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Some women spot when they ovulate. If you plug your dates from the first day of your last period and your cycle length into an ovulation calculator, does the spotting start around when it says you're suppose to ovulate? You can Google ovulation calculator or predictor and a bunch of sites will pop up.
Janelle.. Db wouldn't let baby sleep in his crib. I wanted to try from night one and kept trying but he wouldn't let. I started doing it a few weeks ago. He's still not fond if the idea, but I am doing it anyways.

As for my dear af, seems to be getting longer every month. I think I am or will soon be ovulating as we speak.

Grace??? Help lol

Rough night I am having. It is 5:24AM here. Such a rough night. Daddy lets baby nap for 1 hr! Then i cant get him to sleep until 11:40. Put him in his crib and wakes 12:44 screaming. Then daddy has a coughing fit at 4:30 in the morning! Now he is watching tv :cry:
Aspe - We co-slept until Ethan turned 9 months. But while we were co-sleeping he would start out in his crib. We would put him down while he was sleep. Then when he woke up the first time, we would bring him to our bed. So he did have some experience with the crib but not much. When he turned 9 months, my husband put him in the crib awake. He cried but I don't know how long because my husband stayed near him. I didn't have the heart to hear him crying and not go pick him up so I was went downstairs and shut the bedroom door. The next night we put him down together and he turned his head and went to sleep. That night he slept through the night. He's been sleeping through the night ever since except for the occasional time he wakes up hungry, but that's not even once a week. We went out of town one week and Ethan had to co-sleep with us and didn't like it at all. He kept waking up and trying to push me away like I was crowding his space. So that helped me see he was ready this time. We tried when he turned 6 months and that failed miserably. I don't know how you'll be able to do it without baby P crying though. Some of the women in my mommy group waited to get their kids to sleep on their own and they are still waking up every 2 - 3 hours at 20+ months. I don't know anyone that made the transition from co-sleeping to crib as a baby without crying. Good luck to you.

started wearing pads today, coz i already noticed a lot of blood in my underwear, so i can assumed that today is my 1st day of my period but when i went to the toilet after a couple of hours to pee, there's nothing on my pads, just a little blood stained. what the hell is wrong with me. this is driving me insane. i can't concentrate at work. :(
Single - You are over 18 so your doctors can't tell your parents anything without your permission. That being said, if you haven't had sex in over a year then you aren't pregnant. Have you been under a lot of stress lately?
@HisGrace i think so mam, i feel tired but not to the point where i can no longer get out of bed. i'm working 12hours/day 6days a week. i can't tell whether i'm stress at work or not, maybe physically but not mentally but because i have this abnormal bleeding going on, it's stressing me out! i keep thinking about it. i'm so scared.. :(
single-welcome! the only thing I can suggest is go get checked out. Grace is right that because you are over the age of 18 they can not tell you parents anything with out your permission. But her is another thought to is to go and talk to your mom about it. If you have not had sex in a year there is no way you are pregnant so what you are experiencing is just a medical condition and I am sure your mom would be supportive in what is going on. unless you are afraid it could be a STD that has been laying dormant this whole time? is that a possibility? also when was the last time you had a PAP done?

Aspe-ahhh the joys of getting a baby out of your bed lol. I agree with Janelle the sooner the better! I also agree with both Janelle and grace on how they handled it. Joshua coselpt with us till he was about a yr old....he was a colic baby and I did anything to get sleep then by the time he was over the colic it was just easier to put him in bed with us then listen to him cry after hearing it for months lol. once I put my foot down....after we found out I was pregnant with avarie.....I first started with nap time in his room in his playpen bc his crib was in our room. it was the first time he slept so soundly for nap. then I decided to put him in his playpen in his room for the night and it was the first time he slept all night long. that is when I figured out he hated his crib. so it is all trial and error but don't give up! and if you think your not tough enough....like grace knew enough to have dh do it....ask db to do it...good luck!!!!

afm-trying to enjoy being a sahm again....the stress of money bothers me though but I have to remember I am doing this for baby blake. josh went back to work last night and he really seemed to like it. he said he does a lot of walking with the new position and his hips and back hurt this morning. I told him its sympathy pain lol. but good he went back a few weeks early with me having to go off work.
Yay.to.egglant haha
I can take 52 weeks maternity leave but it is only paid for 39 weeks :thumbup:
wow paid for 39 weeks leave????!!!!??? America sucks!!! I can only legally get 12 weeks of FMLA which I am basically using now bc I cant work with the contractions. then my company says they "allow" for 8 weeks off for csection so I will have to go back after 8 weeks.

but I would not trade this non stress for anything!!! I am thinking I am going back as pool and work like 2 16 hr days or 3 12 when josh is home or my mom can watch the baby and I can spend more time at home that way.
Yeah i heard how awful maternity leave is in the usa i was shocked!

I hope everyone is having a good day its mothers day here and my very clever baby girl sent made me a card and got me presents. I may of cried because of the poem in it! :cloud9:
Krissy.. Thanks for your input
Hope you are feeling better. Do you know if Blake will be arriving early yet?

Grace.. Thanks. Sometimes he naps in his crib but sometimes not. I am going to keep trying.

