A Limbo thread...

whats everyones bank hol weekend1 plans? xx
After I've finished drooling thinking about your cheesecake I am going to be watching tons of rugby matches all weekend! Some on telly and some in real life. We all play derby games over the easter holiday so massive game for the bubba to attend tomorrow, s/he had better bring us some luck (done badly on that so far!). Apart from that, we have a man coming to do a plan and a quote for our bedroom wardrobes on Saturday and might visit my mum and dad on Sunday to sunbathe in their garden. Hopefully lots of sun, sleep and relaxation, husband working tomorrow morning and Monday so I shall take myself to the park to read a book and catch some rays! :)

I am literally GAGGING for this weekend to start now!! Think I might forget about my poor bladder control and painful round ligaments and run across Manchester to the car after work!

i know its an amazing thought.....nice strawberry cheesecake with a becks blue! im gona buy a pack of icecreams/lollies for everyone too. the host is providing food so least i can do is bring some naughty stuff round!

ahhh i was gona ask where you live as my OH is a carpenter but just seen your in manchester.....bit far from me hehe! i wish i could finish like ceecee!!!!! 2 more hrs to go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x
Hey all! So, I went back to work today..... bad idea :cry: I'm in soo much pain and the drive home was awful. I'm really not sure if I can make it back in tomorrow. My work weren't even expecting me to be back, no-one knew I was there as my TL was off.

Hope everyone is well and thanks samira, I'm gonna need to go buy a cheesecake now! Lol :rofl: xxx
ok this is my post to say bye bye for a week or so!!!!!!!!the time has come for my miwwions of days off!!!!! well....11!!

il still be on FB though as this is on my mobily so if anyone hasnt got me...add me...samira magrabi :)

hope u all have a fab bank holiday weekend and easter :D muchos love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
Awww I'll miss you Samira! Have fun on your time off xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm pretty jealous of all of you that have time off coming up!! We don't have another federal holiday until the end of May for Memorial Weekend!!! And maternity leave will not start until I go into labor. You girls sure are lucky!!
Hi ladies hope you.re all well!
Barbles- i hope they manage to help your gran and that she gets better soon and that people stop with their upsetting comments. Don't know whats wrong with people.
Ceecee it's no problem happy I could help.
Lala- hope everything went ok at the doctors.
Claire- sorry to hear you had a rough time at work :( :hugs:
samira- make sure you scan for us to see. How exciting! Enjoy the next 11 days.
I started back on work on Monday. It was my third shift today, 5 to go, and oh god i was suffering so bad today. I hate retail. I'm only doing 4 hour shifts but it feels like 10 my feet get so puffy and sore so quick! :( and i.ve had splitting headaches all day. Don't think the heat helps. On the plus side my dream geni pillow came 2days ago and i love it. I do wake up during the nighhts still but i'm much more comfortable. Boyfriend is a star for buying it for me and for offering to have a bbq tonight. Day off tomorrow, back to work on sat. What's everyones plans for the weekend? Love to you and your bumps x x x.
Doctor's visit was inconclusive- but my cervix is sealed up tight, so its not labor. My bladder hurts right now, though, so I'm pretty sure that it's a bladder infection. They'll let me know the results tomorrow morning.
Oh gosh I have lots to catch up on, Ive been AWOL as went back to work yesterday and was celebrating my mum's birthday today (where my aunty said I was 'too big' for 29 weeks and my 10 year old niece was being a brat and saying horrible things about the baby possibly being born on her birthday, I was really upset :cry: ). Hope you're all well!

