A Limbo thread...

The Netherlands :)!
But I love the UK. I still get a holiday feeling when we drive through these beautiful landscapes and get this awesome view of a valley or something!
There's so much green and space in the UK, I never want to leave again!
Ahh I live in London so when you talk about valleys and green space I think HUH??? Lol but yes outside of London there are beautiful places and my DH and I sometimes forget that. I spent a week in Lake District once and that was just so amazing.
Lauki I am sure I have come across you before but I cant remember sorry!
I live in the Netherlands with my dutch DH! I am originally from South Africa though, but lived in germany and the UK before moving to NL with my DH.
My husband has been promising me for 3 years now that he'll take me to London. I doubt it's going to happen before the baby is here though! Living in the big city really isn't my thing though, big crowds of people make me feel slightly nervous and I don't like noise! That's gonna be great with a very loud crying baby ;)!

Tanasha, what do you think of the Netherlands? I miss my little country sometimes! Also really miss some foods and drinks, but luckily my parents bring stuff over when they come to visit by car!
Afternoon everyone! I'm only just waking up. If I don't set an alarm I sleep for 12 hours. Wow. Not good!
I totally agree, age is irrelevant, I don't doubt anyone here will be a great mum and love their baby :)

And I can't believe in a few months we'll all be posting birth stories!

Ahhh Lauki I'm jealous hehe I went to the Netherlands once and loved it. Beautiful place and I met some really nice people. I'll try and remember the places I went, where abouts in the Netherlands are you from?

I live in a town, don't like it. But I do love some places in Wales, once you get into the countryside there are some lovely lovely places, the town I live in is just depressing though. But i'm not a "city" kind of person. I like going to cities but I wouldn't cope well living in one, big groups of people make me uncomfortable I think.

My aim is to live in a village in France haha. OH probably wont have it but hey.

I'd love a trip to London. Only ever got to go twice, but they were art trips and we only got to go into the museum and the bus back to Wales :( haha. My friend does fashion design and loves it there so often travels up.

How's everyone feeling today?

And I agree, chips and smoking, shouldn't even be in the same sentence. I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant. It was so bloody hard but I did it, and admire everyone who makes an effort and even cuts down dramatically! But yes I fancy chips sometimes, I can't have any sugar, I can't smoke, so chips now and then is nice for me. It's not the same as inhaling thousands of chemicals. Grrr, and I don't like to be made to feel guilty about it. I eat healthier generally. But with GD and quitting smoking, I like the occasional plate of chips.

Morning Ladies-
Blimey - that's just taken me an hour of catch up - and I think I've forgotten most now :(
Sorry to hear some of you are having nightmares with family - as if pregnancy wasn't hard enough at times huh!
Great letter CeeCee - hope it goes ok :hugs:
BabyNo1 - I'm an oldie too - 34 but will be 35 the week before baby is due and this is my first - and talk about cradle snatchers, my DH is 47! There's 12 and a half years between us but he's my soul mate, we've been together 7 years and we got married last August, I love him more than words can say. He has 2 kids from a previous relationship but they are 12 and 15 so getting grown up now. We get on great as it was their mum that left and we met about 2 years later. Hopefully they'll be willing babysitters!! hehe

Got my Anti-D injection today - scared!!! Had midwife appointment yesterday and all good except my blood pressure keeps getting lower and lower, apparently that's fine for baby but I might pass out if on my feet too long! great!! :)

I'm from Den Haag, where the Queen lives ;)!

I really want to live in a tiny small village :), I live in quite a big town now, but in a quiet area so I'll be happy here for now!

I think the problem with the girl on the program was that she ate chips just about every day of the week. Only ate processed foods and never any fruit or veg and then went to work where she ate loads of chocolate bars etc.

There's a difference between eating chips every so often or eating chips+burgers and gravy every night of the week I think.
Ah I see, I never saw the program. I'm not eating chips every single night haha.
So missing sugary chocolate cake though.

Hopefulheath- awww :hugs: sorry to hear that, I'm sure you'll be fine!
I only woke up an hour ago, but Im blaming that on me lying awake worrying about things whilst DH was snoring next to me.