So, I think my baby has acid reflux. Sometimes when he spits up, its clear liquid. Also, he spits up alot. Sometimes I'd swear you can smell the acid. :cry:
Is there something I can do to help him? Janelle, I think you said Samuel had GERD. Did he go through this first before knowing he was experiencing GERD?
Zoey - Ahhh, how sweet of baby Ella. Happy Mother's Day!!!
happy mothers day zoey! got about a month and half here before its mothers day. my mother in law lives in Canada and said they have a similar leave as you. also that they get a monthly allowance from the government each month per child to help provide care even if you are not assistances....I wish!!! what can I say all we have is Obama care which is crap.....

grace-I cant believe you are already 15 weeks!!!! where has the time gone?

afm-all I wanted to do was head to church....of course car battery had to be dead...come to find out Jamison had turned on a light in the back of my car that got left on for two days....ugh...at least a neighbor was outside and he jumped the car for me. was nice to get out....of course Joshua went home with my dad after church so just me avarie and Jamie for the day. big plans? clean my room lol....

aspe-for now they say baby blake should stay put. I have for sure notice that now I have less stress and I am able to lay down and take more breaks I am having a lot less contractions and the ones I do have are not that bad. my first 3 kids had acid reflux and was put on medication by the dr. helped so much! for sure talk to dr about what is going on with baby.
Yeah they have a similar thing here were you get a bit of money for every child :thumbup:
zoey-tell me again why they say America is the best place to live? all I ever see them do is try and help out and bail out other countries and not doing too much for those who live here....sigh I know each country has its own problems but more and more I think it would be nice to live some place else....but I am a mommies girl so I cant leave her lol....

decided to walk up to the playground with Jamie and ava...walking part was the bad idea not a long walk but enough to make me have contractions...for now on the car it is. never got to my room took a nap instead lol but there is always tomorrow....

oh other sad point our all time favorite team MSU (Michigan state university) lost today for basketball not going on to final four really sad...but our rival UofM (university of Michigan) also lost so I feel better lol
every country has its issues we do too :D

bump picture :D 33 weeks

Aspe, Samuel did have GERD, but the ding-a-ling doctors that we have here didn't want to put him on any sort of medication unless he wasn't gaining weight. It was a nightmare. I can't remember how old he was, but I ended up taking him to the ER because I notices there was blood in his spit up. That's when they started the zantac. Is he spitting up shortly after you're nursing him? Did this start all of a sudden or has this been an on going thing since he was born? Is Baby P sitting up yet? It gets a littler better when they can sit up and a little more when they can walk around. When we started Samuel on solids it really helped, but he was throwing up well until he was over a year. I remember it took forever before he could eat black berries. He still throws up sometimes, but he's at the age where he knows when it's coming. So he will either run to the bathroom or go get his "puke pot".

Krissy, our insurance changed at the beginning of the year because of Obama care and I was pissed!!! But it turns out it's a lot cheaper. We used to have to pay $30 copay for sick visits. Now we pay 40% and insurance pays 60% all in all it's like $23 or something like that. So we're saving, but all well checks and preventative care is covered 100% AND if you save all your medical bills, you can deduct them come tax season. So, I'm not so mad anymore. ;) I'm just happy to have insurance, even if I, myself never use it, I always plan for tomorrow, even if it never comes. :) SO QUIT YOUR BELLY ACHIN!!! HAHA Just kidding.

Zoey, did you enjoy your mothers day?

Grace, 20 QUESTIONS!! how are you doing? Are you planning on finding out the sex of your baby or are you going to let it be a surprise? Still think it's a boy? When is your next scan? How is little Ethan, haven't heard about him in a while... Did you post a 10 month picture and I missed it????

Misty, hard to believe Tyler will be a year on the 5th. Did I ever tell you that he was born on my Dad's birthday? Can you still remember the pain? "they" say you forget the pain. That's a bunch of malarky, I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!!!

Sooooo, we finished our built in, haven't painted it, but got all the trim up, and I don't like it. It looks really weird at the top. So we're going to take the top piece off and cut the shelf tops and hope we don't screw it up!!! I've got the worst case of insomnia. I've been staying up until like 3 am every morning and waking up at 9. I think because I'm not getting enough sleep my milk supply is dipping like mad! I only got 2 oz this morning and I usually get 5 or 6!! Bunch of crap I tell you!
Janelle - What color are you planning to paint the built-in? I hope you can get to sleep. I had no clue that could affect your milk supply. Are you still feeling down?

I am doing well. Found a beautiful trail near my house so we go at least three times a week now that it's getting warmer outside. We still want the gender to be a surprise. My next scan is Friday. Ethan is doing well. Right now all of his focus is on learning to walk. The little guy is determined to get it down. I forgot to take the 10 month pic. I'll blame it on pregnancy brain.

Misty - Where are you? I hope all is well.

Krissy - I really hope you don't have spd.

Have we lost Libby and Nicole for good?
ok I know I've missed a lot...

I'll paste what I just posted in my journal for those interested and then read some of what is on here!

Just had some family in town for Siena's birthday and Colton's Christening. Both went well! I have a 3 year old now! She's a riot... at times, she'll be lying down on the floor screaming, but then there's lots of times when she's making me laugh/smile and being so sweet. Fun age!

Colton is going through a sick phase.. lots of ear infections so we have a referral with an ENT... probably will get tubes in his ears soon. He is a very independent and curious fella. Definitely causes a lot more havoc than his sister did as a baby! And I can see sports in his future because loves to throw... also love to tinker, chew, eat, bang on things.

I am still nursing him at 10 months! Whee! I am proud of that. It has been a struggle with working full-time. Lost all the baby weight and then some. Loving being able to not hide my belly! But I do plan to start working out again once I'm done nursing/pumping and have more time.

DH and I are good... no complaints on that front. I feel very blessed! My marriage hasn't always been easy but I feel like we've gotten over a lot of our struggles and really 'get' each other. Oh, ha, I got him good with an April Fool's joke today where I called him and totally got him to believe I was prego again! That was a riot because he's always doing april fools jokes and I never do! His mind was elsewhere because he'd just gotten into work and we have a lot going on right now because we're fixing up our rental house before putting it back on the market... anyway, it made me laugh.

Ok back to work I go. Busy busy!

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