A home for EVERYONE!

Haha that's funny Erin. It's like he/she said you asked for it, Mom!! Gonna be a feisty one I bet.

Krissy! Yay! Glad you finally got him home! What was his birth weight again? I bet it's weird for you to have such a small baby huh? Since you're used to popping out mega babies lol Welcome home, Blake!
Hahaha no way, this one has to be more chill than my DD. :haha: She's great, she's just umm...intense at times. ;)
yaaay to being home xD

i have to get ella weighed tomorrow, on day 10 she was 6lb 7oz
blakes birth weight was 6lb 13oz which is really good considering he was 36w6d so he would have been a mega baby like the others lol. like I said because of that one day he is consider a 36week late stage premie. on Monday his weight was 6lb 12oz and he was 10days old. but he has been eating like a pig since he has been home! he eats at least 3oz at a feeding now if not more so I wouldn't be surprised if he packs on a 1/2lb or more by Friday! and yes it is soooo different saying that I have nothing that fits my baby and its because he is so small not bc he is so big lol.

as for me I had my appointment yesterday and my weird rash thing is really a lot better my dr was very happy about that and when I was weighed in I am only 3lbs away from my pre-prego weight! I still have lots of swelling from surgery so I can put all my clothes on but my pants are not that comfy yet...but I am so stinking happy I thought for sure those 30lb were going to be a lot harder to get rid of!

I am going to take some pics in a bit of the kids so if I don't post some tonight I will tomorrow sometimes I just pass out after they are in bed lol.

zoey-happy to hear ella is doing so well! weird to think she was born 2weeks before blake and full term and he still weighs more than her lol.

Erin cant wait to hear what the baby is!
Glad all is well with Blake and that he's chowing down. He might have been an 8 pounder if he'd have gone the 2 more weeks? Can't imagine even that much in that time. That's a lot of weight quick! I know that's all they really do in the last 2-3 weeks is pack on the fat tho! Wonder what Tyler would have been if he'd kept cookin the rest of the 4 1/2 weeks he had left.

Aspe I was going to tell you... my daughter has babysat a couple times the granddaughter of somebody I work with. The baby is 8 months old and can't crawl, can't sit up and actually still can't really hold her head up real well during tummy time. THATS when I'd be concerned about my baby's abilities. She was born a month early but still doesn't seem right.
Yeah Blake was early and still weighed more than ella did :haha:

I got ella weighed and she now weighs 7lb 11oz :happydance:
zoey-glad to hear litte miss ella is doing so good!

misty-my dad is hanging in there. he is getting close to being done with radiation. he had to get a blood transfusion done a week ago bc the radiation made his hemoglobin go down to 10. then on Monday he got his port put in his chest for chemo. he was told last week that he will have to do chemo for the rest of his life. he will have to go once a week for chemo for three weeks then on the fourth week no treatment but a reg dr appt. so for the rest of his life he will go every week to his oncologist. I am just happy that they aren't saying that there is nothing they can do. but we will forever have to be careful when we are sick not to go around him bc his immune system will always be compromised.

afm-today his the day we go in and get blakes weight rechecked and his jaundice levels. tomorrow we are going to a car show and what not. its nice to get out but like today I am exhausted! blake was up 1230 till 2....not fussy or anything just awake. then he was back up at 430 and finally got him sound asleep about 600 well at that point I just stayed up bc I had to pump even though he breast fed and my oldest woke up at 630. then little mister blake decided to fill his diaper iin his sleep so had to change him so just got his day clothes on and he at another oz. which is good bc now he should sleep while I get everyone ready to get out the door. I cant wait for school to be over!
Krissy - I'm glad to hear Blake is home. I either missed your post about it or my pregnancy brain has caused me to forget. Congratulations!!! How did his appt go today?
blake is now 7lb even as of yesterday morning and his jaundice is doing just fine. dr is concerned bc she wanted to see more of a weight gain. he goes back next Friday for another weight check and needs to gain at least an oz a day so like 6-7oz overall to make her happy. if not we will be looking at other ways to up his weight like either adding a formual feeding or other ways to add calories to my pumped breasted milk. she did say he is eating more than enough because he does eat normall 3oz at each feeding, so much easier just to pump so I can give an exact number. also he still gets pretty tired out by breast feeding...but we are doing it more often and he is doing better. so hopefully his weight is where it should be in a week and we can do more of just bf rather than pumping.

other than that we went to a car show today then out to my aunts for the day. I love hanging out at my family and the kids do to. got a little burnt but I needed some color lol.
Zoey - Yay!!!

Krissy - Glad he's gaining weight. I'm sure he'll get to where he should be.

AMF - The doctor that performed my c-section goes to my church. I saw her again today and I so bad want to switch to her over my current doctor, but I feel like it's rude to switch to a doctor in the same practice. What do y'all think?
Grace go to the dr you want. You are the customer per say. They are there to serve YOU. What they feel doesn't matter. It's YOUR comfort and happiness that matters. Switch doctors I say :)
Erin can't wait to hear about your scan tomorrow! And hopefully see a pic?
Zoey.. Time flies eh. People always say kids grow fast and U definitely believe it now.

Krissy.. Glad to hear Blake is doung great :)

Grace.. I would switch Doctors. I can not imagine dreading going to appointments.

I got a few questions. Keeping in mind, my boy has one tooth not fulling up yet.

What can I give my bot for snacks? Now he has yogurt, fruits in a meah bag, or baby cookies.

