A home for EVERYONE!

Nicole- yes, let's try for the zoo! Our membership has 2 extra ppl (under 2 is free) so all you'd have to pay is parking.

Hopefully you were able to get your daughter in and she feels better. Not all dr's offices would require records before seeing her.

:happydance: we've now had 3 nights of C sttn. Well, a min of 6 hrs straight and first feeding in the morning usually results in us going back to sleep until M wakes up. Not knowing she would sleep that well, I did my normal get things done until really late- stilo only getting about 3 hrs of sleep total. Last night, not so...took advantage of it and got almost 7 hrs straight. Days are a little busier as she eats more as a result but that's ok. Hopefully it continues!

Have more to say, but it can wait....on my phone.

Hope everyone is well.....

Pdx, janelle,grace, loren, libby??
Sounds great! Is there a day that works best for you? I know my mom wants to plan 2 or 3 playdates for Jerusha with her friends' kids.

Daniel is doing much better at sleeping during the night. He has been eating a bit more than my boobs can handle though so I did have to supplement with formula one or two times. Right now I'm just trying Similac but I have plenty of Enfamil too.

Yeah, her dr wont let her be seen without records so we walked to the convenient care which is literally 1/2 mile from us. Turns out she's just teething so no ear infection. r. said to take her back if she spikes a fever above 102 or if there is stuff raining from her ear.
Nicole- any day during the wk except wednesdays (take m to the free kids movie).

Is similac better? Know nothing about the different formulas! Can you pump a few min past 'empty' and build your supply?
Hi ladies!!

I've had a lot going on. I really don't even know where to start. Like I said I was having really bad headaches. So, the doctor put me on a medication called Depakote. The first few days I was on it, I hated it. I felt like a fish under water and my weight loss came to a complete halt. I felt super lazy and had to literally force myself to exercise. After it got in my system I guess, I had loads of energy. I power cleaned my house. Even the ceiling fans! I've been able to keep it clean since then as well. Anyway, I went a few days with out a headache so I was excited and convinced that this medicine was working. I was feeling good, I had a clean house, and I was pain free, then BAM! WORST MIGRAINE OF MY LIFE!!!! I almost had to call Dan to come home from work because it was that bad, but I only had an hour before he got home, so I was able to feed Sara and lay down with her while Samuel played quietly in his play room. I was thankful for that. The doctor gave me Norco for when the migraines got really bad, so I took one, but it didn't do anything, I took another an hour later and felt a little better. I think I just felt better because I was a loopy mess. When Dan got home I fell asleep and when I woke up the headache was gone. I absolutely hated this medication! It messed with my head! I couldn't remember anything. The day I had the migraine from hell, I had a complete break down. I was seriously afraid I was going to lose my mind and go crazy in the future if I remained on this medication. So, this past Monday I saw the doctor again. I told him I hated this medication. I hadn't lost any weight in the past weeks, even now that I'm walking 2-3 miles a day, when before I was only walking 1 (weight gain is a side affect). I couldn't remember a damn thing and that scared me. It wasn't worth it to me to go a week with lingering headaches and then a crazy huge migraine. AND THE MOOD SWINGS!!! Sweet as pie one minute, raging bitch the next! I hate feeling like that. I've been off the medication since Tuesday and I feel a little strange. I got a headache last night, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. My memory is still fuzzy, but not like it was. Not being able to remember is really scary in my opinion. I don't like it!

Another problem that we've been having is Samuel. And the culprit, is my FIL and MIL. I've finally laid down the law thanks to the raging bitch that the depakote brought out. I used to be able to put Samuel in his room and say take a nap and like magic, he would lay down and take a nap, or just talk to himself until he fell asleep. I could take him anywhere and he was such a sweet little man who was always well behaved. He used to always clean up his toys and never complained and rarely had a fit and when he did it was quiet. I could threaten him with time out and he was quick to change his ways. Not anymore!!! He doesn't listen, he talks back, he doesn't do anything I ask, is constantly whining and crying, we took him to a restaurant with my MIL and FIL and he was a total embarrassment. A lot would say he's acting out because of Sara, no, it's my MIL'S FAULT! She would let him get away with murder if it would make him like her more. So, I've laid down the law. I told Samuel, he can't go to their house and stay the night until he starts listening and stops all this annoying whining! He's not allowed to play with Amma and Papa's iphones, ipads, computers, or TV's. AND he's not allowed to sit next to them at the dinner table. They sit on either end and Samuel sits next to Dan or me.

