A home for EVERYONE!

Okay Krissy good to hear you are doing better emotionally and that the kids seemed to handle it pretty well too. And yay on less pain, but yeah double yay for pain MEDS... keep takin em!!! That stuff knocks me out... shoot, even allergy meds knock me out... I wouldn't be able to care for kids AT ALL. Glad you have some help!

ah k yeah I'm 8 days out now and hard to get around, pain etc. Which is why I'm done at work after tomorrow morning. Too much. Today has been rough, work-wise, due to a bunch of crap. Distracting... but also hard because my brain is so flighty these days and I'm so uncomfortable. So part of me is like ok if I'm done with work and my mom's here, what's stopping me? Other than the baby not deciding to come yet....

Ok off to get a pedicure on my lunch hour!
Oh I am jealous lizzy I want one!!!!!! ok I guess I didn't realize your mom is there and ur done with work....if it was me I would so go for it but I understand your fears to.....I wish I could just tell ya what to do!
Yeah my mom and stepdad are on their way here today from Florida! My mom will drive my stepdad 1.5 hours away to nashville airport so he can fly home Monday and she'll stay... she's here for 2 weeks. And yeah tomorrow is my last day at work! Woo!

If you look at my journal, you'll see some of the criticism that freaks me out about inducing... and now I've also got to worry my dr is suggesting it so he can make money?? Argh. Oh and its worse on the due date threads. Seems like anyone not in the U.S. is super against inductions and people here can be too.
Sorry I'm sure I'm spamming our thread heh. But even 'my' journal doesn't feel like a place I can really freely talk about this! On the plus side, I'm having a really strong BH right now so maybe Sprout is sayin 'screw this, I'm going to help you out!' :)
Libby- induce!!!! You don't want the time your mom is there used up being pregnant. You need her for help when baby is here!! As for the pain, yeah labor is excruciating but it's only for a few hours. Right now you're in pain 24/7 so why not get that over with? Also the longer you go, the bigger Sprout gets which will mean more baby to get out! This is just my opinion and how I would think of things. You know you're going to feel pain, no way around it, just get it done and over with then u can stop stressing about it. Makes sense to me haha!

Krissy poo glad u are having a better day. What are u gonna buy me when u go shopping? Wish we lived closer so we can go get a pedicure together, I need one BAAAAD!!!!
Misty - If you get a chance, check out what people said on my journal about inducing! Made me think twice, argh. I have a feeling I'll induce but feel like crap for doing it after being informed of the risks and dr's possible motivations. Which will be so stupid because I want this to be a happy time!
Eh screw them. And us for that matter, do what YOU want. It's your body and your baby. U will pay the same amt of money for the delivery so who cares what dr gets it?
Grace how is Ethan doing? Why is he in the nicu?
grace- ok some how I missed ethan is in niu...so sorry hope he is doing better.

lizzy- I read what they had to say and they re just all natural freaks. I agree totally with misty do what u want. and they list the fact the when u go pat the 40 week mark the chance of still born rises. I think u should talk to ur mom and dh they are who you trust the most!

misty- so happy to hear from you! I saw yesterday there was a chance for some really bad weather and tornados your way I was worried about you! and a mani-pedi date would be wonderful lol.... as far as shopping we have like zero food in this house...ava keeps saying I need to buy more lol and I am still set on taking kids to get kitties tomorrow so got to buy cat stuff today. I am actually heading out soon to pick Joshua up from school and just take him with me. a little better behaved then the younger two are.

we were looking at some of the cats on the human society website and omg too cute gonna be hard to decide tomorrow. just know I want between the ages of 5months to 2 yrs and female.

ok time for me to jump in the shower and get ready. talk to you lovely ladies later....

anyone hear from Nicole lately?
My goodness I disappear for a few days and I've got a novel to catch up on!

I've got brain fog right now, so I'm going to respond to just Libby.

I don't understand why people would be so against induction. I haven't read any of the responses on your journal, but I can tell you, your doctor probably says he doesn't feel comfortable with herbal and nipple stimulation and all that hoopla because if something goes wrong you can't turn around and say, "Well, you said I could!!" (lawsuit) I know in the pregnancy books that I have, they all say not to do nipple stimulation with out being monitored. As for pitocin, EVERY drug has a disclaimer about it. Hell, you can die if you eat too many flintstone vitamins. It's a miracle I didn't overdose on those things as a kid! Just because you read bad things about a drug, doesn't mean they are going to happen to you. That's why you're in a hospital and constantly monitored. You can try to go naturally with this birth and hope to get to 4 cm and then get an epidural, but with how quickly my labor and delivery moved, I would suggest getting that epidural as quickly as possible just so you can say you have it! I dilated a full 5 cm in 30 mins. If I waited to get my epidural it would have been too late and I would have been one pissed off lady!