What about meals? He still eats puree now. Should I stop?
Hi ladies,

So, I'm popping on to give you an update as to why I've been MIA lately. My migraines have returned with a vengeance to where it's affecting my day to day life. They seem to be more frequently and more intense. The weekend before last I woke up Saturday not feeling well. Like I was catching a cold. I felt super nauseated and my nose felt all weird, like pressure, but not entirely. I thought it was the beginning of a sinus infection. We drove over the hill to visit with family and on the drive home I felt like shit. Dan's Aunt has cats, which I'm allergic to, so I just used that as my excuse. Sunday, I slept pretty much all day, feeling like crap with the idea that I was just getting sick. I had a HORRIBLE migraine and spent most of the day doped up with vicodin. Monday, I woke up feeling fine. No cold symptoms, no headache. I actually felt really refreshed. Wednesday, I had a mild headache, but nothing too major. Thursday, I HAD THE WORST MIGRAINE OF MY LIFE! I felt like I was going to puke, I couldn't walk without being dizzy. I was in so much pain that I couldn't help but cry, which made the migraine even worst. I took vicodin and fell asleep on the couch about 7 and slept through the night until the next day. Friday day, no migraine until 1 AM when I woke up in the worst pain. I had to wake Dan up to rub my head and neck. It was then I decided that I needed to completely wean Sara from nursing so that I could seek medical help and start some sort of medication. My doctor told me shortly after having Sara that he's had patients with real success using the prescription topamax, but it's not safe for breastfeeding, so I would have to wait until after I'm done nursing to start it. I was hoping at that time, by now..that these headaches would be a thing of the past, but as time has gone on they have proven to me that they aren't going away any time soon and they aren't hormonal. For awhile there I was only getting them during ovulation and my period, but now they are all the time. It's made me extremely depressed to the point where I haven't even wanted to do house work or spend time with my family because I'm always in fear that one is going to strike. I'm terrified to drive anywhere because I'm afraid one will strike when I'm driving with my kids. If any of you have gotten to know me through this forum, you know that I'm not really one to live in fear. Living this way is driving me crazy! I HATE feeling this way. So, I called and spoke with my doctor this morning and I'm going to see him tomorrow at 11:30. I spoke with Dan's Aunt who has been on topamax for a few years and she loves it! Says it's the only thing that has helped her with her migraines. I also recently found out that one of my really good friends is on it. Both have said that in the beginning there are some pretty intense side affects, but they only last a few weeks and if I can get through them, it's smooth sailing from there on out.

I hate that these migraines haven't resolved. I hate that I'm depressed. I hate that I have to resort to medication to prevent them, but I can't risk my families well being or my own just to say I've got too much pride to do anything about them. I can't risk Dan coming home during his work hours to watch the kids so I can sleep for days at a time just so that the pain will subside just enough to get on with my life. I don't want my kids growing up remembering I just slept all the time or we couldn't do anything fun because I was "sick" I don't think that's fair to my kids and I find it extremely selfish on my part. So, I'm seeking help.

I've tried everything under the sun, in hopes that it would help with the pain. I've done a little research and I've learned that for some there are warning signs as to when a migraine with start. Like nasal sinus pressure, nausea, fatigue, etc. a few days before a real migraine hits and that is exactly what I've been experiencing these last few weeks. That's something that I can take and share with my doctor.

One of the main reason I am sharing all of this with you ladies, is because one of the side affects of topamax in the early weeks is having a hard time finding the right words to say or losing train of thought. SO, for the next month or so, I will probably be laying low from BNB if I do post something and it makes no sense what so ever or sounds extremely uneducated, blame it on the topamax.

I have been following for these last few weeks, but haven't been responding much. I can't remember what everyone has talked about, but a few subjects stick out fresh in my mind. So, I will respond to those.

Aspe, I read something that you were concerned that baby P wasn't crawling yet. Samuel took forever to crawl but only crawled for a few weeks before he went straight to walking, he didn't want to crawl. Sara still isn't walking and doesn't seem to be showing any interest in it at all. I'm not worried about it at all. She cruises around furniture and with her little walker thing, but has no interest on her own. As for snacks, Sara only has 3 1/2 teeth and was eating on her own actual people food before she was a year and before she had teeth. So, really it's what you feel comfortable feeding him. I'd stick with foods that are soft, dissolve easy, small. Bananas are a good choice, as well as avocado. Crackers. You give him yogurt, so you could try soft cheeses. Over cooked pastas and rice. Start out small. Sara started with rice crispies. Once they get the hang of the "gumming motion" and swallowing, it's easy for them. I don't even really cut up her food anymore and she eats what we eat.

Someone mentioned Sara's talking. She does talk up a storm, but I give all that credit to Samuel. He's always reading something to her, playing with her and encouraging her to talk and say words.

Grace, I saw that you were asking about switching doctors. I would switch in a heart beat if I had a doctor going to the same church as me. It would make me feel a lot more comfortable. I don't think you should feel uncomfortable at all about switching. If it makes you feel anymore comfortable, maybe you could pull the doctor aside at your church and explain to her your concerns and she could help ease your mind a little. LOL if anything go watch the movie knocked up. She didn't find a doctor that she liked until she was in her 3rd trimester I think. Hope that helps.

Zoey, happy to read Ella is gaining weight and doing well.

Krissy, I talk to you all the time. Anything I read on here isn't new news to me. But, hope things are good, better, and going smoothly.

Misty, I can't remember anything you've said in an update lately, but I hope all is well.

Hi to all the other ladies that I've missed. Sorry, if you feel left out from personals, but I'm just drawing a blank at the moment. Not intentional.

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