A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle-maybe that didnt come out the way i wanted it to the other day lol...i know you love your mil and dans parents have been a huge help....like my own parents they are amazing and keep us sane but so help me god my mom gives joshua mountain dew one more time i told her i might have to beat here bc then i hear well grandma lets me do it.....so yeah i knwo what you mean! and did ur mom email you or your mil? either way yes she is the drama queen here....or should i say psycho queen??? i love the fire place!!! Avarie was not breast fed at all bc she refused but she started out at 8lb 4oz and was 10 days early lol joshua was breast feed till about 6 weeks when we realize he was lactose intolerante but he was 8lb 10z and was 2 days over cooked lol jamison was also breast feed till about 8weeks when i could not keep up no more with having 2 toddlers and going to shcool full time he was 8lb 11oz and 8 days early. both boys gained weight at the same rate avarie did so it was not the formula. also they always stayed in the 90th% for weight and dr said that was fine since that is where they started and always had a steady weight again...like he said when you make big babies dont be surprised when they stay big lol. pics of cats i can probably do tomorrow been crazy today and i will fill in more in a bit.

misty-how is your chuncker?i cant belive how old he is getting.....when are you making that new baby??? lol

nicole-omy my i hope daniel starts feeling better! poor baby!!!!

lizzy-srry i didnt get a chance to text you back so happy he is doing better!!!

Yes ladies i agree so far this thread has been a wonderful home for us to share everything and i could not think of a better group of ladies to have gone through everything i have in the last year! you'll have kept me sane and josh alive lmao!!! we are all supportive and and dont try to be anything we are not and try to act like we are better than others or try to push our beliefs onto others.....shoot i dont know what any of your beliefs and frankly that is your own personal business who you do or not pray to.

as my mom has always said if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all!!!!

ok afm- josh's new job was started and ended today lol. they worked half a day and that was that....seriously??? i was flipping out crying figuring out bills....well we got great news though that place where his brother works we have been waiting to hear from for a freaking month finally called today and offered him a job contingent on him passing a drug test!!! he goest tomorow to do paper work and his pee test....sooooo excited bc this is what he wanted for a while and me to!!!

oh and my mom had to take avarie to the er to get checked out bc she had an infection on her finger and toe that was getting worse. well the kids have mclaren medicaid had to find an er to take it and i called the insurance company and they said no urgent care had to be an er or they wont pay since it is out of state...fine....well she got a script for an oral med and a topical....they went to like 3 national pharmacy chains and all said bc she technically had medicaid....all though it is mclaren not regular medicaid....they would not accept it!!! seriousllly????? my mom was pissed started cussing people out....they called the er back and then the er dr called the one pharmacy and talked them down to where it was only 9 for the oral when they orignally wanted like 27 and instead of getting the 20 cream, they would not come down on that price, the dr said my mom could get an over the counter cream that was similar and only 4 ....but i mean seriously what is the point of having healthcare if it dont cover shit if you leave your own state????? so yeah it had been and up and down kind of day! i work yet agian tomorrow then i got wed off and working a double for the 4th...

but yes it is quiet with out my kids...minus the husband and kitties lol.... ok i need to go to bed!!!!!
Misty- happy you found a new daycare. It has to be a relief! Tyler is so cute!

Janelle- I hope you get feeling better. Can't believe how much you get done! Fireplace looks great!

Libby- aww, poor Colton. it's good to hear he is doing better. I hope the other appts go well. How are you handling 2?

Krissy- enjoy your quiet house and bd!! Although, with kittens it may be just as bad as the kids! I think our cat makes just as much of a mess as m. M's toys get picked up and the cat gets them out. Sorry your dad's cancer is back. Prayers to him and your family.

Nicole, sorry daniel has been gassy and has the rash. No fun. Yes, 3 wk growth spurt. 5 wks is the so called wonder wks. How is your daughter doing being a big sister? Teething? Is anyone coming over so you can get any sort of break?
For the zoo, with your mom coming we'll just have to get 1 child's ticket. It opens at 9 but with us having a drive, 10 is prob better for us. M doesn't take a nap. We usually spend the whole day and the butterfly exhibit isback at the gardens. We didn't get to it last time and it's been gone for the past few yrs. Definitely don't feel obligated to stay all day if your daughterneeds a nap. I understand that one!! We usually pack a picnic lunch.

