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I need Colton to learn to put himself back to sleep! But also thinking I need to nurse him at least once during the night in order to not lose my milk supply! Anyway, its not so bad but I do realize like Krissy is saying that its better to teach him how to sleep now instead of later. I've been softer on Colton and now I am paying for it in lack of sleep!
Lizzy yes i have been through that. See I made all those mistakes as a first time mom and paid for it for the first yr. I am not saying don't feed durning the night if he needes but u should have a good idea about how long he goes between feedings and if he wakes up around that timne feed him change him and put him back down even if he is awake. He is safe in his crib and if all his needs have been met then he is crying BC he just wants your attention. At most it took me like 3 or 4 days to break Joshua of being held/ sleeping with me once I put my foot down and ,earned thge difference between his cries and what he really needs rather than what he wants if that makes sense.

Like I said everyone's parenting styles are different and I am only sharing what has worked for me.
Libby, have you tried music? we have a CD that we play when we put Sara down and as soon as we play it she lays down and goes to sleep. Some times she'll fuss, but as soon as I shut the door she stops and goes to sleep. She used to wake up every once in awhile when we first moved her to her crib at 3 or 4 months, I can't remember, but I would let her cry for 5 mins and then go in and see what the deal was, unless it was a desperate cry. Eventually, if she woke up she would fuss for a minute or two and go right back to sleep. Now she sleeps through the night no problem, although the other night she woke up totally freaking out. I think her arm was asleep or something, because it was dead weight and she wasn't moving it. I just picked her up until she stopped fussing, turned the CD on and put her back to sleep. The CD really works. It's one of the only things that worked for Samuel. He was just like Colton. I agree with Krissy, I made all the mistakes of a first time mom and was paying for it the older he got. I tried the whole patting on the back, not picking him up, staying completely quiet. Eventually he learned if he cried a certain way I would go in and pick him up, so he would just scream that way. I don't know if I ever told you ladies, but Samuel had an ear piecing scream! I'm sure he caused some sort of hearing damage for Dan and I. Anyway, because of this terrible scream, we were always rushing to his aide because we didn't want to hear it, it was that bad! That and I was afraid you could hear it from the street and a neighbor was going to think I was neglecting my child or something. :wacko:

Finally, I just said screw it. I'm the parent, I'm the boss. I'm not going to let this little person control me. I put my foot down and let him cry it out with the CD on repeat. It was a looooong night, but it only lasted one time. The next night be cried for maybe an hour. The night after only a few minutes. Then we got scout. When ever he would wake up we would push his foot for a 10 minute lullaby compilation and Samuel was fine. Eventually he learned to push his foot himself and I would wake up in the night not to crying, but to scouts lullabies on the baby monitor.

With Sara I didn't want to go through any of that again, so I just put her in her crib ASAP and let her get used to being alone and putting herself back to sleep when needed and so far so good. She still smiles at me in the morning when I go to pick her up, she's a happy little miss. No complaints. She still crawls to me and enjoys when I hold her.

Samuel still loves me and snuggles with me too. Every morning, if he wakes up before me, he climbs into bed with me and wraps his arms around me and tells me he loves me. He's actually a pretty independent kid, which I'm proud of. I think that sort of development will help him later on in life.

I mean seriously, how many adults do you hear about in therapy complaining their problems are because their mom and dad let them cry it out for a night or two?

As for your milk supply, it's normal for it to dip a little bit; especially when you introduce solids, but you can always bring it back up at a different time of the day. I've started pumping for cereal and oatmeal when I feed Sara and I was only getting 2-4 oz now I'm up to 6 oz just before bed and that's the only time of day that I pump and she doesn't eat during the night. Plus, you might be fuller in the morning, so you can pump then too. If you have the time.. I don't know your schedule. I have read that you want to break them of night time feedings, because it's not good for their teeth, especially if they fall asleep at the breast.
We did cry it out with Ethan when he turned 6 months. It worked by about the 3rd or 4th night but he couldn't get himself to sleep when he woke up during the middle of the night. Then my supply went down and he was waking up every hour or so. I ended up co-sleeping for about a week so he could eat as much as he needed. When my supply came back, we started back over with cry it out. We went a week and it didn't work. He would cry off and on for hours (literally 3 or 4 hours). I finally said enough is enough and now we co-sleep. He wakes up once to eat and then goes right back to sleep. I'm not sure why it didn't work the second time around, but I don't have the heart to let him cry for that long. We will probably try it again when he's older, but I guess he's just not ready now.
I love my sleep. I like that I have two kids and I can actually get sleep and wake up clear minded and ready to start the day. I kinda feel because we nipped this in the butt early that that's why it was successful so quickly. Who knows though.

Grace, Samuel went through this phase where he would come into our room at night and climb into bed with us while we were sleeping. Watch out for that. It's not so bad when it's once in awhile, but when it starts to become an every night thing, forget about it. Samuel kicks, and flails around in his sleep. No such thing as sleep on those nights. Hopefully Ethan doesn't turn into a sideways sleeper and a kicker.

