A Limbo thread...

Hi Ladies! A few weeks early, but 2nd tri is getting kind of boring for me. I'm tired of reading about gender guesses, and all of the same questions! I'm ready to start thinking about birth! :p

Here is my baby girl. :flow: She loves those legs by her face.


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Hello lovely ladies! Sorry I haven't been on much, been so tired being back at work. It's knocked me for six!

Hi whit. !

Hope you had a lovely sunny weekend!
It's lovely today too. So hot, and yet here I am inside lying on the couch. ;)
Only managed to catch up a few pages back, looks like we all talk alot.

Sorry about the GD CeeCee, I felt so shocked and weird when they diagnosed me, but now it's just habit. I was teriffied of testing my blood myself, but again, that became so easy. And on the smallest setting, it really doesn't hurt at all, I find if I do it on my thumb it's definately not painful for me. They started me off just avoiding sugar and not worrying about carbs, noticed my levels went a bit up, so i avoided white carbs, and eating lots of protein in every meal has helped bring my levels down. They've also told me due to PCOS I'm high risk of getting type 2 Diabetes after baby. bleh.

Work phoned me on my day off today telling me they've lost my sick notes, so not a happy bunny. But on the plus side my items have arrived!!





So pleased, just waiting for pram and nursing chair now. Then all we need are nappies, wipes and cotton wool and we're pretty much done.

Hope you're all doing well ladies. xxx
Your items are so cute hun!! :hugs: I've had to prick my finger before for a blood monitor thingy and I passed out lol. DH had to pick me off the floor and to make matters worse I hadn't even properly pierced the skin so he had to do it again lol So I must admit I am a wee bit apprehensive about that part of it but like you said I'm sure I'll get used to it. Boo at your work for losing your notes and hopefully you can catch up on some well earned rest tonight hun XXX
Your items are so cute hun!! :hugs: I've had to prick my finger before for a blood monitor thingy and I passed out lol. DH had to pick me off the floor and to make matters worse I hadn't even properly pierced the skin so he had to do it again lol So I must admit I am a wee bit apprehensive about that part of it but like you said I'm sure I'll get used to it. Boo at your work for losing your notes and hopefully you can catch up on some well earned rest tonight hun XXX

:hugs: If I ever saw myself bleed, if I cut myself I would be close to fainting, now it's honestly like, I don't even care about. I'm sure you'll get used to it hun, and it IS scary at first, and a shock, and a lifestyle change. But like me you'll get seen a lot. I get scanned at every appointment too to check she's ok. :flow:
on the plus side my dad's a music teacher, and he teaches a young boy whos family run our local chinese, and they've invited us around for a meal tonight. Can't waiiiiiiiiit heheh. x
Hellloooooo all, ive not been on here for a few days and cant believe how much ive missed.

Ive been for my bloods taking today and passed out like a total whip i hate having needles.

x x x
Ugh! That really stinks about you having GD. I have a feeling I will end up with it as well. My mother and both of my grandmothers are both sides are diabetic. My sister who just delivered in October was a GD. I had an early testing at 14 weeks that came back normal, so she's re-testing me at 26 weeks.

The hardest part for me so far has been not being able to eat fruit. :dohh: I'm a sucker for some good strawberries and will probably have some in a little bit.
It's really not that bad once you get used to it. And for now mine is under control, so so far so good for the time being! :)
It's weird because none of my family are diabetic, none have PCOS, and now I have both, out of nowhere, so it can happen.
Also to anyone who's waiting to be tested, you're advised not to change your usual diet (unless advised to) before being tested as it can alter test results.

Good luck to those who have a test comingup! xx
Hopefulheath we're birthday buddies! I'm also a 29th June-er!

I always meant to get a 3D scan but never got round to booking it. Never mind, I'll know what Alice looks like when she arrives (8 days early please!!!!)
Hey Ladies!

How are we all? I'm sorry to heard about your GD Ceecee, that can't be much fun. I've to go for the test on the 20th May! What do they actually do?

I'm due back at work tomorrow :cry: been off for a couple of months because of this SPD and it's really no better, I cried last night getting off the couch because it was sooo sore. The thing is, I know it's not going to get any better so I'm still gonna be in agony at work. They've given me a disabled space near the front doors so I don't have too far to walk, and a seat close to the front of the building. But I'm still stuck on the phone for 6hours per day, sat down and only get 2 15min breaks. My boss is giving me mini breaks to walk about etc but I really don't think I'll cope with all that. I have to drive 22 miles there then back aswell and the road is really windey (sp) and kills my pubic bone.

So I'm stuck about what to do. I plan on taking my maternity leave from 29 weeks, 1) because I'm not going back and 2) I couldn't cope any longer. I don't know whether to try going back and seeing how I get on or just get a line up to my maternity leave, which is only like 5-6 weeks away. I need some help! xxx
Morning ladies

Sun Sun Sun!! Oh its good not to be at work!!! im off to a friends today to sun in the garden while our girls do the paddling thing.