Hmm, not much going on here. Can't remember what I was going to say the other day. C is growing too fast. She is now newborn size! 7 1/2 lbs and 20in. She is going to be a tough girl. Her muscles are crazy strong. My husband said at this rate she's going to be a linebacker. She's been eating like crazy- I think more often with sleeping longer at night.

M is still doing really well as a big sister. We've been having a lot of fun while c is sleeping. I sure missed that play time.

Anyway, time for bed.
Nicole, have you ever tried Gripe water? Sara just had a complete melt down and was screaming like that, I gave her some gripe water and it was instant relief. She's passed out now. She likes when you do the bicycle thing with her legs and knees to the chest. You gotta do it for awhile though. Helps with relief. I know what you mean. Crying and screaming just creates more gas too. It can be frustrating. As for pooping, Sara has just finally entered the stage where she doesn't poop constantly. It's so much easier. Seriously, I am enjoying not catching poop in my hands when I'm changing her. It never failed, she would always poop on my hand when I would go to slide a diaper under her bum.

Krissy, No worries! I totally got where you were coming from with my MIL. I'll admit, she drives me crazy at times, but after having a talk and laying down the law things are much better. She understand where we're coming from now. :) Oh, and my BSC mom emailed HER. Psssh, she straight disowned me, I don't ever expect to receive any contact from her ever again. My MIL wont let Dan or I read the email, she said it would just make us upset. I got some bits and pieces from her and from what she told me, it made me pretty upset. But after talking with Dan I feel better because we all agree we're all better off with out her in our lives. Now if only she would catch the hit and leave us all alone once and for all!! AWESOME NEWS ABOUT THE JOB!!! So happy for you. You are officially my little arrow. :) You gotta pull yourself pack in order to fly forward. Bummer deal about Avarie. That sucks. When I had Samuel I sat at a pharmacy all day waiting for my prescription vitamin d drops. Little did I know you could buy the damn things over the counter. Awe, the joys of being a first time mom. Much easier the second time around.
Amber, I didn't do any of that. Dan did it all. HA! I just decorate it. Although I did make some pillow covers today for our couch. That was kinda fun.

We went to butterfly world when we were in Florida. It was the coolest thing ever!!! NICOLE, YOU GOTTA GO!!! ....if that's the kind of butterfly exhibit you're talking about, Amber.
Krissy- I was wondering about your dh job. I meant to comment that depending on the type of concrete, you will neverhave set hrs. It's like my husbands asphalt job. You may spend the day at home bc it sprinkled that morning or looked like it was going to rain all day but never did. They can be off early or seriously late. You never know and it changes minute to minute. Last yr he hada 2 wk period of working 1 day bc of weather. It is hard and you have to be preparedfor that. I was going to say it would be hard to plan days for you to work if you were wantinghim to watch the kids......and then they start working out of town or nights. happy it looks like he got the other job and he likes it!
Krissy- Honestly, I'm jealous. I'd give anything for some intimate time (even just cuddling without DTD) with Josh now. I can just imagine us trying to make DTD last for hours when he comes home. I'm sorry you are stressed about money. I'm still stressed about getting a car but it'll have to wait until the first week of August. We have agreed that if we get denied for a loan this next time that we will just have to buy a car from a private seller. We will still have my FIL (the car guy) check it all out to make sure it's solid. Glad that Josh got offered the job.

Janelle-Thanks for the picture of the can. Yay on the fireplace. Sorry your mom is a drama queen. I think both my MIL and my mom are to some extent.

Misty-I so want Daniel to be a chunky monkey in the next month but at this rate he wont be a chunky monkey until he is 4 or 5 months old. Thanks for the bag balm recommendation.

Amber- Nope, no help now. I chose to have it that way. My SIL wears me out since she is a teenager still who eats and plays on her computer too much. Jerusha is getting better. She wants to hold him on her lap whenever he is happy but as soon as he squirms or whines she says she is done, lol. Ok, well I hope his growth spurt ends soon! Right now he eats 3x for about 6 minutes with 10 minutes of burping in between. As far as the zoo, I'll talk to my mom about dates. We could stay for most of the day since I'll have the double stroller so if she passes out we can push her around.
The butterfly garden is basically one big space with plants and pathways with butterflies all around. It's not huge, like a butterfly place that it is all it is intended. This is like an add on to the zoo. Still neat. I'll have to see if I can find out what time they release the new butterflies.

