A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle.. Happy late birthday. Hope you enjoyed your day/night out.

Misty.. Hope Tyler is feeling well. When is surgery date?

Grace.. Yay on heartbeat :). Gorgeous little man you have

Any recommendations on how to get rid of dry scalp (do not think it is cradle cap). I have posted a picture. Tried Johnson cream and baby avenno already.


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Aspe - Try coconut oil

AFM - My appointment with the high risk doctor went well. Hopefully they won't have to put me on blood thinners. Looks like I'll get lots of ultrasounds with tgis baby. Hopefully they dont find out that ultrasounds are harmful in ten years. Heartbeat was 162. Ethan's was in the 140s the whole pregnancy so my guess us this is a girl. I was hoping for a boy so they could share a room and I wouldn't have to deal with another head of curly hair. Mine is enough for two people. But I'll be happy with a girl, too.
ella heartbeat has always been in the 150 range! so maybe it is a girl :D

ive been at my parents nearly a week. mum and i have washed all the baby clothes, bought a cot amonst other things and wrote a hospital bag list
I am alive just soooobusy with kids and what not...... I saw my obmonday who said blakes kidneys are still enlarged but measuring the same so did not get bigger which is good other wise he is healthy. I am being sent to Michigan state university for a more in depth ultrasound which will hopefully she some light on what is going on with him. I won't find out my appt time till Monday BC msu is closed today and tomorrow. Other than that josh is being laid off from 3/1 till 4/9 he gets unemployment the whole time so not really gonna affect us....ok lots to do I will try to get onlater
Hi ladies! Hope all is well. Still having nausea 10 weeks tomorrow. The progesterone suppositories are going good. I'm starting to get a dark like from my belly button down.
Hi girls. It's been a heck of a week. I'll start with some pictures and Tyler's surgery. It was today and went well. Dr said his right ear had fluid in it but his left was bad. It was full of pus and mucus and crap. He said he sucked a bunch out but it will probably drain for a few days. It definitely is doing that today. Tyler did better than I expected. He didn't cry at all before surgery like I thought he would not being able to eat. I didn't wake him up til just before time to leave then we kept him pretty distracted at the surgery center. It was a pretty tiring day for him tho and I think he was in some pain. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow. Oh, and putting ear drops in a 10 month old is a stupid expectation. Here is a picture of him in his hospital gown and slippers waiting for surgery.


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Here he is later... glad to be home


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Today is Jake's birthday so here is the pic we put on his Facebook wall saying happy birthday to daddy


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Now about the rest of my week. Remember how the company I work for is owned by my great uncle? And the CEO was his daughter, my cousin, who always had it out for me? Then she got fired by the guys they brought in to save the company as it was sinking? Well Wednesday Jake (who works there also, out in the plant, if u didn't know that) and I were told we needed to be in this conference call meeting with Todd (owners son), Nicole (Todd's daughter so owner's granddaughter) and on feh other end of the call in Arizona would be the owner, his wife and Shelly (the daughter and the one who was CEO and got fired). They announced to us that there was too much fighting in the family and the business was tearing the family apart so in order to bring us all back together no more family will work there. They fired us all. March 14 is our last day. So they took out my whole household income. Fired both jake and I. We are just hourly workers... not management. We had no part of the fighting. So yeah. That's my life now. Scrambling to find jobs. Is that unbelievable?? What family does that to their family???
Misty - What a rough week. I can't believe they fired both of you knowing that y'all are married. Who does that? I pray y'all find work quickly. I'm glad things went well with Tyler's surgery. He looked so cute in that gown. I hope he's not in anymore pain today. I will be praying about your jobs though.

Trying - A lot of people see the morning sickness go away after 10 weeks after the placenta starts to take over. Hopefully that will be the case with you, too. My linea negra started coming in around 12 weeks with my son, but it's already here now. Truth be told, I'm not sure how much it actually went away.
Go on a trip to Ikea today to the shelves for our living room!!! So, excited!!!
Janelle-how did the shopping trip go? any good deals?

Misty-so sorry about your job!!! that is total BS!!!!! I cant believe that they can legally do this do you guys! how is tyler doing? he did look awfully cute in that gown!

Grace-seems like the weeks are just flying by for ya!!! almost out of the first tri already....wow!

afm-does it ever end? ok so my ankle/foot has been hurting for a few weeks but I just kept pushing it off. well Saturday night I slid and did like the splits....not only killed my hips but made the pain in my foot / ankle worse....now I have this huge bump on it. so I went to my fam dr and she said no working till I see a podiatrist bc she said I may have tore the ligament or tendon in it. the lump is a ganglion cycst from the fluid from the tear......so I have to call in tonight and I see the podiatrist tmorrow afternoon to find out what to do and when I can go back to work....hopefully I don't get fired but I am sick of worring about if and when I will get fire ya know? so if I do I do mean I was not suppose to work anymore and I will find another after baby is born.
Misty.. So sorry to hear
How is Tyler feeling since his surgery?

