A home for EVERYONE!

Krissy- is he on topamax? Tried it and it didn't work either except to give me horrible side effects and CAUSED seizures. :( as horrible as I feel i'm still grateful to be alive and be able to walk.....bc I shouldn't.
amber- oh man yep that was it. do they know why so many meds wont work for you? and I thought I had nback luck!

afm- looks like hubby wants to go out for lunch before I go to work and do some shopping so got to get the kids ready and wake his butt up lol. see you ladies later!
Daniel has his appointment at 1:20 pm today. It was an interesting first night.
Hi ladies.

So I went to the doctor this morning and was diagnose with hormonal migraines. He prescribed depakote. I have to take one those horse pills every night before bed. And for a super painful migraine that doesn't go away, I take a norco. I'm really hoping it helps. Both the Dr. and pharmacist said that it was safe to take while breastfeeding. I spoke with Sara and Samuels pediatrician and of course she put the fear in me. Said that it can pass through my breastmilk and affect Sara's liver. So, I called my new doctor and I'm waiting for him to call me back. I did a bit of googling and read on Kelly's mom or what ever that site is, that it's a L2 drug, which means it safer, but not safest. Seems like it's one of the safest ones out there though. I didn't see too many L2's. I read that super small amounts of the drug pass through the breastmilk and that it doesn't affect the baby at all, but that their liver and platelet numbers should be checked periodically.

Krissy, I read that imetrex isn't as safe. I think it was L3 Same with topamax.

Everywhere I've read though it says if you're taking depakote to use birth control, because it can cause birth defects if you become pregnant. itty bitty fetus is a lot smaller than a baby.

Other than that, this doctor was pretty cool. I like him a lot. Said I need to lose 20 lbs, but there is no rush (especially since depekote can cause weight gain). He gave me "extra" credit for walking on my treadmill every day and eating healthy. Said other than carrying some extra weight (which is expected after having a baby) that I'm in good health. I'm down and stuck at a 28 lb weight loss. As for the migraines, he said that its common after pregnancy because it takes awhile for your body to get it's hormones leveled out. Said, that once my period starts again that my migraines can either get better or worse. Said that for some women they last until they go through menopause! I hope I'm not "some women". Although, I will admit, I would go though life having a migraine everyday, because I have a super sweet healthy daughter to show for it. And I can't imagine life with out her in it.

Sorry, no personals today, just wanting to check in and give you ladies a heads up! Hope you're all doing well!!! I miss being on here all the time. Hopefully this medication works and I can be on here more.

Nicole, I think when we left the hospital Sara was down 5 oz from her birth weight. But she also sucked the life out of me!!! If you get cracked nipples, make a trip to walmart and get first year nipple butter. That stuff saved me!!! Way better than that Lanolin crap. Works and heals a hell of a lot faster too.
thanks ladies. Went to his weight check and he gained 6 ounces overnight so he is out of the danger zone and no need for formula. Though with how much he sleeps during the day I may have to start using my pump next week. my boobs are almost rock hard right now.

OK, here are some much needed pictures of the little man (more to come later tonight):


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Nicole-good to hear about baby! and thanks for the pics!!!

Janelle- I figured what I am is not safe for breastfeeding bc it actually works lol..... I really hope what they gave you will work and I am sure sara will be fine with you on it.

afm-ok night at work. some girls had to start stupid crap when they didn't even know what was going on...most days I feel like I am in high school!!! ugh!!! but other than that I am doing ok. got to see the stupid dr tomorrow who I think totally messed up my d&c I am gonna try hard not to go postal on her. oh I will post some pics from yesterday in a few minutes here.
One quick pic before bed my fav Ava getting some love from grandma, my mom if u couldn't tell lol


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Hey guys! Got caught up on reading... Sorry to not be on more... My mom is here another week... She'll leave next weekend and then Siena will start back at daycare and then I'll have free time again.

My mom is a life saver... Cleaning, cooking, watching Siena and Colton as needed. I dread handling them both once she leaves... We are spoiled!!

Colton is really good so far... Still sleeps a lot so isn't awake much between feedings. Nipples take a beating but I switch back and forth between two creams every feeding to try and keep them from scabbing much. Headaches gone except for a minute if I get up too fast. Lots of caffeinated drinks helped. And goodies powders. But pretty much had to just wait it out. Good thing spinal headaches are not long term.

Took the family out to the park one day to play and fed the ducks, out on the boat another day, and pulled out Siena's pool yesterday. The activities will not happen much once my mom leaves... As she is usually in charge of Siena. But good for now! I have recovered well. Did newborn pics yesterday at home and I think I looked way better this time ha than for Siena's newborn pics! Yay!

