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they got to do something I am telling you! a little while ago I started having lower abdominal cramping...for sure not ligament pain....and it is sharp and hurts and have had a few contractions with it......not feeling soooo good right now.
Tryingmommy, I think I was 18 weeks or somewhere around there when I first felt movement with my son, but I was more close to 13-15 weeks with my daughter. I have it written down somewhere. "They" say you can feel the baby earlier with your second and so forth, because you know what it feels like. With your first you're not paying too much attention to your body. Do you think you're feeling movement? I felt it more with my daughter when I was laying on my back and had a full bladder.

Krissy, keep me posted!!

AFU, Man, have I had a handful these last few days. We got the built in almost complete, so that's a plus. Our dog though...She is such a lemon, I swear. Somehow she tore a claw off of her front foot and Dan had to take her to the vet. She bled ALL OVER my house, puked in Dan's jeep. She's okay though. We have to give her antibiotics and pain meds. She has a "special band-aid" according to Samuel.
This past weekend, Samuel and I did some yard work and my allergies are kicking my ass! My throat was scratchy and my nose was tingly, yesterday it hurt to talk, so I had to sign everything out. Thank god Samuel can read. I was able to text everything on an app on my phone and he could read it. He thought it was a fun game. LOL told me that he didn't like that I couldn't talk, said I needed to go to the doctor and get a shot. Little stinker. Today, I feel a lot better though. I can breath and my throat doesn't hurt, just a little tickle. I think Dan needs to change the air filter in our house, I can't remember the last time he did that, but with all this pollen flying around, it needs to be done ASAP!

We still need to add a piece of trim along the top to match the bottom, and paint of course, but it's almost done!!

Then Lucy-Lemon. With her special band-aid.
Janelle-poor dog...hope she learned her lesson!

ok for my appt....must say I am disappointed with my OB office. they are not taking my situation seriously at all! I am still having contrations and have a ton of hip pain now to. but say if the fFn test comes back ok tomorrow then I am fine to work....seriously? I am in pain all the time I cant be picking people up if I can barely walk. so I called and talked to my dr MA today and sahe said I could not get in till Monday but she would leave a message for my dr and she don't see why she would not write me off work. she could not believe how my ob is treating me. thank god I have a good family dr!

also they finally starting the referral for the high risk dr but wont hear about that for a few days either. then went over my scan from almost 3 weeks ago...bc dr confirmed I am measuring big....and up to 25 is normal and mine was 22...which dr did say was on the high end of normal but did not order another scan even though I am measureing 8 weeks ahead? I am almost 100% I have too much fluid like I did with Jamie....ugh why do my dr suck????

but once again I told josh no way I am going back to work I cant this baby is everything to me. most of you ladies know what I have been through the last two years he means everything to me! josh kind of had attitude again when he heard dr said I could go back to work but I just told him either you support me or I leave with the kids and go to my moms.....he is right on board now. I think he gets how serious this is to me....

ok hopefully I can start do happy posts some time soon!
Krissy, I really hope you don't have spd. When you see your family doctor on Monday see if she thinks you might have it. :hugs:
Janelle I feel like I can barely walk today my right hip along the inside is killing me. I cant like open my legs it hurts but also if they are too close it hurts...does that sound familiar? I am telling you if it can go wrong it will this pregnancy! I am too old for this shit lol
Janelle. Yes I think I might have felt something. It felt like popcorn popping really quick. the last ultrasound the baby was moving and kicking up a storm. I was laying in bed on by back watching tv when I felt it. The baby measured 3 inches at 12 weeks and 5 days. I'm currently 13 weeks and 3 days(I can't get the ticker to work on here).
Trying, its possible, especially if you're thin. It felt like butterflies for me. Like really light flutters or a slight wave. Congrats!! It will only get stronger from here on out. Lol

Krissy, soon you're going to start Peeing your pants because Blake is going to kick you in the bladder. ;)
Janelle-lol I wouldn't doubt it!

ok so this morning I called and left a message for the scheduler that I would not be not be working till I see my dr Monday and talk to them. she later on tells me that it has now been more than 3 days I need to get a hold of HR for leave of absence I called her right away left a message and nothing. seriously? I am not driving a half hour just to pick up paper work. when she calls I am going to tell her I can not come in and get it any time soon till I talk to my dr Monday.

I have looked more into the SPD and really starting to think I have that. I am in so much pain! Janelle I think I have an idea of what you went through with sara!
Krissy, I would never wish that pain on anyone!! I hope HR gets back to you soon and they are kind. :hugs:
How long do you get for maternity leave, Zoey?
Hey ladies,

I apologize for my absentness. I do try to catch up on reading from time to time.
I have been busy all day at home. My db works straight 13 hour shifts. And I am trying to get baby sleeping in his crib. Not going well. Any advice??

