A home for EVERYONE!

Well, that's sort of an up in the air question, Grace! The only doctor who's given me an actual due date by an ultrasound is the one I just had this past Tuesday and they said May 4. The OB's office was just going by my last period so May 6. BUT the perinatologist I saw on Tuesday said my OB office gave him a due date of May 12 for me. Not possible as I didn't even have sex anywhere around that time to have that due date. Also, the last time I was at the OB (last friday), I was 11w4d and they kept saying I was 11w6d. How could they think a due date of May 12th but had me at 11w6d which would be a due date of May 4?? SO since they wanted to date me at May 4 and the last scan I had measured the baby due at May 4 with the other doctor, I'm going with May 4!! My birthday is May 5. :)
Misty, Ha yeah people thought I was silly for not wanting them to have close birthdays... and what's even sillier, waiting made me get so impatient because we decided we were ready to ttc but if we got prego right away like last time, due date would be a month before Siena, between mine and Siena's and close to anniversary, so waited till a month after it'd be her birthday. But then didn't get prego. So I was mad I waited. Luckily prego the 2nd month... I really feel for those trying much longer... you guys are so strong!!! I guess yeah then you are happy to get prego whenever it happens! They are precious gifts!!!!

Yeah May will be a fun month for you guys in future years! My mom, DH, and I all have bdays in the same week. Makes birthday dinner easy! Nice for us adults because birthdays aren't as big a deal anymore. Although DH and I took our first ski trip last year for our bdays and decided that would be our new 'thing' bc we loved it! But I guess I can't ski this February?? GRR! So gotta have a substitute 'thing' for that bday!
Yeah, skiing might not be such a good idea in Feb! lol My sister, niece and I usually share our birthday get togethers with Mother's Day. We roll it all into one as my niece's is the 3rd, mine is the 5th and my sister's is the 8th. Mother's Day is usually somewhere close to that too. Now we'll add a 4th birthday to that week (God willing)!! Yikes! lol
Ha yeah a big ol celebration!!!

Hmm what fun stuff can a prego woman do.. I was excited that they're going to build an outdoor ice rink here and DH said I CANNOT skate on it while prego! He's worried people will crash into me bc people here apparently don't know how to skate. Greeeat. DH might have to take me to a pricey wintery spa or something instead!
Hey all,
Sorry I was gone so much yesterday. Urgent Care is slow. All the doctor did was order stool tests so now I have to get samples (yuck) and take them back. The thing is I think the diarrhea is gone again so do I still take samples and bring it in even though it isnt what I went in for.

I've been having really bad headaches lately. Also, now that I'm pregnant my hair tangles into huge ugly balls that take forever to get out. Working on getting one out today but it is in the really sensitive hairs at the base of my neck. Most detanglers dont even work. All the hairdressers I know just tell me to braid it every night when I finally get the knort undone. Ugh....I have never braided my own hair before so this will be interesting.

Libby- As for fun stuff, I dont know. I was so looking forward to going to a waterpark in the summer but I wont be doing that now that I'll have a newborn to care for. Ugh....now my stomach is acting up again so I'm going to go lay down for an hour.
Hey all,
Sorry I was gone so much yesterday. Urgent Care is slow. All the doctor did was order stool tests so now I have to get samples (yuck) and take them back. The thing is I think the diarrhea is gone again so do I still take samples and bring it in even though it isnt what I went in for.

I've been having really bad headaches lately. Also, now that I'm pregnant my hair tangles into huge ugly balls that take forever to get out. Working on getting one out today but it is in the really sensitive hairs at the base of my neck. Most detanglers dont even work. All the hairdressers I know just tell me to braid it every night when I finally get the knort undone. Ugh....I have never braided my own hair before so this will be interesting.

Libby- As for fun stuff, I dont know. I was so looking forward to going to a waterpark in the summer but I wont be doing that now that I'll have a newborn to care for. Ugh....now my stomach is acting up again so I'm going to go lay down for an hour.

