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I love the bikini! She's adorable! All the pics are good, u guys look like you're having a blast! Your pics are sideways it upside down tho. Is it just on my page it shows that way?
misty we try lol....ummm yeah don't know why they did that all were up loaded from my ipod and all were normal on my end...stupid website lol.
I have an iPhone and I figured out I have to edit the pic on my phone by rotating it once then saving then edit again and rotate it back to normal and save again. Then it uploads right. Don't think it's either stupid website or stupid Apple products lol
Pretty much but I a too lazy to do all that so I figured ya'll can stand on your heads if you wanna see it bad enough lol....

I haven't even made it to work and so ready for it to be the end of my shift lol. looking forward to this weekend of hanging out with the kids. sunday after church gonna take them to see despicable me 2 I think. oh and my husband comes home to night after staying the last 3 nights at his brothers wish I didn't have to work today.

I wish I would just feel better for the last 3 days I have had the worst heartburn ever! I even woke up in the middle of the night with crap coming up my throat. and my lower back is killer this sucks.

oh and up date on my dad. he saw the oncologist yesterday and they are doing bone scan cat scan and blood work to see where the cancer is and where we go from here. he goes back in 2 weeks for the results of everything unless something comes back supper bad then they will call sooner. I have talked it over with my parents and josh and if my dad has to do invasive treatment like radiation or chemo then I will become his day time care taker. it helps that I am certified so that means we shouldn't have a problem getting insurance to pay for it and that my work schedule will need to work around my dad, my kids and my moms work schedule. all iknow is no one else will take care of my dad but me and my mom. I know he will be fine in the end but I will be there for him. my mom cant bc she has to work and honestly I do to but I can make my more flexable if I have to. my family comes first then bills lol.

ok got to go get ready. have a great day ladies.
You're a good daughter, Munchkin :) My everything is crossed that its pretty localized and easy to treat.
My little miss has a fever. :( She doesn't feel like she does, but she's clammy and her bum read 99.8. She's been pulling at her hair too. Been suuuuuper fussy. I did some google searching and I think she might have a headache. All normal symptoms for after vaccines. If it's not gone by tomorrow, I have to call her dr. I just gave her tylenol and put her mittens on so she doesn't violently pull out all of her hair. I hate when my kids don't feel well.
Janelle-hope she feels better!!!! I hated when my kids would get that low grade fever after shots. I always gave them a dose of tynol or ibprophen before they got their shots and then kept rotating it for the first 24 hrs to help prevent the fever. good luck!

misty-I would do anything for my parents! they have always been there for us and if it ment me not working to take care of my dad and for free I will. he comes first like I said before. it really does scare me to think we could loose him this time. I promise no one has ever had a dad better than mine. I know I am a very luck person to have the parents I do and the relationship we have. I know I can call my parents about anything and they can call me. we have gone past the parent child relationship to best friends. just yesterday my dad called me bc he was having a moment and we cried together on the phone. I love knowing that my dad is comfortable enough to call me in those times of need. I also love the fact they have accepted josh as one of their own. josh's parents are ok but they have never really been there for him and I am happy my parents can be the role models for parenting and marriage that his parents couldn't be for him.

ok sappy time over lol....

ok its up in the air about tomorrow now....either we are going to the movies or to the fair that is in town....hard to decided...but love having two incomes now so that we can actually have a choice lol.
Sorry I haven't been on much. The block feeding has worked and I'm not leaking nearly as much now but now he has diarrhea. He hasn't has a normal BF poop in 3 days. No fever or vomiting though so we aren't too concerned.

Daniel is very talkative and smiley during the afternoons now. I would have posted pictures the last few days but my SD card has gone missing. I'll see if I can send some of the pictures that my mom has taken. Ok, bedtime!
Daniel last week at 5 weeks old:


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Back from the beach and catching up... It was a blast and Siena can swim now with this float that goes around her waist and has arm floats attached. Trip home was better since rode with the in laws.