Got a question. How long do I keep feeding baby rice cereal? Like when do I move onto other cereals. Speaking of that, what order do the cereal go in?
Aspe, Sara never liked rice cereal so she's always been on oatmeal. You can try any of the other cereals once they've mastered the whole swallowing thing. You don't need to stick with a specific one, just what ever baby will eat really. As for the sleeping in the crib, does baby P sleep in a bassinet or something? You could try moving what he's currently sleeping in, into his room and then once he gets used to sleeping in a new room, try to move him to his crib. I've found it easier to move them to their own room earlier rather than later, because it's easier of a transition. Try music, that's what's worked best for both of my kids. I just play a soothing CD and Sara goes right to sleep, we did the same with Samuel and if they ever woke up in the night, we would play the CD and they would go back to sleep. We got Sara a violet for Christmas, which is this dog looking thing that you can personalize to the child with their name and certain music. She's learned to push the foot so, in the mornings I wake up to her pressing on violets foot. She plays with violet for quite awhile before needing me. Which is nice, teaches her independence I think. Samuel was the same way. We got hims a scout, which is like the male version of violet. He still has his scout and plays with him. Hope that helps some. :) How have you been?
I have a very big problem, i don`t know if i`m just being paranoid, but i`m overly concerned about it coz it never happened to me before.

i`m single 24yrs old, never had sex for almost a year now. i have regular period, although i have a very weird menstrual cycle sometimes it`s 28days, sometimes it`s 32days and sometimes it`s 35 days. My last period started last FEBRUARY 28 and ended on MARCH 5. My period usually last for less than a week. And last MARCH 25 something really weird happened to me, never experienced it before, i started SPOTTING and it`s been 4days now, and when i got out of bed to pee this morning after wiping my below, there`s CLOTS or STRINGY BITS as if i was having my menstruation and when i went back to the toilet to pee again the CLOTS were gone. i`m super worried. i don`t know if it`s normal or is this something to be worried about.

i don`t want to go to a physician, coz i`m afraid my parents will kill me, if they find out, i`m not a virgin anymore. :(
SingleAt25, first and foremost, Welcome!! Second, if you haven't had sex in over a year, I don't think you have to worry about pregnancy, so that's good. As for clotting and stringy periods, I would think it's not much to worry about especially since some women experience clotting while menstruating. It can be normal since you're periods aren't entirely regular as well. I've read that your hormones can change every so many years and that could be what's going on as well. Are you having cramping like a normal period, considering cramping is normal for you? Another thing is if you've been stressed, that can throw your menstrual cycles off. Some say that if you hang out with a lot of women that your cycles can sync. Not saying that's the case with you, but it could be. Just a thought, though. I know when I was working, all the women that I worked with would start their period within days of each other. It was kind of nice, although sort of walking on egg shells with a bunch of hormonal women. Not really sure what your worry really is though. But to ease some of your worries, menstrual cycles can be different every time. For example I've always had really heavy, long, clotty, crampy periods, but now that I've gotten older, they're the complete opposite. Short, light, cramp free and more on the watery side. Personally, from my years of periods, I would say if you haven't been sexually active in over a year, have had your normal yearly papsmear and none being abnormal, you're safe. That's just my opinion though. Hope it helps ease your mind a little. :flower: If need be see you can always call your local hospital and see if they have a nurses hotline that you can call and ask a nurse. That might give you some peace of mind as well. I call our nurses hotline all the time.
Thanks Janelle. Baby has tried and seems to like rice cereal, chicken, and beef roast so far.
As for sleeping, he co sleeps :blush:
thanks for the reply mam. i have cramps during my period but not now. my period supposedly should start next week, April coz i do have a period tracker, this is so unusual for me coz i never had spotting a week before my period. i can`t consider it as menstruation because i only see blood only when i wipe and this morning i noticed that there`s stringy bits after wiping.. it`s been going for 4 days now and just had my period 20 days ago. March 5
Aspe, sorry I can't be of help. I tried to get my kids into their own room at an early age so I wouldn't have to battle them later. I think Grace co-sleeps or co-slept with Ethan, maybe she can help some. That's good that baby P likes rice cereal. Did your period ever get back on track or is it still kind of wonky?
@JANELL thanks for the reply mam. i have cramps during my period but not now. my period supposedly should start next week, April coz i do have a period tracker, this is so unusual for me coz i never had spotting a week before my period. i can`t consider it as menstruation because i only see blood only when i wipe and this morning i noticed that there`s stringy bits after wiping.. it`s been going for 4 days now and just had my period 20 days ago. March 5

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