Krissy.. Hope you are feeling better.

Why is it so quiet???

So had not had a period since January. Hope it do not go back to being too irregular. :cry:
Aspe-if you are exclusively breast feeding then that can make your periods weird....just ask Janelle. did you figure anything out for baby's scalp? I was going to tell you jut don't put any type of lotions on it because that will block the pores and will cause cradle cap to happen.

afm-saw the specialist today and off till at least Friday. pulled both the tendons on the inside of my foot and now have like a tape splint on it till Friday morning. still hurts like a bitch though......

oh and can I get someones elses husband? some one who are actually cares??? joshs response to me being hurt is I told you to get checked out sooner and get a brace. makes no difference to me doing the splits and getting hurt. I said something about money he is spending and he says well I didn't tell you not to go to work.....freaking serious....I hate he cares more about money then he does about me......he keeps hounding me about more hours blah blah blah......fuck it!!!! I hope they fire me at this point that will show him....he makes more than enough to support us....I will not work just so he has money to blow.....I am over it and he better watch it or these hormones will really get the best of me and he will be all alone with his freaking games and he can pay me child support for 4 kids.....I am sick of feeling like I am on repeat when it comes to how I feel and what not......

sorry just had to rant....I really do love him but don't like him much right now......right now I want a new husband....
Hi ladies! I had an appointment with my nurse today. She drew blood and got my family history. She was able to find the heart rate 167. I am 10 weeks and 3 days.
Hi Ladies!!!

Pissy Krissy! You're back! I've missed your spunk. I knew once these hormones were regulated that you'd be back! Better tell Josh to back off. :haha: As for shopping. We got the two side shelves and the base, but they didn't have the top bridge. I THOUGHT I saw that I could order it online, but once I tried it said it was out of stock, so I called to see when it would be back in stock and they said JUNE!!! That's too damn long. We might just try to build it ourselves. It looks fairly simple and considering we've got a whole kitchen under our belt for experience, I don't see how 3 simple squares could be any difficult. Famous last words!!!

Aspe, I believe it was around 5 or 6 months that I got my first period and then it didn't show up for months later. One was Krissy's BFP the other was Grace's. So, what ever their difference is. It's gotten a little more regular. I believe my next cycle is due for the 9th or around there. I've been having spotting with ovulation though. I get a lovely headache before I ovulate and before my period. Kind of a pain in the ass. Seriously thinking about the Mirena IUD to end periods well, period! I didn't do well with the depo shot though, I had a period the entire year I was on it. A constant flow. Afraid Mirena might have the same effect.

Zoey, I've never actually walked through Ikea. I'm afraid to. LOL No control!! I had to walk through the back this trip to get some dishes and screw that!!! They have some really awesome stuff and I wanted everything I saw, but I got lost! It's like a mad house maze in there! I'm sticking to the big pieces in the warehouse. Hahaha!

Grace, hoping you get a girl! They are sooooo much fun. I'm all about bows and ribbons right now. :)

Trying, are you thinking girl with the heart rate? Sorry if I've asked this already, but have you thought of any names?

:wave: to all the other ladies!!

Afu, not much going on. We have our shelves in the kitchen... still in their boxes... I'M DYING TO OPEN THEM!!! Trying to talk Dan into buying an air compressor nail gun thing. On another note I'm really wanting to paint our bed frame.... I got a new duvet cover from Target for only $30!! it came with two pillow cases too. It's white, but I'm not feeling the whole natural wood feel. I'm kinda tempted to paint it black..

Kinda like this. I even like the planked wall!!



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Janelle-oh these hormones are terrible now!!! It seems like I cry every day now over something that is said or done....I mean we watched the movie the Croods the other day...see it yet pretty cute....but there is this part where the dad has to basically scarifce himself to save his family...of course he lives in the end it is a kids movie although they did kill simbas dad is lion...ok off track...anyways I cried like a baby...my kids laughed at me. as far as josh goes....part of me really wants to keep my job bc yeah I like extra money to....but I am sooooo stressed constantly and he don't seem to think my job is stressfull and am just a cry baby.....

whatever....like I said tired of doing everything and he is off this month so last night I figured he would offer to cook dinner...just spaghetti supper easy...but nope...so no dinner for him...I wasn't hungry had a late lunch so made the kids sandwiches and yogurt and didn't say a word to him if he was hungry...guessing he didn't eat....maybe once my foot stops killing me I will stop wanting to kill my husband lol

ok time to get kids off to school
Janelle. I am not guessing at this point. My husband thinks it's a girl though. Names are in the air but leaning towards London as a girl name.

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