Every labor and delivery as well as every pregnancy is different. So, best advice I can give.... Don't compare this one to Sienas. I compared Sara's to Samuel's the entire time and I still can't believe how easy Sara's labor and delivery was compared to Samuel's. Even my healing time was quicker this time around, compared to Samuel. If I had to do it over 50 times, I would choose induction each and every time. I trust my doctor. I trust his judgement and I don't feel he would make a suggestion for more money? You have to remember you're not his only patient. I'm sure he does care about you and he wants to do what is best for you and your unborn baby. My doctor did do a lot of comparing this pregnancy to my last, but I think it's just to make sure there weren't any complications.

All in all, it's your decision. When you go in on Monday, if there hasn't been any progress, tell him you want to go into labor naturally. THEN ask him what are the risks if any waiting to go into labor naturally. If he gives you some smack on sprout being too big and you need to deliver, demand an ultrasound for some proof that baby is indeed too big. You are a pretty petite girl though, so you have to keep that in mind as well. My doctor told me there are some woman who are super small that can pop out a 10 lb baby and others are bigger women who can't get our a 6 lb baby. Everyone is different, but your doctor has been seeing you for the past 9 months, so he knows what's best for you. LOL you can't judge him for going out of town either. Doctors are allowed vacations too.

Hope you're feeling better and less stressed today. Nothing beats last day of work!
I am here Krissy, no baby yet.

Libby- All I can say is go with your gut. And I also agree with Krissy on you will need your mom to help more with Siena and such once baby is here so if you are in pain now, go for it and dont think about your dr's motives.

Krissy- I'm glad you have 2 pain meds to take. I personally have never been on serious pain meds that make you pass out or act loopy. DH wont let me since I am at home with Jerusha all day long. The strongest pain meds I have been on since I got pregnant with Joshua is the 800 mg Ibuprofen the hospital gave me to take for pain after I had Jerusha. I only ended up taking them 3x over a 6 month period.

AFM- My body is confusing me. As far as I could tell I had 2 mild contractions earlier today that were 31 minutes apart. Then I laid down and slept and when I went to take the trash out it seems they started up every 35 minutes again. I'm so confused. Part of me thinks its just how baby is laying and I'm not having contractions at all but the other part is hopeful so I log them down as mild contractions. Ugh...come on baby boy, help mommy out!
My love and I :)


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Thanks guys!

And yeah this tornado crap is for the birds! We haven't had it in our area lately, but did a couple weeks back... with no warning because natl weather service messed up! We had to hear from a friend that a tornado had started working its way through our area and DH was at home and I was at work and he was rushing to get Siena because headed her way! Argh. Weather people are worthless sometimes!

Janelle - Yeah I figured you must be busy because I KNEW you'd have your 2 cents to contribute about induction! Yeah ok I can see my dr being the type to not 'ok' anything if there's possible issues, even if minute. Because yeah I'm sure there's prego people still nursing older babies so come on! Yeah and hard not to compare to last pregnancy, but I am hopeful second time around is easier for me like it was for you.

Nicole - Those might have been contractions! Now that it was confirmed that last time I was having contractions the day I went to the hospital (11pm check-in), I realize contractions are hard to pinpoint! Because they didn't hurt like I thought they should! I'd been thinking this time that it wouldn’t be a 'real' contraction until it hurt enough that I couldn't talk through it... and what I had that day just seemed like strong BH with a bit more regularity maybe... which I chalked up to being stressed/anxious about the induction and working myself up!

afm - Last day at work!!! I actually leave at lunch.... my mom and stepdad got to town last night so we met for dinner when they got here then hung out at home. Siena is over the moon to have them visiting! I think it will make things so much easier! So now I'm thinking the 'hard' part will be once my mom leaves because Siena will be pissed, lol. Anyway, here's to being done with work, yay!!!

