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Erin-OMG you look like all you had was a basic ball in there..i am guessing it didn't take you long to go back to preprego weight...how tall are you? I am only 5'2"so only have one way to go is out :haha: and your daughter was so freaking cute!!!
lol yeah it looked like I ate a basketball. I am 5'4" but I only weighed 100 lbs when I got pg. :wacko: I can't remember how long it took me to get back to pre-prego weight. I was wearing some pre-preg jeans within a couple of weeks, but they were the ones that were kinda loose and fell on my hips before...and they were kinda tight for a while! I never weighed myself again until 3 mos pp and we were visiting my in-laws out of town and they had a bathroom scale. It said 105 and I thought that was fine, I could stand to keep 5 lbs.

I will be curious to see how I carry this one. But I feel like I might be a lil wider this time, lol.

Thanks for the sweet words about DD! My heart melts when I look at that picture. Can't wait to capture a pic with her and her newborn sibling. <3
Erin you are so tiny!! Definitely ate a basketball lol. I LOVE the picture both having a hand on your baby. So sweet. She is adorable! And so much hair! Janelle's daughter has a head full and a half too lol. Tyler is still working on hair lol
Krissy I hope the mass is benign and easily removed. Your dad has been thru so much, he doesn't deserve this :(. That's awesome that he's got his mama letting him know she's watching over him tho.
Erin-ummm cant remember the last time I EVER saw 100lb :haha: I have always been on the plump side I guess you could say but I loved my body post babies. when josh and I got together I was a size 12 and I felt good about that I thought of myself as beautiful and obliviously so did Josh or else we still wouldn't be together 9 years and 4 kids later. I put on a good amount of weight with each baby, expect Jamie cuz I still had the weight from Ava lol....but I had recently lost about 45lb the year leading up to getting pregnant with Blake so I was back down to like a 14 so close to my goal of being a 12 again. I have so far put on 20lb last time weighed but just reminding myself this is my miracle baby and last one so trying not to worry about the weight.

Misty-thanks hun! and I agree my dad does not deserve this they say god only gives you what you can handle...well he must think we are super human but if I told you guys every bad thing that has happen to us over the years you would think I am either crazy or lieing...but its all true...how is tyler doing on the soy formula any better?

Janelle- question about GERD....is it weird for a child to go undiagnosed to he age of 7 1/2 yrs? my friend her poor son was throwing up like crazy for over a month and the dr took forever but finally figured out it was GERD...I thought kids were always younger...I just feel bad for him...

other than that you ladies can see I am wide awake early....again...woke up with low blood sugar this morning..i got that a lot with Jamison to. felt better after eating one of my bday cupcakes that were still left lol....
Yeah everyone said DD would lose her hair she had as a newborn. She did some, but she's always had more hair than most of the kids her age. She's still not had a hair cut, and now her hair goes down past the middle of her back! I hear I had a lot of hair as a baby, but my little brother was a baldy until he was 2. :) I've heard the old wives' tale that heartburn in pregnancy = baby with more hair is actually scientifically true! It turned out to be true for me. My Dr was actually styling DD's hair as she was crowning LOL.

Krissy I've seen your pictures both old and new, and you were and ARE beautiful! You're a lovely preggie lady, and I have no doubt you'll be gorgeous post-baby too. :flower:
Erin-thanks! I had heartburn with all my kids...mostly cuz they crowed my stomach..but my youngest had a ton of hair!

ok ladies officially know what is harder than being pregnant, giving birth and raising kids......having your dad call you crying because he is so scared.....sigh.....
Oh Krissy that breaks my heart just hearing about it. So many hugs. :hugs:
Krissy - I'm praying for your dad's healing and strength.
Thanks I really appreciate it. I just got back from going over and visiting him for a while. I have always been really close to my parents and it makes me proud to know how comfortable they are to call me and talk to me about everything. no matter how hard it is. I could never live far away from them...I wish I was closer than 15 miles away....lol
Holy crap!! Sooooo much to catch up on!

Misty, I hope that you're enjoying your first day back at work. You'll have to update us all and let us know how it went. Hopefully it's something you like.

Krissy, :hugs: I don't (personally) know your family, but your dad sounds amazing from what you've told us over the years. I can't believe how strong he is!! No matter what he's been dealt he's never given up and is always a fighter. I hope that what ever this growth is it is benign and it's something that is easily treatable. You all seem to have really good doctors, so it's good that they found it. I just hope he recovers swiftly. It's spring time, you might have to pull out the reclining lawn mower and hop your preggo butt up there and mow the lawn for him while he relaxes in the sun drinking iced tea!! Oh man, I'd probably fly out just to see you on a reclining lawn mower. :haha:
As for your friend and GERD, does her kid eat/drink dairy? There has been a link between dairy and GERD, so have her cut out dairy for a few days and see if that helps. I've noticed if Samuel has too much cheese or yogurt that he complains of his stomach hurting and sometimes throws up.