Here is my ranting for the above issue. My MIL has been on my last nerve and being on the depakote, I just snapped. My MIL shows no discipline what so ever with Samuel and spoils him rotten. So, when ever he comes back from staying at their house he's a complete nightmare. We went out to eat with them a few weeks back and he was being so loud at the restaurant. Was screaming and putting his feet all over the table. She didn't do a damn thing about it. Like it didn't phase her. She kept commenting that the family a few tables down kept looking at Sara. I wonder now if they were looking at Sara or if they were looking at her being a crazy grandparent. Then another time we were at our house eating dinner and Samuel likes to sit in her lap while he eats, why??? BECAUSE SHE LETS HIM DO IT AT HER HOUSE!! He's going to be 3 soon, why the heck is he sitting in her lap?! Then he always wants to sit in our lap to eat dinner. So, I made the comment that he can't sit next to her anymore if he's not going to eat his dinner, I could tell neither of them liked that, but I followed through, because I want to show them both I'm not messing around. She thinks its a little drastic that I told Samuel he can't play with their phones or ipad and all that, but she doesn't have to deal with him being whiny when he comes home and we don't allow him to play with our electronics. So, this past monday when I went to the doctor she watched Samuel and Sara. When I came home Samuel was running end to end on our couch and jumping from the coffee table to the couch. So, I asked him, "Samuel do we jump on coffee tables?" She tells me, "Oh he told me he was allowed to stand and walk on the table." WTF?! Who the hell lets their kid act like monkey on their furniture? More or less, do I look like that type of person?! This isn't the first time she's done this. We have a trellis in the back yard that Samuel likes to climb, he knows I don't like when he does it, because he can fall into the neighbors yard, so I wont let him do it. Yet when she was babysitting him, she let him climb it. Samuel told me, "Amma said I could" That's not okay. I don't want Samuel growing up thinking if she says he can then I will change my mind or not care.

Samuel's birthday is July 7th. Which is a Sunday. My MIL calls and asks if we are having his birthday on the 6th or 7th. I tell her Saturday because it's easier for other people that are invited. Her response is she isn't going to be able to make it because her friends are in town and they are putting on a concert. Party is at 2PM concert is at 8PM. REALLY?! She said she's going to be busy driving them around that day... Pfft whatever. The main reason I like to have Samuel's birthday on Saturdays is it works out for other people better. Like my Dad, he goes to church on Sunday. I have a few friends that work on Sundays, and I also have friends that use Sundays as their "family day". It was her reaction that irritated me. It was almost like she expected me to call everyone I had already invited and tell them to come on Sunday instead. I told her that she would have to figure something out, her response was she isn't going to be able to make it. Which is okay, I've been told by a couple people that they feel she hoards Samuel and because of that they get less alone time with him. So, she's going to have a big, huge, pointless, out of this world, bbq on Sunday, the 7th with all of her friends. Sometimes I feel like she does the whole "anything you can do I can do better.."

So, that ends that rant, lets get a Sara update!!!

We took her to her month appointment on the 18th and the nurse weighed her. Told me that she weighed 6lbs 12 oz. WHAT?! So, I asked that she weigh her again. She weighed her again and 9 lbs 1 oz. Still not buying it, we brought her home and weighed her with our scale and she was 10 lbs 4 oz. She's a total chunk. I had Dan weigh her the other night and she was 11 lbs 4 oz. She's been super gassy the last couple of nights. So, I sent Dan to target last night to get a mam pacifier, because that's the only kind Samuel liked and would hold on to and some nuk nipples (I still had the bottles from when Samuel was a baby). Also had him pick up some gripe water. Problem solved. There was no grunting or crying last night and she breastfed for the longest time with out a squirm. Also heard her farting up a storm last night, but it didn't seem to bother her as she slept through the night. I think those medela bottles kinda suck. It sucks I have so many of them.

I think that just about sums it up. Got our fireplace finished, just have to paint it, which we'll do this weekend. FINALLY!!!

Here are some updated photos. Our first family photo. I have an idea, the next one we take I'm going to have everyone look in all different directions, because I have no idea how to get everyone to look straight at once. And Sara, my little chunk. I need to think of a nickname for her, chunky monkey fits, but we call Samuel monkey.