*goes off to catch up*
Aw Claire Im so sorry to hear about your SPD. Has your Doc referred you to physio and for a bump support? If you really struggle going back, dont hesistate to go off sick again. Its not worth the pain. :hugs:
Barbles - heart failure does sound scary but honestly there are so many people still alive and fighting with it, it can be quite simple to treat once they get the right combination of meds and Ive got everything crossed for you Gran. I understand what you mean about other people's insensitive comments, Ive had a lot of them about my mum :(
Samira - will you still talk to us when you are a famous model????????
CeeCee - glad you're getting good at the finger prick testing, well done!
Lalabelle - nice to see you here! Good luck for your results tomorrow.
Rachyroux - sorry to hear you've had a headache, make sure you drink plenty of fluids in this heat!
Mrspop- Sorry to hear that people made comments to upset you! never nice is it? I'm very emotional with peoples comments. Someone told me at work I didn't look as if I was carrying a baby that's measuring small. Uhm thanks? And people keep going to say things like "oh my friend had an AWFUL traumatic birth... oh sorry.." which doesn't help my fear of giving birth.
Comments about how HUGE I look, haha. Never nice. I know I'm pregnant but I HAVE struggled with my weight in the past very much so it's never nice to know you've put on weight.
Another girl at work said I wont last any more shifts in work at this rate of me struggling, atleast I'm trying?
BLAH. I share your pain. People should know when to shhhhhhh.
Rachyroux, I didnt mind in the end because my other aunty told her that when she was pregnant she looked as big as I did at a mere 3 months pregnant.

Ive always struggled with my weight and am feeling VERY self concious as I have gone huge. Im especially paranoid with being a bridesmaid next month. Im going to look like a planet....a pink planet.
My maternity clothes are tight already and I have to buy new ones when I get paid next week. I finally lost 1st 6lbs before pregnancy, which probably is why I concieved, and I got into size 12 Jeans after years of 14-16, now I can't get the size twelves half way up my thighs haha. I'm just telling myself there's plenty of time afterwards to sort my weight out. But I do get bummed out when I see my legs/hips/arms in the mirror, I embrace my baby bump but the extra weight everywhere else is making me incredibly self concious! xxx
Yeah Im the same, Ive always battled with my weight. I lost 3 stones before my bfp and went from a 16-18 to a 12-14 but piled weight on straight away with my pregnancy. Im not the right shape for 'under the bump' pants at all they always seem too tight on my bum even when I was 14 weeks but the bigger sizes made no difference. It was so demoralising when I couldnt even get maternity pants to fit me but I find ASDA over the bump pants seem to do ok-ish for now...although are starting to get tight on the bum and hips.

Never mind, we can will each other on to lose the weight afterwards. I'll have a lot to lose...I think I'll end up facing 6 stones plus to lose once Alice is here because I could have done with losing 2-3 more stones on top of the 3 I already lost before I got pregnant!!!!!
3 stone is a great weight loss! shows you have the power to do it. Yeah I need to lose the weight asap after the baby, to minimise my Polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms and to try and not get type 2 after the gestational diabetes. And to get rid of my depression which I'm sure will be gone if I felt good about myself. I'll be looking at .. 4-6 stone too I think. I'd like to get down to 8-9 stone, I was 11stone3 after I lost the weight, and now I recon I'm about 13 stone probably and know i'll gain more.
We'll do it :). xxx
Sorry to butt into the convo Pop and Rachyroux, but I've been battling my weight for a long time too. I yo-yo constantly so I'm starting to feel self conscious now. The weight I've gained has been pretty much all bump until now, but I'm starting to feel like my face is getting chubbier which is always the first sign when I start to gain weight. In the past, I lost 3 and a half stone doing WW and whilst it didn't all go back on, a fair chunk of it did. I think I'm going to have some SERIOUS amounts of weight to lose once baby is here.

How is everyone else doing? I'm heading off down south this weekend to spend time with my mum and sisters as it'll probably be the last chance I get before our little guy arrives. The air con in my car has decided that now is the time to pack in though, so I'm not looking forward much to a 5 hour drive in an oven lol.
gonna butt in too girlies if u dont mind! my weight has always ben up and down wandering between a 14-18 mainly staying at the 16 mark! few months b4 my bfp i lost 2 stone which was a great help :)

all my maternity clothes now r startin to get tight and have nothing for summery weather besides one maxi dress :cry: really dont wanna spend much more money on mat clothes now as its only just ova 2 months to go!

