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They need to wean him off the cpap machine and focus on him getting full feedings. Doctors say itcan take up to him being 2 weeks old to get to that point. He's still on meds too.
Oh I thought you had said she had the option to stay. Weird that he looked orange... they're yellow when jaundiced and needing lights. They'd know with a blood test tho. I can't remember if it was every day or every other day they checked Tyler's bilirubin levels. I got to where I knew if levels were higher just by looking at him. It's not uncommon for c-section babies to get pneumonia right? Since fluid not squeezed out being pushed down the birth canal? Hope he gets better quickly!!
Oh I took it as a set thing. It COULD be 2 weeks. Could be more but they're saying at least 2 weeks? Yikes
Wonder how far home is from the hospital... Can't believe ins won't let her stay when she's still having medical issues. Dumb!
Poor baby :(

yeah that's outrageous that she can't stay. If she can't stay b/c of being however many days post-csxn, then she should be able to stay for another reason, just bill it as the other reason. :( :(
Misty, she has the option to stay, but she has to share a room and pay out of pocket. Know she lives fairly close to the hospital, so that's a plus. Also, I think if your baby is pale they may look more yellow, but Sara had more of a tan completion and she looked more orange. I think it depends on the baby really. Samuel looked pretty orange too, but the whites of his eyes were pretty yellow. No idea.

Alright ladies. I know krissy is now home and fast asleep in her bed. Hopefully she's comfortable. She maybe on later to update everyone, but if not I'll try to keep you posted as best I can with little confusion.
I am thinking about you Krissy. It sucks your insurance would not pay for anymore nights. Hope you feel better today and Blake too.
I can relate to how stupid insurance is. Dan has some of the best insurance I've ever had and we've never had a problem with it until last month. APPARENTLY they only cover 8 well checks from birth to age 2 at 100% anything after that, they don't cover zilch. NOT EVEN VACCINES! Well, the kids doctor sees Sara every month for the first year, so we maxed her well checks out. APPARENTLY this is a new thing for the insurance company that they started at the first of the year and they did not inform us about it until after I got a phone call from the doctors office. Luckily the kids have a doctor that I've known my whole life so she gave me a ridiculously amazing discount for the visit that the insurance company didn't cover and told me that she couldn't give me a discount for Sara's upcoming shots, but informed me that it would be cheaper to go to the heath department because we qualify for being under insured, so instead of paying $100 a shot, we only have to pay $20. Plus, Sara can get all of her shots at once and she'll be covered until she's 4. As for her actual well checks her doctor said that she'll continue to see Sara for free and not bill us for them. So that's a plus, but I lucked out with her as the kids doctor, I don't think I could find that deal anywhere else. I wonder if I bat my eyes and look pitiful, if she'll consider moving to Georgia with us. I don't think I'll find a doctor there that is as awesome as her. She's the only doctor I've ever known that answers her phone 24/7 for patients and will give you a diagnosis and call in a prescription over the phone if you need.

I remember when I was pregnant with Samuel I had a papsmear done and it came back positive for cervical cancer cells. Even though it was something brought to attention during my pregnancy, after pregnancy the insurance I had would not cover any of it. Which is why Dan and I had a shot gun wedding and just eloped. So I could get on his health insurance and get this all taken care of. Even though Obama passed what ever law saying they couldn't deny you for preexisting illnesses especially for ladies, the other insurance denied me, but Dan's covered me 100% I'm happy I got all of that taken care of. It was just before I got pregnant with Sara that everything came back in the clear. I was in the clear for after I had Sara, and if I'm in the clear again in a few months then I will be a happy camper!
Ugh Janelle that is soooo dumb! I had heard of some insurances like that lately, but hadn't actually talked to anyone whose insurance did that! Horrible!
Well I got my GD results and it was a little below normal. Anyone know what that means? I'm waiting on my doctor to call me back. I've been feeling weak a lot and I just assumed it was low iron, but my iron was fine. Now I'm wondering if I've been feeling bad because of low blood sugar.
Grace, have you heard back from your doctor yet? I don't know what low levels mean, sorry.

I just got an update from Krissy. Things are going really well for Mr. Blake and they're talking about possibly being able to take him home this weekend!!! Their goal is to get him to drink 2 oz feedings at this point. He's done with his meds tomorrow and no longer needs the cpap to breath. Woohoo!!! :happydance:
Sorry Grace I don't know either. :(

That's great news, thanks Janelle!
Grace you definitely need to watch that. Too low can be dangerous. Like you losing consciousness dangerous. You may need to at least eat a snack every so often. Pharmacies sell glucose tablets you can eat in a pinch if u start feeling woozy, weak, sweaty, etc. Here is a pic of what the bottle looks like. They bring your blood sugar level up quickly do they would be good for you to have on hand just in case. They're yummy too :)

That's awesome about Blake!!