Yep, I'd take samples anyway. I'd imagine even if it's not diarreah right now, they'd still be able to see whatever they're looking for. Yeah, that sucks to have to collect it and take it in though. I thought having to do pee was bad enough! Better safe than sorry, though, and don't want your long day at the clinic to be all for nothing! When do you go for OB appt next?
Hey ladies, I only got a few minutes before work but I needed to come on

Ok, so seeming I have Internet cheapies, both hpt and OPK's, I decided to take one of each. The hpt was negative but the OPK I'm unsure of. It is definitely the darkest I have everrr seen it. Before when I seen dark, only the left part of the line was dark, but this time, the line is full and dark. Question is, is it as dark as the control line. And pictures don't really capture it the best. I did take photos and will upload them on my next break. So if this is positive, is it to late to bd? How long do we have once I get a positive OPK?
Aspe a + opk means u should ovulate in next 12-48 hours so def bd tonight! And next couple days if u can.
As my previous post said, here is the OPK. The pictures does not do it justice though. I am really thinking it is positive, so db tonight. Well, its probably the closest I've gotten to it. Now, i am sad we didnt get a chance to db last night :(

I'll do another OPK tomorrow and see if it gets darker.

I highly doubt it, but I heard OPK's are better early detectors than hpt.


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Seems no one is online today. Where is everyone?? I'm all alone :(. Mnj, responded once, but I guess she's gone too now lol

So I'll just talk lol

I had a dream, or better yet, all night I dreamt about spiders. They were everywhere in our place. One even got under my skin in my finger and I was trying to kill it. I could see it moving all around. Freaky.

I was a bit dizzy today for a little while but that is probably because I didn't really eat, and still never had much. Got to be back at work again in a bit. Weird breaks today.

Umm..broke three finger nails off last night :(

Ok, that's enough rambling lol

Have a great day, hope to chat with you ladies more after work :)
AngelSerenity, I'm so happy to see you!! How have you been? Gosh, it seems like forever since I've heard from you. I hope this IS your comeback and you get your BFP. We're all here cheering you on!

This is totally off subject, but my inlaws are coming your way in a few weeks. I'm so jealous. No idea what part of Ireland they are going. I think last year they went to the Northern part and this year they are going to the Southern. I want to go so bad!!

Helllllooooooo Janelleybean!:friends: Oh I bet your parents cant wait to get back here, I love it here (despite the rain and poor job prospects :haha:). I hope this is my comeback too, well in the next couple of months. I'll do my bio quickly after this so everybody knows who I am.

I hope you are keeping well?

Awwww... hugs Angel!! I'm glad you're back and feeling better!! So I don't think I knew you have PCOS? I just looked at your chart, realized it was old but I saw you had written at the top that you have PCOS. Are you on metformin or anything?

Hi MnJ, how are you keeping??

:sadangel: I really do need to update FF. I'm on a forced break at the moment but I am still charting. I've just been lazy and not bothered to put the data online :blush:.

I've had gynae problems for years which progressed into PCOS that was diagnosed in 2009. I did 6 cycles of Clomid which was unsuccessful, I then conceived naturally after I changed my lifestyle. My problem is now getting my pregnancies to stick :cry:. My RMC wont give me metformin as he says it's only useful if I can't get pregnant, an issue I seem to have solved. There is some evidence that taking it in the first trimester can help reduce miscarriage risks:growlmad: but the powers at be say no, I'm on enough medication at the moment and to trust him. I'll outline the whole saga in my bio in another post.

She said OB wanted her to go to Urgent Care due to diarreah.

ANGELSERENITY!!! I see you! :hi: How are you?

Hey all,
Sorry I was gone so much yesterday. Urgent Care is slow. All the doctor did was order stool tests so now I have to get samples (yuck) and take them back. The thing is I think the diarrhea is gone again so do I still take samples and bring it in even though it isnt what I went in for.

I've been having really bad headaches lately. Also, now that I'm pregnant my hair tangles into huge ugly balls that take forever to get out. Working on getting one out today but it is in the really sensitive hairs at the base of my neck. Most detanglers dont even work. All the hairdressers I know just tell me to braid it every night when I finally get the knort undone. Ugh....I have never braided my own hair before so this will be interesting.

Libby- As for fun stuff, I dont know. I was so looking forward to going to a waterpark in the summer but I wont be doing that now that I'll have a newborn to care for. Ugh....now my stomach is acting up again so I'm going to go lay down for an hour.