Ok nursing done i better get back to sleep!!
lbby- happy you can pop in during feedings always happy to see an update
ok I have been doing some thinking....dangerous I know!.....and I have decided that IF I get pregnant again...god only knows if it will happen and how soon.....I am not telling anyone about it till I get an all clear 12 week scan. well of course josh will know and you guys will know but other than that I am not telling even my parents bc I don't want them to worry. my dad thinks if I get pregnant again it will just end badly again and he is scared I might even die next time...I know it is just a fathers fears so so he wont fear I will just not tell them till we know all is good. they will probably be pissed but I know I will worry enough for everyone with out knowing I am stressing out other people.

ok just thought I would put that out there. I have a freaking headache....great fun lack of sleep I know that....at least I cleaned the livingroom lol. I am taking meds and laying down before we have to leave.....is it Friday yet? lol
Krissy- i'm with you- don't tell anyone. Did your dh get the job?
Most meds just aren't strong enough or effective on my type of pn. Many dr's want to treat my migraines bc that is what is debilitating, but they are only secondary to the severe pn of nerve dmg. So if it doesn't help nerve dmg or both it doesn't seem to work.

Nicole- happy the appt went well. When dr's wanted me to supplement with m, I ignored them. she was healthy. May not have been huge, but she certainly was thriving.

Libby- you can do it when your mom goes. Takes some adj but you'll get a routine. Maybe while your mom is around, let her relax and pretend she's not there. Get the routine started before she leaves, so if you absolutely need help you can have it.

Hello everyone else!

AFM- c is hooked up to the snuza hero that came in today. Of course she's decided to be awake all day. Too much activity she didn't want to miss out on as m had a playdate here. Anyway, no alarms yet. Terrifying event this am- I knew she'd been struggling, so I got no sleep last night. One point of choking/ trying to catch her breath and she was bluish. All I did was just listen for her breathing last night. I'm interested to see how many alarms are set off tonight. Pray this is just newborn/ preemie issue and not long term.

Of course my husband is working late tonight- never know an off time with construction. Got a text from my stepdad that he got some of my med- I don't know how much. So I am impatiently waiting for him to bring it home for me. Wish I felt it was safe for me to drive and it would have been faster for me to go get it, but there is no way I would drive in this condition. Pray it works tonight. When it's been this bad in the past it could work first dose or take a wk to build up in my system to work......either way relief is in sight!

M was excited to have a playdate today. Gave her something to do and this other little girl has just as much energy as she does. They go like you've hit a turbo boost button, but play so well. I wish they lived closer- an hr away. Met them during m's kindermusik class. The mom and I relate so well and I wish we could get together more often.

Think that's it. C is still awake...few power naps, but we are going on 8 hrs awake- yikes! Now wanting some more attn. I'm afraid the chaos of the girls has overstimulated her and we are in for a rough night.
Amber.. I actually have the snuza hero on my order that I am going to place soon. I was debating between this one or one kind that goes under their crib mattress. Db said at least with the clip, it can go wherever our baby goes.

We are thinking about going with finding nemo nursery theme. I was just looking at decals then.
We are struggling with names though. The only one left on our list, but I am not sold on it, is Reed. We want something different. Any suggestions?
Aspe, we had an under matress monitor with m that someone just happened to get us. It lasted, maybe, a wk before I threw it out. It wasn't reliable for us. Most newborns have periodic times they 'apnea', but not really, moments. Honestly, if C didn't have the issues we've been having, I wouldn't use a monitor. For me I would constantly worry about even the slightest slow down in breathing and make more of it than I would need to ever. And extra worry.... But do what you are comfortable with!

I like the name Reed. You still have some time. Try it out for a wk and see how you like the name in your normal activities / life- does it fit for you. Good luck! Names are hard!
Hey ladies,
Krissy- I'm with you on not telling anyone. After our miscarriage, DH wanted me to not tell anyone til 12 weeks too but I just couldn't do it. Take your time to heal and go postal on that dr if you need to!

Amber-I'm sorry Cambrie is having so many apnea moments. I have had moments of worry with Daniel too but that's about once every othedr day and usually right after nursing.

Janelle-Where are you? Hope Sara is doing well and still being a sweet happy little girl.

Libby- We will make it through without our moms. You at least have your Dh there to help pout with Siena. I'm out of luck on that end unless I have my SIL stay the night.

Aspe- I like the name Reed. I only know one kid named Reed. He is a very fun kid. I was his sister's (along with another little friend of hers) nanny for a whole summer when he was 3.

Maria-How are you?

PDX-How are things going now that you are back on the TTC train?

Angel-How are you feeling now? Figured out what's going to happen as far as a home for you and your little man?

Misty- Tyler is very cute. Is he on a regular sleeping schedule?

Grace- How are you handling Ethan being home now?