Agree we'll have to will eachother on afterwards! i have a wedding dress to get back into by nov and am making it my mission! :wacko: on the plus side it was measured to fit me before i lost the 2 stone + im able to gain a dress size or lose a dress size and it wouldnt look outta place! so hopefully it will all go to plan!

ignore peoples comments mrs P im constantly being asked if i have 2 in there and that i couldnt possibly get much bigger lol, i think i'll be HUUUGEE by the time im full term :)
i bet u look absolutely gorgeous hun :) xx
Ta Sian, PM your FB name and I'll add you, you can see how massive I am!!!!!

If it helps, when I got married the evil wedding dress shop refused to sell me my dress in any size less than a 16 (I was a size 14) even though I knew I was going to lose weight for the wedding. I lost 2 stone and needed the dress taking down 2 sizes!!! 4 inches off every measurement! They managed it though :)

We'll deffo have to make a Limbo Ladies Weight Loss Thread in baby club when we all pop. Its not going to be easy for me to lose the weight because I normally do diets like Cambridge Diet which has very quick weight loss but I want to BF so cant do it. Im going to join SW instead. But yes, we CAN DO IT!
Hiya ladies! Went back to work and had to leave early, just was so hard and I had to leave early. I really don't think I'm going to be able to go back while pregnant :cry: so I'll speak to the Dr next week and see if he'll sign me off until 1st june when my mat leave starts.

And ladies, I've always been big. There was a time when I was a size 14 and to be honest, I wasn't any happier. It made clothes fit easier and I wasn't judged so much, so I will definately be loosing weight after baby comes. I lost 1 stone just before my :bfp: but I've put it on again. Although, if I hadn't lost the weight to begin with, I'd be worse off in the end. Can't wait to join slimming world again! :happydance: Sure, I'm chunky, but I'm not going to be like this forever, and neither are y'all :hugs: don't get too down about it ladies, you're all growing gorgeous babies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OMGosh i feel the same way, nice to know that I'm not the only preggo with weight issues. I currently weigh more than I EVER have my entire life and 30 lbs more than I did at my heaviest with my first pregnancy. My starting weight with this pregnancy was about the same as my ending weight with my first one 5 years ago. My husband is a tall man and hes muscular and i only weigh like 20 POUNDS LESS than him :( that makes me so depressed! I can't WAIT to have baby so i can start to try to get back into shape. I don't feel like i look that big but then i look at pictures and im like ewwwwww!! I'm hoping not to gain a whole lot more before I have the baby but I still have about 11 weeks to go so we'll see :(

At least my husband is being supportive, he told me that im not disgusting (which i feel like i am sometimes) and that he'd rather me gain the weight to have a healthy baby!! So that makes me feel a little better.
Looks like we all feel the same ladies! And I think the weight loss thread afterwards sounds great. We'll all help eachother out. :) I felt ok, but now my face is getting chubbier, my arms are awful, they've never been great but they're horrid now, i don't even want to get them out in this weather. :(, my thighs, hips, and arse. However the OH isn't complaining about the last one. My boobs were a 38GG pre pregnancy so god knows what they are now as none of my bras fit.
Trying not to worry now but getting a bit annoyed as even my maternity clothes are tight and I have no summer clothes so i'm stuck in tight hot jeans in this weather. Can't wait for pay day. Anyone doing anything nice today? the weather here isn't as great as it has been but we're having yet another BBQ. Haha, any excuse. Missing chocolate so much, damn GD. not just chocolate but big gooey chocolate cake. should of eaten it before I developed the GD seeing as they told me the PCOS probably caused it and it was inevitable.
Waitin4astork- hope you have a lovely time and don't get too hot!
Hope you're all having a lovely day :) xxx

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