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lizzy- I am actually not in a lot of pain just some like strong cramping but they gave me more Norco. my main problem right now is my head is killing me! I just took another Norco about an hour ago but no go....thinking it might be a migraine coming on so I have to see if I have meds around here.

ok so still not pleased at all. so my ob office, the smaller one, is closed so I had to call the main one and all they did was take a message and said nurse will call me back? what part of I was told by TWO doctors I needed to be seen today? seriously almost would have been better if I had like a bad infection or something so I could sue their dumbasses for putting me through all of this! I want my older dr back who left.....

ugh let ya'll know what they say I give them 30 min before I call back.... I had to call into work this is stupid!
well talked to the nurse about an hour ago and heres the thing they don't have a dr in the main office today either.....seriously? so they said if bleeding picks up again go into er right away and for sure no working today I need to rest and let my body heal more. terrible headache right between the eyes and across my forhead. I just took another Norco hoping that will help bc I cant seem to find any of my migraine medication. ok laying down on the couch and I hope I feel better soon....even though not working still crap to get done!
Oh man that sucks Krissy! Hope u feel better!
Krissy.. Sorry to hear you are going through this. Hope you feel better soon

Janelle.. Hope your headache is gone or at least eased off

Nicole.. Hope you and baby are good

Hi to all the ladies
Aspe - it just thrills me that your posts have changed from frustrations of long cycles and cervix confusion to trying to find baby supplies. I'm SO happy for you!
Misty.. Thank you so much. I never thought I had a chance until well after April. We are thankful we were able to conceive.

I can not believe it has been over 2 months since Tyler's arrival. :)
How is your sugars now? Do you still have to monitor them? I have to monitor mine daily.
Why do you have to monitor your sugars? I didn't know you were dealing with that. It's very frustrating trying to figure out what you can and can't eat!!

My OB sent me for a 2 hour glucose test after my 4 week postpartum follow up appt and I failed it so he told me to follow up with a family doctor. I did and that doctor looked at my test results and said he'd consider me pre-diabetic at this point, not diabetic. He put me back on Metformin which is what I was on pre-pregnancy and beginning of pregnancy. It's a drug for diabetics but it's also what they give people with PCOS which I have. That disease makes you insulin resistant and Metformin is supposed to help that. Also he told me to keep losing weight. I'm down about 42 pounds from what I was at the beginning of my pregnancy.. have a LOT to go though and I haven't been very diligant at it.
misty congrats on the weight loss!!!! loosing 42lb while pregnant and just after is no small thing!

afm- so that lovely headache I had turned into a full blown migraine today....so much freaking fun! all I did was sleep off and on while waiting for my dr office to call in my migraine medication which I was not able to get to like 5pm.....once I got that I took it and passed out and here I am. a little foggy but not in pain anymore and was finally able to eat something. so happy that the ER put me off for today bc no would I have been able to go and at least this way I cant get in trouble bc it was the dr who I said I couldn't work.

anyways spend some time with the kids then off to bed and its my weekend off thank god!
Oh man Krissy I can relate on the headache front... No fun!!!! Glad it's the wknd and that you got meds that work! Argh!

Nursing session winding down so about to pass out again.. But at least reading to keep up!
feeling a ton better today! migraine gone thanks to meds. able to some things done today and about to take the kids out to enjoy the sun and wash the cars.
We are doing good. We are on a pretty routine schedule now. Milk has not come in yet. I will send Maria a few more pictures but I can upload myself tomorrow.
Glad you are doing well, nicole!

Oh, all the ha's and migraines. Krissy what med do you take if you don't mind me asking? Always interested in what works for others and if it is something i've tried. When I took a list of meds tried to the pn dr it was 2 columns on a notebook page plus some on the back. I knew i'd tried a lot, just didn't realize that much!

Misty, awesome wt loss! You can def tell in your face from the pic you have posted of you and tyler. I was thinking it before you posted the loss and how young you look!
So m came out of her room with a babydoll under her shirt and making slurping sounds....'my baby has to drink milk from my boobies..' We couldn't stop laughing. She's also told me that she's 'happy God made an exit door' so thebaby could come out of my belly. Such humor with a newborn and a 4 yr old at home!