Janelle love the nakey pic! I took one of Tyler just like that.. can't remember how old he was now. Maybe I'll take another one next bath so I can compare pics. Is the tub in your kitchen sink?? If so it's huge! I'm going to take Tyler to the weigh clinic at the hospital on Monday to make sure he's still gaining and see what he's at now. That's if I don't get to the produce dept first ;)

You and I had already discussed your MIL but it irks me all over again reading your post. It really irritates me when family fully knows your rules and disregards them. Even if they don't know your rules, common sense might work!! Jumping on furniture wouldn't fly with me.. if for no other reason than him slipping on the table and cracking his head. DUUUHHHH!! I have a feeling I'm going to have the same issues with Jake's family, hell.. even with Jake! He and his brother were allowed to run free and wild when they were little so that's going to be his take on things. Not the way it's gonna be, daddy. Everybody who knows Jake talks about what a foul mouth he had from like 4 years old!! Not cool. I will teach my son to be respectful. I'm glad you had the bitch mode going on so that you laid down the law. You've raised Samuel too well to let someone else change it.
Question for anybody who knows... what is safe to use on babies to protect them from mosquitos??
Oh, before I forget- bring swimming suit, towel and extra shoes. If it's warm they could play in the water area.
Ok, I'll tell my mom. She will have to be with me because I wont have a car til August. Would you want to be there in the morning? Does M take naps? Jerusha usually takes a nap around 1 or 2 but she will stay up as long as there is something new to do.

Daniel is driving me crazy. It is almost impossible to get any burps out of him. He poops a lot but today he is driving me insane. My boobs are empty an yet he is screaming at me that he is hungry. I think it's just gas but I have tried burping him and all he does is try to eat his hand.
Janelle-sorry you have to deal with ALL of that! are they putting you on a different med or you just going without? and your mil sounds like a drama queen and a half!!!! I would not put up with her! my mil is similar but she picks favorites out of her grandkids to do stuff like that and mine are not it. I finally told josh I am done with her games and she can just cut herself out of the kids lives. IF and that is a HUGE if, she wants to see them I wont stop her but she will have to come to us. I am tired of driving hours away so that she can see the kids when she is only 10 min away from my house everyother week when she drives back and forth to go baby sit her other granddaughter. she had not seen my kids since decemeber!!!! and the only reason she did then was because I asker HER if she wanted me to bring them to her since she had not seen them since MAY of that year, but she had see the other grandkids like every month in between or else it would have been over a year now since she has seen them.....I swear mil don't get it! glad sara is doing so well!!! I have some great pics of my kids when they where super chunkers to. we called avarie piglet for the longest time because of how chunky she was lol. I will have to look and see what I find. oh and wow its funny Samuel looks just like you but I think sara looks just like dan tan and all! you guys are a beautiful family!!!!

Misty-josh was allowed to be a wild child to! he had his first cigarette when he was 9!!!! seriously! he grew up in a large city here in MI and his mother let him run around with his older brothers when he was 5!!!! so yeah I have to keep reminding myself if she was not a good mom why do I expect her to be a good grandma...right? other than that find a new daycare yet?

Nicole and amber have fun at the zoo!!!! Nicole glad she is just teething I was going to sugust that and totally for got! do you give Daniel the gas drops or the gripe water? worth a try! if he keeps it up try soy formula on him and see if that helps he might have a lactose intolerance causing him to hurt. Joshua did really bad to the point he projectile vomited everywhere finally figured it out and they told me to cut out all dairy or put him on soy formula he was 6 weeks old I decided to go to the formula and it was like someone flipped a switch he was soo much better! good luck!

afm-BUSY but when aint I lol? kids are on the road! sad to see them go even though they drive me up the wall lol. it just has been really hard at work this week. he lost a resident who was doing fine one day and the next bam she was unresponsive. I was in the room as she was going down hill and I will tell you ladies it stays with ya......the look on her face and her pupils were fixed and dialated her eyes look dead.....I just wish that was not the last image I have of her ya know I have not slept well at all the last few nights. then two other residents who have not been doing so well for a while now are for sure near the end we are talking with in the next few days we will loose both of them and it kills me. I love these people so much and the one I have grown very attached to her family. they are an amazing family that try to make sure some one was always there to help her eat at night and made sure she had everything she needed.....she was still responding yesterday so I got to tell her I loved her and told me she loved me to.....but I do have one great memory of her I will never forget...it was the last time she got out of bed a few months ago and she went and got her hair done at the beauty shop we have, actually went in the dinning room for dinner and that night they had a band come in and play for everyone and she went. at the end of the night I was getting her ready for bed and she looks at me and says well I aint bragin but I aint bitchin I had a good day. and I am so happy I was a part of that good day.

ok enough sad stuff I do have good news!!!!! well josh and I finally dtd a couple nights a go....yeah misty the first night the kids were out of the house LMAO! it was great though. and might sound weird but AF showed up this morning so I happy bc it means I get it out of the way now and so my weekend off no AF and no kids next weekend should be fun.....and....josh went and put his app in at a concret construction place less then a min away from our house yesterday and they called him already this morning and told him to start Monday morning and they will train him....best part even with no experience he is getting paid $3 more an hour than what he is making right now!!!! so just need to keep remembering it all works out in the end.....I hope this is a good fit and steady work for him bc that would mean I could forsure drop down to pool at the end of August but for now I am work work work....

