A home for EVERYONE!

Yeah, my new prediction is boy. I will upload a picture when I get home. My MIL is watching Ethan for the day so I am going to run a bunch of errands.
Here's an ultrasound picture. It still hasn't hit me that in six months we will have another helpless baby in this house. :wacko:


  • 2014-03-15 08.59.00.jpg
    2014-03-15 08.59.00.jpg
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Awwwww Grace!! Another gorgeous baby is what I predict! I can't believe you're 13 weeks already!
Ok bump pic but excuse the spotty mirror and stickers kids bathroom....can u say huge!!!!
lol didn't realize it posted upside down...oooppss!!!

love your bump to!! oh the first bump...after that they just keep getting bigger...thus number 4!!

grace-awweee....its becoming so real huh? like I said before my first three are 19months between1 and 2 and 17 months between 2 and 3 and I survived lol. now yeah they fight but for the most part they always have someone to play with!

ok I was getting ready for my brothers bday lunch and just burn off a chunk of hair with my curling iron have no idea how I did it!!!!! at least it is in the back...I have a ton of hair and its already layered so you cant tell but damn it!!!
Krissy and Zoey, Love the bump pictures!

Zoey, I agree with Krissy, the bump does seem to get bigger the more kids you have. When I was pregnant with Sara, I couldn't imagine getting any bigger when I went in to be induced.

Krissy, take it easy with that curling iron!! LOL

Grace, Happy to see such a healthy little baby! Love the ultrasound pic. Have you told anyone other than family yet?

Hello to all the other ladies!!

So, it was a pain in the ass getting a picture of Sara, she wanted to move all over the place and wouldn't sit still for a freakin' minute!! She took a fall yesterday in our kitchen and fell straight back on to her head and one of our ladder back chairs fell on top of her, which is why she has that line at the top of her nose, between her eyes. Not sure if you can see it, but she has two bruises on her cheeks as well. They're pretty faint today, were worse yesterday, I can see them in the picture because I know where they are, but anyway, she's fine and chipper and what not.

I'll try to post a more conversational post later on when my kids aren't being maniacs.

I've heard your bump gets bigger the more you have :D

Personaly I love my bump and love being pregnant. Of course so far I've had a good pregnancy so fingers crossed it stays that way xD
Happy 10 months, Sara!! What a cute chub! They saucer thing is being put the the test holding her up! lol

I can't believe we're planning Tyler's birthday party!!!

Cute bump pics. Can't believe how far along everybody is. Pregnancies go a lot faster when it's not you! lol Glad you're having an easy pregnancy, Zoey. Hopefully labor is the same! Haha. Krissy, anymore scans to check on Blake's kidneys?

Can't believe you're in second tri already, Grace!
Janelle - I haven't told anyone other than family and people on this board, but my husband has blabbed to all his co-workers. LOL. I need to tell friends before his co-workers mention it to them and they get all mad at me for not telling them.
Yea, that saucer thing sucks. With out the chair piece, she pulls it over. She's like the hulk. I think that's what happened with the chair yesterday. It was the heaviest of the four too. I'm terrified of her pulling our Tv down. We're going to get one of those strap things for it. She's like a walking tornado of destruction. Complete opposite of Samuel.
Misty-the last scan I had done was almost 2 weeks ago at Michigan State University. I had to call last Thursday and the nurse said that they had the report that confirmed his kidneys are mildly dilated(enlarged) and that the dr needs to look it over to decided what we do. still have not heard anything might not till my next apt in a week. but the options are 1. they just keep doing ultra sounds to watch the growth, 2. they send my to high risk ob for a referral on how to go about handling the rest of my pregnancy and I just keep seeing my reg ob. or 3. I just get shipped to high risk and don't come back to them....so Idk what is going on at this point.

bright side scan showed his is perfect other wise and very active!

