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zoey nice to hear all is well and your mom was able to be there. but very scary about ella!

yes I now have just over 86 hours before blake will be here!!!! EEEKKK....watch for an update from miss Janelle on Saturday I am making her happy butt get up ungodly early for her lmao....
Krissy, I'm on it!! I promise to keep you ladies updated about Blake and Krissy. :flower:

Here are pictures from Sara's birthday, sorry it has taken me so long to upload them. I've been crazy busy working on our guest bathroom. I've decided that I absolutely HATE painting. But it looks so much better now that it's not bright freakin' orange! Hopefully I'll have some updated pictures to post soon.

Here is a most recent. We're going to cover the back wall with (spring creek) airstone, which Krissy is being a bad ass and picking up for me from Lowes in her area and shipping to me, because ALL the Lowes on the east coast are out of stock and the manufacture doesn't do private shipping. Then we're going to frame the mirror in black trim. I have 4 pictures of the kids in 8x8 that I'm going to frame in 12x12 black frames to put on the side walls.

The bathroom already feels so much taller because we turned the mirror sideways to run the length of the wall. I'm hoping once I get the curtains for the shower and put them up high, that it will help make the room feel a little bit bigger. I hate the tile in the shower/bathtub. Next to orange paint it looks white and clean, but when you paint the room grey and add new lighting it looks like it's off white and dindgy. :( It's the same crap color that was in our kitchen covering the counters. Gotta love the 80's. BLECH! We can't replace the shower pull faucet either, because we'd have to rip a huge hole in the wall and redo the plumbing. So, I took all the pieces out of the shower since this picture and I'm attempting to spray paint them oil rubbed bronze. :wacko:

After this bathroom renovation I'm done remodeling for awhile. I figure if I just fix up the areas that people see a lot then I can really take my time to do the rest of the house. You know, the areas they don't see! :haha: Although this house really needs a coat of paint, the ceilings especially. Someone come paint my ceilings!! I'm too short!!
I love all the pictures and the bathroom!

My sister has just gone home after a 3 day visit and my parents and other sister are now visiting for the day! :D
We have also been discharged from midwife led care so we will be seeing the health visitor from now on
My daughter had HSG done today and found out both tubes are blocked. She was sobbing, I was crying. I'm do freakin heartbroken for her. It really pisses me off that people who don't take care of their kids pop them out like nothing and people who would love and cherish their babies and be excellent parents have trouble getting pregnant. It's not fair :(
Misty, was she given the option of surgery to unblock them? Or IVF?

AFM, I tried to get the shower arm off of our guest bathroom shower today. I broke Dan's channel locks INSIDE the arm. I can't reach the piece... I hooked the shower head back up and it still works.. Luckily that shower was a piece of crap and didn't really work to begin with and I don't think in all the 3 years we've lived here, we've ever used it, but still.. I'm a dead lady walking! I taped a box around the shower arm and was able to spray paint it neatly... so hopefully Dan wont be too pissed. Although he is short a pair of channel locks that he didn't even know he had now. :haha:
Dr referred her to a specialist but health ins doesn't cover infertility treatments.
Misty, hopefully the surgery to unblock her tubes is covered, if not partially covered.


I just got a text that she's been admitted to the hospital and will be staying there until Blake is born, Saturday. She's got some high blood pressure and contractions and she's not feeling well/right. If her condition doesn't improve they may decide to deliver Blake earlier, but she doesn't feel like they will need to. I'll keep all you ladies posted! So, excited that Blake is almost here!! :happydance:
Looks like Mr Blake will be here soon! Trying to schedule her for a c-section tomorrow at 10am.
Hope he's ready and all goes well! Hugs, Krissy!
Janelle, fabulous pics. I want to say you motivate to do better on my house, but here I sit on my butt again. :p

Zoey, hope you're enjoying time with your family. Sounds like everything just continues to be great, so happy for you.

Oh Misty, :cry: my heart is breaking for your daughter. It is just so so unfair. :cry: I'm kind of wondering like Janelle, I wonder if surgery might be at least partially covered. I mean they may not cover IUI or IVF, but if they count it as a medical concern and not a "fertility treatment," it seems like maybe they could work it out, at least if they bill it properly??? Like the HSG was to determine fertility, but insurance would have helped with that, would it not? My insurance doesn't cover anything for fertility either, but it paid for most of my HSG because it was "medical." I guess there's the issue of seeing the specialist in the first place, but I wonder if that's something her current doctor could do??? Anyway, that totally stinks, can't even put it in words. Sending big :hug:

Oh and Janelle thanks for the update on Krissy. Krissy if you get a chance to see this, best of luck and we're so excited to see your happy news! Hope they're treating you kindly in the hospital and you feel well taken care of!

AFM, not a lot going on here, at least nothing interesting. Been SUPER busy at work after taking a week off. Which is kind of nice, but I feel behind on paperwork stuff. Tomorrow I get to go in late, which is nice. Will be using most of that time to do stuff that I've been unable to do this week though, like make unpleasant phone calls and get my DD signed up for preschool. I'm fairly certain I'm starting to feel some movement in the last few days, but it's so different from what it felt like with DD, and so inconsistent, it's hard to be sure. With her it felt like jabs (though I felt her first on 17+2), and now it just occasionally feels like maybe something rolled over in there??
Krissy is still pregnant. I got a text this morning around 3 saying her BP was high and they were going to get her in to have a c-section a few hours later, but she keeps getting bumped because all these other women in labor go into "emergency" situations and need to take Krissy's spot in line. Poor Momma hasn't had anything to drink or eat in 19 hours! I've been talking with her around the clock, so you ladies wont miss an update, I promise.
Well, I haven't heard from Krissy in awhile, so I'm assuming they took her in to deliver Blake. Stay tuned!! :happydance:
Okay, well I hadn't gotten a response from Krissy in a LONG while, so I was starting to get a little worried, so I just called the hospital number that she gave me, (which was wrong, KRISSY!! I ended up talking to someone else who was in labor :haha:) and talked to her. She isn't feeling very well, so I didn't talk long, but the info that I got was Blake was born 6 lbs 13 oz and is 20 1/4" long. He's not doing very well. He's in the NICU and they started him on antibiotics and he's having to use the cpap machine to breath. Krissy is just feeling really nauseous and and her stomach hurts a lot, but her tubes are tide, no more babies for her! She was really groggy and loopy on the phone so I didn't want to talk for too long, but I promise you ladies, day or night, as soon as I get another update and/or picture, I'll post it ASAP! :friends:

So, EVERYONE think good thoughts, good vibrations, say your prayers, do your dance, mojo magic that both Krissy and Blake have a quick and healthy recovery.
Thanks Janelle,

Congratulations Krissy, praying you both recover swiftly and completely. <3
Congratulations Krissy. Sending lots of vibes your way. You both are in my thoughts. Hope you both have a speedy recovery. Will keep checking for updates from Janelle.

Thanks Janelle
Krissy - Congratulations! I pray you and Blake are both at 100% soon.
Congrats Krissy!! Hope you guys recover quickly. Babies in the NICU are heart wrenching!! I bet he'll be good to go and breathing fine on his own in no time! EVERYONE is sending good vibes your way... we all care and are thinking of you, Munchkin!! Congrats again!! :)

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