Nicole, It's a pain in the ass, I'll admit, but she's going to try oatmeal this weekend, so hopefully she'll like that more. Samuel preferred the oatmeal over the rice. She starts veggies not this weekend, but the following. But her pediatrician said just to mix a spoonful in with the cereal. It's just to introduce taste. I want her to breastfeed more than eating solids and her doctor agrees. If I find she's hungrier then I will adjust her solids, but right now she's just going to be on a once a day meal with solids. She nurses a half an hour-an hour before her morning solids, just so she can digest a little and make room for cereal, then "eats" the cereal and nurses right after. The nursing after the cereal is weird though. It's like she's super thirsty. She sucks so hard that my boob instantly swells and lets down fast. It's only after she eats cereal though. For the rest of the day it's leisurely nursing. I do think that was the yogurt we gave Samuel. He has an allergy that I've learned is becoming more common with kids now a days. He can eat dairy, but can't drink it. He can eat yogurt, cheese, icecream, etc. but if you give him a glass of milk he's puking for days. I guess it's something that a lot of doctors are seeing in kids now a days.