Oh and DH and I talked... we'll probably tell dr on Monday to schedule induction for Wednesday and then see what happens... either go through with it or not, depending on how we feel. I've gotten used to feeling miserable, I live with a heating pad and use scooters anywhere that has them... so it'll be more based on emotional stuff I think.
ok I am in so much freaking pain! the only way to describe it is I have been having regular contractions since yesterday afternoon and still having them. pain meds are not doing really anything....takes at least a half hour to kick in and then last maybe an hour then cant take again forever....I got like no sleep because the pain kept waking me up...I mean I have to breath through them they hurt so freaking bad. I broke down and finally called the dr when they open, crying mind you saying how much pain I am in and the damn person said yeah the nurse will call you back. they have 30 more min and then I am calling again.....or I will just call the on call this is bull shit I don't think I should be in this much pain...and I know its full out contractions bc it comes and goes I know I did not hve them last time......I don't want to be in pain that is why I got the d&c done but I am still going through the pain as if I had a natural mc about ready to go to the er for better meds I don't know what to do.........
Oh no Krissy!! Yes, call them back! Sucks to be the person bugging them but you need help!! Although yeah if nurse is who needs to talk to you and isn't the one answering, they could be jerks and say to still keep waiting but yeah in pain at least you feel like you're doing something. SIGH!!! Hugs!!! This is not fair!!
nurse called me back a half hour later took down my info again talked to dr said take tynol in between, although at hospital said don't take more tynol bc Norco has a ton it already? then said that I should just go to the ER.....I don't want to go sit in the er for hours so I guess I am on my own.....this sucks I am about to freaking kill some one!!!!

I guess if it is still bad tonight then I will go but right I am too pissed....
Krissy, so sorry for your loss.

Misty, love the pic!

Libby, maybe you could ask your dr about getting epidural and then see if he'll break your water and see if things progress. Remember I was suppose to have pit and when my dr got tired of waiting on nurses just broke my water even tho pit wasn't going to get started for a while. I should have just asked for it to be done early and not had to wait around all day. C was still high at that point even with the progress i'd already made. But, I never needed the pit bc things moved so fast on there own. Something to think about. But you need to do what is right for you. Like I said, knowing they were going to break my water and just having to wait until they were going to be able to start pit, I should have just asked for it to be done right away.....hindsight! And for me it was a little under 2 1/2 hrs from breaking water to baby cries!

I'll update on me later. Just wanted to put my 2 cents worth in. :) so tired from no sleep.
Krissy- I'm so sorry you are in that much pain! Sounds like your body recognized a bit late that you arent pregnant anymore. I wish your dr could give you advice that wasnt so confusing!

Libby-Yay for last day of work!

AFM- Nothing new here. I stayed up til 1:30 a.m. last night and then my daughter decided to have bad dreams and was crying every 20 minutes until 3 a.m. so I didnt get much sleep. I feel fine though surprisingly. I'm frustrated because my MIL was going to tkae me to buy a double stroller from a lady today but she needed to switch cars with FIL but he forgot so now they have to find a way to switch cars in the next 3 hours while he is still at work and he doesnt have a cell phone. Today is the big cleaning day. Ok, time for me to get dressed properly and let the dog out before Jerusha wakes up. Oh, and the hospital hasnt called to schedule the C-section yet but if they don't call by 2 p.m. my time then I'm calling my OB's office and asking what the deal is since it has been 3 days since my appointment.
krissy - i'm so sorry your in pain. did you tell the nurse you were on norco?

libby - cheers to the last day of work!!!

misty - ethan's doing good. he has a blood clotting issue but it looks like they finally got the right dosage for his medication. i'm waiting on the results from his test today and if all is good Ethan can come home monday. how is tyler doing? he's so freaking cute!

AFM - most of my update is above. Ethan is a hungry little man. I can't keep up with him, but I'm pumping every three hours trying my best to keep up. He is his father's son on the eating. LOL. Really hoping he can come home monday.
Grace- so happy to ethan is doing so well! I hope you get to bring him home on Monday. I did tell them but yeah it seems in one year out the other.

Misty-did I tell you how great that pictures is? I just love it!!!! you should have that one framed!

Amber-thanks! I am sure you can understand my frustrations with the dr right now.

Nicole-for sure call and get that schedule for just in case. did you decide who will be with you? u will want pictures. will dh get RR to come see you for a few weeks? my cousin's husband did he came when the baby was about a month old and got to stay for two weeks.

afm-thank god seems pain is starting to ease up. but it does start to hurt more when I move. I guess wait and see how I feel in the morning to decide if I am going to work tomorrow. oh and of course HR never emailed me back....seriously? I even made sure to add my right contact number in case they wanted to call....nice to know what they think of my situation. I am going to continue to rest today and see how the day goes.

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