A home for EVERYONE!

Hi girls!! Sorry I've been MIA.. just been busy. Seems like we're running around doing something every night. Ugh! Last weekend I actually had Tyler with a babysitter OVERNIGHT! First night away from him. It was so that Jake and I could go to this biker rally that our city has every year. It's a drinking, live bands, motorcycles everywhere kind of thing. Like Sturgis but way smaller lol. So I went and I drank but didn't end up getting drunk. I missed my baby and would have rather been home with him. He was with my daughter though so I knew he was ok. The MAIN reason I did it, though, was to get a full night of sleep. I haven't had one of those in a good 4 months since I had insomnia when I was pregnant. It was awwwwwwesome!!! My boobs, however, were EXPLODING by morning. Think I got 14 ounces in that pump lol. This weekend I'm supposed to go to Jake's sister's bridal shower then bachelorette party. It's in his home town which is like a 45 minute drive. At the same time Jake will be at the bachelor party. I don't want to go at all whatsoever. I don't want to drive that far, I don't want to leave Tyler with a babysitter again, don't wanna party. I think I'm gonna play sick! Jake said he doesn't care if I do lol. I'm not real fond of this sister so don't care if I miss it. The other sister I LOVE though and would definitely be there for.

I'm on a quest for a new daycare. I'm not feeling very comfortable with the woman we take him to now... she has an in home daycare. I did a surprise drop in on my lunch break yesterday and her like 10 year old daughter had just gotten done changing Tyler's diaper. Really? I don't pay a kid to take care of my son. He wasn't crying or anything but still. Then when I was getting ready to leave she was gonna have him lay on his blanket to get some tummy time and was trying to decide where to put it. She didn't want to lay in front of a vent so she says how about we just put him on this couch then immediately says oh no he rolls doesn't he? Can't do that. I'm like uh helllooooo regardless you don't put him on the fucking couch!! Excuse my language, I was just like ok that's the clincher. I'm finding a new babysitter. I stress as it is having to leave him with somebody. I can't be freaking out all day worried!! So that's my life right now... Otherwise my silly monkey is doing well. He's moved into the cooing and everything is funny stage. Love it! :)

Amber, so glad everything is going smoothly for you!! You need that after the timultuous (big word for the day!) pregnancy you had! Do you know how big she is now?

Aspe - 23 weeks!! Did they give you pictures at your ultrasound? Did I miss the posting of them?

Krissy - Man, thinks have GOT to get better for you!!! This is just ridiculous! I can't believe your kids are going to be gone for 2 weeks. My girls would go visit their dad in the summer, one time for 6 weeks!! I was so freakin lost.. I didn't know WHAT to do with myself!
krissy, your doctor is full of poo, sorry! It could be bad luck, I'm also in the same boat as my mcs are unexplained but what I will say is _ Our bodies are changing vessels and change all the time. Just like you can develop an allergy or disease your ovaries and fertility can change! I went from no periods for 6 years, to menstruating, to developing pcos, to infertility, 3mcs, a son, another 3mcs and now 20 weeks. And get this I no longer have Pcos! So for him to say there is no point testing is crap, sorry if I sound mad but I am for you. Basic tests cost little and even if they don't find anything it can give you peace of mind, even better something minor could show up that could be easily treated eg small septum or scar tissue. Were all your births natural? Would you want tests if you could? No point me ranting if you're happy enough.

Misty- how I have missed you and um yeah find a new baby sitter like now lol...crazy bitch lol..and I am only letting my kids go bc it is with my parents....no one else that is for sure! I don't trust anybody else with my babies. and I know for a fact they are gonna have a blast!!! but after about a week I will miss them but I am gonna try and pick up extra hours...we have seriously depleted our checking account lately!

angel- it is a female dr who is fucking crazy! the male dr left and he was AMAZING!!!!! at this point I do want another baby but at the same time I am happy with my three they are good kids I want another baby but only god knows if it is what is suppose to happen.

well about time for bed I work till 1am tomorrow so not too bad but at least a couple hours of over time.
Misty!! Sorry thngs have been so hectic. Definitely get another sitter. Too bad i'm not closer! Last yr when I had a little girl here, she was taken care of better than what he own parents did. She thrived so much. Too bad her mom is a nutcase and put m in danger and I had to say no more.