AFM- First 2 nights home were rough because he wanted to stay up all night and "snack" on mommy. Wouldn't sleep when I put him down. Tried classical music and let him sleep on his changing pad in the center of my bed last night so he could see mommy at all times. It worked! He actually slept for 3 straight hours! Mommy is so grateful. he doesn't do well in his bassinet but oh well.
Josh is working the maintenance job he got but hates it!!! he is says its actually a bad area and what not but I told him a job is a job!!! I cant have this pressure of being alone in it and if I am then he could go live with his mom he didn't like that at all lol. so he agreed work this till he can find something better and I am ok with that to but he just needs to have something else line up. he did called the place where he really wants to work where his brother works but they just said this morning that they have not made a decision yet and that she would have the person he interviewed with call him. I don't know. ugh I just keep praying he gets it...I know it will all work out how it is suppose to but in my eyes this is the BEST thing for us!!! ugh wish I could just say GIVE him the job!!!

oh dr apt yesterday.....she just still brushed it all off and that was that. asked if we were gonna try again and I said probably so she said she would not even talk to me about birthcontrol? didn't say wait a cycle or nothing...good thing I have been through this before ya know? anyways I need to go find something to eat lol then work!
So we had a tornado Warning for an hour here. We went into the basement with both kids for 20 minutes. It's just raining here now. Daniel is doing good. I think my let down is just too much for him to eat for long so that is why he is only eating 12 minutes per feeding. Going to start pumping and freezing tonight since I got my new tubing and accessories. My grandma comes over tomorrow late morning and then my dad comes into town in the mid afternoon for a visit. Then SIL will be here tomorrow night since my mom will obviously be staying at the hotel with my dad. I don't have room for both of them to stay here and my dad really hates sleeping at other people's houses if he has the option not to.

Oh cute note: Did a makeshift photography session with Daniel today with a blanket as the backdrop. Will post my favorite pictures once I get them edited.
Hey guys! I'll go back and read in a bit... Siena is at daycare today so I have time to get on the computer, wow!

Online trying to find cheap nursing tops. Hard to come by. Some from Old Navy that I liked... I got 2 shirts and wanted more, but they are out now grr. Also need to figure out how to get nipple cream out of clothing... sigh, but I think its a lost cause, especially since I already tried washing the clothes. Greasy stains. I'm trying hydrogen peroxide at the moment.

Found out I won't be getting 40 hour vacation award I get yearly... due to budget cuts. So lame. Others in a higher pay grade that get rated earlier in the year got theirs. Now THAT makes sense. Grr. So that's another week unpaid maternity leave. Blah. Also, furlough... so that means only getting paid for 4 days a week anyway. Gotta love it.

In happier news, first day alone with Colton is going well. My mom left yesterday morning and Keith was home to help... Siena went to daycare today as she drove me batty yesterday. A million questions, often the same ones even when we answer her... shutting doors and then demanding we open them... always wanting attention and snacks and such... basically being a 2 year old. But was very trying on my tired nerves... felt smothered. So enjoying the peace and quiet today!!
Nicole - Colton won't sleep flat unless next to me... so he sleeps in his rock n play at night in between feedings unless he doesn't get removed from the boob, in which case he stays in the bed with me. He's sleeping... up every 2 hours like clockwork to eat for the most part though. Day and night. Starting to wonder when he'll start being awake more... and hoping its during the day!!

Krissy - Go with what feels right for you! If thats keeping things to yourself at first, do it! But also don't be afraid to change your mind either. And I am surprised your dr didn't have more advice about ttcing! Because yeah I was thinking your body would need to rest a bit?? Hmm...

Hope Josh gets that other job, but yeah a job is a job and he needs to bring home some bacon too!

Oh and Nicole, Colton eats about 10-15 minutes a session, every 2 hours. During the night, it might be more like 20 minutes but not sure if he's sleeping and using my nipple as pacifier part of that time because during the day I literally have to always pull him off my nipple because he never releases! And he falls asleep so I rarely do both sides in one session.

Oh we had a photo session the other day... ha it was stressful and tiring but they always are! My photographer is amazing though and always gets good pictures... she is sooo patient... I get tired of it way before she does!

Colton is gaining weight... up 6 oz from his birth weight. Big dr appt tomorrow... downtown with a pediatric ortho specialist to look at his foot... anxious to see what they say about his extra toe... really want it gone before he needs to wear shoes... sooner the better!!!
Extra toe?? I don't think you mentioned that before! Like a pinky toe? As for the greasy nipple cream spot scrub the spot with Dawn dish detergent then throw it in the washer. It gets grease spots out every time for me! I have the same not liking to sleep flat issue with Tyler!! He looooves sleeping with mommy tho. Not good... lol

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