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Grace I just don't want u to do what I did and be so upset BC u are pregnant. I did that then I had complications while pregnant with Jamison and when he was a new born and was sickly and had rsv . I thought well this is what happens when u say you did not want another baby right now. Of course I was being silly but I do still beat my self up over that thought of not wanting to be pregnant then and now it took us so long to get this baby. I truly learned that babies come when god knows they are needed. Example I got pregnant for Joshua 2 months after the first time my dad was diagnosed with cancer. Avarie was born a month before my dad was forced to apply for disability or go paralyzed and die an early death. Now Jamison my big surprise baby came at time my dad needed a reason to once again see thge beauty in life. He lost his mom 3 months before Jamison was born and his dad had passed 4 yes before that. So by having another grand kid to look forward to got him through some of his darkest days. Now his cancer is back after 8 yes of remission and it is incurable. This baby once again reminds him what he has to fight for.

So this new baby of yours is very much meant to be and I know u already love it. Bonus u have all the baby stuff already!

Hope that helps even more!!!!!!
Awww, Krissy. You made me cry. Thank you so much. I'm praying for your family. 5 more days until you know the gender right?
So Tyler is now hacking up a lung and when I dropped him off at the stupid daycare this morning I was told they've had a confirmed case of rsv influenza. That's what she said. Don't know if she meant both or if that's just what she called rsv. Either way, not good. It can be severe in babies who were born premature. His temp was 99.5 this morning. I'm just sick to my stomach at work worrying.
Misty - I didn't do the finger foods with Siena this early.. but as far as I know, dr just wants us to wait until 9 months for meat, and then eggs and honey and nuts avoid until later too. I've tried cheese, cucumber, carrots, sweet potato, quinoa, mixxed veggies... that's all I can think of at the moment... basically anything we're having with dinner if I can separate some out before spices/salt/etc is added... figuring the food in the blandest form is safest maybe?? Also trying to keep him away from wheat and corn stuff for awhile. Kinda silly probably since I know he'll eat that stuff eventually anyway. We try and eat healthy in my house, but really eat most anything. Oh, so far the cheese seemed the favorite... easiest to eat because he can gnaw on it versus trying to pick up little pieces... cucumber stick disgusted him haha. Sweet potato was a hit once I put it in one of those mesh bags with a handle made for babies...

Oh dear I hope Tyler is okay!!!!

Krissy - sorry you aren't feeling well!!

Grace! Wow look at you with the big news! Congrats!! Scary but exciting!! I haven't even gotten my period back yet...

AFM - Decided no more kids for me. Although I would be thrilled if I did have another. But won't try for any more. I was sick a few weekends back at the same time as both kiddos and I just about died trying to survive that. And used up a lot of sick leave for the kids so then I had to go to work sick. Argh.

Date night tonight! Leaving in a few to meet DH at home for some 'yoga' haha then MIL bringing kids home from daycare so I can nurse Colton before we leave for movie and dinner!

Oh and night #2 of sleep 'training' went alright... he was up 3x during the night and 2 of the times awake for more than a half hour before going back to sleep. But he still slept the whole night in his crib. So I call that a success. Ultimate goal is to have him sleep every night in his crib all night long... and to only get up to eat once a night (And no fussing when I put him back to bed!). I'm just happy I haven't given in and nursed him to sleep or taken him into my bed. Hard when I know it's easier ha!
Misty, with how sick Tyler has been, I wouldn't be surprised if he already had RSV. For most kids its just like a common cold. Only a small percent get a lung infection and need to be hospitalized. Just because Tyler was premature, doesn't mean everything is going to happen to him 10x worse than a baby that was born full term or later. You can't always have that thought in the back of your mind. I know, easier said than done. I was born at 28 weeks and was rarely sick as a baby and kid, and my mom ran an at home daycare. I know it's hard for you, but you can't always think or assume the worst. You're going to lose your sanity if you do. Have you called his Doctor and told them that there has been a confirmed case of RSV at his preschool and he's coughing and has a low fever and ask what symptoms to watch for? They might be able to give you some advice as to what to do, so if he does get RSV, you catch it early. You might want to call them today, seeing as it's Friday you'll know what signs to look for over the weekend. It's Friday, pizza night right? :beer: Have a beer to wash it down and calm your nerves a little. I'm sure everything is going to be fine, just try and think positive. :friends:

Krissy, you're lucky to have someone as awesome as your Dad in your life. Even more so your kids get to look up to him as well.

Grace, how did you sleep last night? Was your mind running a mile a minute after you got the news? I can't remember if you said before, but were you planning on having more kids? I'm still excited for you. :wohoo: <That's my excited dance..

Tryingmommy, have you tested yet?

