A Limbo thread...

Work is REALLY busy... and I'm counting down the weeks/days till maternity leave starts!!

Lol works isn't busy here I just hate it so am counting down the days... 27 working days left til maternity leave :) Can't blooming wait!! Only 9 working days left this month too oh yes - gotta love bank holidays :) X When do you start your maternity leave? X
I have about 15 working days left including today and adding my half days together. its seven weeks though which still seems ages but lots of bank holidays in between and I only work 2 1/2 days anyways.

Cant wait!!!
I have about 15 working days left including today and adding my half days together. its seven weeks though which still seems ages but lots of bank holidays in between and I only work 2 1/2 days anyways.

Cant wait!!!

How exciting! Lol I used to hate the fact that all the bank holidays were lumped together but now it's fab lol takes away days that otherwise I would have to work ha ha!! I may take another 2 days off next month as my parents are off on holiday to St Ives and have a spare bed so asked if me and DH fancied a long weekend down there - you're damn right I do lol. Just depends on if hubby can get leave as I don't fancy a 5 hour drive on my own! If I take that holiday that would leave only 25 working days... hmm maybe I should start filling in the holiday form... :)
I have about 15 working days left including today and adding my half days together. its seven weeks though which still seems ages but lots of bank holidays in between and I only work 2 1/2 days anyways.

Cant wait!!!

How exciting! Lol I used to hate the fact that all the bank holidays were lumped together but now it's fab lol takes away days that otherwise I would have to work ha ha!! I may take another 2 days off next month as my parents are off on holiday to St Ives and have a spare bed so asked if me and DH fancied a long weekend down there - you're damn right I do lol. Just depends on if hubby can get leave as I don't fancy a 5 hour drive on my own! If I take that holiday that would leave only 25 working days... hmm maybe I should start filling in the holiday form... :)

Definately worth it, hopefully the weather will be nice too. I went there for Mothers Day and had a lovely time, had ice cream, sat on the beach building castles and playing in the arcade. I love it there so much.
I coould so do witha holiday even if it was just for a weekend but we just cant afford it at the moment with building our new house. Trying to blag OH for Butlins in October when it will be cheaper, FX'd!!
We're quite lucky as my mam and dad have already paid for the apartment so we're only spending money on diesel to get down there. I'm going to give them some money though for letting us stay :) I adore St Ives. One of my fave places to be on earth :)
Morning!!!!!!! hope your all well!!!! what an amazing weekend! dont wana be a typical english and talk about the weather but it was unreal! loved it !

i feel the same barbles!!!!! finally not a sodding papaya any more!!!! bring on the aubergine!!!!!!!! claire im so sorry to hear about OH!!! glad all is ok now! amazing what a bit of retail therapy can do! my OH is off to france on thursday morning and isnt back till monday!!!! longest ive been apart from him is going to be horrible!

ceecee i dont know about the 1st time babies saying.....my mum had me 4 weeks early and had my sis 6 weeks early! i dont know what this means for me..be a shock if im 4 weeks early! i think im going to make sure im ready at 36 weeks just incase!!!!

my maternity starts on 10th june EEEEEEEEEEEK! but the next thing im looking forward to...like everyone else is all these bank hols! i booked the 3 days inbetween off so ive got from 22nd to the 3rd off wooooooooo! were off on a fishing and camping trip (mad i know) but i cant wait! went fishing on sunday too, so nice to lay on the lakeside in the sun!!!

SO how is a pregnant woman supposed to sunbathe..........were not allowed to lay on our backs and its impossible to lay on our front!!!!!!!!!! xx
Morning!!!!!!! hope your all well!!!! what an amazing weekend! dont wana be a typical english and talk about the weather but it was unreal! loved it !

i feel the same barbles!!!!! finally not a sodding papaya any more!!!! bring on the aubergine!!!!!!!! claire im so sorry to hear about OH!!! glad all is ok now! amazing what a bit of retail therapy can do! my OH is off to france on thursday morning and isnt back till monday!!!! longest ive been apart from him is going to be horrible!

ceecee i dont know about the 1st time babies saying.....my mum had me 4 weeks early and had my sis 6 weeks early! i dont know what this means for me..be a shock if im 4 weeks early! i think im going to make sure im ready at 36 weeks just incase!!!!

my maternity starts on 10th june EEEEEEEEEEEK! but the next thing im looking forward to...like everyone else is all these bank hols! i booked the 3 days inbetween off so ive got from 22nd to the 3rd off wooooooooo! were off on a fishing and camping trip (mad i know) but i cant wait! went fishing on sunday too, so nice to lay on the lakeside in the sun!!!

