A home for EVERYONE!

Grace, not sure if you follow DIY on pinterest or if you're having a baby shower, but they are posting A LOT of really cute ideas for baby showers.
Janelle - No baby shower here. I don't really nwe'd much anyway. We are thinking about having a naming ceremony after Baby T gets here though.

Misty - I remember Krissy telling a story about squirting breast milk across the room once, but that's all I remember. LOL
Zoey - I don't feel bad. I don't want a baby shower. I just had one last year. LOL.
Grace, we didn't do a baby shower when I was pregnant with Sara.We had everything we needed left over from Samuel.

So Krissy nursed her boys, but Ava refused. They are saying Blake should be going home tomorrow!
Hi ladies! I know I have been gone for a looooooooong time but Janelle has done an amazing job keeping ya'll updated for me and I cant thank her enough!

So here is what happened, although Janelle told you already I will tell it again.

I had went in for my routine appointment last Thursday for my NST and ultrasound. well my bp was high and I was having pretty regular contractions. also I was having swelling in my feet and hands. my dr did not feel comfortable with me being home for the last two nights before my csection and sent me to the hospital to be admitted to the OB special care floor to be watched.
when I got there my bp was still sky high and I felt terrible. they did a ton of blood work and an ultrasound. decided to keep an eye on me and during the night my bp drop back down to normal and at one point was 125/65 perfect. but at about 5:30am I started feeling like crap again and the contractions started back up. so the did my bp and it was back up high again. my dr said she had enough and was gonna get blake delivered as soon as she could and would be in a couple hours. so I got josh up there....then the waiting game started.
even though they wanted him out on Friday I was not considered to be at a lower risk. so I kept getting bumped....I was not took back to the OR till 3pm...the hard part was I had not ate or drank since 6pm on Thursday.....I was starving!!!
so at 3:27 Blake DeWayne was born weighing in at a whopping 6lb13oz 20 1/4in long born at 36weeks 6days making him a Late Stage Premie by one day lol.
not too long after he was born they noticed he was having a hard time breathing, his poor little chest was caving in....they took him to the NICU.
at first they thought his longs were immature and it was gonna take some time to get them where they need to be. well when they repeated his xray on sunday it showed it was really pneumonia. so he was already started on the meds on Saturday and been on the CPAP the whole time. he was not requiring really any oxygen he was mainly getting forced room air.
at 1:30in the morning on Saturday I had went up to the NICU with the help of my amazing nurse and got to hold him before the doctor said no bc it was stressing him out too much. it was not till Monday before I got to hold him again. that was terrible. and even worse was when I had to leave him on Tuesday. they did have a room I could stay in but I couldn't do it...I did need to get back home.
but in the mean time he has been doing great!!! they have been gradually increasing his feeding and as of today he is up to 2oz every 3 hours. as long as he can do that at each feeding tonight he can come home tomorrow.
I was also told he has a heart murmur and a thickening of one of the valves in the right side of his heart. they think it is probably just his anatomy but gets a recheck in 3 month.
As for me I have been doing ok. pretty sore still from surgery and they said a lot of that is because I got my tubes tied to. he was also laying transverse when they went to deliver him so they had to push pretty hard to get him to turn and out. my poor belly is bruised and swollen...I also ended up getting some weird rash around my incision but after using this steroid cream it is looking better.
yes I am exhausted I have to still pump all the time so having to set the alarm to pump but I at least feel like I am doing something for blake.

oh and yes Janelle was right about breast feeding my other kids. Joshua was for only like 4 weeks because he started projectile vomiting and we found out was dairly intolerant and had to go on soy formula. Avarie refused I tried for about a week but she never wanted the breast. and I think a part of me was afraid she was going to have the said intolerance and didn't not want her to go through that pain Joshua did so she just got soy formula. Jamison though I tried a little harder and nursed him close to 6months he did get formula at the same time though.

ok I am off for the night. when I have more energy I will try and get better caught up and o personals. thanks again for the support.
Hi Krissy, glad to hear things are going okay. Thanks for popping in and filling us all in!
Oooooohhhh you need to update your siggy. :D :D

AFM, some friends are heavy on my mind tonight. I don't know if I've mentioned, my DH's best friend and his wife have a DS who is 2 mos to the day younger than my DD. And they are pregnant again with a son due about 2 weeks before me. Anyway, she went to the hospital today fearing her water broke. Turns out they did find some amniotic fluid. I'm not sure what they've done. I know she was given some medication, but I wondered if they'd do a cerclage in this situation or ??? Anyway, they are actually wanting to send her home on Monday, I'd assume on some form of bed rest. I don't know anything else right now. If you are ones to pray, please pray that baby can stay in AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Right now they're just saying until at least 24 weeks, but obviously the longer the better.
Erin - Such a scary feeling for your friend. I will keep her in my prayers.

