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Awwww...krissy. I am heartbroken for you. I understand not wanting to carry around the baby anymore. I carried mine for 4 weeks before I miscarried. Take all the time you need to heal hun.
AFM-Didnt get checked today. Didnt feel like pushing for it since either way it could not lead to anything. Hospital will call me sometime this week to schedule C-section for next Thursday morning. 9 more days at the longest! Baby boy is beating me up tonight.
Well I leave in less than 2 hours to go in for my d&c....just want this to be over with. josh is really trying to be there for me and had been wonderful. I asked him how he felt about it and he said yeah he is sad and it sucks but he says he knows he doesn't hurt as much as me bc I am the one actually going through all of this. he has been joking around trying to make me feel better saying things like well that just mean when we get pregnant the next time it will be even more exciting..i go ummm no more scarry!!! IF we do I will not tell my kids till I am like 20 weeks and find out if it is a boy or girl.....I hate having to put them through this heart break to.

oh and I emailed HR at work about getting bereavement pay for these days. To me this is a death of a loved one. We are griving the death of my baby I was basically 3 months along, we saw a baby with a heartbeat bouncing around less than 5 weeks ago and now its dead...so I am grieving the loss of a child. I guess I will see what they say.....

see you ladies later.
Krissy - Awww yea sometimes personal stuff just has to trump money stuff, so taking time off makes sense. Sorry no one called. I wouldn't want to talk to my work, but then I am anti-social and forget my boss and co-workers exist unless I'm physically AT work. But it is nice to know people care so I hope they are sweet when you go back. They may not be sure what you want them to say and not be wanting to make it worse. And some animals in the house may be just the ticket to add some happiness to your fam! Do you guys have names for them yet??

I hope your work is understanding with your email... yea almost 3 months sigh. Do all the kids understand what's going on? Praying for you!

Nicole - So your dr didn't ask to check you, then? Because mine asked LAST week (I declined) and said he'd definitely be checking me this week. I'd said I didn't really want it since not really helpful and ouuuch, but he said he'd want to because I'd be almost 39 weeks? So maybe some drs do it for their own info... he seemed to want to know what was going on down there apparently. So you dodged a bullet!

afm - dr appt today... I will get a cervix check and not sure what else. work is killin me. exhausted because DH was hogging the bed and moving a lot in his sleep. coffee is my friend, yes, even prego. I weighed a ton on the scale this morning, sigh. DH had dinner and bedtime duty last night... I took it easy but joined for books and songs. Was nice to hang out in bed... Siena hung out with me after her dinner and we watched Dora (ick!)... I can tell she must watch it at daycare because she knows character names and such. Oh well... not exactly the best 'learning' out there, but maybe she gets something out of it at least.
Krissy - I'm so so glad you have such a supportive hubby. Most guys have no idea what to say/do in touchy situations and just screw up. Mine would. I'd end up calling my mom for support because moms just are better at it usually.
Lizzy my parents both wish they could be here for me. As far as names not too sure we have not told the kids yet about the baby we will when we pick them up later.

Good luck at ur appt and I hope it don't hurt too much and u find out how close it is for that little boy.....speaking of names does he have one yet? Lol

Ok just sitting here waiting now I am thirsty and hungry and my head hurts.... Ugh come on people
Krissy - I saw your news when I was getting ready to go to bed. :hugs: I'm sorry this happened for you. How are you doing, Hun?
names... oh i posted something about names on my journal. i'll copy it over here later if i remember!
Libby- My dr. doesnt like doing it because even with medical gloves on there is a slight risk of introducing infection so he would prefer not to check. My female OBs were like your s and wanted to check every week from 37 weeks on. MIL is trying to convince us to let her be in the delivery room. Here's our issues 1. I'm not that comfortable with her seeing me like that since she has never really seen me in pain or even in just a swimsuit. 2. We wanted it to be fair so that's why we went with someone who wasn't directly related to either of us. and 3. She works from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. on weekdays and since my C-section would be on Thursday morning I'm not sure exactly how coherent and responsive she would be.

