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We're 8 months today!!! And we love the fan as much as we did at two weeks old.


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Too cute, Grace! He's such a handsome little fellow! How have you been feeling? Sleeping? Daydreaming yet? :)

AFU, I'm going to lose my mind. I found a gogo babyz travelmate thing on craigslist to use for Sara's car seat, but the lady wont respond to my email. She's already responded saying it's still available and would like to meet up, but now she's gone missing. I can't get a hold of her. I looked online and if I ordered it anywhere online it wont arrive in time for our trip next week.

We have one for Samuel's car seat, but it would be nice to have it for both car seats. I guess worst case scenario, we can always check Samuel's car seat and just walk him through the airport... but I'm nervous about checking his car seat, it would only be my luck that they lost it and I wouldn't have a car seat. I could gate check it, but then I have to carry a kid, a car seat and baby through the airport. It's so much easier just to put them in the car seat and wheel them around. Especially if they are sleeping. I put an ad on Craigslist and hope that someone responds before Tuesday.
Here is a video of Sara doing the truffle shuffle. I got it to upload so it's not sideways, but it has no sound now.:shrug: It's not as exciting without sound. Oh well, look at that smile!! :cloud9:

Janelle - I've been feeling fine. Outside of the cramps (which I get every month) I feel normal. Don't feel pregnant at all. Not sure what to make of that.
Hmmm... Did you feel pregnant with Ethan? I went through times of not feeling pregnant, then I would be cooking dinner and WHAM! I'd get hit with a wave of nausea. I remember I was constantly squeezing my boobs to see if they felt sore. I was a little paranoid (obsessed) I think. But every pregnancy is different. I'm sure all is well. Have you made an appointment to see your doctor yet? Are you around 6 weeks?
Grace, So, I have to tell you this, ***WARNING*** Libby, don't read...

They other day we were watching Shameless and there is a character on it named Veronica and she was told by numerous doctors that she can't get pregnant, so long story (with less detail) short, they got her mom to carry a baby for them. Months later Veronica wakes up feeling not so hot and finds out that she is pregnant. LMAO, so now they are trying to get used to the fact that they are going to have two babies. A few days later she starts spotting, so they rush her to the hospital and she then finds out that she's pregnant with 3 babies!!! So, while she's freaking out about having 4 babies, Kevin (her baby daddy) is just running around thinking he has a magic penis, because she "couldn't" get pregnant and now she's having triplets. It was funny to watch, but I thought of you and your dream of twins.

Hypothetically speaking, how would you feel if you found out you were having more than one?
Janelle - The magic penis is hilarious. I may have to start watching that show. With Ethan the only symptom I had was sore boobs and spotting. But I also had the same thing when I had a blighted ovum. So I was convinced I wasn't pregnant. This time around I don't have sore boobs. I had sore boobs a couple of weeks ago and nursing wasn't fun, but they feel completely normal now. If we were to have twins I don't know what I'd do. I mean I'm sure I'd figure it out, but that's just too much to think of right now. Babies are hard. I don't get why people want to have two of them at once, but I guess that only lasts for a few months so they can see beyond it. I can't! I will be six weeks on Friday. I haven't even called to schedule an appointment. I am just waiting until the 6 week mark to call.
Grace, its a good story line but its a pretty twisted show. I cleaned up a lot of the story with what I just told you. Lol if you knew the whole story line you might think Libby and I were twisted for watching it but I love William h Macy. As for not feeling pregnant, take it as a blessing you could be feeling super sick and having to care for Ethan at the same time. Maybe your boobs don't hurt so much because you're still breast feeding? No idea. I'm excited to get an update when you get one though. :)
So my day yesterday... stayed home from work because Tyler coughed and coughed all night long. When we got up in the morning he just cried and cried so I decided he needed to be home resting. He was then wheezing so I took him to the doctor in the afternoon. He wasn't wheezing at that point but I had recorded him wheezing earlier so I played that for the dr lol. She prescribed a nebulizer for breathing treatments. After leaving the pharmacy on the way home my car broke so we pulled onto a residential street and waited about 45 min for jake to get off of work and come get us. Thennnnnn my oldest daughter had gone to the dr for some pain she'd been having, they sent her to the hospital and she ended up in surgery at about 9:30 last night having her appendix out. So by the time I got home and to bed it was 1am. It was a WONDERFUL day. Good thing was Tyler slept better but he's still not eating worth a crap and now has diarrhea so I'm worried he's going to become dehydrated. I didn't want to take him to daycare but I had to go to work. Stressed and exhausted doesn't even begin to describe me...
Oh Misty. :hugs: I'm so sorry. Has he stopped wheezing altogether now? How is your daughter doing? How are you feeling?
its v day :wohoo:

plus i got given work today, first tome in months! :happydance:

its only 2 days work but its something
I have a friend getting married in the Dominican Republic at the end of April. Ethan will be 11 months old by then. We can either go without him for 3 nights or go with him for 7 nights. Which would you do?
Grace, I'd take him! Unless there is reason you don't want to take him?

Zoey, woohoo!!!

Krissy, only a couple more hours! I'm counting down to hear that Ava isn't going to be the only girl anymore. ;)

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