Janelle-she is sooooo freaking cute! reminds me a lot of ava as a baby!!!

cant wait for the big post lol and I have no idea why the curlying iron did that to my hair!

ok....I have cleaning to do tomorrow...MIL come to stay a few nights pray for me!!! oh and I got out of work tonight.....got my dr to say I had pink eye...Jamie and ava had it this past week....but I do have a super bad sinus infection...again so I am sick but only the pink eye will get me an excuse lol.
Hi Ladies.

So, I think I'm going through some sort of postpartum crap. You would think it's a little late, but who knows. Sara is 10 months today, and I feel kind of blah most of the time. Some days I'm really sad, some days I'm really frustrated, other days I'm good. Most of the time I feel overwhelmed. Completely overwhelmed. Like close to a nuclear meltdown. We've lived in this house since September 2011 and our kitchen still isn't complete. We started redoing our living room, because frankly, I got bored with the kitchen. We got our shelved in, but need to build the top bridge. I was really excited at the beginning because the progress was really flying by, but then Dan got sick and he is such a baby when he is sick. I don't get it. I feel like after dealing with two kids and having to clean up after 4 humans including myself, at the end of the day, I just want to say, "CRY ME A RIVER!" I'm normally not like that, but lately I feel like I have too much on my plate. I'm sad because it's damn near impossible to do anything with Sara, remodeling wise. We have to do everything when she's in her highchair or taking a nap. We didn't do anything this past weekend, which I felt like I was just melting into the couch and the farthest thing from productive possible. Our yards are over grown with stupid flower bulbs that I thought we took care of last year, but apparently we just made room for them to grown wild and crazier this year, because that's exactly how they all came back. So, that makes me sad. I'm SO sick and tired of having an orange bathroom for our kids bathroom. I've convinced Dan that I can remodel it for under $100, so that's what I'm going to try and do this coming weekend. It's a project that I can do myself. I'm determined to go into that small room and escape from life just for a little bit and come out with some real progress being made. It's small enough that I'm hoping I'm not going to need any of Dan's help. Seriously, I don't know if you ladies ever feel the same way, but does it seem like sometimes it takes men way longer to do something, when you ask? For example, I can clean our bathroom top to bottom in like 45 minutes AT MOST, when Dan does it, for some reason it takes him hours. Same with vacuuming. I bet if I hadn't gone through that nesting stage when I was pregnant with Sara, we'd still have a half painted kitchen. Maybe I should just make a list of every project that we've started and haven't finished and make it a goal to get one done every month. I think I just need something to keep my mind occupied. I just have a hard time staying focused with two kids, that I often give up on my projects to give them attention. I'm having a really hard time sleeping at night. I don't fall asleep until like 3 in the morning and I'm awake at 9, dead tired dragging my feet, then when noon comes around, I'm wide awake until 3 am. I have no idea what's going on with me. I just hate feeling this way, which is why I've been kind of MIA lately. I apologize for not responding to a lot of you. I'm just stuck in a funk. :wacko: I'll try to respond more and keep up to date with you ladies and all of your progresses.
Janelle - :hugs: I totally feel you on the overwhelmed feeling. Maybe a list would help, but make sure your goals are realistic or the list may just overwhelm you even more. I hope thing get better soon. Are you able to get out for walks often? I'm not sure what your weather is like, but maybe when it gets warmer and you can get out more things will get better. I really hope they get better soon.
Janelle- I have been where you are. it was after Jamison and I think he was just over a year old and I asked my dr if it could still be postpartum depression the way I felt. she said that it can pop its ugly head up upto 2 years after the birth of the baby. I was put on Cymbalta and it really helped me! after a few weeks I felt more happy and lots more energy. don't be afraid to look into getting something if you need to. because a happy mommy and wife is a happy life. and I understand the funk thing bc that is how I have been lately to. once spring gets here and we can get out of this damn house I will be much happier....but please don't be afraid to get something if you need it. only you know if and when you need it ok?

I on the other hand just needs to distress but cant till this damn house is back to normal and today I have hours I can use for fun lol

misty how are things on your end?

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