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I meant to ask before I posted what day your scan is next week.
Misty - You just described Ethan to a T. He's only on stage 2 foods. He won't touch his food, but if you offer it he will eat it from your hand. Then he gags and pukes once he's bitten off a piece. We tried stage 3, but he just gagged and puked. We are going to try it again when he turns 10 months. I'm hoping the switch turns on soon. Meal times are stressful because he doesn't like anything but yogurt.
Grace, I've been told that your calorie count with breast milk decreases as time goes on, so that would make sense. Happy to read that he's drinking formula though. Hopefully, that will help with him gaining weight, but honestly, I don't think you have to worry. As for solids. Sara is the opposite. She loves to eat, but I only feed her two meals a day because if she eats a lot during the morning, she wont nurse much through out the day. I wasn't getting much with pumping, but I only had 10 oz left in my freezer, so I had to start pumping again. Once in the morning and once at night. With that we're barely getting by, but it's enough so far. Sara really likes ritz crackers. Have you tried giving Ethan crackers or even rice crispies? They are easy to dissolve so, they don't really choke on them. Sara doesn't really like to eat rice crispies as much as she likes to smash them into her tray. We've done mashed up banana, but I had to mix it with oatmeal and some breastmilk at first. Over time I wouldn't mash it as much and now she'll eat small pieces. Try introducing texture over time. Like if he likes bananas, start off with a real banana and mash it up, like puree it and mix it with his cereal or yogurt, then over time, don't mash it/puree it as much. Not sure if you've tried baby food banana, but it doesn't taste much like an actual banana pureed. You can do the same with sweet potatoes and carrots or anything really. Eventually, he wont even notice the texture because the taste will be the same. Take it slow though, it's not a race. It's not like you HAVE to have him on table food by the time he is one.

Misty, as for breakfast foods, I remember since we were vegetarian, we had to give Samuel different forms of protein, so I would scramble up tofu like eggs, or some times I would just mix it with rice milk and cinnamon and he loved it! It was like an oatmeal. I remember him eating pancakes too. And I have a faint memory of banana bread. But once he was a year he had eggs, he could mush them around in his mouth, but since he isn't eating real solids yet, I would just give him some oatmeal or cereal. My pediatrician said that we could introduce Sara to whole milk at 11 months, but she's given me the okay to give Sara rice milk in her sippy cup. I've heard of parents introducing whole milk at 10 months as well. I don't see why you should have to wait until he's a year, if you're wanting to introduce it now. Has Lauren posted anything on facebook about Jensen starting whole milk? I think they mostly just say to hold off because of allergies. Like we can't give Sara green beans again until after she turns a year, maybe even longer.

LOL I was looking through some pictures to see what Samuel was eating at this age and I found one that is my very favorite. It was valentines day 2011 and he was eating those earths best cookie biscuit things. They are SUPER hard and they kinda just gnaw on them. They're crazy messy too.

This one, I have no idea what the hell I was thinking. This was taken just after he turned a year, but before we moved into our new house in September, so I'm guessing August sometime. Look at the size of that cantaloup! I remember he got like 4 teeth all at once. Misty, I saw that there was turkey or ham on this sandwich in another picture, so maybe I was feeding him meat? No idea.

And this is what you have to look forward to, ladies! Don't rush it!! I remember dreading cleaning up every night. Take note of the awful wallpaper in the background.. Our entire kitchen EVEN THE CEILING was covered in that.


OH YEA! Misty, after having a complete meltdown last night and tearing my house up today, I found that video of Samuel first walking a long with a handful of other precious videos that disappeared. I don't know how to get them off my other laptop though. The USB ports don't work and it's like a dinosaur. I'll figure it out though and email it too you. A long with a short video that goes a long with this spaghetti picture. :)
Janelle.. What is the WHO chart?

Misty.. The nurse told me we can start homogonized milk at 9 months.

Baby P is 14 pounds and 23 inches tall.
Aspe, the WHO chart is just a chart you can use to track your babies stats. Like weight, height, and head circumference. It's designed just for breast fed babies. Not formula fed. I've used it to track Sara's stats just to make sure everything is steady. Over time the weight curve slows.
Omg!!! Have any of you ladies seen the movie, The Impossible? Talk about a tear jerker. Even Dan had a hard time watching it.
Janelle.. I do not think I have

So I think my period is going to start. Seen a bit of pink and cramping. So that is a period December 27, January 30, and today (March 8). That makes them different lengths. Went from 34 to 37 days. I know I keeps saying it over and over, but I hope they do not get too irregular in case we wants another baby sometime.
Aspe, periods can be wonky after pregnancy. Especially if you're breast feeding. I wouldn't worry too much, until you're ready to start trying again. I've started spotting when I ovulate. I've never experienced that before, but it's like clock work. Every 13 days from the start of my period. How is baby p's head? Better?
Had to take my engagement ring off because it was tight. I've never taken it off before :cry:
Dr. Appointment went good today. Progesterone levels went up a little bit as of last week. Heard the baby's heart beat 165. Ultrasound appointment next week. Hope all is well!
I think it's time for more bump pics!!

Tryingmommy you need a ticker so we can follow how far along you are. Glad everything went well at dr and I agree with Zoey on the heartbeat.
Sportin the Mohawk yesterday thanks to his big sister lol


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Diggin the new shirt :)


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Tryingmommy click on one of the other prego girls' tickers and I think it will take you to the website to do one for you.
Playing at the park today with daycare :)


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Loving the cute baby pictures! xD

I have taken a bump picture i cant upload it off my phone it wont let me so i will have to upload it. Off oh computer when he is in work.:thumbup:

Saw the midwife today. She is retiring so no need to swap midwives as i dont like her.

Everything is fine with me and ella she is measing a week ahead. She is also transverse which is what i thought. Little monkey loves being sideways :dohh: she had better move though

Ella is definitely a daddys girl. He asks her to do something and she does it. It has happened waaaay to many times for ot to be a coincidence :haha: i wish she did that for me :rofl:

Hense her new nickname "daddys little minion" which matt loves the nickname and has told everyone ella is his little minion :cloud9:

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