Hi Ladies!!!
Pissy Krissy! You're back! I've missed your spunk. I knew once these hormones were regulated that you'd be back! Better tell Josh to back off.
As for shopping. We got the two side shelves and the base, but they didn't have the top bridge. I THOUGHT I saw that I could order it online, but once I tried it said it was out of stock, so I called to see when it would be back in stock and they said JUNE!!! That's too damn long. We might just try to build it ourselves. It looks fairly simple and considering we've got a whole kitchen under our belt for experience, I don't see how 3 simple squares could be any difficult. Famous last words!!!
Aspe, I believe it was around 5 or 6 months that I got my first period and then it didn't show up for months later. One was Krissy's BFP the other was Grace's. So, what ever their difference is. It's gotten a little more regular. I believe my next cycle is due for the 9th or around there. I've been having spotting with ovulation though. I get a lovely headache before I ovulate and before my period. Kind of a pain in the ass. Seriously thinking about the Mirena IUD to end periods well, period! I didn't do well with the depo shot though, I had a period the entire year I was on it. A constant flow. Afraid Mirena might have the same effect.
Zoey, I've never actually walked through Ikea. I'm afraid to. LOL No control!! I had to walk through the back this trip to get some dishes and screw that!!! They have some really awesome stuff and I wanted everything I saw, but I got lost! It's like a mad house maze in there! I'm sticking to the big pieces in the warehouse. Hahaha!
Grace, hoping you get a girl! They are sooooo much fun. I'm all about bows and ribbons right now.
Trying, are you thinking girl with the heart rate? Sorry if I've asked this already, but have you thought of any names?
:wave: to all the other ladies!!
Afu, not much going on. We have our shelves in the kitchen... still in their boxes... I'M DYING TO OPEN THEM!!! Trying to talk Dan into buying an air compressor nail gun thing. On another note I'm really wanting to paint our bed frame.... I got a new duvet cover from Target for only $30!! it came with two pillow cases too. It's white, but I'm not feeling the whole natural wood feel. I'm kinda tempted to paint it black..
Kinda like this. I even like the planked wall!!