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Ethan just took his first steps!!! I'm a basket case right now. I was so worried he wouldn't be able to walk and talk after those darn doctors scared me to death. I got a lot of relief when he started crawling but to actually see him take steps on his own is huge.
Yaaay to walking!

Sorry your feeling bad hun we are all here if you need to rant/talk or just need a hug.

Having half finished projects would drive me mad too. And my oh is a wimp when he is ill :dohh:

As for the housework dont get me strated lets just say its easier for me to do it. It would drive me mad otherwise :haha:

But that one could be part because of nesting;)

Right now my ibs is absolutely terrible i hope it improves when my little girl is here
Grace, Go Ethan! GO! I understand the basket case! Sara has two left feet I swear, she falls all over the place. I'm a nervous wreck when she moves around. She would walk between the couch and table and from the couch to her saucer thingy, but since she fell she hasn't been doing anything. She finally got some courage the other day and that's when the chair fell on her. Poor kid can't catch a break. I don't remember being as antsy with Samuel at all! As for the walking thing, I NEED to get out and walk. My cholesterol when I was pregnant with Sara was high, like a space shuttle couldn't touch it! 352. Well, Dan and I went to our well check for this year and it was 234. I was so upset. But I'm determined to get it down myself before I have to start some stupid medication. One thing is to get out and walk, walk, walk!! I wouldn't mind losing more weight either. I'm going to try a few things and hope that it helps before I have to see the doctor in 6 months. It's just another thing to add to my "things to do" This one needs to be top priority though.

Krissy, I've been on cymbalta before and I literally lost my mind when I was trying to get off of it. I hated the feeling that it made me feel. I literally thought I would be on it forever because the withdrawls were so intense for me. I took it for years though and it really helped with my depression. But the way I'm feeling now, isn't so much the way I was feeling then. I was in a really dark place then, and their is lots of sunshine where I'm at now. My life is just really chaotic right now and the only way I know of fixing it, is to start at one end and work my way to the other organizing and to stop procrastinating.

Charlotte, welcome! :flower: If you don't mind me asking, what are you planning on majoring in? My husband has been going to school, for what seems like forever and he wants to major in english and minor in history. Sorry, about your feelings today, :hugs: You've got the right attitude though, about bouncing back and not letting it get the best of you!
Yay Ethan!!

Hi Charlotte! I have a mommy's boy too and love it!
I had an interview today. I HATE interviews. I'm not a good BSer or at selling myself. It wasn't for the county job that I want either. I haven't heard from them :( They were taking apps thru yesterday tho so I'm still hoping they'll call. I'd much rather be a SAHM but noooooooo gotta be able to afford to live. Bleh!
hi charlotte!

grace-congrats on ethans first steps and early! smarty pants!

zoey-hope you get to feeling better soon! I don't have that but I have token care of plenty of people with it and I feel so bad for them.

Janelle-see that is the hard thing about meds what works for one doesn't for the other. only you know you and I am pretty sure it is this long cold ass winter that is getting to everyone! spring will be here soon....hopefully!

misty-so have they officially let you guys go yet? has jake found another job? believe me I am so thinking about going back to a sahm I rather be broke and happy then have money and miserable.

so ladies....Idk what to think bc I have been having bh a lot lately. especially after I am active even if it is only a few hours of shopping or cleaning the house. and they are getting pretty uncomfortable. at this point I am not sure when to call my dr. I am so scared to go back to work tomorrow night bc of all the lifting I do there the last think I want is to go into preterm labor. I have worked too hard and too long for this baby......idk what to do....
Krissy, from a premie mom.... call the dr!! Better to be safe than sorry. Maybe they're nothing and unproductive but if they are changing your cervix you want to make sure they get them stopped. Just my opinion. There's already possible kidney issues, he needs to cook for as long as possible! I'm also neurotic so do what u feel is best lol

Our official last day was last Friday, the 14th. Jake does have a new job he starts on Monday. Did I tell you guys about the consulting thing I'll be doing tomorrow and Friday? Can't remember.
misty-I waited to call my dr this morning and got yelled at for it....I am about to head in to get checked now at the hospital. I had contractions till about 11 when I went to bed I was uncomfortable but not bad. I drank tons of water and laid on my left side and it eased them some what. today my poor stomach feels like I did a million sit ups yesterday. I have had a few small bh today but not too bad. just waiting on my mil to go with me she is here visiting but I sent her to the store to get a few things I am leaving josh with the kids. if it is anything bad my mom will pick him up and head up to the hospital but she is at work so I don't her want to take off until we know something is up.
Seeeee I knew the dr would want you to call. Imagine they'll give you a stress test maybe to monitor contractions? Keep me updated!! Hope all is well!
She's had 3 shots so far to stop the contractions. They're getting further apart, but still there. She had blood work done, but all of her labs have come back normal so far. She has an IV to keep hydrated. Doctors/nurses have told her if these shots don't work that she'll have to be transferred to a high risk hospital. She wont be returning to work any time soon, she's officially a stay at home preggo again. :thumbup:

I'll keep you ladies posted as I get updates.
The last shot worked and she's headed home. She's on bed rest until she sees her OB on Monday. :flower:
Janelle - Thanks for the update.

Krissy - I'm glad the shot worked. I'm praying for you. Now take it easy!!!

Ultrasound went good today. The tech wouldn't really tell us her thoughts on sex till the end. She said if she HAD to guess she would say a boy. She didn't get us a picture of the parts. Just head shots. Any guesses!? Heart rate was 161 today. 12 weeks and 5 days
Trying - That's a great picture you got. My guess is boy.

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