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Grace! A little sister for Ethan! Yay! lol When is AF due?

Krissy 9 more days!! I can't wait! Love the bump. I can't even tell you how happy I am finally seeing your rainbow baby bump :) :) :)
Quick thanks! And now 8 days!!!!!!!

Be back later got to get the kids up and off to school.
Catching up...

Yup Krissy I agree with not smoking while prego! Gah and 7 kids wowzers!! That is a ton haha. Yeah she sounds annoying!! Argh. Ok so maybe its not so bad that I have a small family.. I don’t deal with cousins!

Janelle - I haven't had a period either! I've had possible cramping... but then nothing results. So not sure if AF is coming or what. So far, nothing! Wow so glad lowes card numbers got saved!! Phew that would have been awful! How did Dan do with the crown moulding? I've heard about it being hard to match up corners and such due to the angles. Oh but I can't see pics on here so can't comment on the kitchen questions!

Nicole - I get this frozen stuff called Artic Zero.... dairy free I think. Might want to take a look. I get it at Publix and Walmart. I had my dad try it and he said it tastes like air. Ha. Well, its 150 calories for the whole pint and is a good fix for ice cream cravings!

Haven't heard of umpqua!

And yea I'm scared of GMOs, sigh. I want to be an organic vegan. But credit card bill gets too high when I start edging that way! And my hubby would die if I told him he had to give up meat because I was. Ha. Oh wow how I would LOVE if GMOs had to be at least labeled!!!!! I would notice it and be better at steering away from them!

Colton is big too! He's probably almost 19 pounds because he was 18+ at his 6 month appt. And he's 95% for height and average-ish for weight when we figured he was fat because seemed so big... about Sara's height! Yes, car seat is a pain! I am researching car seats right now with plans of moving him up soon! About to outgrow his car seat. I haven't given him much in the way of grains... delayed solids until 6 months and then started w fruits and veggies. Recently gave him some baby oatmeal in his food a couple times. HE eats SOOO much. So I'm thinking he needs more than just fruits/veggies. Over the weekend, at dinner, I nursed him, then I fed him 2 3.5 oz baby veggies, one with oatmeal added. And he was ready for more! I told him he was cut off because I needed him hungry later to nurse before bed! Ha.

Zoey, Interesting how different it is where you live versus here in the U.S.! Sounds healthier!

Janelle - I watch Shameless! Just started season 3 I think.

Colton is a bit below his weight gain curve.... but dr wasn't worried. I was surprised because he has thunder thighs! And now he's started crawling! So he'll probably gain even slower? Well, but he's started solids so maybe not.

Yup Colton is barely into 12 mon clothes too. We don't have a lot of 9 month clothes... so he'll be in some 6-9 and some 12, depending.
Ok now that I'm caught up... anyone else have a baby not sleeping through the night? I may be alone... Colton doesn't nap well either. Cat naps. And wakes between all his sleep cycles at night, from what I can tell. Wakes up and cries. If I pick him up, he'll either nurse or go back to sleep until I try to put him back down... then he cries again. Argh. I had Siena sleeping all night by this age. But I also sleep trained her and let her cry it out and cut off her night feeds. Trying a nicer approach this time... but that translates to me hating my 5am alarm to get up for work! I just keep thinking he'll start sleeping longer on his own naturally and nope!
i think you can eat much healthier here if you want to. Everything has to be labeled with a traffic light system. so fat/ sugar/ salt ect has to be labled red for its high quantity of it, orange for its ok and green for its low in it
Libby I'm awake at night with you!!! Idk if he's getting too hot or what past couple nights but he's up for an hour in the middle of the night. I fed him and stripped him to diaper last night then he eventually went back to sleep with me then I put him back in his crib. Night before he was wide awake thought it was play time. I put him in his crib and he eventually went to sleep. No screaming. Just some crawling around, occasional yelling at me which I ignored lol. He's sick all the dang time so that always makes him not sleep well. He has an appt at the allergist/immunologist tomorrow morning.

So I'm searching for a new daycare. Friday night I changed Tyler's diaper and he had pooped out a little rubber band! I knew it was from babysitters house cuz it was one of those bracelet loom band things that are all the rage right now and her kids do them. I texted her pissed off. Even sent a picture of his crappy diaper. One other time jake was picking him up and had to dig wrapping paper out of his mouth. Soooo we decided this wa enough and were gonna find somewhere else. Well I show up Monday morning at Melissa's and she says nope after the texts you sent me Friday about it being unsafe and unhealthy here, you're done. What I'd said was it wasn't safe or healthy to eat rubber bands!! Anyway so she waited til mon morning to drop that bomb. Awesome huh? So he's temporarily going to the daycare center my oldest daughter works at and I'm trying to convince her to quit and have her own daycare!!
Oh I'd love the traffic light method for food labeling. Makes sense!

Misty - Sorry to hear your kiddo has joined the insomnia club with Colton! My lo has been a member for ages. He was SUCH a good newborn sleeper... but back then I wasn't caring that he woke often to eat because he slept so much. Now that he's awake during the day AND I'm at work during the day, I had hoped he would start sleeping longer at night! I'm figuring I will have to get tough here eventually... he needs sleep... so if I don't offer the boob, he'll give up and stop waking up so often hopefully. Just haven't gotten to where I feel comfortable doing that yet.

