Oh hey we can be BFFs then b/c I'm a nervous wreck too.
Most of the time. I'm not talking just pregnancy stuff either.
That's awesome that it worked for you first try!
Subchorionic hemorrhage is not something I know anatomy well enough to explain, so I'm copying/pasting here: "subchorionic bleeding is the accumulation of blood within the folds of the chorion (the outer fetal membrane, next to the placenta) or within the layers of the placenta itself." <--I don't usually hear it explained as within the layers of the placenta itself, but IDK
Oh here's a better one: "A subchorionic hematoma [same thing] is a type of blood clot found between the pregnancy membranes and the wall of the uterus."
I was warned by other bnb-ers not to consult Dr. Google because it will freak you out, but of course it was too late. But looking online it is REALLY scary. But apparently it is super common, and a newer study suggests that it doesn't really increase the risk of miscarriage. Other sites say that risk of miscarriage varies depending on the size of the blood clot and other factors like maternal age. I guess some ladies bleed quite heavily, but mine is really small (or at least it was when it was seen on u/s on Saturday). So they really believe that we're going to be fine. Nurse explained it like it should heal like a bruise.
But really I would rather just not bleed.
Super scary especially after having had a miscarriage.
But doing okay I think. Hoping and praying my body just got rid of that blood and now I'm done. Fx.