A home for EVERYONE!

thanks misty! yeah I love it it has extra parts so I can extend it out to make it a twin but for now I have a toddle mattress and I am happy with that!

Nicole yay on finding a doggie sitter!

ok sorry but I need to do a selfish rant again....

so I finally decided to text my friend back about the pic I deleted just said it never came through. so she sent me a new one and they are having a boy. I am happy for them but I am pissed at her.....see heres the thing her oldest is a girl and then she has 2 boys now this one is a boy and she is texting me how she is so sad its not a girl and she has to get rid of her girl stuff and what not.....seriously????? I don't wanna hear that.....just be happy the baby is healthy and alive......freaking A....or least complain about it to some one who hasn't had 3 mc and wasn't due 2 weeks after you....sorry I just think she could have been sensitive.....or am I just being a whinny drama queen??? I don't know.......ugh...

oh and this don't help my boobs started leaking two days ago and still are....ok why would they be doing that now? my mc was almost 6 weeks ago...why now?

ok rant over....
So I am feeling pretty sad this morning. My db told me he can not bd with me because it freaks him out. What is worse is that he said he can not look or feel my stomach because it freaks him out bad. It really hurts me that he will not feel our baby. I have actually been crying over it.

He tried to tell me that he is happy we are having our child and these next few months is nothing compared to what he will try to do for him the rest of his (db) life.

Am I cruel for bring so devastated over the issue he can not embrace feeling and enjoying it now? I can not stop crying.

I told him I might go to the rest of my appointments myself. He do not need to be a part of it. :cry: :cry:
Awww, so sorry aspe. You have all the the right to be upset about that. Hopefully he will come around. Some men just have problems processing the changes. They start wondering if things will go back to the way they were, get scared they will hurt the baby now or just become fearful about all the responsibilities that are about to come and in turn pull away. I've read some men have anxiety about sex even after the baby bc they watched the delivery process and think differently about what the woman's body is. Maybe it is just a phase that your db has to come to terms with. I would guess there is something bigger he is worried or afraid of.

Still, sorry you have to deal with it. :hugs: did this just start? Maybe give him a few days or try and figure out what has changed for him to feel this way. Our body's go through a lot of changes and it can just freak them out.
Id be so hurt too, Aspe!! I agree with what Amber says though. Men are just big sissy la la's lol. Keep your chin up, he'll be so happy to have a son! Where are the ultrasound pics to show us anyway? Also, I'm pretty sure I got the changing pad sheets off Walmart.com. Either that or target but think it was Walmart c
Hi ladies!

Sorry, I've been MIA. I've been busy busy busy!!

Aspe, I think every woman has been where you are right now in your pregnancy. In fact, Dan was a lot more involved when I was pregnant with Samuel than when I was pregnant with Sara. I was in a lot of pain though with Sara, so in a way I think it freaked him out that I could break at any minute. With Samuel I do remember a point where he was freaked to have sex because Samuel would always move and it made it awkward for us both. Its something that I think all men go through. I'm sure he'll come around, but until then, don't punish him by cutting him out completely. That might create some distance between you both and you definitely don't want that during your pregnancy. :friends:

Krissy, awesome bed. You tell little Ava, I'm jealous!!

Hi to everyone else!!!

AFM, We've been busy over at our house!! We got the fireplace done, the house completely clean from ceiling to floor, even cleaned the windows!!! Samuel had an awesome party and we're in the process of potty training. So far so good. He has a terrible fit while on the potty because he doesn't want to go, but oh well!!! Once he goes he gets excited because he gets a sticker and an m&m. And at the end of the week we get to go to the park and ride the train! He likes that. Only one accident, which was yesterday so far. Hope this gets easier, because right now it's a pain in the ass with having to take care of Sara. I have a friend coming over tonight as well. I'm going to be cooking her dinner and DUN DUN DUN!!! CUTTING MY HAIR!!!

Here is a picture I took of Dan and Samuel watching the thunderstorms roll through.

This is Samuel on his birthday.
Janelle love the daddy/son pic watching the funder storm coming lol. He is such a character that little guy!!
Playing catch up while in the car headed to the beach... Siena is driving us batty... Colton is being great!

We also have that summer infant bath Janelle has... Used that after Siena grew a bit but wasn't sitting yet... Friend gave it to us and I liked it because Siena stayed in place, didn't slide around.

As far as diaper creams, we use Balmex. And 1% hydrocortisone for face/body rashes. Have dealt with both a lot lately. Diarrhea caused diaper rash due to antibiotics sigh... But just finished the meds so Colton should improve! Had him on augmentin for staph and eye goop stuff too. Had to give him the oral meds every 8 hours ugh. And he'd often puke due to it. So less diapers being dirtied now and no more meds whoop whoop!!

Have had drs appts galore... Next is in August for pre-surgery appt with pediatric surgeon. Then we have a double surgery early September... One dr will go into his belly button to repair/remove a remnant... Not infected but was supposed to be gone by birth and they don't like stuff hanging out inside us if its not needing to be there. Other dr will remove the extra digit on the side of Colton's foot. Two surgeries under one anesthesia. Have to wait till he's 3 months... And overnight hospital stay... Will be taking an extra week of maternity leave... Between copays and making less money right now... Things will be tight!