Sorry your lo is sick!! Ugh that is the worst!!

Wow the sitter just turned you away the morning you were dropping him off?? That's insanity! So you don't like the daycare your daughter works at?
Well the location sucks. And I just don't know if I want him in a daycare center rather than an in home daycare. I feel he'd get better attn at an in home one rather than just one of a bunch of roaming around babies. Plus he's sick all the dang time as it is so now with more kids that means more germs. There was one hacking up a lung all over Tyler yesterday so next cold will be on its way I know!!! Sigh...
Oh and I'm with you.. I can't do the cry it out thing. It rips me apart. Plus I don't want him to feel abandoned and that he can't trust or depend on me. Maybe that's mental for me to think that about a 9 month old but it is what it is.
Zoey - That light system sounds great. We have to read labels to see if there's hidden sugar and stuff in it because stuff can look healthy but in reality it's not. The whole multigrain vs whole grain is another example. I like the light system, and I'm jealous.
Misty - I can't believe your sitter. I mean he pooped out a rubber band. Any parent would be upset. That's not safe. I hope you find what you're looking for in a home daycare. That has got to be stressful. :hugs:
i can't believe your sitter that is disgusting. i work in childcare and i would never do that.

i found a pic tire of the traffic light system for you. they have made it a legal requirement for foods to have this on.


  • _63685888_food_labels_464.gif
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Colton 7 month pic

did anyone other halfs have sympathy symptoms when they were pregnant?

my oh is a grumpy as anything even after i gave him a bowl of plain rice with bbq sauce that he had a craving for :haha:
Zoey- My husband gained like 10 lbs every time I was pregnant. Sometimes he even got constipated like women do during pregnancy.
Misty, I think you mean baby SISTERS for little Ethan. LOL

Libby, the crown molding isn't that hard as long as you have the right saw! We tried cutting it on our table saw because my FIL hadn't broughten over Dan's new saw yet and it was a royal pain in the ass! Once we got the new fancy pants saw, it was a breeze. They were all 90 and 45 degree angles though. Word to the wise though, if you're thinking about doing crown molding, paint it first THEN put it up. It's a lot easier to just putty, sand, and touch up paint than it is to paint the whole piece when it's up there. As for being Vegan, it's really not that expensive to be vegetarian. We actually save a lot more money. Think about it, with meat you're paying by the lb. You don't really do that being vegetarian, you're mostly paying per item. Plus, you can make a couple meals out of the same veggies. Like bell peppers for example. They are what not even a dollar for one? If you buy three, a couple of onions, a potato, bag of mixed frozen veggies, some tomatoes, lettuce you can make fajitas, a stir fry, curry, a nice salad and have toppings for veggie burgers,tacos or what not. That usually what we do. We base our dinners off a few veggies a week. If you plan it out right, you'll save a ton of money. I don't like cheese and rarely drink milk or eggs. So I might as well be vegan that occasionally eats fish. Another thing is we shop at a store called Winco. Not sure if you have one where you live, but they sell some foods by the bulk and A LOT of them are organic. So, we buy a lot of food by bulk. It's way cheaper doing it that way. I've got a bunch of old spaghetti jars in my pantry filled with nuts, quinoa, rice, beans, etc. YOU CAN DO IT!!

Zoey, I've heard when you're pregnant with a girl the husband gains weight a long with the wife. It was true with us. Dan gained some weight, but not when I was pregnant with Samuel. As for the BBQ sauce and rice. I had an asian friend who used to BBQ and always have rice, so I grew up eating that dish all the time. You're husband isn't that weird. ;)

To all the other ladies, HELLO!!! I'm busy painting...
Misty I am saying this with love.........get Tyler to sleep on his own now or u will live to regret it! I let my kids cry it out when necessary and they don't think I abandoned them nor did they not trust me any more. It is soooooo important that kids learn to self sooth to sleep before the age of one or it will only get harder for them as they get older. Take my niece and bil for example she will not go to sleep with out crying if he dad is not sleeping in the same room and she is almost 3!!!!! This is not healthy at all. I have to watch over night sometimes and every night she cries her self to sleep BC her dad is not there and she wakes up at least one time at night crying for him I can almos promise u had she learn to self sooth at a normal age she would not do this she does this in her own house to when he is not there. So u should really consider moving him to his own room and getting him to go to sleep on his own will be good for everyone!
Oh man Tyler gets sick a lot even with an in-home daycare? Well, I guess that's building up his immune system for school maybe. That's what we try to tell ourselves anyway.

Love the traffic lights! So jealous! I live in the wrong country!

Janelle, wow you don't like cheese? If I were a vegetarian, I'd end up with cheese on everything haha. Nope, we don't have Winco. Yeah the reason I love veg eating is because of all the ways healthy stuff gets incorporated to make up for no meat. Like 'flax eggs' and quinoa and such. Love it!

Krissy - From an experienced parent... have any of your babies had issues where they'd be fine and sleeping if you held them, but cry with eyes closed when you put them down... Colton does that and if I don't pick him up, he will open his eyes and cry more and get angry... I try talking to him, patting him... not sure if that is helping. I know he eventually passes out if I leave him, but have only done that a few times because it'll be the middle of the night and then I have no idea how long he cried!

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