Zoey, you look great!!! I can't believe you're almost there!! How are you feeling? Are you feeling "over being pregnant" yet? I hit that stage with both pregnancies, Sara's came A LOT sooner though.

Grace, How are you? Whooohooo on Ethan walking! I can't get Sara to walk at all. You can tell she wants to, but even holding her hands and bribing her with a cookie, you can tell she's terrified. The excuse that I've come up with is the few times that she fell really hard. She literally shakes and begins to cry when you try to get her to walk on her own. So, I'm not going to force it. She'll do it eventually. ...at least I hope so. Mmmmmm... I LOVE thai food. The best thai food that I had was when we were in Florida. We have a really good thai restaurant here, but it's nothing compared to the stuff we had in Florida.

Erin, I'm jealous at how little you were during your pregnancy! Too stinkin' cute!! No good on the headaches. I had really bad migraines when I was pregnant with Sara and EVEN WORSE after I had her. I still get really bad migraines and they laugh at tylenol or excedrin. Hopefully it goes away and they get better for you. OH! as for the heartburt hair thing, it was the complete opposite for me. I had terrible heartburn with my son and he came out with fuzz, Sara I don't think I had hardly any and she had LOTS of hair. Misty is right, Sara has enough hair to go around. I couldn't imagine her with out hair. Samuel had some hair, but it wasn't like Sara's. I haven't cut hers yet, but I think I'm going to have to cut her bangs because they are to the bottom of her nose. She looks cutest (I think) with her bangs swept to the side, or when they were short enough to have them on her forehead, but she doesn't look like my child when her hair is all pulled back. I can't explain it, but it weirds me out. I don't even know if that unkind to say about my child, but I think she looks best with bangs.

Here is a recent picture of her. I took it Monday I think...


I just took this one a few hours ago.

Janelle - Those pics are adorable. I love her little mohawk.
Oh man Krissy that made me tear up reading that your dad was crying. That sucks so bad. I'm glad he has a good daughter who's there for him and can be a shoulder to lean on. That's awesome.

Janelle I had to show Jake the Mohawk picture to show him how much hair she has. He was amazed.

First day was long and boring. I was SO freakin tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open. We went to bed late then I had to get up early. I have to get up at 5:30 to be to work at 8:00. Isn't that ridiculous? I hate starting new jobs and not knowing what I'm doing. I went from everybody coming to me for help to being totally clueless. Sigh... Sounds like stuff is still stupid at my last job tho so it's good I'm out of there. Just can't wait til I'm comfortable again.

Erin are you going to find out what you're having? Grace is going to TORTURE us and not find out!! lol She's stronger than I cuz no way could I wait, I'm too impatient and like to be prepared. That neurotic thing... lol. It would be SO fun to get the "it's a ___!" announcement from the dr at birth tho.
I forgot to mention. We have a wedding to go to tomorrow (Jake's sister) and I have NOOOOO idea what I'm going to wear!! Tyler got a little suit with tie and all for his birthday. Hope it fits my little munchkin baby!!
I've been meaning to point out to Janelle that Tyler is a year old and I did not get pregnant!! Ha. Ha ha. Haha ha HA!! Told ya sooooo!!! lol
First of all thanks ladies for your support you keep me sane!!!!

Misty-congrats on your first day back! I would kill for a desk job right now just so I didn't feel so helpless when it comes to the money part. but at the same time I am so uncomfortable lately I probably wouldn't last at that either. and don't worry before you know you will be the go to gale again. and have fun today...don't drink too much bc if aren't already pregnant then you will be....hey you opened the door! :haha:

Grace-ok how I did I miss the part of Ethan walking? sorry! oh I am so happy my kids waited till after their first bday...word of advice if he turns our to be a hinder/runner do not let him down in public! there was a time I was at the grocery store and I was letting Jamie walk with me..he had to been like 18 months or so and he has always be independent so he wanted to walk. well I turn around and he was gone! I panic go to get help to find him and where do I find him? in the check out lane trying to get some candy! so what did I do..i bought one of the kiddy back pack leach things. I know some people have bad opinions about them..i loved it for him! he felt like he was a big shot getting to wear his monkey back pack at the store and get to walk around. I always had a hold of him and didn't have to worry any more. we only had to use it till he was about 2yrs old. it was peace of mind for me.

Janelle-honestly I feel like you have become part of my family! you would so fit in with us its not even funny!!! just sucks you live waaayyyy out there we could have been SAHM who got into trouble together lol. yes this I a another dark time for my dad but we are strong people....oh and my dad would NEVER let me mow even before I was pregnant...I am his only daughter lol.

oh and some of you may not have seen the lawnmower pic Janelle is talking about so I will post it again in a bit....did I forget to mention we are a little redneck around here? hey I love it! I ride ATVs, I have gone hunting and actually killed a dear with a cross bow, we have my husbands 8point buck mounted in our house and his Pike fish he caught on his 23rd bday mounted to......I honestly can say I love our simple life!
Om my dad last year mowing redneck style...hey he's got a bad back....lol


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