A home for EVERYONE!

Hi ladies! Gonna try to catch up a bit. It's been a crazy week at work, plus that first tri fatigue. But I think it should slow down a bit for a day or two until I gotta get ready for Easter!

Zoey sorry about the sleep stuff. That just makes everything hard. Glad you're able to nap. I ate Tums like they were candy when I was pg with DD. I was lucky that my heartburn was manageable that way. Also I just saw that your LO's name is in your ticker. It's beautiful I love it.

That's kind of shocking to me that they wouldn't have you do a pap until age 25! Here you're supposed to have an exam every year even though the actual pap is only every few years (after the first one) depending on your age and history. BUT obviously that's more pleasant for you to not have had it done! As for the cervix check, I did have mine done at 36 weeks, but that was because I was seeing a different Dr in my Dr's group (mine was out of town that week). My Dr starts doing it at 37 weeks. Since I had mine checked at 36 weeks, my Dr didn't do it again at 37 weeks, and my next check was at 38 weeks. I'm not sure what my current Dr will do (I changed due to insurance, though I loved my old Dr.), but I'm pretty sure he does things a little differently.

Glad everything was looking good! I'm betting you get checked at your next appt. ;) Oh dear I hope you don't have to listen to your OH's remarks for a whole two weeks. ;)

Hi Janelle, sorry about the eating problems. :( A friend of mine's DD had similar symptoms, and it was worms. Could that be the case?? Or some kind of parasitic thing? (My friend had to really push for that test too. So frustrating that mama bear has to come out just to get your child cared for sometimes!) Sorry you're having problems with in-laws on that front. :( Hope you can get some good answers.

Yard looks awesome!! And cuuuuuuuuute cute pics of Sara!

CAN YOU COME TO MY HOUSE??? Talk about a mission. :dohh:

Hi Krissy, YAY I'm so glad you like your new Dr! I'd take a talker over someone who rushes you in and out any day! At least since he is also a good listener. So exciting to have a date set!

SO sorry to learn the news about your dad. :hugs: Praying the surgery goes well and it turns out to be as manageable as possible.

Happy birthday to your girl! Loved the baby pic!

Hi Misty, yeah I'm doing alright. No more bleeding/cramping since Sunday, and otherwise the headaches are staying away. I guess it probably wasn't worse than a lot of roller coasters. But still, I'd choose to avoid a roller coaster while pregnant! My daughter was with me. DH and DD both were. But DD is still rear-facing, so it truly did not phase her one bit. Hope things are going okay for you at work and balancing all the family stuff.

AFM, having a delightfully boring week pregnancy-wise with no more bleeding and no more accidents ***knock on wood*** Looking forward to hopefully more energy in the 2nd tri and maybe even food that doesn't sound disgusting. Got at least a couple of weeks to go though.
Erin, I did a little research on worms and I don't think that's the case. Honestly, I think it's a control thing. They only time he's ever complained of a stomach ache is when he's eaten too much dairy, which has been the case his whole life. He doesn't do dairy well. I'll run it across his pediatrician come his 4 year well check if she doesn't think he's gained enough weight, but what we've found works right now is comparing his muscles to super hero's. Sounds dumb, but it's working! He really likes helping me around the house/yard, but in order to do so, he has to eat and grow some muscle, like popeye. We've tried this starting yesterday and so far so good. LOL although it could change tomorrow. Samuel tends to catch on and get bored easily. For example, I told him if he wanted to go to school he needed to learn to wipe his own butt. Was doing really well for a few months, but now says he doesn't want to go to school anymore and asks if I will wipe it for him. I don't, only because I know we'll just be taking steps backwards, so it's only a matter of time before he doesn't want super hero muscles. But we have a back up plan. ;) We tell him he needs to be "this tall" to ride the rides at disney world and in order to grow, he's gotta eat.

Happy to read you had a mellow week. Anything adventurous planned for Easter weekend? We're driving over the hill to visit with Dan's Aunt and Grandma. It's sort of a tradition I guess. I got the phone call yesterday though that we're doing a potluck brunch, but because no one and his side of the family can cook, I'm bringing 75% of the food. I don't mind though. I like to bake/cook as well.
I love the super hero idea! I also love the super cute pictures she is adorable.