Hopefulheath, keep drinking plenty of fluids, that'll stop any symptoms of low blood pressure hopefully :hugs:
HopefulHealth good luck with your anti-D today, I am sure you will do fabulously :) I am an oldie too, I am 33 and my DH turns 34 in June and we are pregnant with our first.
I feel so depressed... our car tyres were slashed last night or this morning and DH has had to pay out £240 to get it replaced. They slashed three of them in such a way that it cannot be fixed!

I have an antenatal class which I leave for in 10 mins but Just want to go and hide under my duvet now.
Yay, so I'm not the only one who feels like sleeping until late! I feel less guilty now!

Hope your injection will be okay Hopefulheath and that you won't pass out because of bloodpressure! Good to hear though that everything else is fine :)!

I fancy chocolate cake now :(. But just toast with peanutbutter for lunch I'm afraid :(!
I'm and oldie too at 36 in a week, waiting for our first bubs to arrive! Welcome to all you limbo ladies!

Hopefulhealth - I have had really bad low blood pressure issues and it feels like it's taken over my life! I really can't stand for too long, and have ended up laying on my office floor before passing out, but they are not the only symptoms! Loads of water helps, when you feel an episode coming on, lay down with your feet uip, I'm sure you've been told that! It makes me feel bad because I should be out excersizing but all I want to do is sleep!! I hope you are OK and it doesn't get too bad for you... xxx
Aw Yasmin that's awful! :hugs:

Thanks... I don't understand people! Why damage something that someone has worked hard for? £240 is a lot and we need it now more than ever. People are just sick.
I feel so depressed... our car tyres were slashed last night or this morning and DH has had to pay out £240 to get it replaced. They slashed three of them in such a way that it cannot be fixed!

I have an antenatal class which I leave for in 10 mins but Just want to go and hide under my duvet now.

Oh my :(. I never understand what brings people to doing these kind of things :wacko:. It really makes me angry that some people get happy of upsetting other people :growlmad:.

:hugs: to you!
I feel so depressed... our car tyres were slashed last night or this morning and DH has had to pay out £240 to get it replaced. They slashed three of them in such a way that it cannot be fixed!

I have an antenatal class which I leave for in 10 mins but Just want to go and hide under my duvet now.

Oh my :(. I never understand what brings people to doing these kind of things :wacko:. It really makes me angry that some people get happy of upsetting other people :growlmad:.

:hugs: to you!

Thanks hun! I'm going to leave for my class and try not to think about it. Not a good start to the weekend but I'm going to try and not dwell on it.

Thanks girls... Have a good weekend :flower:
Hi Limbo-landers xx
Thanks for all the positive things u girls have said about age, really didnt want to say my age, cos of all young fit bods on here. So i shall 'fess up and it will make me the oldest here. But iam 38!! Will be 39 next month and when :baby: gets here and this is my 2nd pg but 1st baby. My OH is 28! Yep a cougar i know lol. Just been lurking today really as i have been feeling all teary and upset. But my OH has just surprised me and came home for lunch, but i suspect it was due to my messy, snotty heap that i was in this morning:nope: and he know i wont eat when in such states ( told u i was a bad diabetic:blush:) but isnt it nice how the little things perk u up?
Hope all lovely ladies are having a good day. Hugs xx:hugs:
yasmin13- I'm so sorry to hear this. Some people are such little b***ards!
I live with my parents at the moment, and we live in a small ish town I suppose but we've had some pretty bad things happen. Someone snapped the mirror off my dads car, keyed all down the side- REALLY badly, (different times) One time a gang of 15 year olds went through out my town, and broke the mirrors off EVERY CAR, on the right side of EVERY STREET that they could before getting caught.
Selfish gits.

Big cuddles to you. Not nice way to start the weekend. Keep your chin up and try not to let it get to you, and have a lovely weekend. :)
Yasmin - I hope you enjoyed your antenatal class!

Phoebe - Sorry to hear you feel so down! You should never be ashamed of your age :) as long as you're a good mum it really won't make a difference right!
Your husband is lovely :), I love it when men do these little things that can make you so happy. When my husband goes to work and comes sit on the bad and strokes my face and looks at me in that sweet way before he goes I always end up having a good day!
Hope you feel a bit better now ! You can always come on here to be cheered up ;)!

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