A Limbo thread...

I'll watch the wedding but I'm not gonna be buying anything lol I think that might just be because I'm scottish though! Hehe, plus I'm tight with me money!

I had a serious meltdown earlier :cry: Jayden went with my friend today while I was at the midwife and she brought him back at about 4:15pm and he was really naughty! I have never seen him behave so badly, kept pushing my friends son over and hit me a couple of times.:cry: It all got too much and ended up sitting out the back crying to myself. I started crying because it all got too much, then I was crying because I had smacked his bum and sent him upstairs with Daddy and I felt like a bad mum (even though the smack wasn't hard lol) I know the main reason he was doing it was because he was shattered, but also because he had an audience and I, unfortunately, fed into it. He's in bed now so I can chill out! Peace perfect peace lol xxx
How spooky, I was only talking about IT the movie yesterday because my 10 yr old niece has seen it! I was so freaked out when I saw it as a child.

Barbles Im sorry about your grandmother, hope she's ok and Im glad you've avoided a Poo Baby situation!!!!

I love Glee, Puck is my favourite too though I have a weird thing for Artie :wacko:
Thanks MrsPop

My gran is a lot better today, she is off the oxygen and the meds are working and my mum said she seemed her normal self. She will be in for a few days yet as they are giving her a full MOT but hopefully can go see her tomorrow. I could even tell the difference in my mum, she doesnt sound so worried anymore.

I have had a few meltdowns myself Claire, my brother found me slumped in his hallway crying because Phoebe wouldnt put her shoes on and after a day of naughtiness it was the last thing, I was really sick (about 6 weeks pg) and just couldnt take anymore and had given her a smack on the bum and really told her off. So I did the whole Im an awful mum thing too. We love them to death but sometimes they can really push you to the limit. Phoebe is upstairs now messing around and I havent got the patience for it today.

Only just over an hour until my new Blaine obsession will be satisfied :happydance:
Morning everyone!

I had my 31 week appointment today and all is good :). She's lying head down, bum on the right side up. So exactly as she should be. This is also the reason that I don't feel as many frantic movements anymore I think as she's also with her back to my tummy and I have a anterior placenta. I'm quite happy with it because at least she's not keeping me up at night ;).

All the pains and aches I have in my tummy/ribs are just because of her position and pushing on nerves. My Fundal height is measuring 1cm small, but I'm not going to worry about it :). I'm all pleased!

Next for me is the NHS antenatal course in 2 weeks, wonder how that is going to be!
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all that left nice messages for me on Friday. My antenatal class was good. We got to do some breathing exercises and some light massages with our partners.

We covered a range a pain relief and I have to say that when talking about the epidural I felt sick… I am so scared of it!

I was supposed to have my 28 week appt on yesterday but wasn’t well so I cancelled all appointments. Now I’m back at work and have soooo much to do :(

On the upside we have gorgeous weather and some lovely bank holidays coming up.
Morning everyone, Barbles glad your gran has improved.
Yeah I can't wait for the bank holidays I've booked the days off in between so have 11 days off!! woo woo

It is lovely out there I have to go and pick up a baby swing I bought of ebay at lunchtime, i'm already starving!
I've already eaten a breakaway chocolate bar and a banana...

I booked those days off too. Cant wait to just relax and enjoy the sun :)
Morning ladies.

Well I slept rubbish last night. OH has a chest infection so is coughing and wheezing like god knows what, Phoebe climbed into our bed at half 1 so I was kicked and prodded by her for an hour until I got her back in her own bed then little man obviously decided he wanted to try to escape Twilight stylee through my bump, I had feet, hands and head coming out at all directions.

Good about your appointment Lauki and your ante-natel class Yasmin. Im also terrified of epidurals, I was in agony with Phoebe but no one was putting a needle in my back.

And thank you Babyno1

We are off to Plymouth Aquarium on Friday and then baby shopping so I'm too excited!!! And then a nice quiet weekend chilling in the garden with the BBQ I think. What I would give for a nice pint of ice cold pear cider!!!!
Oooh I'm really scared of the epidural too! So I'm gonna keep an open mind and decide when the moment is there if I want one or not. It really freaks me out!

Shame you didn't sleep well Barbles, hope you can catch up on some sleep soon!
I have yet to be kept awake by my baby at night, she really just seems so mellow and laid back it has me worried sometimes. Everyone always talks about their extremely active babies and mine just moves about a bit and does some squirming, nothing really exciting ;).

I'm so looking forward to next weekend as it means hubby's off work and we get to celebrate his birthday with cake! I also really crave a pint of ice cold Pear Cider, I tried the alcohol free version but it really just tastes of some really sweet lemonade with a bit of pear in it, I wouldn't recommend it! Instead I'm on the alcohol free Shandy's and I'm quite enjoying them I must say!

I really fancy having a BBQ party! Don't know if we're going to do it before or after the baby's here, we'll see!!
I also want to keep an open mind about pain relief but at the moment I am hoping (really hoping!!) that I can cope with G&A.
BBQ - Mmm... :munch:

I've told hubby I want a picnic or a BBQ on Friday!
Oh yeah BBQ weather, except ours has been left out over winter so think we need a new one, it was only a cheapie anyway! I love BBQ food lots of meat and salad!! yum, god I'm so hungry!!
Haha, I wish it was lunchtime :(! Still an hour to go!
I love coleslaw but apparently you shouldn't have the store bought ones (rare chance of listeria or something) so i'll have to make my own.
I have a tuna sandwich for lunch... but now I really want BBQ chicken and garlic bread. Darnnit! My sandwich looks pathetic now.
Hello Ladies!!!!!

Finally I am within reach of an internet connection and my addiction to BnB can be fuelled!! Had a lovely weekend went to visit family and friends and enjoyed the blissful sunny weather :) Had my GTT on Friday and the actual test went absolutely fine :) Unfortunately this morning I had a phone call from the hospital telling me I have to go in at 6pm tonight as I have Gestational Diabetes. I knew there was a high risk of me having it but I was still shocked and cried - a lot! Thankfully, had a midwife appointment this morning anyway and she explained things to me and made me feel heaps better.

I hope you wonderful ladies are all happy and healthy and having a wonderful day!!

Lots of Love,

CeeCee2010 XXX
Aghh Ceecee thats not good, but at least they know now, I have the test in a few weeks too...

Yasmin I didn't know you couldn't have coleslaw i've had loads already!! you can buy the mix in the supermarkets and mix in salad cream or mayo...

sooo hungry...
Aww CeeCee, I'm so sorry to hear that :(. I hope you'll get good care and I'm sure everything will be fine, seeing medicine is so advanced nowadays!

I think with coleslaw etc you just have to be careful there's no raw egg in the mayonaise!
20 minutes till lunch!
Aww no CeeCee. Well at least you know and can get it sorted now. Can I ask, did you have any symptoms or how were you high risk? I have my GTT next week but feel pretty fine so dont think I have it but Im not overly sure of the symptoms.
Glad to have you back.

Ive been eating shop bought coleslaw, I thought it was fine too. And Im so going to have a tuna sandwich for lunch now, it sounds yummy to me!! x
Thanks girlies :) I'm ok I think the shock of it all is wearing off a bit now. Seeing the diabetes team tonight as I mentioned so will find out more then :) LO is fine though she's kicking me loads this morning. I think it's her way of saying she's ok in there :)

Coleslaw - can't imagine eating anything worse!! Lol

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