New about my gran - She doesnt have a blood clot which is good news but she what she does have is fluid, everywhere, which is bad news. They are now trying to get a plan of action in place of what to do, her heart is failing slowly due to her age and they have to sort all this fluid out. My mum is pretty upset again, its more other people comments really, she feels that others have already written my gran off whereas my mum is willing to do anything it takes to make my gran comfortable and to keep going. IDK, its a horrible situation :cry:

Sorry about your work situation Claire, it sucks!! Can you not give it a go and then if its too much just get signed off until your mat leave? You have then showed you tried but are in too much pain. Luckily I have only had niggly pains so far but they are getting more frequent and Im getting a bit of swelling now in the ankles :growlmad: so all my problems are on the way I think.
Morning girls.
Barbles sorry about your Gran, hopefully they will have her comfortable soon.
Claire, your SPD sounds horrid, maybe you could make the effort to try going back and if you still can't cope get signed off and then start maternity. We had a lady here last year that had it, bless her she really struggled at work as the kitchen was upstairs and seeing her struggle getting in and out of the car, my work never gave her a space near the door or moved her desk or anything to help really!
Now I find it a bit annoying that our toilets are the other end of the building and downstairs, I work upstairs, which wasn't good when I felt sick!

Feeling tired again today! but so looking forward to the easter break 11 days off woo woo!! :)
Morning Ladies!

I just wanted to come on here and complain about being sore after working in the garden since I got up, but it kinda feels outta place now.

I'm so sorry to hear about how you're not coping well with your SPD Claire, I really hope you can go on Maternity leave soon and just relax! It must be absolutely horrid!

Barbles, so sorry to hear about your Gran. I really do hope they can help her!

Hope you can all enjoy some of the day and the sunshine and that it may stay like this for at least the whole Easter weekend!
Lauki, I was out in the garden the other weekend could hardly walk by the evening I think I did way too much! I struggled for a good few days, however we did discover that my dog is a very keen gardener bless him helped me pull loads of weeds up!
Haha, I should get a dog! My husband hates working in the garden so it was an absolute jungle! Weeds everywhere and the grass was sooooo high. I pulled out all the weeds and had a go at mowing the lawn which is nearly impossible when it's so high!

I still have to do the front garden, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave that for another day ;).
You so need to get a dog, check this out, hopefully this link works...
Urgh yuk claire! but look at the plus side.....your so close to not working!!!!!!!!!!

And barbles im so sorry :( i cant imagine how you are feeling at the moment :( im super close to my nan and gdad and dread the day i hear they are ill :(

I cant frigging wait for thursday to end!!! my long break will finally be here! il probs vanish for those 11 days as I have no net at home at the mo so il miss you all :( il try and get on though hehe!

awwww gardening i miss it so much!!! usually march im planting my bulbs for lovely summer flowers but i dont move home home for a few more weeks so ive missed all the planting :( still need to get in the garden though, the tenants have made NO attempt to keep the front and back garden nice, its all weedy and over grown so i cant wait to get my gloves on and make it look lovely again :D x
Yodles ladies!!!

Claire - wish I could give you a big hug hun XXX Keep smiling, you're nearly there XXX
Barbles - Sorry to hear about your gran. My Nanna had the same thing around 10 years ago... she's still here and feisty as ever and showing no signs of slowing down :)
Samira - I've never done the whole gardening thing before but actually did it a couple of weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it :) My back was in bits afterwards but my plants look pretty lol.

Well the diabetic clinic went well last night and thankfully having to stab myself in the finger 6 times a day isn't as bad as I thought it would be lol. Actually the paper cut I gave myself yesterday hurt a lot more than pricking my finger does lol. Yes I am totally a wimp - how will I fare with child birth lol. I didn't pass out either which I was so chuffed at lol. It's amazing how much certain foods can make your sugar levels sky rocket though. I was naughty and had 2 slices of pizza last night and my blood sugar was through the roof 2 hours later when I tested it! It's made me realise that after I've had LO I really need to make a conscious effort of eating really well so that I don't run as much risk of developing full diabetes later on in life.

DH is away in plymouth until this evening so when I finish work at half 2 today I'm planning on having a cooking afternoon so he comes home to some nice food things :) Thinking of making jalapeno poppers - never made them before so wish me luck lol.

Hope everybody is ok :)

Big hugs and snuggles,

CeeCee XXX
P.s. Just wanted to say a big thank you to RachyRoux too. I felt completely lost yesterday after finding out I had GD and you made it feel so much more bearable and made me worry so much less. Thanks for your help and support, I am truly grateful XXX
Ceecee glad to hear you're dealing with it well. I have my GTT test today and I am so scared... I hate needles and often pass out too. I wish I hadn't told hubby not to come to this one :(

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