We are potty training... Since July 4. But using pull up diapers a good bit and not totally switched over to underwear. She refuses to poop on the potty!! But I've heard this often happens. They learn to P first. I'm not too concerned if she always goes on the potty or not. Just taking it easy.

And Nicole I had fore milk hind milk issue this past week too! I tried block feeding but then I was getting engorged so I worried about mastitis. So now I'm giving him a pacifier to try to pacify him until its been three hours... Except during the night since I'm too tired then. Seems to be working. But since you had the issue around the same age I wonder if it was related to a 6 week growth spurt.

Grace - glad to hear things are improving with Ethan! All that sounds scary and stressful! Any sort of hospital stay is hard with a little one... I didn't realize how much so until Colton stayed just one night for infection. Ugh. All those shots have got to be hard on Ethan but also on you. Hugs!

And Colton tends to only nurse 7-10 minutes... He sometimes makes it 15. An only nurses one side, falls asleep usually or just not wanting more. Just now, he finished nursing and almost made it to nine minutes.

I haven't been away from Colton for more than two hours. We haven't done bottles yet. And that was for getting groceries. Nothing exciting ha ha. Oh and I took Siena with me.

Love everyone's pictures!!!

And Krissy you are such a good daughter... That will be tough but so good that you can care for your dad if it comes to that!

Janelle sorry Sara is sick maybe... So hard to tell at this age! Colton has a mitten on his right hand at the moment because he keeps scratching that side of his face! I've tried cutting his nails and filing them, But I guess I'm not good enough at getting them short.

Siena never got a fever with shots so have an experienced that, but shouldn't last long right?

I wish my dad could talk to me like your dad talks to you! My dad is very closed off about emotional stuff. Annoying.
Nicole & Libby - Thanks for telling me about your bf times. I was thinking he wasn't getting enough. Today I compared the amount of time he spent on the breast to the amount of time he spends on a bottle and I noticed he can gulp down 5 oz in a bottle in 12 minutes. He just nursed for 11 minutes and came off. I burped him and tried to give him more, but he wasn't having it. I feel better knowing others nurse in short spurts too. What's block feeding? I'm about to look that up.
Hi ladies!

Libby, have I got a story for you!! So, everything was going awesome with Samuel and his potty training. He was pooping and peeing in the potty, then out of nowhere he crapped his pants and refused to poop in the potty. So, I had read prior to crapping his pants that in order to get them to go on the potty they have to clean up after themselves. Put the poo in the potty, wash themselves and so on. So, we tried this. The first time it was awful! Samuel scrubbed his undies and had a fit the entire time, saying it was gross and yucky. The point being is you make it such a gross experience they don't want to do it again. Well, Samuel crapped his pants again. So, we tried the scrubbing your undies again and it totally backfired on me. SAMUEL ENJOYED IT!! He thought it was gross and yucky, but he looked at it as helping, and man does this kid like to be a big helper. So, I had to think quickly! THE DIAPER FAIRY! I don't know if I told you ladies before, but the diaper fairy came and took all the diapers away so Samuel had to wear big boy undies. So, the last time he crapped his pants we went to go get a clean pair of undies and they were all gone! Where did they go??? Samuel was looking for the undies when the phone rang. It was the diaper fairy! She was calling to tell Samuel she came and took his undies because he kept having accidents and in order to get his undies back he needed to go poop in the potty. Well, that did it! He was stoked! couldn't wait to poop in the potty. Sat on the potty forever trying to poop. I called Samuel a couple more times from the closet acting like the diaper fairy just to keep his spirits up. It became bedtime and samuel wanted to put his jammies on. Only problem was, you gotta wear undies to wear jammies. So, he went commando that night, which he wasn't too trilled about. The next morning he was doing the "I gotta poop" dance (still no undies). So, I set him on the potty and lucky for us the doorbell rang. I told him it was the diaper fairy coming to see if he had pooped yet! It was really some lady telling us our dog had gotten out, but I rolled with it! That's all it took. He pooped in the potty and while he was doing that and I was cheering him on, Dan ran back in the room and put his undies back in his drawer. Told Samuel he thought he saw the diaper fairy in his room, Samuel ran in his room and was super excited to see his undies back. When he was in the shower later that day, I told him that the diaper fairy stopped by again to see him and told me to tell him that if he goes poop and pee on the potty with no accidents that she will leave him presents. We bought a package of sesame street undies and with every week he goes with out accidents he will discover a new pair of undies in his drawer. Then after a month or so, we're going to get him a bigger present, like an outfit or something. So far so good. It's working! Try something like that. Diaper fairy.

