A Limbo thread...

Ths is soooooooooooooooo way TMI but I need to get it out to feel better.

I have been having constipation on and off usually after a weekend of eating shit.

So I now really really really need a poo :blush:, Im at work and I have this thing of going in public loos (took me a month to poo in my own house after I moved in with OH) but I was desperate so off I went.

It wont budge!!!!!! Its literally just sitting there and Im soooo uncomfortable but its just too big to come out :blush:

Im going to try and give it ten minutes and go again but I have to get cover on reception when I go to the loo so that adds to the pressure of going as if I take too long they will know Im having a number 2 (I put serious poo pressure on myself, I hate it). I cant last all afternoon like this though.

Grrr, I miss the days of going easily. Im going to ask midwife for some lactose or something tomorrow when I go to my appointment.

Sorry for the grossness girls :nope:

Lol don't worry about the grossness lovey!! I know exactly how you feel though, I am mortified if I have to go in a public loo!! Can you have a big glass of milk or some yogurt to try and get things moving?? XXX
Hope you get that sorted CeeCee, you dont need the stress (but do need the extra cash!)

Barbles :hugs; I really feel for you, I have serious public loo issues too. How about a strong hot cup of tea? That normally helps me.
Thanks MrsPop, short of that I may just throttle the bugger!!
Thanks ladies. Ive just had a ton of orange juice and may give the cup of tea a go. The pain is starting to ease up a bit now so Im not feeling as bad.

Urg I need to start eating better, more fruit, veg and fibre. My diet can be shocking (saying that just had a pasty for dinner :dohh:)

And give your boss a swift kick up the arse CeeCee, he sounds like a right douche!!
Lol he is a complete douche! Want to come kick him up the arse for me? Might help things get moving your end too lol XXX
I would gladly do it for you lol.

So what week is everyone planning on having everything done by? baby stuff, hospital bag etc....

Ive just worked out I have three more pay days before baby is due but the 3rd pay day is when Im 37 weeks so ideally I want it all done by then.

Im getting a bit stressed that I have left it too late haha xx
I dunno Barbles. I think I'd like to get hospital back done by 32 weeks. Ive got nursery all done, just waiting for the next ASDA baby event on 21st April to get bottles, steriliser, travel cot etc and then we should be done.
Hi ladies!

Barbles-- sorry for the constipation problems! It's not TMI, I think most people have them! I find that eating grapes help... maybe that's something you could bring to work in the future to munch on whenever you have a problem? I hope it lets up soon!

CeeCee- I'd gladly come kick your boss! That's ridiculous that he's not working on this! Do you work for a big or small company? I would send him an e-mail (because then it's written down and it's "official") and tell him you want to plan a meeting with him to solve this THIS WEEK. Or ask if there is someone in HR (do you have an HR dept?) who could solve this for you. Normally once you suggest that you'll take it 'higher up' that gets people attention.

Re getting stuff done.... our goal was to have the baby room set up and "ready to go" by the end of April (so around 31 - 32 weeks). We're almost there :) Hospital bag... I have NO idea. Here you're released from the hospital 2 hours after birth if everything goes well, so I don't even know what I should bring. I'll ask my mw at the next appointment, but I'm thinking I'll have the bag ready by 35-ish weeks. At the beginning of my maternity leave (36 weeks) I figure I'll take care of anything else I've forgotten :) What else is there, really, aside from nursery and hospital bag?
Our nursery is just about done :). Planning on doing my hospital bag somewhere around next week or the week after! Then I'll have plenty of time to keep filling the bag up with bits I think of!
Then when I'm around 36ish weeks I think I'm going to was all the baby clothes..
Waiting for the ASDA baby event as well to get the last necessary things like bibs/muslin squares etc. Yay for more shopping ;)!
Thanks ladies,

Normally I am a very placid person but my boss just came back from an appointment and I just said "Ok sit down and we need to talk." Lol I told him I was sick and tired off being kept in the dark like a mushroom when it's my livelihood that he's messing around with and that I want the problems rectified within 2 weeks MAXIMUM! We sorted out my new hours so I only work til 2.30pm on weds now and 2pm on Friday which works for me :) and he's putting in writing how much back pay he owes me and when I should expect to receive it. I feel soooo much better now. Lol I don't care if I've pissed him off tee hee. Also only 9 working days left this month - LOVING IT!!

As for getting things ready, I'm planning on packing my and Boo's hospital bags at 30 weeks, just in case lol I like to be prepared. My DH is ordering the car seat and base this week and we're ordering the wardrobe, chest of drawers and rocking chair next month. End of may, start of June, we're picking up the pram, moses basket and a few other bits and bobs for LO from my sister and then I think we'll just need to stock up on a few little things like maternity pads, nipple pads, nappies etc. Just going to wash all of LO's clothes whilst on mat leave and then I think thats it unless there's something MAJOR i'm forgetting lol. I still feel mightily unprepared but don't actually have too much left to do when I put it in writing!