Krissy- Dont worry about updating on here once you've had the d&c unless you want to text someone else to update. We only want what is best for you. I'm so glad you have a supportive DH. My Dh was still numb from losing our son when I miscarried last March so I got NOTHING out of him even though the military let him have 4 days off because of the loss.
Krissy... I am so sorry to read your news, take as much time as you need. If you ever want a shoulder to cry on please PM me as I know unfortunately that it can get harder each time :hugs:

HisGrace... Ethan is adorable, many congratulations to you all. Keep strong, your faith and prayer circles will help support you all at this time. I'll certainly be sending prayers from across the Atlantic :hugs:. When you feel ready do let us support you if you need it xo

Aspe... good luck for next Monday.

I hope everybody is well xoxo
I am doing ok so far ladies. for sure more painful this time but I think that is bc I had no signs or symptoms of a mc so they had to extra work to get everything out. the first time I was already in labor that morning so by the time they did it everything had already pretty much detached so the surgery was not much. this ouchy!!! at least my dad gave me some muscle relaxers on top of the pain killers they gave so I wont hurt so bad. about to eat and take one of those.

thanks again ladies for all of your love and support and I am still looking forward to all those babies that have to be born yet!

oh and told the kids they looked pretty sad but took it better than I thought so that helped.

ok I am eating then getting doped up lol.
Krissy - How are you today?

How's everyone else? Any updates? I have one about my dr appt but its super long because I'm confused, be warned! Instead of summing it up, I've got lots of details because wasn't sure which parts mattered...
Oh and Nicole... yeah I am only okay with people seeing me deliver that I'm already okay with seeing me naked! I'm super close with my mom and MIL so that's why I'd be okay with either of them seeing the delivery. And obviously my DH.
Okay here's the long post! I posted it to my journal and I am expecting some people to have strong opinions... that's ok! Nervous to post to my due date thread because would be some VERY strong opinions on there (super negative toward my dr for sure which is ok but don't want to start any arguments!), so will probably post something much shorter on there instead!!!

Okay had my dr appt yesterday and now I am sorta stressed!! So apparently at 39+4 with Siena, day before my induction when I checked into the hospital.... I was already having contractions and they picked up the monitor. I couldn’t remember if they were definitely contractions or if I just THOUGHT they were. Anyway, so they were. And I was also 3 or 4 cm dilated?? Dr was reading his notes. What I don't get is how come I had to wait for epidural? Bc dr said yeah I could have gotten it right away.

Ok so I'm skipping ahead... I'll back up.

He checks me and I'm 1.5 cm dilated. But still 'hard' and 'high'. Not effaced etc. But dilated some so that's something. Then dr pulls out his phone and is like 'ok so Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday works for me...' and I'm like thinkin huh???? Ok waitaminute is he suggesting induction?? So I'm like 'oh for an induction?' And he says 'yeah, looks like your due date is Friday but I won't be here... I leave to go out of town Thursday maybe or Friday and will be gone all weekend'. Um ok. Great. So he says this to the woman who has ALREADY said she didn't want to induce at her last appt. And says it like its fact. Pick a day. Gah. And then I'm confused because it sounded like I didn't really have much progression other than some dilation? He had to stick his ARM up in my it seemed like because cervix was so freakin high lol. That didn't seem to bother him. I'd read about all the 'signs' of a 'ready' cervix etc and seemed like I only met one qualification??

So then he reviews the last birth etc. And that's when we talk about the epidural. And now I'm like ok IF I do induce, I can have epidural possibly right away if already dilated enough? And he agrees and says wouldn't be any reason I couldn’t. Ok then why did I have to wait last time??? Argh. So obviously me being clueless meant I didn't get it as soon. Lovely. Bc yeah he said it wouldn't have slowed things... I even asked would it possibly have changed how long I pushed since that part went so fast and he said not correlated. Hmm.

Ok so I'm going back for an appt Monday morning to get checked. That'll be decision time I guess?? What I'm hoping is something happens BEFORE then. Come on Sprout!! An elective c section just to convenience my dr seems ludicrous. I said ok what happens if I wait until my due date? Well there's another dr but I've never met him... and I think he's oldddd?? He's who Tammy used to see before switching to a newer doc. And my dr was like really wanting to induce me, saying how he really wants to 'be there for me'. Ok that’s nice. But you're the one leaving the day before my due date. So... yeah... you really CARE.