I weighed c last wk and she was just shy of 6 1/2 lbs. She's prob down some after the last few days of major reflux. Need to get her dr appt rescheduled. Feel like it's just for paperwork reasons tho. My stepdad is really the one i'd turn to for issues and then go to the dr and tell them what I want! Lol but anyway, she has grown a lot. Preemie clothes are too small, except for pants (which I don't bother with). Nb clothes are still big but aren't too bad. She's basically what full term size prob would have been.

Krissy- enjoy the quiet when the kids are away. And yes, great time to put in extra hrs and not feel guilty for not being home with them.

So, my inlaws keep bugging me about helping or taking M. No way. My instincts have been right on will what's been going on and my instincts say don't leave them unsupervised....not even another room.

My mil definitely doesn't do anything to ease my fears. We were there on father's day and of course c was passed around. When she got her, c was sleeping and she said she didn't like that and especially with apnea issues....well then you should have held her when she was awake and don't you dare wake her since she's already over-stimulated. Anyway, she goes 'you just need to wake up. What do I have to do to wake you up, shake you?' And SHE SHOOK HER. I got dirty looks when I said that isn't safe...really....protecting my kids again and i'm going to get blamed or have things taken out on me or the kids again.

She just doesn't win any points. Mothers day she said some things and m heard her and later m came to me and said she didn't love gma anymore. Bc gma didn't love her (mil had said she likes kids c's size) and she never came to play. Which was right. She kept telling m she was too busy holding c and when she finally wasn't went and talked to others and ignored m. This is another reason to be nearby. Then I know what's getting said and can field the hurt later or the inappropriate things.

Wish we never had to see them.

Alright, time to go back to playing. Love this hot weather!
Sorry I havent updated a lot. All is good here. Daniel has a blocked tear duct but its not infected so just keeping it clean and applying breastmilk to it 2x a day. If its not resolved in a week then we'll talk to his dr about it at the 1 month appointment.

Here are some of his latest photos:


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So sweet nicole! How are you doing/ healing after section?

So, no more broccoli for me. C's reflux had increased last wk and then has been really bad the last few days...projectile, covering everything. Tonight she's had a lot of gas and it smells...not usually the case. So bc of that i'm thinking broc. Then I put together how much of it i've eaten lately.....made broc cheese soup last tues with plenty of leftovers days, came home with raw broc on sunday and I was snacking on it throughout the days for a few days, then yesterday I made creamy rice with porkchop and you guessed it, broc casserole. So sad, I still have 1/4 of a pan of last nights food and no more for me. I love broc.

So anyway, hopefully reflux will go back to minimal spit up soon or figure out another cause of it.
I'm doing pretty good. Only needing to take my Ibuprofen once a day. I do have a really tender spot near the far right end of the incision. The cramping while breastfeeding has stopped and so has my bleeding. Daniel is wide awake right now so it looks like bedtime wont be until almost 1 am.
Amber-I'm so sorry about your MIL. That is horrible. I probably would have passed my daughter to another relative, dragged her into another room, and punched her. After our son we don't take chances with the safety of our kids. How are you doing physically? You active at all?

I might be coming back to IN next month for 10 days. Would you be up for meeting? How far from Indy are you again? I'm sure Jerusha would love to meet M and I have never held a baby C's size.
Nicole- good to hear you aren't in too much pain. Did anyone come to help you?

We are 1 1/2- 2 hrs depending on where in indy. Maybe we could do the zoo or museum?! Or figure something else out to do! Let me know when you plan on coming.
Nicole- good to hear you aren't in too much pain. Did anyone come to help you?

We are 1 1/2- 2 hrs depending on where in indy. Maybe we could do the zoo or museum?! Or figure something else out to do! Let me know when you plan on coming.

My mom was here for 12 days and when she left my 18 year old SIL came to help. The only 2 things I dont like about having her spend the night here are that 1. she eats like a horse and has 1 or 2 food allergies and 2. she doesnt always keep up on the dishes or the trash.