SO how is a pregnant woman supposed to sunbathe..........were not allowed to lay on our backs and its impossible to lay on our front!!!!!!!!!! xx

A reclining sun lounger - oh yes thats pure luxury!! I was eyeing one up at the weekend lol even had a raised footrest - perfect for us preggo ladies!! I so want one so that I can be lazy out in the back garden lol. My DH was early but he was delivered by emergency caesarean! I was 8 days late, my sister was 2 weeks late and my niece was 6 days late... who knows??!! I wouldn't complain if she did come a little early though, just not too early lol. Going to get the hospital bags ready etc just in case!! Ooh glad you enjoyed your fishing trip!! X
My friend text me on Saturday to say 15 weeks to go, so I said hopefully only 12/13 weeks if I get my way and I start the eviction process lol. Then I actually scared myself as I was like NOOOOO 12 weeks is too soon, I havent got anything ready. Phoebe was a whole day early :haha: so hopefully I wont go over this time. I need to set myself a date and be ready by it. I literally have so much to do eeeekkkk.
My waters broke with Jayden 3 days after my due date, but he wasn't born until 3 days after that lol.

Now I'm all upset though because I asked hubby is he still found me attractive etc and he said of course he does, but doesn't want to push the sex issue because he knows how sore I am with this SPD which is fine. But he doesn't kiss or cuddle me, not REALLY. So when I asked him 'when was the last time you kissed me?' he replied 'when was the last time YOU kissed ME?' I don't know why but that got me really upset :( But really, at night, he'll sit on the chair while I'm on the couch and just as I go to ask him to come sit with me, he gets the dog up with him and doesn't move. Aw jeez, I hate feeling like this :cry: sorry to bring the thread down, I just had to get that off my chest.

Happy thoughts from now on lol xxx
well i feel realy lost my due date is 8th of august but ive got to have a c section i go to see my new consultant next week for a booking date my previous consultant said if i had another baby he would bring me in for a section at 36 weeks but im realy scared that 36 weeks is way too early and want to try to get one for earliest 38 weeks ,ive got i different consultant at a different hospital due to moving house , so i know my baby will be coming before my due date ,i feel like ive done everything in second tri but im too early for third tri xxxxxx
And completely OT but I hate job sharing.

The other receptionist is a dingbat!! I cannot find anything on my desk, she puts things in the most random places, she changes our filing around. Plus we had the really old chair that the padding had practically gone on. It was giving me awful back ache so our boss got a new, nicely padded one for us as the old one was awful. Dingbat doesnt like the new one so my boss now has to change the chairs around when we swap over. Why on earth would you choose an old scabby chair over a nice new plush one?!?!

Vent over lol
:( claire im so sorry :hugs: dont feel your bringing thread down either thats what we are here for! men are so difficult to understand! i havent had that with my OH he still wants sex all the time!!! i just do it once a week to keep him happy! how bad is that, just do it! i make it sound like a chore haha!

mum of two dont worry about 36 weeks, i was born at 36 weeks and was perfectly fine :) so if you have section at 36 weeks your technically 27 weeks so shoukld be in 3rd tri anyways hehe! x
Thanks Samira :hugs: I'm just confused I think lol. And now I've cheered up as I'm almost positive I felt baby Noodles kick from the outside! And I was standing up! Lol, now I could just be thinking I felt it because I felt the kick from inside, but I'll say I felt it outside! Lol. ANOTHER think that annoys me about DH is that he's only once or twice rubbed my tummy, when he speaks about the baby it's mainly in monetary terms rather than how he'll feel having a daughter, and doesn't seem very interested, not as interested as he was with Jayden anyway xxx
My waters broke with Jayden 3 days after my due date, but he wasn't born until 3 days after that lol.

Now I'm all upset though because I asked hubby is he still found me attractive etc and he said of course he does, but doesn't want to push the sex issue because he knows how sore I am with this SPD which is fine. But he doesn't kiss or cuddle me, not REALLY. So when I asked him 'when was the last time you kissed me?' he replied 'when was the last time YOU kissed ME?' I don't know why but that got me really upset :( But really, at night, he'll sit on the chair while I'm on the couch and just as I go to ask him to come sit with me, he gets the dog up with him and doesn't move. Aw jeez, I hate feeling like this :cry: sorry to bring the thread down, I just had to get that off my chest.

Happy thoughts from now on lol xxx

Hey you, don't be silly you're not bringing the thread down! Wish I could come and have a cuppa with you in person and give you a big hug! My DH and I had this conversation very early on! By 12 weeks I think! It does make you sad because you think "Have I made the effort?" and "Why hasn't he made the effort?"

We sat down and had a very honest conversation about things and although it hurt hearing the truth (And wasn't fixed overnight) I can honestly say we are so much happier now and TMI for sure coming up but our physical side of things has improved ten fold. It doesn't have to be sex to fulfill each others needs. It doesn't even have to be that kind of intimacy... even a simple massage or kiss can make a huge difference. I'm sorry I'm not much use hun. Not an expert on these things I just know I've been there and that I know how you feel.