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Misty - Thanks for the recommendation.

I'm so glad Blake may get to come home this weekend. That's awesome! How is Krissy doing?

The doctor said I need to snack more during the day, but she said the levels weren't low enough that I should be too concerned about it. I hate that I had to call and ask about it though. I get that it's not GD, but they could have called to let me know it's a little low and I should snack more. She's got one more time to do something that doesn't sit right with me and I'm switching doctors.
Grace, maybe she was telling you to eat more snacks just so you wouldn't worry about it, but if it's slightly low it might not be of concern. I'm sure if it were in the danger zone levels, that she would have called you. I'm no doctor, so I have no idea, but that's my take on it. Hopefully it makes you feel a little better. :friends:

As for Krissy, she's told me that she's just really tired. She has to wake up during the night to pump, so she's on the schedule of a new born. I really hope that she's able to brink Blake home this weekend, that way she can snuggle and cuddle him when ever she wants.

AFU, Samuel has a cold. He woke up yesterday with a snotty nose and isn't feeling well. I was suppose to meet with a friend of mine yesterday that I haven't seen in 10+ years, but I had to cancel because of Samuel. Shortly after high school she got pregnant and moved to Pennsylvania and we lost contact. When I was pregnant with Samuel I got a phone call from her SIL saying she was in a horrific car accident and they didn't think she was going to make it. Luckily, she made it, but it's been a really rough ride for her ever since. This coming Tuesday she is having another surgery to help reconstruct her stomach. Since her immune system isn't the strongest and with an upcoming surgery I didn't feel comfortable having her come over to visit with Samuel snotting everywhere. I'm hoping that I can at least go and see her sometime this weekend before her surgery. (((Fingers crossed))) Sara is getting her top two teeth. One of them has already broken through, with the other not far behind, which I'm thankful for, Samuel was a snaggle tooth for the longest time!! But, because of this she sucks when it comes to nursing!! She has been bitting and PULLING while she nurses. For awhile there she was on a strike and wouldn't drink anything but ice water. I thought she was weaning, but it was just a strike. Now she just wants to bite my nipples off and thinks its hilarious when I scream in pain. How the hell do you tell a baby that biting is not okay? Needless to say, I've cut WAY back on nursing. I'm surprised that she still has milk to drink from me. We no longer have a set schedule for nursing. Well, I don't anyway, she does. She's drinking whole milk, which I'm not too fond of, but that's all she'll drink right now, and I have to put ice in it because she likes it really cold. I've tried to give her ice cold breast milk and she just spits it out and looks at me with this look of "how dare you!" Talk about a freakin' diva, geez.

I just went through all the clothes that she got for her birthday and seriously, you put the stuff people got her, next to the clothes I wore as a kid and we'd look the same. What in the world is with all these bright high lighter colors?!?! I specifically remember a shirt that I had that had those little circular mirrors on it with that glittery puff looking paint around it and sparkly bedazzle crap... Whoever buys THAT outfit for my kid will be cut from gifting functions!

That's about all that's new here. Hopefully going to get the bathroom completely done this weekend. Krissy, being the sweetheart that she is, shipped me the stone that I wanted and it made it all the way here only for the jerk fedex guy to drop one of the boxes in the street!! :cry: LUCKILY, only 2.5 square feet were broken and I had enough wiggle room for 3 square feet to get broken. Alright ladies, hope you enjoy your coming weekend!!
Krissy is pumping???? I thought she formula fed all her babies??
Grace, glad it's nothing to scary, but sorry you had to go through that to find out!

Janelle, hope Samuel is feeling better soon. So sorry you had to cancel with your friend. :( Hope it works out to get to meet with her soon.

My DD went through a phase where she would pull with her teeth, and then she would crack up when I yelped or jumped in pain. I think she was just amused by the unusual response. Eventually she got over it. I tried not reacting to it (that's hard...it hurts), and I think I may have said something in a calm voice like "No, that hurts mommy." But the main thing was that I took her off the boob whenever she bit me, so maybe that helped her get the hint. It was a relatively short-lived problem. Painful though. :( Maybe right now she's trying to get relief while the other tooth is trying to break through.

And LOL about the clothes. I remember having something with those little mirror things and the puff paint. :rofl:

Krissy's amazing for getting that to you with all she's had going on! Fedex guy. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Glad you had enough to work with.
Misty, I'm not certain, but I'm pretty confident in saying that I think Krissy did nurse all of her babies at one point if not tried to. I think one of them she nursed until they were 6 months and then weaned. I'll ask her to be certain.

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