A Limbo thread...

That's awful Yasmin - big big :Hugs:

Sorry you're feeling so down Phoebe, husbands have their uses eh :) Really glad he's cheered you up...and you're not older than my DH - he's 47 and keeps telling me he's going to be a Gimmer dad! hehe bless him!!!

Thanks to all of you for the support and advice with the low blood pressure. I've been trying to drink more but water gives me heartburn (well EVERYTHING gives me heartburn but water is really bad for some reason!) same problem with lying down, as soon as I do it heartburn attacks!! I'm ok most of the time though, just can't stand up for long periods...! ha :)

Got to leave not for dreaded injection.... wimper!!! I'm sure this thread will be about 20 pages on by the time I get back but have a good afternoon all :)
yasmin13- I'm so sorry to hear this. Some people are such little b***ards!
I live with my parents at the moment, and we live in a small ish town I suppose but we've had some pretty bad things happen. Someone snapped the mirror off my dads car, keyed all down the side- REALLY badly, (different times) One time a gang of 15 year olds went through out my town, and broke the mirrors off EVERY CAR, on the right side of EVERY STREET that they could before getting caught.
Selfish gits.

Big cuddles to you. Not nice way to start the weekend. Keep your chin up and try not to let it get to you, and have a lovely weekend. :)

Ugh, kids like that really need to learn a lesson in a hard way. I bet they got away with it quite easy though? If only people respected eachother a bit more nowadays!

I'm such a hippy :haha:.
Haha i'm 19 and I'm like "Little sh*ts" And remind myself of an old lady. xD
Aw Phoebe, like I said, age means nothing, You'll be a fab mummy. :) I get lots of crap for being 19 and pregnant. But in my head I feel a lot older! I'm quite boring too so not going to miss going on nights out, never enjoyed it anyway ;)
And Yes Lauki! I don't think they had any kind of punishment, and it cost people a LOT of money. But it's true, the more I live in this town, the more disrespect I see.
Village in France please now!!
I'm hungry, toast for now I think! xx
Little one is poking at my belly button!! Think she's nagging me to get some food in me.
Pheobe you should never feel like that about your age! I hope you're feeling better now that your OH has come home to cheer you up!

MrsPop- sorry to hear you didn't get much sleep, are you worrying about anything in particular?

Good luck with your jab Hopeful, I've heard it's not as bad as people thought it would be- hopefully you'll be ok! :)

Sorry to hear about your tyres Yasmin! What a nightmare! Some people are such idiots! My next door neighbour drives a soft top and someone slashed i on Christmas day.... nice.

I just watched that mums behaving badly on iplayer- does anyone know when the next episode is on?
Doodlepants- about to watch that now on Iplayer, and am expecting to get a bit wound up haha. xx
Next show is on next Thursday at 9pm on BBC 3 again :). The smoking woman on there thinks smoking is good for her baby as it makes his heart work harder thus making it stronger :nope:.

Rachy, don't listen to people giving you crap for being 19 and pregnant, you'll be a wonderful mum! :thumbup:
Next show is on next Thursday at 9pm on BBC 3 again :). The smoking woman on there thinks smoking is good for her baby as it makes his heart work harder thus making it stronger :nope:.

Rachy, don't listen to people giving you crap for being 19 and pregnant, you'll be a wonderful mum! :thumbup:

UGh what a stupid cow, I quit when I found out I was pregnant, and commend women who quit/ cut down because it is hard. But being so obliviously ignorant to say that is unbelievable!
aw thankyou. :hugs: I literally get really bad looks everytime I leave the house, it's really upsetting! xx
WOW i've only watched the intro and i'm annoyed haha.
Thankyou for all ur kind words ladies, has made me feel better tyvm xxx:hugs:
It looks like i am going to have to watch this programme, so i may just disappear shortly to do so. Again thanks for the kind words and apologies for not being able to take anyones news in today. My head is like a bleeding sieve mostly. Hugs xxx:hugs::flower:
Rachy it gets better lol! The intro is shocking!

I think people who want to give up smoking etc and try are fine, it's the attitude of 'smoking is good for my baby' that gets me!

I didn't think that cutting down to one glass of wine a week was too bad though was it?! I don't drink personally so I don't suppose I can comment!
Doodlepants - you really shouldnt get me started on whats worrying me!!!! I'll never stop :rofl:

Just basically - mum being so ill, Ive been off work sick myself for nearly 2 weeks now and Im not getting any better, worrying about work in case they think Im a skiver, all the work I need to get done before I finish for Mat Leave, worrying because Im chief bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding and Ive got to get her Hen Do sorted and just generally worrying about how fat and ugly I am and waiting for DH to turn round and ask when did his wife get replaced with Nellie the Elephant!!!!!