Sara is 8 months today, but she's sleeping, so I'll have to get a picture later. But I'll get one up today. Promise!:thumbup:
Libby, enjoy your yoga. lol Tonight is our lovin' night as well. What movie are you going to see? Awesome news with Colton btw, hope it continues to be easy for you both.
Misty - I hope Tyler is okay.

Janelle - I slept like crap. LOL. But DH slept great. He's so happy. We wanted more but I'm just starting to get in a little groove taking care of Ethan. I can't imagine taking care of him and a newborn, but I just kept telling myself, women have done this all the time. Hearing from Krissy really helped me out. I'm more relaxed about it today. I was so stressed when I was pregnant with Ethan that I didn't really get to enjoy it. I wanted to enjoy the next pregnancy so I am wrapping my mind around it all so I can get there.

OAN - Ethan had to have a second hearing test because he failed one ear at birth and he passed this one! He also had his first play date this morning and he had a great time. He really does need a sibling so I'm good with this pregnancy. God knows what He's doing. Lord knows I don't.
His other colds have just been head colds. This is in his chest. Research, like you go by, says premature babies are at higher risk for complications. That's why I said it. I did call and talk to nurse. Since it is a virus all that can be done is treating the symptoms unless I can't get fever down or his breathing gets bad or he won't eat and gets dehydrated. That's assuming what he has is a virus. He was tested for rsv but it was way in the beginning. He was already fighting the end of a cold when this worse cough came on.
Grace glad you're at peace with it and can now enjoy your pregnancy :). It will be so good for Ethan having a sibling to grow up with. I first said sister but I'm changing my mind. It's a boy. ;)
Grace, that's good you're thinking optimistically about it. My pregnancy with Samuel was pretty rotten. The pregnancy part wasn't but life surrounding it was. With Sara it was the opposite. I was in a lot of pain, but life around it was peachy, so it kinda balanced itself out. I liked that. Siblings are fun. I just have a friend who had twins and got pregnant 10 months after having them and she just had the baby. It could be more of a challange than what you've been given. You're going to do great! Besides I've heard having them close together is easier in more ways than one. Like potty training...

Misty, I know what research says about premature babies, but it doesn't mean that ALL premature babies are high risk. That's what I'm trying to explain. Not all who drink are alcoholics, not all who smoke are going to die of lung cancer, not all who eat doughnuts for breakfast are overweight, not all who wander are lost. You can't just assume that because Tyler was a premmie that he's automatically going to have complications. If you do, you're going to be constantly waiting and watching for his next cold. It's going to drive you crazy. COME ON MISTY, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Did his doctor ask you if it was a wet cough or a dry cough? Did she ask if there was any wheezing? Is it a constant cough or just in the morning? What has the daycare said about how he has been today? Did he cough through the night? I remember he had a cough with another cold that he had, is this cough the same or different?
Nope nurse sucks and doesn't care. No questions asked. He was coughing with this last cold. It was a dry cough. Now it's a wet cough all day and all night. No wheezing. He coughed so much this morning he gagged and upchucked.
Misty, Is he coughing up gunk? Has his nose been stuffy and/or runny? Snot color? Is he still sleeping with a pillow? That will help with drainage. Sometimes when their nose drains into their throat it can cause what sounds like a wet cough. If his nose has been runny and stuffy it would be an educated guess to assume that is what is causing it, especially without wheezing. Just keep an eye on it, but don't think the worst. Has he been eating and drinking in daycare today? How was yesterday? Wet diapers? I don't know why day cares don't have nurses like schools! You would think their would be more sick kids in a day care then their would be in a public school.
Janelle - I can't imagine twins. Sheesh. Off topic - have you ever heard of Dr Tieraona Low Dog? She's an alternative medicine doctor. I was gonna get her book, but I'm trying to see if anyone has tried her recipes.
RSV confirmed and a bad ear infection. See I'm not always dumb! Lol
Ahhh, poor Tyler. Glad you get to spend the weekend with him. How's he doing now?
Right now he's trying to sleep and is tossing around coughing and moaning :( I hate my baby being sick.
LMAO!! Misty, no one ever said you were dumb. Now, neurotic...I'M KIDDING!! Glad you got him looked at, but after talking with you in text, you should look into getting a new doctor for him, especially with his history and Jake's asthma history.

Grace, I've never heard of that author, but I can bet money that my in laws have. I'm suppose to be getting together with them this weekend, I will ask if they have heard of her and what do they think. They are really into alternative medicine and holistic healing. My MIL especially.

Zoey, Migraines are no fun! Are you drinking enough water?

Alright, I got my whole house clean, finally got some pictures of Sara, but I had the wrong setting on the camera so her face is kinda bleached out. Better than nothing, I didn't want to get stopped by the picture police!


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