Krissy - I'm so glad you and Blake are doing well. I know the feeling of not getting to hold your baby and it sucks. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be waking up to Blake and not an alarm.
Krissy.. Thinking of you and Blake. Hopefully he is home, all snuggled up with you :)

Erin.. Thinking about your friend. Hopefully baby stays put yet.

So, my baby do not crawl yet. He is double jointed and the doctor said he will be longer crawling and walking. But I feel like it is my fault. There are babies younger than him crawling :cry:
Aspe-dont worry my babies took for ever to crawl mostly bc they were chunky lol

as for blake he is still in the NICU. the dr he had all week said he could go home yesterday as long as he ate well and he did. well they had this stupid other dr working for the weekend and she said she had no idea why he would say that bc babies have to be at full feeding for 48-72 hours before they can go home. so she said as long as he ate well last night he can come home today...just mad bc he is fine now and I know how to take care of my baby this is my 4th not my first so I am good at knowing when to get help. so fingers crossed he can come home today. find out in a few hours.
What's up today, Krissy?

Aspe, my daughter just babysat an 8 month old who can't even sit up much less crawl. Every baby is different. Look at the range of activity of the babies just on this forum... I think Ethan walked at 9 months and Sara isn't walking yet BUT I don't know about Ethan but I know Sara says a lot more words than Tyler and he's 6 weeks older. Until a doctor worries, then you shouldn't! (I should practice what I preach... I'm the worrying queen! Haha)
Erin, how's your friend? Also, do you have a scan scheduled yet? Have you decided if it's definitely movements you're feeling?
Aspe, there's a huge range for normal. For all kinds of milestones. I know it's hard not to worry. I was trying to find a chart like I got in a class one time. Didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I stumbled upon this one:
https://www.csus.edu/indiv/b/brocks/Courses/EDS 248/3 Pregnancy, Birth, Infancy/Milestones.pdf

Edit: that chart might be slightly liberal. I remember walking for example, milestone is generally considered 12 mos plus or minus 3 months, so 9-15 mos instead of 9-17. But still the same principles apply. I still think you're good. :thumbup:

Plus it's amazing how sometimes kiddos will make you worry. Then one day they just up and do it.
Ooop Misty sorry I missed your post.

I think she's okay at the moment. She did go home this afternoon/evening. And was told very extreme bed rest. So I'm glad for that. I think they do understand now. When I first talked to her, she said she thought she was fine as long as she was sitting down. I also worried about them having help at home, but sounds like they're getting that lined up as well. I'm hopeful for them. It's still very scary, at least to me. But it sounds hopeful. She's supposed to see her Dr twice a week at least for the next month. Thanks for asking. <3

I do have a scan scheduled! It is actually a week from today! So June 16. I think it's like 11:00 or 11:15 or something. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. :)

I am pretty certain I am feeling movements. Especially some just now. :D It's so cool. I'm just eager for them to become more frequent so I can get some more reassurance from them. Right now I'm lucky to feel something once a day. Though now that I think about it, it does seem to be a more daily thing lately instead of every two days or so.
Ohhh a week! Yay! Can't wait to know what you're having and see a pic. I predict girl :)
Aspe - I agree with Erin and Misty. Try not to worry. All babies develop at different paces. Sara definitely has more words than Ethan.
So last night, the movements REALLY picked up! The hardest and most obvious and most continuous kicks yet. And then more this morning. I think s/he was getting tired of me rolling around as I was trying to wake up, lol. Like I just got comfortable, Mom! At least one I was able to feel from the outside! After a lot of movement, it's like it actually makes my uterus sore. I don't remember that from before.
we are doing good! blake came home on sunday and we have a pretty good schedule going go on. the nicu got him used to every 3 hours and once during the night he does a 4hr stretch. he saw dr yesterday he is at 6lb 12oz right now so we have to go back for a weight check Friday and to check his jaundice he is at the high end of ok.

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