A home for EVERYONE!

Love the family pics Krissy. We have yet to do that. And the belly... whoa!! Lol

Yay Ethan!! Big man is on the run! :)

Here's my TBT pic of my little man...


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Misty - Oh my gosh! He was so little. I can't believe he's already 12 months!!! How much longer before you start your new job?
Misty- LOL I forgot its Thursday I was just bored hahahaha and yeah WHOA is right...I will keep you bump posted lol. ity bitty tyler......hard to believe blake is not much behind him in that picture!

grace-even though the spiciest things I eat is mild salsa and tacos my boys love spicy things! avarie a little but not so much.
misty-don't look at as a bad thing starting your new job! I know you have enjoyed this time with tyler but hopefully this job is less stressful! I love my time at home right now..but the stress of not having that money come in sucks.
Misty - Why the :'( face? I thought the job was a good thing? Or is it because you'll miss Tyler? Think of what you're getting. A great job for the govt. Good benefits. I'm not sure if you're working county, state, or federal but I've always heard that govt jobs were stable so no worries of being laid off. No overtime either so you get to spend your weekends with Tyler. It's good news!!! :)
Good luck at the new job
Ow wow he was tiny i cant believe hes a year old now.

Awh grace what a cutie! it is adorable how proud of himself he is
Yeah the sad face is because I go back to being a part time mom. I hate that somebody else gets more time with him than I do. I'm his mom, I should be raising him. It breaks my heart. Luckily at this point his babysitter is his sister so I know he's with somebody who loves him. I'm just going to miss him so much...
Just got the phone call....my dad's ct came back mass is either on or near his lymph node...now waiting for oncologist to call and say what is next...more than likely it will be a biopsy....
Hi ladies :) Thanks for all the welcomes and the introductions. :) I will try my best to catch on to real names, or whatever you prefer to go by, but I might take a little bit. Some of you thankfully make it easy with your screen names. ;)

Janelle, congrats, it sounds like you have a lovely family. Sorry for what you had to endure to get there.

Seems like maybe I got here because of a similar ordeal with the other thread. Maybe even the same thread went full circle a couple of times. I joined BnB (and this other thread) in June of last year, just before the 1-year anniversary of my miscarriage. To add insult to injury, I also started my period on that day. So I was kinda feeling bad and needed to find some ladies to talk to. At that time that thread was predominantly TTC ladies and a handful of ladies who were pregnant with their rainbows. I was in that thread for 9 mos before I could conceive again, so it was kind of hard when new girls would join and then get pregnant again seemingly immediately. So sometimes I'd take a break or immerse myself more in the LTTTC threads...like I'd forget not every forum is a LTTTC forum. I stuck around though b/c we'd already been through a lot together. Eventually I got my bfp, and even I would talk about it from time to time. In part because I was always afraid I'd be right back there TTC again. So anyway, it semi came to a head (no real mama drama or anything, but it had to be pointed out that it had become more of a pregnancy thread again. Soooo that's when Misty directed me here. They made another new forum for those of us who have moved on from ttc or at any stage too, so I'm having fun with all three threads now, but it's kind of hard to keep up!

That is so touching what you can say about one another. It's amazing how you can come to rely on and care about ladies you've never met (or I don't know maybe some of you have).


Hi Zoey congrats on your little girl...coming soon! How exciting! Hope your new home and maternity leave are treating you well. :)

Hi Grace! I think I've seen you post in another thread. :) Nice to properly "meet" you. :) Congrats on your surprise baby. :D I think maybe that will be our luck too b/c we plan to NTNP after this one. If it happens, we will welcome it! But if not, I think I can be happy with our two. That's so wonderful that you get to stay home with your son. Thanks for the encouraging words too.

Hi Krissy! Happy (belated) birthday! And anniversary! I think all kids, even the greatest, have their moments. ;) I feel that same way about my 3yo. She is awesome, and sometimes she's like talking to a little adult. But then something will happen and it's like ohhhh yes. She's 3. :) So sorry about what you went through on your way to #4. How cool is it to know that your family is almost complete now. <3

That's so wonderful that you have amazing and supportive parents. I feel the same about my parents. Mine watch my DD through the day when I'm working. My mom and my daughter especially, they are inseparable. We truly can't ever move! When we bought our house, it was *just* before I got pregnant, and I was kind of ehhhhh because it's less than a mile from my parents' house. But now I think it's the BEST THING EVER. I really don't know what I'd do without them.