Im glad you have had a good week pregnancy wise hope it stays like that :hugs:

Eek next week? I hope so haha i cant wait to meet her! im not doing anything to start labour though. I wont bbe doing for a couple of weeks yet and even then i wont be going mad
. I only plan to go on walks and bounce on my birth ball.

I am nervous but i am very excited to meet her. :D
Erini-so happy to hear all is going well for you this week! I agree rather have a boring pregnancy than an eventful one...speaking from experience over here lol. thank you about my dad. he sees the general surgeon in abut an hour so in a few hours I should know when his surgery is and what is next. do you know when your next scan will be? I got another one on may 2 so in 2 weeks to check out mr blake again. this will be my 7th, YES 7th scan and probably will have at least one more before he is born. if the fluid level is even higher than what It was last time, which is still high, I will probably start the weekly scan checks after 36w fun to watch them grow though lol....

Janelle-I am so surprised we get along so well...we are so opposite lol. you like things cleaned and organized I rather just ignore it and go do something fun, you like to cook and bake and I dread it every day lol....my hobby other than having kids lol is reading I love to read!

afm-like I said waiting for the call later on to let us know what is going on with my dad. josh ended up working over this morning so he wont even be home for another 2 1/2 hrs so idk what we are doing today for avaries bday. I will post a pic of her later on today.
Janelle, I figured if worms were possible/likely, you'd have come across it in your research by now, but I thought I'd mention just in case. I love the super hero idea. My DD is the same though...the same thing doesn't necessarily motivate her for long. :)

Nothing too crazy for Easter. Going to dye eggs with my DD on Saturday afternoon when I get home from work. And get a salad ready for Sunday lunch. Then Sunday morning church (bright and early because I sing in the choir), then lunch and family time with my cousins and their families at my grandma's house (in town, so no real travel plans). Ours is potluck too, for the most part. But everyone kind of has their things that they basically always bring. The women in my family can COOK. Haha thankfully. Glad you enjoy cooking since so much gets put on you!

Excited for you Zoey!

Krissy I'll be watching to see what you find out about your dad. <3

No more scans for me until my morphology scan. Hopefully anyway! I don't really want any more drama that would result in an extra one!

I'm sure you would pass on the high fluid level if you could, but I'm sure you enjoy getting to see your LO on that screen. :) Wow May 2 sounded farther away until you said that!
erin- I know right? my baby is going to be here no later than 8 weeks from tomorrow....seems so far but sooooo close....starting to get anxious.....
our easter plans/weekend...josh ended up working over today, so 14hr shift, so he JUST got home and is exhausted. so for avaries bday today looks like some take out and cake to celebrate a little bit. then tomorrow we are going to the local easter egg hunt, if you can even call it that anymore its a big open area where kids fight for eggs. at least this year the all my kids fit in the 4-7 age group. but they also have a lot of fun free activities. then after that we will go out for her bday and do easter eggs at home later on. then sunday debating on going to church...I go almost every sunday but the problem lays in the fact josh doesn't go for various reasons and if we go then I have to go to one town for church back home then back toward where we already were for easter at my moms....still thinking about...but yeah lots to do!

ok for my dad....my mom called a little bit ago and its not good. the general surgeon said he has to talk to about 3 different drs and specialist to determine how they can even attempt getting that mass off his artery. they have to figure something out because the mass is just going to continue to grow and squeeze on the artery. right now there is only a little bit of blood flow restriction nothing to worry about but as it grows it will start to cut off that artery and he will loose blood flow to his leg....dr said Tuesday is probably when my dad will hear what is going on...wish it had been better news I really wasn't prepared for them to say all this...
thank you erin and zoey.....when it rains it poors.....I hate this....
Krissy, I just wanna fly out there and take you to rt a pedicure or something!! You've got too much on your plate and your "jar" is full. But its good that you're talking about it. Ughhh.... if it were me I'd tell that general surgeon I wasn't leaving that office until he had talked to the doctors and had answers. Another long weekend for you. :hugs:
Janelle- :hugs: you are a wonderful friend! I feel like I miss you even if we have never met in person......I do feel that way but at the same time I understand they need time to prepare and get their plan down pat before even approaching the idea of doing the surgery. the last thing I want is them to just rush into surgery get in there and then are in a whole new world of trouble. at least this is a realllly busy weekend for us so time will fly till Monday then it will drag.....at least I don't have work stress...just money stress lol