Well done CeeCee! Did you actually say 'being kept in the dark like a mushroom' because if you did, that's EPIC!!!! :haha:
Well done CeeCee! Did you actually say 'being kept in the dark like a mushroom' because if you did, that's EPIC!!!! :haha:

Lol yep. Pregnancy hormones were raging me thinks lol. I think it shocked him though cos as I said I am usually very laid back and placid but I just sat in the chair opposite him and made him listen to me lol. Ooh it feels good lol no just have to get the risk assessment done in my last 6 weeks ha ha xxx
Debating whether I should count my new working hours as half days....? If I did then I would technically only have 22 working days left.... not that I'm counting :)
Well because of bank holidays I get to leave a whole half a day earlier so instead of working my half day on the 25th I get to leave on the 24th May :happydance: so Im a happy bunny.

Good job for setting him straight CeeCee :thumbup:

So Im all alone.... I work at a college so its easter holidays so no students and now there is an all staff meeting of which I am the only one not attending as 'reception must never be unattended'

May ring my OH......
And do some baby shopping online.....
And have a cuppa.....

And some work obviously :haha:
Lol because there's nothing to do I spend my whole day on babyandbump which sounds awful but its the only thing that keeps me sane working for 9.5 hours a day! Lol I like your plan of action Barbles... definitely some online shopping needed me thinks :)
Hello Limbo Ladies!!

Ohhh It's just taken me aggggeeesssss to catch up (I was only off for the weekend tee hee!!) but I've now caught up.

Well done Ceecee for setting your boss straight - arhh you poor little mushroom
Hello Limbo Ladies!!

Ohhh It's just taken me aggggeeesssss to catch up (I was only off for the weekend tee hee!!) but I've now caught up.

Well done Ceecee for setting your boss straight - arhh you poor little mushroom

Lol whilst saying "I'm sick and tired of you keeping me in the dark like a mushroom" I was so close to adding "I'm sick of you feeding me bullshit!" But just managed to reign myself in in time lol.

Lol this is a fast moving thread me thinks! You feeling better now hun? I know you weren't feeling fab on friday? XXX
Ohhh also - I'm a Mini girl too - but I'm not giving mine up - no no no!!! :nope:
I figured the only time I use my car is when it's just me and baby so she can be in the front seat and pushchair in the back with the seats flattened (the seats are flattened most of the time anyway so I can fit the dogs in.... well that's the plan anyway.... please don't make me give up my mini!!!
Hello Limbo Ladies!!

Ohhh It's just taken me aggggeeesssss to catch up (I was only off for the weekend tee hee!!) but I've now caught up.

Well done Ceecee for setting your boss straight - arhh you poor little mushroom

Lol whilst saying "I'm sick and tired of you keeping me in the dark like a mushroom" I was so close to adding "I'm sick of you feeding me bullshit!" But just managed to reign myself in in time lol.

Lol this is a fast moving thread me thinks! You feeling better now hun? I know you weren't feeling fab on friday? XXX

hahahaha that's ace!!! I'd have paid good money to hear you say that :haha:

Thank you - I'm on the mend now - but it's gone to my chest and I keep coughing and my little girl kicks me back when I cough so I think I'm giving her a headache!!

God I'm bored today - I have soooo much to do but I just don't feel like working...trouble is when I feel like this it makes me want to eat, and when you work from home that's seriously dangerous!! Ho hum, I'll have an apple...
Hello Limbo Ladies!!

Ohhh It's just taken me aggggeeesssss to catch up (I was only off for the weekend tee hee!!) but I've now caught up.

Well done Ceecee for setting your boss straight - arhh you poor little mushroom

Lol whilst saying "I'm sick and tired of you keeping me in the dark like a mushroom" I was so close to adding "I'm sick of you feeding me bullshit!" But just managed to reign myself in in time lol.

Lol this is a fast moving thread me thinks! You feeling better now hun? I know you weren't feeling fab on friday? XXX

hahahaha that's ace!!! I'd have paid good money to hear you say that :haha:

Thank you - I'm on the mend now - but it's gone to my chest and I keep coughing and my little girl kicks me back when I cough so I think I'm giving her a headache!!

God I'm bored today - I have soooo much to do but I just don't feel like working...trouble is when I feel like this it makes me want to eat, and when you work from home that's seriously dangerous!! Ho hum, I'll have an apple...

Lol I know the feeling :) I've eaten today

Breakfast : - Rice Krispies and milk

During working hours - 2 packs of snack-a-jacks, 2 apples, a bunch of grapes, a pack of hula hoops, 2 rice krispies chocolate cereal bars and 2 weight watchers yogurts.

Dinner will be a homemade curry and I'm craving the white chocolate magnum thats in my freezer :)

So you see I'm dreading being at home and hungry because I will literally eat everything lol. If I'm this bad in work it'll all go pete tong at home ha ha XXX

p.s. glad you're feeling better hun :) XXX

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