with pumped milk from prior pumping. She's better today. No throwing up. No blood. No engorgement. I read online that after your breastfeeding if your nipples are nice and round, the baby has a good latch, but if they look slanted like new lipstick, then baby has a latching problem. Well, mine looked like lipstick. So, got that all fixed and hopefully that stops the bleeding as well. Sara seems to really enjoy sleeping on her side. She's sleeping right next to me on the couch as I type this.

Samuel on the other hand has been a handful. I think maybe we gave him a little too much attention during the last few weeks of my pregnancy. He's fine during the day and is normal, but when it comes time to go to bed, he freaks out. Doesn't want to sleep in his room. Would rather sleep in our room. So, I'm doing the only think I know that works. I've been ignoring him during the fit. We get him ready for bed, read him a story, tuck him and and walk out. He freaks out for what seems like forever, but Sara sleeps through it. So, it doesn't bother me. Eventually he stops and falls asleep, but I hope he doesn't resent me for it later and it doesn't last forever! Seems like last night wasn't as bad as the night before. So, hoping tonight will be easier as well.

Other than that.. nothing new for me.
LOL Amber, yeah I go back and forth about caring about my weight. Ok, that's how I thought her name was pronounced. Glad the bleeding has eased and that Cambrie is growing well.

Janelle-My babies are big eaters so the first 5 weeks they wake up every 2-3 hours to eat and eat like crazy but that is okay because if they didnt wake up I'd be exploding like you say you are. I still really want a double electric but depends on if we get the car in July and dont have to save as much anymore.

Krissy-Yay on him getting the offer. I say take it. Oh, please pray that my FIL gets this new job he got a call about yesterday. It'll pay $20/an hour and even if he gets only 30 hours a week, it would definitely help them with saving up for a new car in 3 months since my youngest SIL is taking his current car to college.

Lizzy- I give you 7 days til that baby decides to come out! I'm going to take a guess that Sprout is going to be 7 lbs 9 ounces and 20 inches long. I'm feeling a late evening (about 9:21 p.m. your time) baby for you.

AFM-Feeling slightly accomplished. Changed cat litter, took out the trash, did some laundry, and got the mail. Now to eat something and take a 45 minute nap. Tomorrow my youngest SIL and I are going to do some major cleaning. Saturday & Sunday will be busy days. Surprisingly I haven't gotten any invites to a picnic on Monday but that is okay. We can relax at home.
Janelle-I know that it probably wont do anything but I promised Josh I would do it so I'm keeping my promise. It's basically just for his nerves. I don't have a scale at home so no worries about that. And ouch on the bleeding boobs. I have never experienced that.
quick up date cuz i am at work...he called and took the job yay! they are doing his background check then he starts so hopefully tuesday or wednesday next week! so happy!
Yay on getting him to take the job! In a few months everything will be much easier financially on your family.

DH goes to board (basically seeing if he can be promoted to Sgt.) in July. If he gets promoted then starting August he will get paid another $200/month. That'll help with the fact that we have so many things we want to do as a family next year in the summer so we can save more and not have to stress out last minute about if we can afford those things.

AFM- Didnt get to talk to DH tonight. Jerusha was very upset about that. We got on Skype 10 minutes late so I don't know if we missed him or if he just went to bed early because he said it was going to be a busy day at work. Oh, and I got a promo code for a free 8x8 Shutterfly photo book so I'm making a photo book of Jerusha's pictures during the deployment as a surprise gift for DH when he comes to see us this Christmas.
Krissy- great news on the job!

Janelle- ouch on the bleeding. :( good to hear the spd is doing better. I think any improvement gives us hope it's not permanent. Lucky you, on how easy sara is to wake up. C sleeps through diaper changes, burping- tickle her and she flinches once and then ignores it. She could care less if you get her naked. If she wants to sleep, that's what she is determined to do.

Nicole- gl on the inducing things. This preg the primrose oil and raspberry leaf tea made my contractions stronger....was already having contractions though. With m I used both of them with no sign of labor and had her next morning. So who knows. Just make sure you get your rest too!

Libby- sounds like you might be getting close!!

