A Limbo thread...

Thank you all.

Hopefully that is my major embarressing pregnancy problem done and dusted and I shall have a nice stress free pregnancy from now on.

And thanks Cee Cee for the tip, Im off to try that now.
hi there im not scared as this is my 3rd baby but i think it is a wonderful idea as at this stage in our pregnancy we dont really fiut into the birth stories yet...lol. i am 27 weeks today with a baby girl. Alexa is due the 11th July x how is everyone??
Oh ladies! I feel like I'm constantly moaning but MY GOD, my ear is frickin killing me! It doesn't feel like normal earache though, but it's still really really really sore. I hate having earache :cry:

Plus Jayden's been up since 6.45am and I'm not used to it cos for a while he wasn't getting up until after 8am! Oh I need my bed again lol. Hope everyone's days are going better than mine so far lol xxx
Oooh I absolutely hate earache. Hope things get better for you quickly!

I also feel like I could go back to bed again and I've only been up and about for an hour! Pregnancy is so tiring ;).

Today is another housechore day for me ! Hurray :(.
Oh no Claire, I hate earache, its up there with toothache isnt it? Hope it eases off soon.

Well I feel much better today, Im all stocked up on fruit, water and orange juice for today, I wll not be having a repeat of last night!!

Got a midwife appointment at 9.15 :happydance: probably be a boring one again but still hopefully get to hear little dudes heartbeat again.
Exciting! Most wonderful sound isn't it :). It always makes me feel so happy, realising there's a little person in me that will soon be my baby to hold!

Well done on the fruit etc! I should go get some, or just secretly eat hubby's green apples. I'll have to decide if it's worth the risk!

My appointment is next week and then getting the diabetes test results :(. I think I haven't got it though, otherwise I'm sure they would've contacted me!
Hi Emma21 Good to see you over here :) XXX

Claire - Ach no to the earache!! Have you tried resting it on a hot water bottle? Perhaps it may help? XXX Big Hugs XXX

Anybody watch One born every minute last night? OMG! When Joy said "The whole hand!" I was thinking - surely not!! Does a whole hand go up there...? Scared at that thought lol XXX
Midwife went well. BP and urine was fine, Im measuring 27 weeks but she didnt seem bothered. Heartrate was good and strong so Im a very happy bunny.

Got to go back at 28 weeks for the dreaded Anti-D injection and then my GTT.

And with the hand thing, I dont remember her whole hand but I remember her fingers wiggling around my cervix, eek x
Barbles i wish i was clogged! I poo so much lately and its never nice either! Got constant runs :( going to ask MW about it at my appt on thurs! *take this back just seen your next bit about hospital* :HUGS: hope u feel better soon!!!!!!!!! oooh and just seen next bit of thread!!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!! i feel a bit jealous at how good that poo would of felt LOL!

woooo go you ceecee with your boss!!!!!!! bet he wasnt expecting that!!!!!

As for getting things ready for me..i wobnt be starting properly till i go home (beginning of may) then i can start on nursery (well OH can and i can boss and point) and then i will get right on it! also im trying not to buy any more small things tilla fter my baby shower....which i dont know when it is as im not allowed to know anything about it!!!!!!!!!! drives me insane im usually the organiser with my friends and now i cant know about it!

glad your MW appt went well hun :) mines on thursday, rele lookin forward to it! plus thursday is my DD day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! count down from 99 eeeeek! x
The postman just came into our office and pointed at me, laughed and said "I know what's causing the earthquakes in Japan... it's everytime you move!!"

Think I'm just going to curl up in a corner and cry now :Cry:
Thanks ladies, it's feeling much better now! I think it might be a lump just inside my ear which is bloody sore but it's alright for now!

Ohh barbles, soo glad you managed to poo! There's nothing worse! I've been the opposite, mainly diahhorea from day 1, had the same with Jayden. It's such a glamorous time, this pregnancy isn't it?! :haha:

I'm trying to think what I can do with Jayden today, thinking of the pics but it's so damn expensive and I dont' think I'd be able to get up all the stairs and run out to the toilet with him etc.... maybe another day! He's watching Peppa bloody Pig just now, driving me crazy lol xxx
Oh CeeCee what a knob!! Just ignore him, your bump is beautiful. Stupid man!!

And glad you ear is better Claire, Ive had weird spots/lumps in my ears before and the do hurt.

And Samira you have just made me laugh so much with your paragraph about my poo haha Im in stiches xx
Ceecee, are you serious?! What a cheeky fucker?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure he was only joking but to say something like that to a pregnant woman is way below the belt :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies. Lol I look like such a tool I'm sat in my office sniffing away by my computer and everybody is staring in through the windows wondering what I'm crying about. May just blame it on severe hayfever. Or admit I'm crying due to the apparent devastating effects my movement has caused certain countries :(
The postman just came into our office and pointed at me, laughed and said "I know what's causing the earthquakes in Japan... it's everytime you move!!"

Think I'm just going to curl up in a corner and cry now :Cry:

Oh.. My..

I would have seriously punched him in the face. Hard.

What an idiot, did someone do something about it? Maybe you can complain to his company? I would!
The postman just came into our office and pointed at me, laughed and said "I know what's causing the earthquakes in Japan... it's everytime you move!!"

Think I'm just going to curl up in a corner and cry now :Cry:

Oh.. My..

I would have seriously punched him in the face. Hard.

What an idiot, did someone do something about it? Maybe you can complain to his company? I would!

My boss laughed too and said "Bet that made you feel great?!"

No actually it made me feel crap XXX
Omg CeeCee!!!! What a douchebag!!!! Do you want me to come and beat him up????
Morning Limbo Ladies,

Blimey, yet again this thread moves on when I'm not looking :)

Lauki / Sianyld - hope the heartburn feels better - I have it terrible and have since day one but water makes it worse for me :shrug: - so to drink enough I hate to chug a load of water and then follow it up with a chaser of Gaviscon!

Barbles - so sorry to hear about your constipation and congrats on your poo baby!! :haha: I had it really bad in Tri 1 and now I have Alpen every morning and try and get my 5 a day and switched to wholemeal bread and everything is moving as it should now. Give Alpen a go if you like it as I swear it's made the difference to me.
Plus - I'm Rhesus neg too - got to have my Anti D on Friday - dreading it but I'll let you know how it goes!! :hugs:

Mrs Pop - yeah I've forgotten what a waistline is too - I am hopng to be reunited with it again one day though!! hehe (though not if I keep eating icecreams (I blame you Ceecee!!)

ClaireMuir - glad your earache is getting better!

Ceecee - I would've kicked that postman - cheeky sod! Honestly, some people, do they really think they are being funny?? If I get asked if I'm sure there is only one in here one more time I swear I'll explode!!! rant over :haha:

Samira - I have my midwife appointment on Thursday too - think it's more blood tests this time...what fun!

Now - I think I've caught up :wacko:

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