I think I need a takeaway tonight, havent had one for weeks :mamafy:
Yikes Pop! It sounds like you need a holiday!
Sorry things with your mum are so bad, I remember you posting a while ago about her condition :hugs:

That mums behaving badly is awful but I couldn't help but watch!

I wanted to watch the breastfeeding programme that was on too so I'm hoping to try and catch it next time I'm at my mum and dads- they have bt vision so get replay tv, I think I saw it on there the other day when I was there- did anyone watch it? Was it good? Sorry if you've all had this convo!
Rachy it gets better lol! The intro is shocking!

I think people who want to give up smoking etc and try are fine, it's the attitude of 'smoking is good for my baby' that gets me!

I didn't think that cutting down to one glass of wine a week was too bad though was it?! I don't drink personally so I don't suppose I can comment!

Yep it's getting a bit better haha.

I know, my mum smoked whilst pregnant on me and my brother. She cut down a bit, but still smoked. I was 5lb12, and my brother was 5lb3 and had breathing problems a few months after birth that were linked to smoking.
I just don't get how you can't not know, that it's not good for baby.

I think that she meant not in the first trimester, because that's when all the organs are developing majorly, I haven't had any drink, but wasn't ever a big drinker before. Just now and then, xxx
Come to think of it, I think my mum smoked with my brother, he was 6lb something but thankfully he's fine :)

Even though I don't smoke I sound like a smoker atm- I seem to be loosing my voice! I don't know what's caused that?!
Will i be able to watch mum behaving badly anywhere online since I'm not in the UK?

You have all got me interested!

MrsPop a take sounds delicious! Think that will be out plan for tonight aswell.
Hello all.

just a lazy day for me and Pheebs today so nothing to report. The MIL is coming down to visit today for 4 days so Im on a major clean up in a minute :growlmad: cannot be arsed.

On a good note 99 days to go. Finally in double digits today!!! Yehawww!!

Hopefulhealth - How did your injection go? Hopefully not too bad.

Phoebe - Sorry to hear you are having a down day and lovely name, one of my favourites :haha:

I never watched that programme last night as I knew it wold wind me up but I may watch it on Iplayer now and catch up.

I smoked before I got pregnant and gave up the day I got my BFP. Tried and failed to give up before that though. Even now though I could murder a cigarette so I know how hard it can be to cut down/give up but kudos to all that do.
Aw Barbles.. :hugs: I'm cleaning the boyfriends room. Such a messy git. But I'm staying here and I'm bored and can't live in this tip so I'm strangely enjoying it. The programme didn't wind me up AS much as I thought. The intro did, but it got better like Doodlepants said.
Yeah I still fancy one, it's hard. My boyfriend smokes, my mum does too, and most of my friends do so the temptation is always there.
I'm giving "Is breast best?" a watch now. xxx
hii! how is everyone! ive missed so much since my last post but i cant bring myself to catch up at the mo feel so poo!

you would think working for your dad has benefits....ohhh no! i called him this morning saying i wont be in coz i still feel awful! to put it politly bum gravy galore and being sick all night and he was like "no you have to come in, bla bla isnt here and i need you to do this and do that" soo ive had to force myself in today and feel even crapper now!

i hate moaning about being ill but all i want to do right now is curl up in bed and not wake up till i am better!

midwife went well yday though. was a lot less than i thought...i thought it was talking birth plan time etc but i guess that must be the next one! she did my fundal height and im measuring 2 weeks ahead so she said if im measuring big in 2 weeks when i next see her they will put me in for a growth scan. i dont know what a growth scan is...is it to check on baby or is it to move date?

anyways hope your all ok :) ive got a lonely weekend without the OH, hes having a fab time in france though, managed to get a few texts yay!

whats everyones weekend plans? xx
Aww sorry your still feeling bad Samira, naughty dad for making you work. And it ownt be long til ur OH is back.

A growth scan just literally measures how big baby is, they wont move your dates and they are not always that acurate. My friend got told her baby was 7lbs 2 she had him a weekk later and he was only 6lbs 12.
Im measuring two weeks ahead too but nothing was said to me, probably as I am a larger lass anyways.

My weekend plans are going to my best friends little boys birthday party tomorrow and a bridal fayre on Sunday with my mum, so a good weekend planned.
Will i be able to watch mum behaving badly anywhere online since I'm not in the UK?

You have all got me interested!

MrsPop a take sounds delicious! Think that will be out plan for tonight aswell.


You might be able to watch it from here! Try it out :)!

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