A home for EVERYONE!

Misty.. Happy 1st Birthday Tyler :). A year was not long going.
You look very young. You could pass for a sister to your girls rather than mother.

Krissy.. Glad you got a new doctor. Glad to hear Blake is good :)

I feel like a very bad Mom. Baby fell probably 2 feet :cry:
Thx Aspe! Is baby P okay?? What happened?
Thanks aspe is baby p ok? don't feel too bad my kids have had their fair share of falls at that age..might explain a few things lmao
Krissy!! So glad you found a new dr!! So many people probably deal with that bad dr and just put up with it which is a shame, sigh! I know I didn't 'love' my ob but never bothered to switch!

Happy birthday Tyler!!! Yay!!! Did he devour his cake or play with it?? Siena took some convncing to even touch her smash cake and then barely ate any of it. I bet Colton clobbers his though... personality difference!
Aspe, I must be a really bad mom then because both of my babies have fallen off our high bed multiple times, argh. Sometimes, things happen. I jsut watch to make sure they don't suddenly get super sleepy (concussion then maybe). Of course, babies tend to get more clumsy when they're TIRED, so that never helps!!!
Krissy - I'm glad you like your new high risk doctor and you get a referral for a better OB. I like my high risk doctor, too. My OB is just eh, but I don't want to go through the hassle of switching. Guess I'm just super lazy.

Aspe - In one of my mommy groups, they had a pediatrician come in and talk to us. She told us that nearly ever baby has fallen off of the couch and they are fine. So don't feel bad. Falls happen to lots of parents.
Hi ladies. :) MnJ invited me here, so I thought I'd pop in and say hi. :D I don't think I can catch up on 800+ pages, but I'll try to keep up from here. ;)
Hi Eyemom!! I'm glad you came over!!! Don't listen to anything Janelle says about me. ;)

Congrats on making it to 9 weeks! Can you fill us all in on you? Maybe everybody here can introduce themselves. I'm Misty and I'm the old fogie of the group. I turn 40 next month! Ugh. I'm a cradle robber tho and my hubby is 13 years younger. I have grown daughters... One just turned 22 last Friday and the other will be 24 next month. Then like I said in the PM I have a 1 year old son that I had to take Clomid to help conceive as I have PCOS.
Hi! Sure, I'll try my best.

I'm Erin. :) I'm 32, DH will be 34 next month. We have a gorgeous and smart DD who turned 3 in February. I had one loss in summer of 2012, then we were LTTTC after that. My mom had secondary infertility as well, but it still came as a total shock since I got pregnant twice without trouble. Infertility was unexplained as all tests came back normal, but I got pregnant on my second round of Clomid.

I did not give a lot of thought to my screen name...I am an optometrist. So that's where the "eye" part comes from. I am not good at coming up with creative names.

EDD this time is November 10. Had a bit of a scare over the weekend with some verrrryyyy light spotting. But still after talking to the nurse on call, I went to the ER. They diagnosed a subchorionic hemorrhage. I didn't bleed any at all since Saturday noon-ish...until today. Today is still pretty light, but way more than Saturday. The nurse at my obgyn is not worried, but it's still kinda disconcerting. Overall though, staying positive and excited to be at 9 weeks. :)
I was lucky on Clomid too... worked on first try!! I didn't think Id be able to get pregnant at all much less on the first month of Clomid!! Therefore I thought it was too good to be true and was a nervous wreck the whole pregnancy. Ok ok, janelle will tell you I still am a nervous wreck lol. I'm a bit of a neurotic mom ;)

What exactly is a subchorionic hemorrhage? I don't even know if I typed that right lol
Oh hey we can be BFFs then b/c I'm a nervous wreck too. :haha: Most of the time. I'm not talking just pregnancy stuff either. :p

That's awesome that it worked for you first try!

Subchorionic hemorrhage is not something I know anatomy well enough to explain, so I'm copying/pasting here: "subchorionic bleeding is the accumulation of blood within the folds of the chorion (the outer fetal membrane, next to the placenta) or within the layers of the placenta itself." <--I don't usually hear it explained as within the layers of the placenta itself, but IDK

Oh here's a better one: "A subchorionic hematoma [same thing] is a type of blood clot found between the pregnancy membranes and the wall of the uterus."

I was warned by other bnb-ers not to consult Dr. Google because it will freak you out, but of course it was too late. But looking online it is REALLY scary. But apparently it is super common, and a newer study suggests that it doesn't really increase the risk of miscarriage. Other sites say that risk of miscarriage varies depending on the size of the blood clot and other factors like maternal age. I guess some ladies bleed quite heavily, but mine is really small (or at least it was when it was seen on u/s on Saturday). So they really believe that we're going to be fine. Nurse explained it like it should heal like a bruise.

But really I would rather just not bleed.

Super scary especially after having had a miscarriage. :( But doing okay I think. Hoping and praying my body just got rid of that blood and now I'm done. Fx.
Hi Erin!! Welcome!! :flower:

First, let me point out, I don't know what Misty is talking about. I would never say anything bad about her. I think she's just paranoid. :haha: Just kidding.