I'm not like super concerned about the threat of c section etc due to an elective c section.. but would be nice if he at least WARNED me about stuff like that versus me having to research and talk to people. Bc I also read that pitocin, being unnatural, doesn't tell the body to produce endorphins.... which in natural labor, that's what counteracts the PAIN so that the contractions don't hurt as much.. your body is made to labor and it tries to make the process easier. When you speed it up unnaturally, it hurts more!! My dr was like 'its labor, it'll hurt either way'. Um ok you haven’t HAD a baby. Pain is not JUST pain. There's pain. And then there's MORE pain. I'd prefer less, thankyouverymuch!! Because yeah having that day of contractions and not even KNOWING for sure that they were contractions... those were so miniscule on the pain scale compared to the pitocin contractions!! So if I could do natural to 4 cm and then get an epidural... that seems better than forcing it with pitocin and putting my body through hell to GET to 4 cm so that I can get an epidural.

Ok so obviously I've got a lot on my mind... I stressed out a bunch before my induction last time and I'm thinking ok maybe that helped put me into labor... so maybe I can do that AGAIN! So yeah no more calm as a cucumber. I need STRESS and ANXIETY lol. Hey, I'm good at that. :p Oh when I listed possible natural inducing methods, only one dr agreed on was sex. So guess that's on the agenda. And he strongly advised against breast pump... so that's off the table. It CAN work, but can cause fetal distress and such so only something to do if in hospital setting etc. Interesting. Because yeah from on here I know people doing it! Also doing herbal stuff etc which he didn't want me doing either... all that stuff worried him and talked about how its really hard to monitor etc.

Final result? Hoping I go into labor before Wednesday! Otherwise, hoping I've progressed more by Mon morning appt. A lot to think about.
Lizzy- I was pretty drugged last between the Norco and the flexural so ended up sleeping good till about 2am then woke up wide awake watched some tv with josh and could not fall back to a deep sleep the rest of the night. just a lot on my mind is all. I am pretty tired now and even though my pain pretty undercontrol last night pretty sore this morning. just took some more pain killers. I am ready for a nap pretty soon so looks like movie time for the little ones soon. Josh took Joshua to school and is gone fishing till time to pick him up. he deserved the time to himself after being so great to me the last few days.

ok so what happen at the dr say? oh and I so stalked you on your journal....during my wide awake phase last night lol...

ok to do today...nothing really I may go shopping after josh gets back so I can go by myself.
Lizzy-i am confused just by reading your post! you need to do what you think is best. um and the breast pump thing for induction plenty of people do it and its bc of nipple stimulation which with my first the dr recommended.....maybe your dr is just a control freak and wants you to be induced so everything is more on his time? lol I have no idea what to tell ya on this one....good luck sweety!!!
Libby - I hope you go into labor before your doctor leaves. I have no advice though. Ethan wasn't delivered by my dr and it wasn't bad at all. My husband was 'there for me' and that was enough for me. I didn't even pay the dr any attention until she said I could push.
Krissy - Yeah meds making you sleepy but then can only sleep so much before you're going to be stuck awake at who knows what hour. Hate that!! Sorry this time hurt more ughhhh. Hope the muscle relaxers are helping!!
Yeah seems like my dr might be a control freak! I gotta decide if I want to induce, but don't want to feel like dr pushed me into it. Not opposed to induction, but figured I'd be waiting until I was late, at least. So this threw me for a curve ball. If I could see the future and saw that I was still waiting for labor after my due date and scheduling an induction anyway, then wouldn't have a problem scheduling it for next week!
Lizzy- very true! for me with Jamison I begged for them to deliver him earlier just bc I hurt so bad with him. he was still 8 days before due date but yeah I guess it all depends on how fast you want this baby to come.

it for sure does hurt more but time but emotionally I am better today and a little bit better physically to....today is not too bad of a day.... just cant wait for you to have that baby.

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