I don't think Dan and I would have much of a sex life or be as close if we still had Sara or Samuel in the room with us. We only get lovin' in once a week as it is. I went almost an entire pregnancy without sex and just about died! I NEED my lovin'-snuggle time with Dan. Plus, we always have the deepest conversations afterwards. I enjoy that alone time of being able to giggle loudly and not having to whisper. I couldn't give that up.
Daniel still wakes up to eat at around 4 am every morning then goes back to bed until 8 AM. He is a total momma's boy I can tell when he is hungry or he just wants mommy to pay with him. He is happy in the morning for about 30 minutes before he gets hungry. Around 7 pm is his really cranky time but I don't let him nap after 6 because he'll be up until 11 p.m. then
Janelle - You're lucky. I don't know what happened with Ethan and why he stopped going to sleep on his own. When he wakes up for some odd reason he immediately sits up and acts like he doesn't know how to lay down and just go to sleep. I'm thinking we need to try cry-it-out again before he starts walking because I'm pretty sure he'll just start walking around his crib. Problem is, I have no clue when he'll start walking. He just started cruising along the couch and stuff but I have no clue what that means for when he'll start walking. I'm thinking it's a few months away because he can't stand on his own for long. So I'm thinking we'll give it a try again at 9 months.
Janelle Jamison started that whole wanting to get in our bed to about a yr ago idk why. Now he knows that he can bring his blanket and pillow and sleep on my floor but not in my bed. But I am with u I love my sleep and my sex or even just sitting watching a movie and talking. This baby will be in our room till they can sleep 8 straight my others hit that by 6 weeks or so.

To each their own I guess.........
Grace, have you tried music? We play some zen CD, but it works!!!!! I think it helps relax them. When ever Samuel would wake up I'd walk in (in the dark) and just turn the CD on and he got the point. Then we got him a scout. You could try that too because he'll learn to turn him on. We got Sara a Violet, which is a lady version of scout. But you plug it into your computer and customize it. Here's the link.

Krissy, Samuel was coming in just because he wanted to sleep next to us. He didn't want to sleep alone in his bed. Now he only comes in if he has a night terror, which consists of me going and getting him out of his room because he's completely out of it. Sometimes he comes in and tells me it too loud in his room and he can't sleep. He tells me their is a lion in his room and he's roaring. I just roll with it and go lay down with him for a minute or two and he's okay. He has such an imagination.
LOL Krissy don't count on this baby following the same pattern as your others! I learned that with Daniel. Joshua and Jerusha started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. I thought it'd be the same with Daniel . Nope! He didnt sleep through the night until he was 12 weeks and even then it was just for one week and we still haven't gone back to sleeping through the night.

Grace, I'd say you have about 2-3 months before Ethan is walking at the rate he is going now. I am counting on Daniel to crawl around 10 months and probably walk at about 13 months.
Janelle - We have a sound machine that plays different lullabies and white noise but they didn't work. I'm looking at the scout now. Thanks for the link.

ETA - What kind of zen CD did you buy?
This is the CD we play. Was the only one that has worked for both kids.

Nicole-no shit sherlock......Joshua was colic do u know what is that means? He started crying at 5 pm till 1am every night from 6 weeks till about 3 months. That is exactly why I babied him so damn bad and ended up with him in my bed till he was almost one. Even if this baby wakes up a million times a night at least what time it is sleeping I will be sleeping in my bed with my husband...or whatever we choose to do with our time without a baby between us or in our room. Honestly my kids all slept so much better when they were in their own quiet room.

Also think about it if they are clinging to u now wait till they are walking and following u around screaming BC they want u to pick them up. I see it in my niece who still is acting that way BC her dad still babies her and she is almost 3. And every time I talk to my bio its I will get her out of my bed soon......yeah right

All I can do is give my opinion being a mom of 3 kids very close in age trying to save u all from my mistakes but some people need to make the mistakes themselves to really learn a lesson.

And that is the last I will say on the subject BC I feel like we r just beating a dead horse everyone is going to do what they want.
This is mine and my hubby's first month ttc. I am not using anything special to determine my ovulation other than an app on my phone. I went off the pill 6 months ago and have been using the app to track my periods.
Today is the 15th. My day of ovulation was the 7th (although I feel it was sooner). Since the 10th I have had cramping on and off, dizziness, extreme fatigue at times, tender breast a heavy feeling, random nausea, constipation and today I feel bloated. I do get cramps a day or two before AF generally but never 11 days before. My cycle averages 31 days, making me due for AF the 21st. I noticed the cramping happens after I use the bathroom then goes Away. Has anyone experienced this before? My app says I can test in 4 days.
Krissy, if I said that to Dan he would say "i've got a dead horse you can beat" lol I agree with you 100% But I get what you're saying you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. I've just read a lot of books so, I kinda just go off of research, experience, and good old fashion advice.

Tryingmommy, WELCOME! :flower: I think 4 days before you missed period is enough time for a positive test if you want to try. I think it's different for all women though. I got my positive tests with both kids well before my missed period. Best of luck, and keep us posted!
Welcome Tryingmommy! The only time I've had cramps that go away when I use the bathroom is when I had tummy cramps. Could that be it?
No. Even when I urinate it happens. Then they go away after a minute or so. Sometimes it's just random throughout the day. But no discharge so I don't think I have any infection.
Oh, I totally read your post wrong sorry. Maybe this is it for you and it's a symptom, but I've never experienced that. No harm in testing in 4 days though. I'll probably be testing around the same time if AF hasn't shown up yet. We can test together. LOL.
Aspe, Where ever you are... I tried a Mint Kit Kat chunky today. It was ooookay, eh. I think so far the ones I've liked most are the peanut butter and hazelnut. But I just there is coconut and cookies n cream. Have you ever had the caramel or double chocolate yet?

Zoey, I think you have kit kat chunky in your country too. Have you ever had one? We only have plain, boring kit kat here in the states. Milk, dark, and white chocolate.

Tryingmommy, I think when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had the kind of cramping you're talking about. Like you think your period is going to start, but never does. Do you feel any tingly or heavy feeling in your breasts? Or wake up super hot at night? That was a sign I had with all of my pregnancies. I woke up SUPER hot and uncomfortable at night and I knew I was pregnant! Any strange dreams yet? The ladies here are really good with symptom spotting. ;)

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