A Limbo thread...

Misstrouble19- My ribs are absolutely killing me sometimes. Like OH MY GOD capital letter kind of pain.

Ceecee- Brilliant letter. Firm but not nasty, and very well written :) My work have been gits too, and have put off doing everything for far too long.
I've just been into work today to sort my maternity leave out. She said it should've been done by 15 weeks, but it was their fault so I didn't get any lip about it! I had my risk assesment only about 2 weeks ago.. blah. And only had a copy of my contract 2 weeks ago to! I'm going back in for 2 weeks, just to finish off there, then I have 6 weeks holidays to take, then I start my maternity leave after the holidays finish.

MrsPOP- Hope you're ok! & happy 28 weeks!:hugs:
I loved the story, does sound like it would've been a funny thing to witness, but what little sh*ts!

sianyld- I wouldn't have reacted as well as you, I would not of been witty, quick , or calm haha.

Lauki- I know, this thread goes so fast, I always have catching up to do! Looks like you got a good deal. I love finding lovely clothes for cheap prices :)

phoebe- Thanks hun. Had abit of a cry today! stupid me. Hormones I think. Just the thought of being a mother sometimes overwhelms me. In a good way ofcourse. But I still sometimes feel like I'm not going to cope well because I get depressed. I hope after baby is here I don't go back on antidepressants, came off them when I had my positive pregnancy test, and haven't touched them since which has been hard, so hoping I'm going tocope ok without them forever. Fingers crossed. They also told me today at the diabetic clinic I have a 50% of becoming a type 2 diabetic due to the PCOS. Which really scared me and now I feel lots of pressure to get healthy and fit asap after baby.

I'm 19, and still will be when she arrives, but I do feel much much older.. Turning 20 on the 11th July.

My other half is 24 this October. xx
Hello everyone!!

Had a lovely day today, went to the woods with Phoebe and some friends then Maccy Ds for lunch, yummy.

Had a quick catch up of the thread but cant remember half of it:haha:

Im 24 and on baby number 2. I had Phoebe 5 days before my 21st birthday and my OH is 32 so more of a cradle robber than yours CeeCee haha. We got together when I was 19 and he was 27 nearly 28, my mum had a slight fit for two days but got over it :haha:
Aw sounds lovely Barbles, and MMMM mcdonalds. What did you have?
haha can you tell i'm missing eating how I want ;)
Haha CeeCee my DH is a cradle robber! He's 32 to my 27 (and even worse...he used to be my BOSS!)

aw feel a bit better tonight because DH is home! :wohoo: we had a little snuggle and a little listen to Alice on the Doppler and he started crying the big pansy :haha: :cloud9:

but best of all he has brought home Galaxy Choccie! RESULT!
I had a quarterpounder deluxe with bacon and it was delish!!! Ive got a GTT in two weeks so Im dreading that they say I have got it though I dont think I have, Ive got no symptoms. Once little one is here treat yourself to a Maccy Ds or whatever you fancy!!

Dont think anyone has beat my cradle snatcher OH yet hahaha
I had a quarterpounder deluxe with bacon and it was delish!!! Ive got a GTT in two weeks so Im dreading that they say I have got it though I dont think I have, Ive got no symptoms. Once little one is here treat yourself to a Maccy Ds or whatever you fancy!!

Dont think anyone has beat my cradle snatcher OH yet hahaha

Good luck :) fingers crossed for you. Just remember don't change your diet before the test as it can affect the results. :) I have my fingers crossed for you.

Sounds luuuuurvely. I'm so going to. And chocolate cake :) xxx
Anyone of you watching the documentary on BBC3 about misbehaving mums?
Can't believe some people :(.

All the respect in the world for women who are at least trying to quit and smoke less, but not even wanting to give it a thought upsets me!
I watched it too, but I think comaring women who smoke 20 cigs a day to someone who eats chips is absolutely ridiculous! That woman smoking really got on my nerves, imagine sitting in a room smoking next to a 3yo while pregnant, the thought makes me sick! I cut down smoking when I found out and stopped completely at 12 weeks, and even though it took a while to stop, I am proud that I did xxx
oH I didn't watch it! Sounds infuriating though!
The thing that infuriated me the most was comparing eating junk food to smoking 20 cigs a day!!!!!!! Of course we should all eat healthier when pregnant but to call a woman a 'misbehaving mum to be' because she enjoys pizza and chips every now and then really annoyed me! Rant over! Lol.

I feel better about my rant about sister yesterday, I'm over it! But everything else seems to be annoying me lol but I won't foist all that on you lovely ladies! Got Jayden's Easter Party today and I can't see it far enough, he's so excited about it and he'll get an easter egg, I just can't be arsed being in a room of kids who misbehave and whos mums do nothing about it xxx
How's everyone doing today? I'm off to London for the weekend with OH, which should be good :)

You lot are making me feel old here by the way ;) I'm 29, my OH is 33 and this is our first :)

I've Sky+d Misbehaving Mums so I'll watch it sometime next week. It does sound very annoying comparing cigs to chips! I may end up shouting at the tv by the sound of it lol.
Exactly! Cigarettes have 4200 chemicals in them, chips don't! xxx
Good morning mommies!

Its FRIDAY!!!!

See there are alot of us around the same age! I'm 24 and DH is 28 expecting our 1st!

Does anyone ahve any exciting plans for the weekend?
TaNasha, no. Lol, DH is out tonight and Jayden is staying with his Gran so I'm going to have a lazy night I think, put on a DVD and lay on the couch, sounds like bliss! xxx
Sounds like i'm the oldie then, i'm 34 and this is my first, have been trying for over 4 years though!

Is that programme repeated I missed recording it?

Hope everyone is well today, so glad its friday!
I'm a bit bored in second tri now. :( My very own gender guessing will be taking place in 16(ish) weeks! Plus I 'recognise' all you ladies so I'm coming to stalk you on here every so often!

And I feel ancient too, I'm 29 and my husband is 37 and this is our first kiddo. My 30th birthday is 12 days after my due date...what a present!
I'm a bit bored in second tri now. :( My very own gender guessing will be taking place in 16(ish) weeks! Plus I 'recognise' all you ladies so I'm coming to stalk you on here every so often!

And I feel ancient too, I'm 29 and my husband is 37 and this is our first kiddo. My 30th birthday is 12 days after my due date...what a present!

My son was born the day before hubbys 25th birthday! I really couldn't care less what age anyone is :haha: xx
I'm 29 too... Lol I forgot and thought I was 28 till I got my prescription the other day which had 29 on it! I had to count to make sure :)
Morning everyone! I only just woke up and feel so guilty for sleeping until 10 am! I keep telling my hubby I feel bad about it as he has to get up for work, but he says I should sleep now as I won't be able to in a couple of months! I'm happy he understands!

About age! I think I'm quite young as I would've normally still been in Uni, sadly I struggled with a depression and needed a lot of counciling to sort out some issues in my life. At the end of this I met my husband, he pulled me out and said he was going to make me happy. I ended up moving country and now I am happy with him! I never got to go back to Uni though, so I could pursue my other dream of becoming a mum!
I think I'm quite young to be a mum, but just because I never expected to be one already, I expected to still be in Uni and all!

I don't think age matters, it only matters if you want your baby and if you're ready to take care of him/her! My hubby's best friend is 36 and he just got his first. But before that he was never ready for it and now he's such a wonderful and caring and loving dad!

And I'm pretty sure we all love our babies so much already, so age is nothing to worry about! Don't feel old or young, feel like a mummy :D!
Wonderfully said Lauki! Where are you originally from?

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