AFU, I went to Target last night to return and EXCHANGE some nursing tops that my step sister gave me while I was pregnant. The lady in customer service was such a bitch! When we arrived she was talking to herself and running all over behind the counter, to be honest it looked like she was on some sort of drug. Dan and I patiently waited for her to help up and she was like "COME OVER HERE! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I just thought, awwww crap this is going to just make my night... I tried to explain to her that I was given these tops and I wanted to return them, she cut me off and flat out told me I couldn't. Said I needed the receipt. I explained to her I didn't have a receipt because they were given to me. Then she said that she needed my ID to return them, I told her I didn't have mine and asked Dan if we could use his and she cut us off saying that we couldn't use his. I was super confused. I think she read my mind because I was just about to ask to speak to a manager when she said "FINE, GIVE ME YOUR ID!" Dan gave her his ID and she scanned it and said something about me reaching my limit with my ID and that's why I didn't have it? Then she handed us a gift card and rudely said, "BYE!" No, have a good day, no thanks for coming just a rude BYE. Dan looked at me as we were walking away and LOUDLY said, "she should NOT be in customer service!" I couldn't believe how rude she was. End of story, I got some cute nursing tank tops.
Janelle - Wow, you and Dan handled that well. I would have told that lady to calm down and try again seeing as though we're all adults. I can't stand rude people. She was acting like she was mad at you because she had to work in customer service as if it's your fault.
Grace, LMAO It's funny because we were laughing about it driving home of what we "could" have said to her. We came up with some pretty funny jokes.

I wanted to mention that Sara feeds between 7 and 10 mins. Sometimes she will only eat for 3 mins before she falls asleep. I asked her doctor about it and she said that it's fine as long as the baby is gaining weight.
Janelle I had a run in with customer service at Target too! My sister was embarrassed. I probably wasn't as nice as you. I was REALLY irritated though. Oh and pregnant! Temporary insanity, right? The maxed out id comment was probably because you only get so many "no receipt" returns using your ID in a year I think it is. So she probably was accusing you of just saying you don't have your ID to get around that. The diaper fairy is still cracking me up!

I've heard babies get more efficient at breast feeding as they get older so it starts taking less time for them to eat.

Any updates from Angel?? Haven't heard from her in a long time...

Nicole - Daniel looks like he's chunkin' out! That's good!
Thanks, Janelle. He's definitely gaining. Today Dr said his weight was in the 75% percentile. I'm gonna try EBF for a few days and check his weight to make sure he's still gaining because I am so sick of pumping, washing pumping parts, washing bottles, and bottle feeding. It's so much easier when I can just whip the breast out and feed him.
Grace, I agree. I hate bottle feeding. Lucky me Sara hates the bottle. I've tried a few different kinds and she wants nothing to do with them anymore. I enjoy breastfeeding, but it's going to suck when Dan and I want to go out. We were talking about going to see a play this week for Art town. Les Misarables is suppose to showing and it's WAY better to see the play than the movie and the book is WAY better than the movie. I really like it. BEST MOVIE is the one with Liam Neeson. Oh, I got side tracked. Whoops. Anyway, why are you having to pump and bottle feed so much? why can't you just strictly breastfeed?
I bottlefeed when he won't latch or when he's only on for a minute or two (which is often). And I felt like he wasn't BFing for long enough (7 minutes or so) so I always give him a bottle on the next feed in case he didn't get enough when he nursed. I think I'm just being a paranoid FTM.

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