I can't really type too much at the moment, because my son is hounding me to read me a book before he goes to bed. It's sort of a nightly tradition. So quickly, my name is Janelle. I'm 29. The love of my life and my best friend/husband, Dan is 28 turning 29 this Friday. We have a 3 year old son (Samuel) and a daughter (Sara) who will be 1 next month. I was able to get pregnant quickly with my son, but when we tried for a second, I suffered 2 MC's before I was able to conceive our daughter. We're done having babies. Uhmmm.... I'm a stay at home mom, who texts Misty and Krissy on a daily basis complaining or bragging about the adventures of being "mom". I blog. I'm always in the middle of some sort of house remodeling project and I'm addicted to kitkats.

Bottom line. I met the majority of these wonderful ladies on another thread and they helped me through one of the toughest times in my life and we've all been able to share the joys and journeys, highs and lows, of trying to conceive, symptom spotting, conceiving, pregnancy, labor, becoming a mom, and being a parent. These women hold the key to my sanity!!!! I have no idea where I would be, had I never met them or had their support. These ladies ROCK!!! Best part (favorite part) about this thread is we can talk about anything and everything.

So happy you've joined!! :hugs:
welcome eyemom :wave:

i'm zoey 21 and a ftm to be. My little girl is due on May 14th, which makes me full term in 2 weeks (eek). I live with my fiance and best friend Matt and fur baby timothy the rabbit in South England UK. I am from north wales uk though and have lived there all my life until 12 months ago when my oh and i moved to kent (his hometown) for a job for him. Oh and up until last week i worked in childcare but im on maternity leave now :D
Hi Erin! :wave: You can call me Grace. My real name if very unique and I don't want these posts popping up on Google searches so I just go by my user name. I am 32 and have a 10 month old son. It took us 18 months to conceive him but our infertility was unexplained. In January we found out that our unexplained infertility didn't continue because after a few uncareful encounters with hubby over the Christmas break we found out that we were expecting again. After I had my son I switched from Corporate America to stay-at-home mom. I'm a neurotic mom just like Misty. And just so you know I had bleeding with my son until 14 weeks, and he's doing just fine now.

Zoey - are you getting excited/nervous? I can't believe you're almost full term already.
Yay for neurotic moms!!! lol

Erin that does sound scary but I hope it stays a minimal issue. Bleeding is always scary in pregnancy!!!

I had to change my ticker since my baby is now a 1 year old! Still blows my mind. I swear he changes more everyday. My itty bitty premie baby finally just graduated from an infant car seat to a big boy seat! Lmao
Wish I knew how to post videos so I could show you what a pro he's becoming at this walking thing he accomplished finally last month lol
Hellloooo LAdies! and a big hi to Erin!

My name is Krissy and I guess the "momma" of the group bc I created this thread when I realized we needed somewhere to feel free to talk about all areas of our lives.

Ok me......I am 29 today...happy birthday to me lol....it is also our second wedding anniversary but my husband Josh and I have been together for 9 years in May. He wont be 29 till July though so he says I am the old one in the relationship..really I am just more mature lol. We currently have 3 for the most part great kids lol...they have their moments but i wouldn't ask for them any other way. Our oldest is Joshua and is now 7 1/2 first grader who loves to read. our second is our daughter Avarie who turns 6 on the 18th and our only princess/drama queen. and then our for now youngest Jamison who is 4 1/2 he is smart but the biggest trouble maker we got lol....smart ass other words....

I am currently 29w 4d with what we call our fourth and final. But as these other ladies know it has been a long hard road to get baby number 4. Long story short it took us almost 3 years and 3 mc to get our now baby boy and it was devastating! After my first mc i found BNB and these ladies and like Janelle said they got me through a lot of dark days. then were there to do the happy dance with me when all of a sudden i found out i was pregnant last Oct....it was a huge shocker.

this pregnancy has not been an easy one by any means! i had to take progesterone in the beginning bc my levels were so low. then i had some spotting episodes. but if you go back a page or two you will see i got a pudgy "little" boy in there we are naming Blake. He also has dilated kidneys but i finally saw a high risk dr on Friday who assured me that he is going to be just fine. i just get scans every 4 weeks...fun to watch him grow! oh and i have too much amniotic fluid, i also did with Jamison...so yeah ask the girls if its gonna happen its gonna happen to me lol..

other than that i am a nurses aid but already off work bc i have been in l&d twice for contractions so no more heavy lifting for me. My husband works at a factory but really likes his job and we do pretty well.

oh and i have the most amazing parents ever!!! they are there for us in every way possible and my kids have the best grandparents ever!!!

once again welcome!!!
Oh and a update on me...

I go see the new OB next week. Monday is the nurse intake then Tuesday i see the dr.

other news we did not get too good of news about my dad. even though the hormone replacement therapy has been working great over the last year for his cancer it seems they may have found a mass on his stomach...by accident. he went in Monday for a CT on his spine bc he has degenerative disc disease...and dr saw what looks like a mass on his stomach. he is waiting for a call to go do another scan soon to verify what it is...i am hoping and praying it is nothing.

i could not ask for better parents and it kills me that once again he is being dealt a bad hand....
Happy birthday, Munchkin!!!! Are u gonna stay 29? ;) Next month is my over the hill birthday. Think I'll just stay 39 instead :)

Sorry about your dad... I hope it ends up being nothing :(
misty-oooh I am not sure about staying 29....wait isn't 40 the new 30? I don't know have to ask Janelle if she is staying 29 since she her bday is before mine lol.

thanks again about my dad the waiting game sucks!

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