So sorry to see what's going on with your dad. I also hope it's nothing. And God forbid it is something, then I suppose it is a blessing that they found it by accident. Kind of reminds me of a woman I don't know myself but we have a mutual friend. She was in a pretty bad car accident because of a drunk driver. In the process of finding and tending to her injuries, they discovered she had lung cancer. Never smoked a day in her life. She is doing great now, so that accident was kind of a freaky blessing in a way. I really hope and pray all goes well for your dad. <3

LOVING THE BUMP!!! And your kiddos are precious. <3 But of course you know that! ;)

To answer your question, I guess they are truly not worried about me because they said they really don't do anything different for me. :shrug: I thought for sure they would, and I'd kinda like it for peace of mind. But for now I just go back Apr 28 for my 12 week appt and they'll just do doppler for the hb, then not another u/s until my anatomy/anomaly scan unless something else comes up (which I pray nothing does!)

Oh Grace I usually love all those kinds of foods, but right now I'm in a stage where I want everything BLAND! DH still likes the flavorful stuff of course, but I am like ughghghghghghhh :)

Awww Misty what a sweet little tiny. <3 I understand how you feel about wanting to be home with your DS. I had to go back at 6 weeks pp and it was (and still is) so hard. I'd really do anything to be able to be at home at least more than I am now. I really like what I do, but the massive student debt (which is unavoidable in this profession) leaves me no choice but to keep on working...for decades to come....

Hope it turns out to be enjoyable and it's as smooth a transition as possible. :hugs:

I need to dig up some TBT pics.

I know there are more posts since I started typing this, so I'll have to catch up later!
Erin- thanks for all the kind words! for the longest time we lived about 45min from my parents but my kids were over there at least every other weekend. Now we live about 15min away and when I was working my parents, well more my dad bc my mom still works, watch the kids for us. my kids are the same way with my parents if they had a choice they would live with my parents. ask my youngest who his BFF is and he says Grandpa is. that is what makes all this really hard. my dad was first diagnosed with prostrate cancer in 2005 and had a radical prostatectomy done and was in remission until may of last year. since then he has been on hormone replacement therapy to slow/stop the growth of the cancer cells. at that point nothing had grown in to anything, until now.....

oh and I do believe everything happen for a reason...had my grandpa not died july of 2005 my dads cancer would not had been found in august 2005 when he went to dr for depression.

here is a story for ya ladies....I believe in sprit after death just so ya know. ok so my dads mom died in june 2009 and my parents do have a few of her items around the house. well on sunday my dad cleaned his wallet out like he usually does at the end of the week, you know get receipts out and what not...only things left in his wallet were his driver license, bank card, insurance cards and some cash.

Monday was the day he went for the first CT and when he went to get out his ID and insurance card there right dead in front was his moms ID that had been in my moms jewelry box since after my grandma died. none of us put it there no one has touched it in 5 years almost.....knowing now what was found on that CT is is like my grandmas way of saying yeah its there but all will be ok she is watching over my dad...

I am still scared poopless....pregnancy hormones don't help....but all we can do is fight right????
zoey...we match....not good for me I am like 6 weeks behind you....lol
I woke up and went oh wow :rofl:

Awh bless they say you show sooner after your first though. You look beautiful
you do but then should kind of follow suit the rest of the pregnancy lol!! nah mine is big baby and extra fluid....I should start posting everyday so yall can see the evaluation of the gigantic belly!!! hahahahaha...

I told Janelle earlier about my moment...I was laying on the couch with josh relaxing then when I tried to get up, I was laying on my back, I couldn't do it...I was like a turtle on my back...I was laughing so freaking hard I was crying...and kept saying oh good lord I got over 2 months to go.....at least I can laugh at myself!

update on my dad...fam dr called again and said sent everything over to his oncologist and don't be surprised if we don't hear anything till Monday...so its the waiting game...
Aw Krissy :hugs: Long weekend I guess. :( Praying the news won't be as bad as you fear.

Zoey (did I get that right???) love the bump! It's crazy how quickly those bumps can change! All I have to look back on now is pictures, but I look from one week to the next, and some of those are like DANG! You look great girl!

I just took a Tylenol, which I HAAAATE taking meds when I'm pg, though I know it's supposed to be fine. But still, I do it sparingly. This is my SECOND one today. It better do the trick. Can't function with a headache that bad though. It was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach (as if I need any help there now!) I hope this second dose works so I can at least stand a chance of being able to sleep tonight.
Ok here's some #tbt pics.

Here's the last pic my mom took of me (that's why it's kinda blurry, she's kinda twitchy lol) before my DD was born. I should be right at 39 weeks. My daughter was born a few days later at 39+3. I'm glad she got this one because we got bad about taking pics toward the end. I wanted one right before or after we got to the hospital, before she was born. But ehhhh by that point I wasn't in the mood. :haha:

I guess I look pretty small in that pic, and I was smallish, but it's also partly how I was sitting there. The last pics we took at home, I was 36+4, and I look bigger in those. So surely I was bigger yet by 39 weeks.

Here's 36+4:

And here was our beautiful newborn. <3

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