Been struggling last couple of days. I hate being pregnant and I know that I physically likely icannot survive another. But just the small moments with C that I know are fleeting make me sad knowing never again. I don't think it would be so bad just me saying no, but to know that dr's say no and bc of health I really don't have a choice is hard. Maybe just bc here in a few wks is my 6 wk appt and I know likely shortly after will be the procedure to 'fix' me. Atleast it's an in office procedure just under sedation, not major surgery. Guess like having tubes tied, except theycauterize them off and go through the cervix to do it. *sigh just my sad point for the wk. :(

Other news....still no meds and still miserable. C is having some choking issues....i believe bc of central sleep apnea. Hopefully just the baby issue and it doesn't continue long term. I don't sleep well anyway, but this makes it worse. Terrifying. Otherwise she's such a good baby. A little day/night mixed up now but we're getting it changed.
Nicole happy to hear you are doing well are you home already? I only stayed two nights with avarie.

amber- I take imatrex (I think that is how you spell it) not sure if it is safe for breastfeeding though.... oh and about the in office "fixing" my cousin had something done where they ingected this stuff into her tubes, in office, that seal off your tubes then had to go back a few weeks later to inject dye and make sure worked. maybe easier than what you are having done? oh and have you looked into a sleep apnea monitor for C ? I had it for my 3 bc josh had a sister that died of SIDS and sine they cant say for sure if it his hereditary or not my dr prescribed it for my kids so I could sleep better. alrams if they stop breathing or if heart rate goes to low. for sure something you should look into. also my mom was also told my dr she couldn't have any more after my younger brother and broke her heart to. didn't help he go extremely sick when he was not even two weeks old and almost died. she was already "fixed" at that point and was so scared she would lose her last baby. one thing that helped was when he was like 2yrs old our dog we had had one little puppy that we ended up keeping till the day she died at 16yrs old. she was the fourth baby she couldn't have and was really a part of the family I miss that dog still. so maybe in a few years something you could think about? feel better!!!

afm- made t-shirts for my mom and dad today...late mothers day present for my mom and early fathers day gift for my dad. I will post a pic in a little bit turned out cute. I did it before a few years ago and they wore them till they no longer could lol. excited I could buy so much smaller shirts this time bc of their weight loss. my dad is 200lb smaller this time and my mom is about 60lbs I think.

speaking of weight loss I am down 6lb already since I lost the baby all the weight I had gained in those 11.5 weeks guess I can say it really was all baby huh? ok lots to do going to meet up with my parents to go visit some family today. have a great sunday ladies!
Pictures of Daniel coming soon today... Please pray that Daniel gains weight or he'll have to be put on formula next week.
I understand the formal. all my babies were on the bigger side smallest being 8lb4oz so I actually started supplementing them right away. no harm in it and it helps a ton till milk comes all the way in. they actually taught me how to put this tube in the bottle and press it up to my breast so when they breastfed they got formula with the colostrum so help fill them. Jamison tore my nipples up bc he would suck so hard bc he was so hungry. worked like a charm and they did good on weight! good luck Nicole.....

ok finishing getting ready and we are off for the day!
This C-section was a little rougher on me. He didn't want to come out. It felt like they were going to have to break my ribs in order for him to drop enough to come out. Also the meds they gave me to help my uterus contract afterwards made my chest feel real heavy and made my shoulders ache so much I almost cried. Once I got into my own room it was pretty smooth sailing. He has some trouble latching because he refuses to open his mouth very wide but we are working on it. He also struggles with a lot of gas and screams if you lay him flat when he has gas. Now our big issue is that he has lost almost 1 lb since being born. Going in for a weight check tomorrow, if he has lost more than 2 ounces tomorrow they will want me to supplement with formula. Please pray he starts to gain. My milk has come in and hoping that he just needs a few days to adjust to it. I will post some pictures later tonight or early tomorrow.
Nicole- prayers that you heal quickly and Daniel gains wt.

Krissy- thanks. I've been on imitrex before and didn't help any like most meds.

Hope everyone else is well!
amber-sorry it did not work for you! I feel so bad that you have to suffer through so much. my brother is on a med I cant remember what it is called but its actually an anti-seizer med they use for people who get migraines often to help prevent them. maybe your dr will know what I am talking about.

Nicole-try not to worry too much about his weight. the dr told me that most babies lose about a lb, especially breast fed babies, and its totally normal. and sine he started out bigger its not too much a problem. he will get the hang of it. good luck tomorrow though!

afm- had a great day visiting family! my kids got to meet cousins they never have be fore and fell inlove with them! avarie and the one little girl trinity are 1 month apart and age and acted like they have been bffs their whole lives! It was great! I will post some pics later or tomorrow I am tired! also found out my parents are going to take the kids on vacation at the end of the month, money permitting, to Arkansas for a week. that will be great for everyone lol. so all in all a good day! I am off to bed I am exhausted! good night!

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