Afm- sure enough clot is still there. Theywant to put meon coumadin. My stepdad said i'm just asking for trouble for c or myself. After doing some reading up on it there is no way i'd take it at this point. 1- not designed to disolve clot, only help prevent 2- pp bleeding could cause problems (spoke too soon yesterday, although it's really light today) 3- not suppose to use with anemia and my hemaglobin levels are still out of range and quite low. It's all just such a pain....thank you nurses who insisted on drawing blood from my picc and not flush it well enough.

aspe, loren, grace, pdxmom, maria- how are you?
Janelle - I'm appreciating the newborn refresher... been long enough that those tips are helpful!!! I couldn't remember if I changed Siena before, after, or before AND after nursings at night. Oh I hope the SPD continues to go away. I do know my lower back was not bad while prego with Siena, but was bad post Siena. I couldn't lean over a changing table to change her without it killing me. I got to where I'd change her on the floor so I could sit, but that passed. So hopefully some of your back pain is regular pp stuff. Fx'd!

Nicole - I may try some inducing stuff once I'm on mat leave. But more for fun and to pass the time. I won't try anything extreme. So I doubt I walk for 2 hours etc. Tempted to try the electric breast pump though to stimulate contractions. Just because I've read how people claim it really does start contractions and it's got me curious. Since people are so adamant about it working!

And I'm definitely still caring about my weight... I don't want to put on a ton at the end after doing so well this whole time. Buuuuut I haven't really looked at the scale lately, so I guess I'm slacking somewhat and easing up some.

And I hope you are right about 7 days!! And the weight because anything less than 8 lbs 6 would be wonderful (Siena's weight) because she was big! My mom arrives Thurs night, so I guess next Friday would be better in her eyes. But I'm ok with whenever. I wouldn't have her support which really appreciated/needed first time, but I think I'll be stronger this time.

Good luck with your cleaning today!

Janelle - I used the knit stretchy headbands? They're wide and stretch a lot. But you might have to buy them online or find a boutique to get them. Don't hurt the babies like others can. Just not always as cute because they're thicker and I like the look of super thin headbands more.

Last time I was induced and dr told me to go in night before so I could get some rest. Worked nicely because otherwise I would have tossed n turned at home and then had to get up super early to go to the hospital. Was nice to already be there and settled in. They started meds during the night and I slept through a lot of it. Don't think I could have if it were daytime. In the morning, my mom came in and sometime that morning I got to feeling the bad contractions, since I guess they started pitocin sometime earlier. But they wouldn't give me the epidural right away. So maybe they wanted to wait until I was dilated enough or something, can't remember. But yeah I want it soon as I can get it!

Ok I will need to be asking you about the latching probably! Because I definitely dealt with the bleeding with Siena. She ate away and didn't seem bothered by it, but ouuuuuuch for me. And impossible to heal since she had to eat so often! And awww she sounds like such a good baby! I didn't know any different so Siena being fussy all the time seemed normal (but awful)... I figured I would be complaining a lot too if I were a baby because can't DO anything... but more and more I hear about these babies content just to chill and I realize no not the case, babies CAN be fine with not being entertained.. just depends on the baby! Praying for a boy version of Sara!!

Yeah sounds like Samuel is having a bit of a time with the transition, but good that its only at bedtime and not all day long! I would have thought he'd be worse during the daytime because that's when he's used to getting more attention versus bedtime when he would have been alone anyway? Interesting. It's hard NOT to give them more attention in the weeks leading up to the new baby. So I am probably following same path... in fact, planning to take Siena out for fro yo this afternoon, ha.

Krissy - Yay on the job! That will relieve so much stress for you!!!

Amber - With Siena, she'd wake up for changing... more like, she'd wake ME up to eat and I'd change her first. But then sometimes I'd struggle to keep her up long enough to eat. And then she'd wake when I put her down. Ah babies! Oh dear on the clot... hope they figure out a SAFE way to treat it!! Don't want to take chances ugh!!!
So I don't get online much at home because we have a desktop that faces the wall... out of the way behind our dining table in the breakfast room. Not ideal when trying to tend to a toddler and also means can't watch tv or hang out on the couch where its comfortable. I have a netbook but haven't used it in ages because it ended up being too tiny to use much. May pull that out again so I can get online more at home once off work. Because hard to use my iphone for bnb... and Ipad is hard too for typing. Wish I could get a keyboard for it but its an IPad 1 so not that many accessories since so old. Anyway, considering getting a laptop. May look into that. Used to have one and liked it cept it was huge and got really hot on my lap and then battery stopped working etc.

Do you guys use laptops or desktops?
I don't have a breastpump to use but I am doing the evening primrose oil once a day starting today and started the bouncing on gym ball last night.

I am on a laptop most of the time I reply but it is harder because it doesnt pick up our wireless signal so basically it is on an end table near the TV so that it can reach the ethernet cable.

please pray for a friend of DH, Sgt Murray. He is taking the saddest trip home from overseas as i type. I dont know details other than his youngest daughter (only 5 or 6 months old) passed away sometime yesterday.

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