We will be in Indiana from July 9th-20th. I know Jerusha would love the zoo. I'll ask my mom if I can fit my double stroller in her car.
Hey ladies,

I am looking for opinions on a baby swing. What do you prefer?
I am looking at, debating between, these two.



Aspe the best swing ever, and Janelle will agree with me, is called the Sweetpeace by Graco. It is worth every penny and even plugs into the wall. I love it bc it has a million and one functions and if you have a graco careseat (I love graco products) it pops right in perfect for when baby falls asleep in car go inside and just keep them moving I loved it and so did my kids! here is a link for it https://theheartknows.gracobaby.com/sweetpeace.php?cid=myswtpredirect for sure check it out.

today was a good day for the most part....took the kids to the beach for about three hours it was freaking 85 or so out today so yeah didn't want to be in the sun too long then came home and had pizza and watched movies in the air conditioning lol. tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to and to do the breaks on josh's truck over to my aunts trying to make every minute count before the kids leave. I have to work mon-thur and then they leave on Friday.... ok bed time!
Well by the way she is acting and pointing to her ear all the time, Jerusha has an ear infecton again. Gave her some tylenol and will put her ear drops in once she is asleep tonight. She was crying on and off for an hour and then would cry whenever Daniel cried. She didnt want to eat, play, or read her books which is all she mostly wants to do on a normal day. This next week is going to be stressful for me.
My youngest babies... Brieanna and Tyler :)

(Brie was not happy with this picture.... says she looks like a dork lol)


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Misty- lol its cute! and tell her it is called Geek Sheek now not a dork lmao!

Nicole-hope she feels better....if you think its an ear infection are you taking her to the dr today or are they just calling in a script for her? ear drops are just to help with the pain you need an oral antibiodic to get rid of the infection....or it could be her teeth coming in causing her to have ear pain so best to go to the dr to know for sure don't want to treat something then have it not be it....Good luck!

afm-we had a good weekend. took the kids swimming at the beach Saturday then got pizza for dinner. yesterday we went to a birthday party and then out to my aunts house so my uncle could help josh work on his truck. all in all so nice to be out of the house! back to work to day yuck but I get out at 10 today and tomorrow so I can pick the kids up from my moms house and see them before they leave Friday for their 2 week vacation.....
Well she spiked a good fever this morning but she wouldnt hold still to let me get an accurate read out. From how hot she felt my guess was that she was at least close to 102. Yeah, I know she needs the antibiotics but they still havent received her medical records and they wont give me a script until they get them. And once I do get her in I'll have to ask for Nystatin too because every time she takes Amoxicyllin she gets a horrible yeast infection that lasts for at least a week.
Nicole hope u can get your daughter some medical care. Don't wanna mess around with infections! Hope she feels better soon.

Krissy I still can't believe u will be kidless for 2 weeks!! If the house is a rockin, don't come a knockin? Lmao! It'll be a good break for u, busy little bumblebee.

As for my attached picture he only had a hold of it for about 30 seconds but habit in the making??


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Nicole-I would just take her to an urgent care or er and not fool around with the dr office right now. good luck

misty-too cute! my kids used to chew on their fingers but none were thumb suckers thank god and none of them liked the paci either so I got lucky and didn't have to break any of them of bad habbits. the worse was getting the bottle away from my oldest. other than that they all had their favorite blankets they called "night nights" thank god it was just the feel of them/look so they had like 3 each I could alternate with for cleaning and if we lost one lol. I wouldn't worry too much right now....god he is so cute though!

oh and as far as rocking josh said no sex till after my first period bc he did not want to take the chance of getting me pregnant too fast.....so depending if it comes some time soon...which it might it has been 4 weeks tomorrow since my d&c.....but I am picking up more over time sunday and what not....I so want to go out and drunk though I have been since god knows when and I think I need to go out with like my cousin and her husband and have a good time! I am not normally a drinker so like 4 drinks will get me snookered lol....
That sounds like a fantastic idea, Munchkin!! You need a let loose, no responsibilities, no worries kind of night!
lol thanks well this little chick a dee needs to get moving and get to work get out at 10 tonight ya

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