Janelle- getting any sizable crafty project done is a lot! You have a good husband! I'm the home improvement person in our house. My husband 'helps' but doesn't do on his own most of the time.....and if it come to any electrical or plumbing- forget it, i'm on my own!

Krissy- stinks your daughter isn't feeling great on vacation.
Janelle-I haven't tried gripe water. I will probably get some when we get to IN. Right now we have the Walmart brand of gas drops. He doesn't like the taste of them so I alternate them with his vitamin D drops which he loves the taste of. I try to do both the knees to the chest and the bicycle but he hates it. Mostly I just lean him into my hand until his stomach is right over his knees.
Nicole, are you vitamin d drops the enfamil brand? They are loaded with a bunch of unwanted crap and it pretty common for them to upset babies tummies. Misty and I just had a conversation about this and I ordered different drops for Sara. That could be the reason to your little man being upset. ...If they are enfamil.
Yeah, they are the enfamil brand but I havent seen any others at Walmart or Walgreens.
Nicole- looks like i'm down to wk of 15th except wed. They've scheduled my pre op and bc procedure prior wk. Hopefully one of those dayswill still work.

Well, it figures...both the kids sleep in and someone calls and wakes me up. :/ oh well, went back to bed for a bit, but couldn't get to sleep.
I will see. That is the week my mom goes back to work from her personal break. I will see what days she is off and hopefully that will work out for both of us.

I hate when that happens. Right now Jerusha is wide awake and he is asleep. She went to bed at 10 but he decided to keep mommy up past 2:30 AM. Then he ate at 4. then woke up at 6:30 and just would not go back to sleep til 8:30 which is when she woke up. I let her play in her room for an hour so I could get another 45 minutes of sleep but I am struggling with staying awake.
Thanks Everyone! Josh just called and said all paper work is done and so is drug test they should have results back by tomorrow and he will start next tuesday! so excited when i go to work today i will talk to them about dropping down to pool starting at the end of august. so excited bc then i pick my hours and dont have to work everyother weekend nor everyother holiday.

amber and nicole i hope you ladies have so much fun meeting up and going to the zoo!

ok i feel like crap tired!!! but got to move it gotta leave in less than an hour for work but tomorrow off whoop whoop!!!
would i be a bad mom if i called my SIL to ask if she can take jerusha for a few hours? I only got 3 hours of sleep and now I have a headache that is making me about ready to pass out.

yay on the new job! Congrats Josh!
Aww, nicole, asking someone to come and help you so you can get some sleep would never make you a bad mom. You need some rest. I'm fortunate m is older and sleeps well- once she goes to sleep that is! I was so tired with lack of sleep anyway. Once I got into the mind set to just enjoy the waking up and time with c and stopped wishing for sleep- it helped me immensely. A total of 3-4 hrs of sleep a day is hard and I already was getting that little sleep before her arrival. Now with the extra sleep i've gotten, I feel like i'm dragging more. More sleep, but not really enough. Lol

I hope she can come help you!
if she can't take her, maybe your il's or someone from church? Have your il's taken her for an overnight like they were?
Ugh, my post got eaten!

Nicole- did you get a break?

Krissy- good luck with your kitties! Today ours got a set in vent off andwent for a 6 hr adventure in our ductwork.

Happy early 4th! Have a great wkend!
I didn't need it. She went down for an earlier nap and luckily he was asleep too so I got a 90 minute nap. Tomorrow will be a long day. Getting up at 7 a.m. to shower, then get Jerusha up and fed. In-laws picking us up at 10 to get to a friend's house for celebration and wont be home til midnight. So I have to pack lots of outfits, diapers, and snacks.
Well we aren't going to that friend's house after all. DH's mom didn't get her paycheck last night so they don't have gas money to go down. Kinda bummed but now I have a headache even though I took my Ibuprofen an hour ago. I just want to sleep but they are supposed to pick us up for the parade in 45 minutes so not enough time to really get my headache to go away. I really wish I had a car right about now so my daughter would get used to having playdates and friends.
hope you're all enjoying your 4th of july!!!!

This is for you, Libby!!

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