Janelle! The fireplace redo is awesome!! I wished I'd chosen something other than the rock front fireplace I have... But didn't... Oh well. We haven't used ours because need gas guy to come fix it grr.

Aspe- I like Reece! And I have dealt with DH not being as excited during pregnancy as me and it sucks. I'm sorry you're dealing with that too. Why they can't be completely enthralled with our baby bumps is beyond me... It's an amazing miracle inside us!!

Krissy- cool bed for Avarie!! Need to start thinking about a big girl bed for Siena probably. Getting long for her toddler bed.

Oh and we are potty training too! It is a pain! Just started the other day... And have had accidents so have to stay on her. Gah. But she's getting the idea.

Ok she has cried so much.. In car headed to beach and wanting to duct tape her mouth... We are in hell!!
She isn't screaming or crying or moaning at the moment so I'm having a moment... Although she has barely stopped making noise... Halfway there!!! Just pulled over and fed Colton... Had DH go inside gas station to get siena a snack/lunch and they came back with trolli strawberry candy?? Pure sugar oh dear!
Libby, have you tried playing a game with her while driving? Samuel has a ridiculous obsession with stop signs and shapes in general, so we're constantly looking out for shapes. More him than us. When ever he starts to get cranky a shape will magically fly by the car that he missed, then he's on the look out again. He freaks when we drive by carls jr. because of the star. Maybe try something like that?

As for potty training, I've finally gotten my break! He is now peeing on his own. Tells me he's gotta pee and I put him on the potty and it's all smiles while he pees. For a minute there I really thought this was going to be a nightmare. Especially this morning when I had him freaking out wrestling him to stay on the potty so he didn't pee all over me and Sara who was nursing. Talk about multitasking! He's already pooped in the potty, so I'm not worried. Did that before peeing. I don't know why I doubted Samuel. He's a smart kid. I should have done this months ago. It's like someone flipped a switch today though. What was a nightmare this morning, is now a game and he thinks it's fun.

He really wanted to wear a diaper the last few days, but I finally told him yesterday that we gave his diapers to Sara because she is a baby and babies wear diapers. He was pretty excited to share his diapers with her and hasn't asked for them again. We put him in big boy undies and just let him run around the house in those. He peed twice I think and that was enough for him to hold it. They don't like the feeling of peeing their pants at least that's what I've been told.
Also, I will admit, I felt like a down right evil mom holding him down on the potty while he screamed and wrestled with me to get up. If he needs therapy when he gets older because of it, I will explain to him, it's far less embarrassing going to a therapist for that, then going to see one because he's still in diapers! ;)
Hi everyone!!! I've been really bad about keeping up. But I wanted to drop in and say hi to y'all. It will take me a while to get caught up...
We are going to work on potty training while we are here at my moms. Though right now by daughter just sees the potty as a step stool so she can reach the sink to play in the water, ugh...

We took him to his 1 month appointment yesterday and i was afraid he wasn't gaining weight but its just the opposite. He has gained almost 2 lbs and 2 inches in a month! He is now 10 lbs 9 ounces and 21 1/4 inches. Oh, and the doctor thinks its just a yeast infection on his bottom but if its not gone in 2 weeks with the special Nystatin cream then I'm supposed to take him back in to see if its something else.
Grace! Can't wait to hear an update and maybe (hopefully!!) see some new baby pics!!
Nicole glad he's growing and gaining! Haven't seen any new pics from u either!
Just a quick post before I have to head off to bed.

Nicole, That's awesome that he's gaining weight. I just weighed Sara and she's a solid 12 lbs 6 oz. Hoping she's at 13 lbs by the time she goes to the dr. next Tuesday. I want to see the look on the dumb nurses face who tried to tell me she was 6 lbs.

As for potty training it's pretty easy so far. Samuel pooped twice on the potty today and peed I don't know how many times. No accidents! I'm telling you stickers and m&ms!! Also, the "diaper fairy" came today and took all the diapers. We took the water proof cover that was on our bed and wrapped it around Samuel's. No turning back now! I'm hoping he does well. I'll keep you ladies posted!
LOL At home, Jerusha gets M & Ms about once a day afgter diinner anyways so it wouldnt be anything special to her. Sticker though, I got a few sticker books and a reward chart for motivation. Just hoping these 3 hour long awake times at night end soon so I can have the energy for potty training.

I'm doing okay. DH is irritated with me because I missed our Skype time tonight. I was nursing Daniel and Jerusha passed out 15 minutes before our usual Skype time.

I'll edit the ticker tomorrow but wanted you all to know that I've lost half my pregnancy weight already! Now its time to start toning down if I can convince myself to do situps.
Good morning, girls :)


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Just to prove to you all I failed math. Sara weights 12.6 lbs. not 12 lbs 6 oz. That's over 12 1/2 lbs.

Nicole, I didn't think I would have the focus or time to potty train Samuel, but he proved me wrong. 4 days in and we're good. He slept almost 10 hours and didn't wet the bed. Got up and told me he had to pee. I really think it helps that he can communicate so well. I'm just excited we can go to his well check up potty trained. Samuel gets 1 m&m and 1 sticker if he pees, 2 if he poops.

Misty, you tell that cutie fuzz head Sara and I say hello!!

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