Hey Army, gosh you are having a difficult time. To be honest I found this thread as I was worried about you and I couldnt find an update, so I did a search :hugs:. Sorry, but I havent read up on all the details, could it be viral, IBS or even just pregnancy hormones? Are you still having cyst problems as well? Thinking of you :flower:

Seems no one is online today. Where is everyone?? I'm all alone :(. Mnj, responded once, but I guess she's gone too now lol

So I'll just talk lol

I had a dream, or better yet, all night I dreamt about spiders. They were everywhere in our place. One even got under my skin in my finger and I was trying to kill it. I could see it moving all around. Freaky.

I was a bit dizzy today for a little while but that is probably because I didn't really eat, and still never had much. Got to be back at work again in a bit. Weird breaks today.

Umm..broke three finger nails off last night :(

Ok, that's enough rambling lol

Have a great day, hope to chat with you ladies more after work :)

Evening Aspe, that's definitely a positive OPK so get :sex: my lady. And dont panic if you missed a night, remember those :spermy: can survive up to five days in there :winkwink:.

An OPK detects your LH surge, which is the hormone which will tells your ovaries to release the egg, The actual process can take 12-48 from the surge starting so you are fine sweety, don't panic.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
Well ladies I'll try and keep my bio as short as I can, I apologise in advance if it does go on!

  • Me: 38
  • DH:43
  • Live in Northern Ireland
  • Been together 11 years
  • Me: I've had various gynae issues for over 15 years, started with severe abdominal pains, then I had no periods for around 6 years, they returned at only 1-3 cycles per year.
  • 2002: laparoscopy only detected a 'hostile womb' and an introverted uterus. No explanation for the ongoing pains or lack of AFs. Told if I wanted a family to start trying as my chances were slim :shrug:
  • 2003/2004: started NTNP, 2 MCs then nothing more
  • 2007: started really trying!
  • 2009: more tests, PCOS diagnosed. 6 cycles Clomid - BFNs
  • late 2009 - did own research on PCOS etc, changed lifestyle completely: went on a low-GI / non-dairy / diabetic type diet, cut out the booze :)cry:), kept fit, took agnus castus and tried to destress about the whole TTC business. Burnt out after 6 years.
  • Fell pregnant within 2 cycles, MMC Dec 2009
  • BFP mid Jan 2010 - RAINBOW BABY Nov 10 :happydance::cloud9::happydance:. Followed above lifestyle while pregnant religiously.
  • Breastfed for 13 months and then we started TTC no.2 in November 2011 once periods returned:thumbup:. Back onto healthy lifestyle thing as well.
  • 2012 - MC Jan at 6 weeks, MMC April at 10weeks, and another MC in September at 7 weeks:cry:

So here we are..... It was only in September 2012 that I actually got to see a good RMC specialist. He has an 80% success rate so I'm hoping he can help me. Apparently I am an atypical case for Hughes syndrome which is mega sticky blood after BFP. All my pregnancies have had healthy foetus with heartbeats apart from the last one which didnt progress enough. The test results on MC no.5 at Easter reported clots in the placenta and sac so it is highly likely :cry:. The doctor wants to so a hysteroscopy just to check my womb shape as that can cause MCs. This should happen in November at some stage and providing that is clear we are good to go again!

My current protocol if anybody is interested or has similar issues is;
While WTT and TTC daily:Low dose aspirin, high dose folic acid, high dose VitD, agnus castus, Omega 3 and Pregnacare conception vitamins. And once I get my next BFP I have to add daily clexane injections and progesterone to the above mix. So yeah basically a walking pharmacy... The above meds are a mixture of Doctor's orders and some I have added after research and advice on RMCs (the agnus castus, omega3 and VitD).

Phew...... so there you have the medical baby bit.

I'll bore you all at another stage with the rest of my current stresses :growlmad:. They involve DH on a 3-day week since May, me probably losing my job next Spring and my woes trying to find work and solve how we can move house for work as we are in negative equity :cry:. That mixed with my 3 MCs this year, other medical crap and the thoughts of having to put off TTC no2 because of a lack of job, timing etc had me really stressed out there for a few weeks.