Big huge hugs hun XXXXX
Aww Claire dont worry. Im the same a Samira, I just do it once a week to keep OH happy. And Ive turned into the worlds biggest cock tease, Ill spend all day going 'your going to get it later blah blah' and then it gets to the evening, Phoebes in bed and Im like 'urg get away from me, Im tired' :blush: Plus he hasnt had a ...... whispers *blowie* since before I found out I was pregnant, I used to like doing it but believe me now nothing is going near my mouth :haha:

My OH doesnt tell me I look nice or anything, he used to but doesnt anymore and he never sits with me as I make him uncomfortable :dohh: And I only get pecks, never snogs. This morning he waved goodbye to me, from the end of the bed :haha: WTF?
And completely OT but I hate job sharing.

The other receptionist is a dingbat!! I cannot find anything on my desk, she puts things in the most random places, she changes our filing around. Plus we had the really old chair that the padding had practically gone on. It was giving me awful back ache so our boss got a new, nicely padded one for us as the old one was awful. Dingbat doesnt like the new one so my boss now has to change the chairs around when we swap over. Why on earth would you choose an old scabby chair over a nice new plush one?!?!

Vent over lol

Oh god tell me about it! My boss has a saturday woman who is 50-odd and I swear to god she does nothing but mess up my desk and hide my cushion!! She doesn't do any work so I come into a pile of stuff to do on a monday and then can't find my lovely cushion!! I had her though, I locked my desk drawers this weekend and took home the key (we desk share) lol mwahahahahaha my desk was clean and tidy and as I'd locked my cushion in my bottom drawer I knew exactly where it was! Shame about the work I came into but hey can't have everything!! XXX
:( claire im so sorry :hugs: dont feel your bringing thread down either thats what we are here for! men are so difficult to understand! i havent had that with my OH he still wants sex all the time!!! i just do it once a week to keep him happy! how bad is that, just do it! i make it sound like a chore haha!

mum of two dont worry about 36 weeks, i was born at 36 weeks and was perfectly fine :) so if you have section at 36 weeks your technically 27 weeks so shoukld be in 3rd tri anyways hehe! x

Lol Samira your chore comment did make me chuckle! DH and I don't DTD very often but we do other things about 3 times a week to errrr... keep us happy. :blush: can't believe I shared that lol. TMI ALERT!!!

Mumoftwo - I agree with Samira... Come on over and be with us in our limbo thread :) My hubby was born very early (around 26-27 weeks ish I think?!) and he's now a 16 stone ex rugby playing soldier :) Your bubs will be absolutely fine XXX
Aww Claire dont worry. Im the same a Samira, I just do it once a week to keep OH happy. And Ive turned into the worlds biggest cock tease, Ill spend all day going 'your going to get it later blah blah' and then it gets to the evening, Phoebes in bed and Im like 'urg get away from me, Im tired' :blush: Plus he hasnt had a ...... whispers *blowie* since before I found out I was pregnant, I used to like doing it but believe me now nothing is going near my mouth :haha:

My OH doesnt tell me I look nice or anything, he used to but doesnt anymore and he never sits with me as I make him uncomfortable :dohh: And I only get pecks, never snogs. This morning he waved goodbye to me, from the end of the bed :haha: WTF?

I can't believe he waved from the bottom of the bed!! Lol he doesn't deserve ~whispers~ blowies with that kinds of behaviour lol!!
My waters broke with Jayden 3 days after my due date, but he wasn't born until 3 days after that lol.

Now I'm all upset though because I asked hubby is he still found me attractive etc and he said of course he does, but doesn't want to push the sex issue because he knows how sore I am with this SPD which is fine. But he doesn't kiss or cuddle me, not REALLY. So when I asked him 'when was the last time you kissed me?' he replied 'when was the last time YOU kissed ME?' I don't know why but that got me really upset :( But really, at night, he'll sit on the chair while I'm on the couch and just as I go to ask him to come sit with me, he gets the dog up with him and doesn't move. Aw jeez, I hate feeling like this :cry: sorry to bring the thread down, I just had to get that off my chest.

Happy thoughts from now on lol xxx

I have a rule in our house! At least 1 proper kiss and cuddle a day. Or he gets no dinner!
Thanks to all you ladies! It's not like I constantly want sex or anything, just a cuddle and a kiss would be nice, I don't think I'm asking too much. But maybe I need to give some back, just to make it even........ but I'm growing a baby, I don't think I should be made to feel guilty about it. Oh well, maybe he'll buck up his ideas eventually. xxx

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