overall my family and I are doing ok....
Krissy, wouldn't it be hilarious if we did meet and we absolutely hated each other? We're still looking at ticket prices for a trip to Ohio at the end of August-beginning of September, so if that does happen, which I really hope it does because we're going to a family reunion with hundreds of people!! It's a once in a life time thing, really. But anywho, if it does happen, I still want to meet up with you and the kiddos at the zoo, where ever the heck it was 3 hours away.

Grace, where have you been hiding?
Sorry Krissy... that sucks :(

Grace I can't believe you're almost halfway!!

Sara HATED the grass on her butt, every time we set her down, she would get pissed off. Dan seems to remember Samuel being the same way. Must just be their grass, because she does fine in our back yard. And it was stupid windy, so my hair looks kind of wild. :blush:

Either way, hope you ladies enjoy and you all have a wonderful Easter!:flower:
Janelle - Lovely pics. Ethan hates our grass. We have St. Augustine grass though. I'm thinking he would be okay with Bermuda grass or something softer.
I love the pictures. You all look amazing!

Happy easter everyone :kiss:

Yesterday was spent sorting out thw house and putting up flat pack furniture. Today matt decided he didn't want to do anymore so i ended up putting up a flat packed toy box then moving furniture (slowly and carefully) around the house as well as cleaning. It's only 4.00 and i am shattered i have done loads.the only thing left to be done is put up the cot which is matts job!

I have realised we have half a drawer of 0-3 month old clothes. Ella will be fine when she hots the 3-6 month mark though :dohh: according to matt his mum has got us loads of stuff ao i hope it is in 0-3 months otherwise i will have to go shopping!

Shopping would consist of baby grows and vests though nothing fancy xD oh and pur sterilizer dosent fit our bottles so im now going to have to buy one!
hi ladies happy easter!!!!!

Janelle-you and your family are soooooo freaking cute!!! you look really good! oh I hope we can meet up some how!

zoey-way to be nesting baby should be here soon!

afm- ok I need to rant sorry ahead of time.....my MIL ...ugh I know I have complained about her tons but this is toooo freaking far!!! Avaries bday was on Friday and my MIL didn't bother to call her or even post anything about her on FB. in stead she posts this huge thing about my 1 1/2 week old niece how she can smile and coo already....ummmm no she cant....anyways it is now easter sunday, 1 in the afternoon she has not called to talk to my kids or anything. instead she puts on FB how she is spending it with my two brother in laws and their kids...not one mention of my family.....I know I should be used to it...she has always acted like my kids are not as well behaved as the others and constantly compares them....I cant stand it my kids are never good enough for her but if you ask my parents they are perfect and that is what matters since they are the ones who spend time with them. ARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!

I told josh that I hope his mom is back in Canada when blake is born bc then she cant see him I don't want her to!

anyways....so far easter has been nice other than the monster in law! me Jamie and ava went to church breakfast and service. they got their easter baskets from the bunny and in a few hours headed to my parents for dinner baskets and egg hunt...

I will post pics later! I hope lol
Grace, I don't know much about grass, but is the kind you're talking about the thick blade? I just know I don't like the grass in Florida and Hawaii. Its like centipede grass or something like that.

Zoey, Lol you're nesting like crazy. Its cute. As for clothes, I'd hold off until she's here. She might skip sizes all together.

Krissy, I tell you what, YOUR kids are TOO GOOD for your MIL. Just remember that. :) I look forward to meeting up with you this summer in some nice sunny weather. Ha! You tell your MIL to come into town that weekend, I'll set her straight! :haha: we're gonna have fun Ethel, just you and me!
Haha yeah this nesting is driving me mad :haha:

I hope this means ellas arriving soon :haha:

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