I'm in a slightly better place now thankfully. I've decided I'm not going to delay TTC after my hysteroscopy and what will be will be. The worse that can happen is I'll be pregnant or have 2 children and be redundant, it happens thousands everyday. This may not be the wisest decision practically but it is for me emotionally so for the time being that is my plan :winkwink:

Now you can all wake up if you've fallen asleep :sleep:, or go make another cuppa :coffee:.

Sorry, I did warn ya all. I'm not normally a thread hugger! Just nice to get to know everybody xo
Aspe - get to :sex: girl!! I got my +opk on aug 14th so bd that night, didn't the next but did again on the 16th. My temps showed I ovulated on the 15th. I got my BFP from that as far as I know! Janelle O'd DAYS after she'd had sex and got her BFP! Just do it, girl! Get busy! hee hee

Angel - thank you for your bio!! Don't apologize for it being long! Not in any way was it boring either! It was very interesting. I hope the hysteroscopy turns out ok. As for the Metformin as I was reading I was thinking NO! If you don't take it during pregnancy you can miscarry! Then you said the same thing lol. Sounds like you have more issues than PCOS but I also have it. I'd go months without a period. They started me on Metformin which did regulate me better.. but periods were still like 6 weeks apart. I had no idea if I was ovulating or not. After about 3 months on that I took Clomid. It worked the first month to my HUGE shock! I don't know if it would have without the Metformin. I am pretty textbook for PCOS however. Obese, irregular periods, ovarian cysts. Matter of fact, at my ultrasound this past Tuesday the doctor told me me could see multiple cysts on my right ovary. My left ovary was much bigger when the tech was measuring them and I commented on that. She said yep, looks like you ovulated from your left ovary. How she could tell that 12 weeks later, I have NO idea. Anyway, I'm still taking the Metformin and I'm not sure when they will have me stop. I hope you get everything figured out medically. I completely agree with you on the ttc and just letting whatever happens happen with the jobs, etc. You are 38 years old (as am I!!) so the sands of time are a-runnin!!
Ok just a quick pop in!

Angel :hugs: so happy you found us!!!! I want you to be happy here and we are here for your life journey we will call it! WELCOME!!!!

Nicole- happy to see you are ok for the most part and like misty say def take the samples they want in any form it comes out they are just looking to see if there are any perisites and what not in your stool to rule those out for a cause before they go in more depth diagnosis like IBS. good luck!!!!

Janelle :hugs: enough said oh and your a prune!

Misty :hugs: omg 13 weeks is right around the courner!!!!!

Aspe- girl your cycle makes my head spin! i dont know how u do it!!!!! but if the OPK is + BD BD BD!!!! GL!!! FX!!!

Amber how u been?

Nicola how you been?

Lizzy sounds like fun times!!! enjoy your weather!

who ever i missed for give me my head is killing me!!!

ok been running around....supper annoyed!!! stopped by my car insurance angency to discus what policy to go with and pay for it but they were gone for lunch, they NEVER took lunch before. i had to go to another appt so i just figured i would call and do it over the phone. i have called 5 count them 5 times and no one answers?!?!?! WTH i know its friday but come on!!!! so i guess it is now 5pm so i will try monday huh? better not count against me either!

Did not hear anything today about the job :( but he did say that it could not be till monday. he did say that as long as my reference checks check out that i would have the job so i am still trying to feel good about it even though i did not hear anything today.

Josh got a call from dish network a little bit ago and they moved his interview up by a day so Nov. 1st at 11am....FX we get these jobs bc if we do then we can move into a house of our own hopefully no later than SPRING!!! so i am looking at more houses around my parents.

ok killer headache so i am off for a while just didnt want you all to think i was dead lol

love ya girls!!!
Hi Angel! I've missed you so. Your TTC plan sounds good. They say the timing is hardly ever perfecr but people male it work all the time. FXd you get your bfp and sticky bean soon.
:dohh: GRACE hi lady!!!! i forgot you sorry sweety! how you been?
Angel..we bd on Tuesday and tonight. I'm thinking if I missed it or not. I figured i would have ovulated already but who knows. Aaarrggg on my irregular cycles. I'm going to start vitex on cd1 after af leaves. I'm hoping the angus cactus regulates me, and therefore, ovulate very month, compared to every couple of months. I've noticed you said you took it as well.
Thanks for sharing such an in depth, emotional personal part of your life. Hoping you do conceive again :) fx for you :dust:

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