oh and today is my day off and I am getting out kitties in a few hours!!!! for Free!!! I found two sister kitties that are 9 months old and the lady said they are the ragdoll kitties which are supper nice great with kids cats! she is giving them away bc she is never home now after breaking up with her ex and he gave her the cats and the place she is in now says no cats....so I say it on craigslist and she picked us to get them I pick them up in a few hours best part the kids will have no idea when they get back in 2 weeks they will have kitties!!!

oh one last up date sorry I really need to get on more lol.....my dad.....he does have cancer back sigh....not sure how bad waiting on testing and then we will know what treatment we are doing. he is supper scared and upset so glad they are getting away for a few weeks even if they did take the kids. I wrote him this letter just telling him how much I love him and how much he means to us and gave to my mom and told her to have him read it on the trip I know he needs that right now.

ok I am so tired gonna lay down for an our then up for the day. miss everyone!
ok yeah no nap lol but I did go on a pic hunt and found a couple I miss them at this age!!!

first is avarie at 2 months

second is avarie at 3 months

third is Jamie the day he was born

forth is me and Jamie the day he was born I love it!

fifth is Joshua at almost two


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ok some more lol....

first is Jamie at 10 months

second is Joshua holding Jamie for the first time

ok this last one is of my husband at about 4....Joshua looks just like his daddy expect my bleach blonde hair I had at that age and white skin lol

enjoy ladies! I will post pics of the next kitties later.


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Krissy YAYYYY for dtd and for the new job... $3 more an hour rocks!! I hope he likes the job! Sucks about your dad tho :( He beat it once, he can do it again! Also it takes special people to be nurses, especially in a nursing home. I have über respect for you. Love the pics of the kids! You make some fat babies... adorable!!!

We did find a new in home daycare. Her name is Melissa and we REALLY like her. She is state certified which makes us feel better in itself. Plus she just seems more competent. We both feel much more at ease with her.

Tyler is 12 weeks old today! Wow!! He's been having reflux issues again the past couple of days tho he's on medication for it. He's been crabby and not eating well for Melissa. She said he gags when she's trying to feed him like it comes out too fast. He's using a Nuk bottle with a slow flow nipple. Tho how can a nipple be slow flow when if u turn the bottle upside down the milk drips right out?? He cries and arches his back, feels better sat up, gets mad when I lay him flat like to change his diaper. I called the dr to see if he needs meds upped but they said he can't and they can't change medications til he's been on this one for a month which will be Monday. She suggested smaller feedings more often. Like only 2-3 ounces at a time. We'll see if that helps. Melissa thought maybe a different bottle, she suggested Born Free. Idk...
misty-asked to get referred to a specialist for tyler and I say do it now because with my kids that had bad reflux and took us like 3-4 months for an apt!!!! I was like seriously? so don't hurt to see some one who knows everything about the subject

um yeah they were supper big!!!!! all well over 25lb by a year old lmao.... those pics make me want to have another!!!!
So in effort to help Daniel with gas I'm cutting dairy out of my diet tomorrow. I'll drink Lactaid and be able to eat greek yogurt but cheese and ice cream will be out. He has gotten horrible baby acne all over his face and hate it but I know it'll be gone in 4-6 weeks. I havent been able to pump any in the past 5 days because he has basically been eating so much that dont even get engorged anymore. Do you know if they have a 3 week growth spurt? I always thought it was 5 weeks but maybe my memory is foggy.

How are all the other little ones?

How are you doing Maria?

PDX, any news on your part? How is TTC going now?

Grace, where are you? I miss you. It's odd that Amber is on more than you are now.

Libby, how is Colton doing?
Something wrong Maria? You seem sad/disappointed. You can always text me if you need someone to talk to. I'm awake until about 1 a.m. lately. Ok, gotta go make our early dinner, this momma is hungry!
Bath shot!! He was a crazy boy in the bath tonight, kicking and jumping around so it was hard to get a good shot. He kept losing the loin cloth lol. Thought this was kind of a silly pic :)


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Very cute.

Well just like the reason why this thread was created, a FB group I'm in for TTC is going to be deleted by the creator because there is a whole lot of drama over how many members should be allowed in the group and it has spiraled out of control. I hate drama and tension. So glad you ladies are here for me even after Daniel was born.

Now he has diaper rash, hoping its just that and not an allergy. Does look similar to allergy ring pictures I've seen in the past before though.

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